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Old 10-27-2002, 09:02 PM   #1  
Progress..not perfection
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Default 300+ And Ready To Try Again.....#233


We are a group of people who are working together to lose our excess weight.
We are on different plans and are of different sizes.
We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We recently started a Topic of the Day.

Monday........Motivation Monday
Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
Thursday......Thankful Thursday
Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

Please feel free to jump right in with us.
And be sure to check if there is a second page. We don't want anyone to miss any posts.

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Old 10-27-2002, 09:11 PM   #2  
Progress..not perfection
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Well, I thought I'd hop in here and make a short post and start the new thread. It's been really rainy and yucky here today and I had to work, which made it worse. The one good thing about the rain delay is that the race had just started when I got home, so I got to see it till they finally called it due to rain. Michelle, Tony did finish 4th! What you didn't see, is that he lead the race for a long time and then they went under caution and he had to go in and pit, due to some loose lug nuts and then came out in 32nd place. Everyone was freaking out, but not me. I said, "Do they NOT know who they're talking about? This is Tony Stewart!" I have total confidence in the man. Within no time, he inched closer and closer to the front and before I knew it, he was leading again!!! It was an amazing charge to the front and I was so proud of him. That man can drive like nothing I have ever seen! Whew, sorry I got started on that. Anyways, he did finish 4th due to a rain delay, but I'll guarantee you, if it went all the way to the end, he would have won. In the end, he increased his points lead to 146 and there is no stopping him now. He is on his way to the Championship!!
Ooops, there I go again.

Today has been a real good day food wise, and I will be going to my WI tomorrow. Wish me luck. I'm gonna hop off here for now, because "Pretty Woman" is on and I'd like to catch the end of it and then I'm doing my WATP video. I will hop in here tomorrow and try to do some individual replys. I feel like I'm neglecting my family here. I hope you all know how much I love you. to everyone.

P.S. Lucky, here is a post of my man, I'll share JUST this one time.
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Old 10-27-2002, 11:54 PM   #3  
a work in progress...
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Wait a minute...Just WHO is this handsome chap? Tina's hubby or main squeeze, Tony? He's cute! You sure they don't have any like THAT up there in Minnesota-land, Lucky?

Thin, I hope you enjoyed every minute on that couch...you sure have earned it!

Michelle...I hope that you got a few minutes of downtime too, you busy little bee. I can't wait to meet Andrew...and YOU, of course!

I was all cozy, in bed, crocheting, watching the Osbournes, (that doesn't really go together, does it? Crocheting and the %*@&$*ing Osbournes, hee hee) Dh made me come out and "share" with him the last inning of the World Series. Whoopdedoo! Not interested, said I...but I watched with him anyway, good wife that I am.
So the Angels won. I know I'm all choked up about it...

I'm off to bed now...I'm too tired to put my hat on, but all you AWOL slackers had better get out and post!

That will be all.


Last edited by katrinabgood; 10-27-2002 at 11:57 PM.
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Old 10-28-2002, 07:46 AM   #4  
You and Me in 2003
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My Grandmother died last night. I'll return later
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Old 10-28-2002, 07:52 AM   #5  
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Oh, Mary, I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care of yourself.
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Old 10-28-2002, 08:02 AM   #6  
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My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You take care and get back to us when you can.

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Old 10-28-2002, 08:03 AM   #7  
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Tina: thanks for the picture... the jeans!!!! Did you check out the jeans, Kat?

It is cold and dreary here....suppose to be that way all week.

Kat you sweetie ..... (trying to suck up since I notice you are using a lot!!)

I am going to go to the library at noon and find some
exercise videos to try out.

Have a good Monday!!!

Motivation Monday

"People begin to become successful the minute they decide to be." - Harvey Mackay

So, you are hearing it here first!!!! I am successful!!!!
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Old 10-28-2002, 09:06 AM   #8  
a work in progress...
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I'm so sorry for your loss. {{{Hugs}}} to you and your family.

Lucky, sucking up will NOT exempt you from your posting obliga....so, you really think I'm SWEET? awww...

Sara, where ARE you woman? (Girls, you don't think she succumbed to the charms of the "bi" friend, leaving Reg and US behind, do you?)**

**You definitely had to be at chat to know THAT story!

Tina...my goodness, girl...you certainly are PASSIONATE about racing...I may just have to tune in one of these days to see what all the fuss is about. Is there a race every weekend? Are there racing "seasons" like football or baseball? Do I have to shop at Home Depot???

I wanted to do more replies, but my little computer clock is telling me that it's 9:15, which gives me exactly 15 minutes to dress and get over to the "Cardio Mix" class at the gym...

see you later!

Last edited by katrinabgood; 10-28-2002 at 11:07 AM.
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Old 10-28-2002, 09:08 AM   #9  
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Hey chickies, Well I'm back. I never seem to find the time to get in here on the weekends. Well I maintained this week which I'm happy about since I totally fell off the wagon last week. No exercise, not nearly enough water and my eating stunk. Not as bad as it used to be, but still bad. So I'm happy I didn't see a gain. But I am back on track. I had a piece of honey wheat toast and a banana for breakfast. I'm halfway done my first 20 oz bottle of water. I plan on doing my WATP 3 mile tape today and maybe also get in a nice brisk walk outside. I just love the fall. On a positive note, I am now fitting comfortably into size 22 jeans and I can feel them getting looser. I also tried on a pair of size 20 jeans that I have, and I can get them on and zipped up. They are tight so I wouldn't be able to wear them comfortably yet, but I will get there soon. Well I need to get up and moving.
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Old 10-28-2002, 09:29 AM   #10  
Dancing those pounds away
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Mary... I just want to send my condolences too. Our prayers are with you and your family.

