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Old 08-22-2007, 04:22 AM   #391  
Melly Mel
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Hey guys!

Wow Moonchild I am going to have to check out your recipes. I will definitely try the lasagne probably over the weekend and see how it goes. I should post up a few of mine.

One of the things I miss most in the UK is good Mexican food (I know, how hilarious being American and missing Mexican food - just think about the British and Indian food and that's Americans and Mexican food!), so I make some of my own and I have some good healthy Mexican recipes. Made fajitas last night with homemade salsa, homemade guacamole (I know the avocado is high in syns but sooo worth it!), quark instead of sour cream and lean turkey instead of chicken or beef. Yum! One of my favorite dinners.

Moonchild really hope you get the job! Just put it out of your mind and wait for them to call you. I have to do a lot of interviewing in my job and sometimes you just get busy and it takes a few days to get around to offering someone a position.

Helen - I always find a piece of fruit works wonders for that hungry feeling, but is not enough to fill you up to the point where you get a cramp or something working out.

Teaching: I teach English as a Foreign Language (actually now I mostly tell people to get to class and train newbie teachers LOL!) and I really love it. It's really fun. It is different teaching in a 'regular school' but if you like working with people it might be the way to go. I've got a friend who's waiting to hear if she can get on a PGCE in New Cross atm. Why not give it a try nothing to lose! September 2008 will be here before you know it anyway!

Alright well I have to go to a First Aid course today so I am off. Just in time for it be p-ing down with rain too! Ugh! Ah well. WI today - hope it goes well!

Bye for now!

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Old 08-22-2007, 04:44 AM   #392  
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Grrr, my phone rang earlier, getting all my hopes up, but it was just the other half......

Oh thats great news, that they accepted you....and once you are back in university, time will fly by....just stay away from these uni cantines lol.....

Boxing was hard last night, but was good to let off some steam.....was really angry cause these idiots at Sky messed up our application for the broadband, so it was good to let of some steam. Glad you are enjoying it.....and once your muscles get used to being used again, you wont be as sore.

Hope you're going to a pub...I personally try to avoid starbucks where I can, cause once you're in there the temptation is just too much.....and I still find their prices quiet shocking...we had two hot chocs and two cookies and paid nealy a tenner....
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Old 08-22-2007, 04:49 AM   #393  
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Ow, and while I was typing, in comes mel....mexican food.....yeh I love it too, but I find that lots of restaurants do mexican food, and its usually quiet nice. TGI fridays is one of em.....but they are just sooooo expensive.....just a wee tip: If you use wholemeal wraps you can use 1 as 1 B choice.....

Have fun at you course today lol....
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Old 08-22-2007, 05:57 AM   #394  
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I think we're going to Starbucks, but I've managed to educate myself when it comes to going there, so I should be ok. I know weigh in is tomorrow so that normally keeps me on the straight and narrow.

Yup, its great that the school has accepted me, just need to get into the uni now, the good thing is that I'll be full time in school and not studying in uni at all, its a hands on teacher training course.

So, what's happening with your broadband?
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Old 08-22-2007, 06:45 AM   #395  
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Sky is a complete nightmare *rant mode on*

Called them yesterday to see where my delivery told that nothing has been set up yet , on further investigation he found my registration form but told me that the free base option is not available until end of october and I would have to pay £5 monthly until then. GREAT! Told him that I was told when I got the package that it was available and that I would have waited until then if it wasnt. Asked him if I can just wait until then to get it connected but he told me that I would have to pay £120 connection cost then ....i nearly lost it and told him that it is not my problem that they give me the wrong information. He put me on hold for 5 mins to check if he could do anything for me...and of course he COULDNT!!!
I nearly lost it there and then....but told him I would discuss things with my partner and get back to him. So now we are going to the place where we filled out the application (which is in the middle of a big shopping mall) and will raise some ****. Not that the 5£ will kill me, but blant out lying to me is something I cant stand!
*rant mode off*

Just uploaded another recipe on my page....made it for dinner last night with some pita read...yummmmmm
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Old 08-22-2007, 08:02 AM   #396  
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Its so annoying when companys are like that, and mess around. We had problems with our internet when it was installed, that was virgin media though, they were awful, and we had to wait hours on their helpdesk.

I had the lasagne last night, yummy!!!
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Old 08-22-2007, 09:25 AM   #397  
Melly Mel
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Oh Moonchild I *hate* having to call Sky! They are just absolutely awful! A good Sky trick though, when you are out of contract is to call and say you are going to cancel because of the crap service or whatever. They put you through to the cancellations department rather than the customer service people and are a lot nicer. However in this case you've probably just signed your contract so you may be over a barrel - on the other hand they are not providing your service yet.

Did you ask to speak to a manager? I would call back and demand to speak to someone who is actually in charge. Equally aggravating is the fact that you are PAYING for the pleasure of being put on hold while you wait for them to get their act together! Have you ever tried "Just say no to 0870?" I ususally look up 0870 numbers before I call them. Unfortunately sky is on to people doing this and keep changing their numbers! I hope the guy who sold you the package can at least do something to help you!

Helen hope it goes well at Starbucks tonight. Funny I could totally resist just about any sweet in Starbucks. I just don't have that much of a sweet tooth unless it is TOM. Take me to a pub or a pizza parlor though and I will be in trouble!

OK well, off to go investigate a new DVD player for our school. First aid course was great believe it or not. I can do CPR now and save people from choking! Also the guy who ran the course was a cutie so my friend and I didn't mind looking at him for a few hours!

Anyway, off on my DVD adventure...
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Old 08-22-2007, 09:46 AM   #398  
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Well I shall keep you updated on my ordeal.....what a great website....just noted down the number, lets see if I get anywhere next time....

Going to upload more recipes now....making a quorn cottage pie tonight...once tested, I'll post that recipe as well....
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:08 AM   #399  
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Oh yes, Sky, we have our tv from them, and when my husband was out of work we rang up to cancel the contract because we couldn't afford it, they changed out package so we got the same service for £5 a month for 6 months.

Just seen the news, one of the people who got arrested for that shooting of the guy on the motorbike was part of one of the families I work with, so that's going to be a hard time for them.

Almost hometime, yay! Weigh in tomorrow, good luck girls!
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Old 08-23-2007, 02:51 AM   #400  
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Morning ladies,
So, how was your WI???? I'm dreading mine a bit, but oh week will be better.

Made SW quorn cottage pie last night, which was quiet nice, but a hellottawork to prepare....and my kitchen looked like a warzone afterwards lol...but it generally does when I cook. I always admire my motherinlaw...she can cook without making a mess.....just don't know how she does it lol....

Quiet pleased with myself, managed the week so far without nibbeling, didn't have any chocolate and only had a few WW cheesy curls out of my other halfs pack.

Going to see Sky on Saturday...can't wait to sort them out lol. Probably going to end up paying the £5, but at least I got my point accross.
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Old 08-23-2007, 03:57 AM   #401