Nothing new going on here. I will try to get back later today when I am more awake and have something to say. LOL

Monday Motivation....

"There comes a time when you just have to grab the bull by the horns and DO IT !!!!!" Make TODAY that day.
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Old 10-28-2002, 11:23 AM   #11  
a work in progress...
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Default Simple Abundance...

I was skimming through "Simple Abundance", looking for a good Motivation Monday quote, and came across this...I liked it and thought all of you would too...

We are the hero of our own story. ~Mary McCarthy

In every one of us, there lies a sleeping beauty waiting to be awakened through love. Because she has slumbered for so long, she must be awakened very gently. But instead of waiting for Prince Charming to storm the palace gates, you must summon the magic powers of your authentic self to break any cruel enchantment that has left you unaware of your own glory.

Last edited by katrinabgood; 10-28-2002 at 11:28 AM.
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Old 10-28-2002, 01:35 PM   #12  
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Angry I'm here Kat!

Don't send out the troops on a (wo)manhunt!

I'm just heading off to the gym but wanted to quickly post.

Mary... My condolences on the loss of your grandmother. You'll be in my thoughts.


Last edited by SaraJoy; 10-28-2002 at 10:28 PM.
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Old 10-28-2002, 04:33 PM   #13  
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Almost 2 whole threads to look over from the weekend, weren't you gals a chatty bunch. And now that I'm done reading the threads I can't remember anything in specific My brain and eyes are actually aching.

It sound's like those who made it, had a good chat, what's with the granniec thing, did you mistake her for our grannie? The only time I would ever be able to chat, would be in the afternoon around 2pm. That is if I'm not to busy at work. 5 more months and my bedroom set is paid off, and then I'm going out to invest in a computer, hubby can have the tv and I'll have the computer, that will take care of some fights.

Today is weigh in Monday, for me anyways, and my total loss for this week is (did you notice I said Loss) is 3 lbs, yeah, for me. Five more pounds, actullay 6 more lbs and I'll be in the two hundreds. And my weight will actually register correctly on my scale. My scale goes up to 299 lbs, and then starts at 0 again, so according to my scale, I really only weigh 5lbs right now, less than I weighed when I was born.

Tom's suppose to be visiting this week, better be visiting, it's pretty bad when you actually want your tom So I kind of got the munchies today, already had an apple fritter and an apple struedel, and half of a bounty chocolate bar, I better kick this in the butt, so I'll be that much closer to my mini goal next week.

Well I should get back to work, and maybe do some walking in place and try to get some excersise in.
TATA for Now
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Old 10-28-2002, 04:39 PM   #14  
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Yay, Duckie! good for you!
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Old 10-28-2002, 06:49 PM   #15  
I'm on my way!
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Yipeeeee-I-AY!!! I got the job...I got the job!! Yippeeee-I-AY!

Only thing is I have to drive to Reading for 2 weeks cause I can't stay over cause I ain't got no one to watch Andrew! Its about a 2 hour drive each way! Yuck....but its only for 2 weeks!! I also found a sitter that would keep Andrew till 6:30 or 7:00 if John had to work late since my hours would be 9:45 to 6:15. And she would keep him on the Saturday each month that John and I would both have to work. AND....she is in the process of getting licensed so we can use the deduction on our taxes...AND....for the same I am paying now she includes breakfast and lunch for the kids. Now I bring his lunch and feed him breakfast before we go! So it seems a better deal all around. We are going to go visit her tomorrow. Her and her sister do the daycare. I drove by her house today and its in a really nice neighborhood on a cul de sac with no traffic!! Nice big fenced yard...huge house! Works for me! I would feel bad taking him out of his current situation because he knows them all there and has been there since he was 9 weeks old..but I know he would adjust! He loves to be with kids!

Anyhow....guess what I did today...for the first time in my life! I....I....I ran out of gas! UUgghhh! I use to laugh at my mother for doing that! Now I can't do that anymore! I managed to get into the post office parking lot...barely! And this lady came out and asked me if he was coming and I said no...I was talking to john on the nextel radio but he was on the road still...so she said my fiance use to work for Rob's automotive (big around here) I'll send him over I am right down the road. So sure enough here comes the little red truck she said he would come in with a can of gasoline. I told her I think its just the gas since the little bell dinged at me this morning and this afternoon once each time. I usually have quite a bit of time before I HAVE to get gas...I was actually on my way to the gas station which I could see from where I was! Anyways...the guy put in about 3 or 4 gallons of gas and wouldn't take a dime from me. I thanked him profusely and was practicallly crying...I guess there really are some nice people in this world!!

Well I bette get going..I have been writing this for an hour now an talking to my sister on the phone for about 45 minutes! I need to get my boy ready for bed..he is soooo tired since he didn't have a nap...and then I need to get lunches ready and clothes ready for tomorrow...I get to give my notice!! Yipppeee!

Ok TTFN Michelle
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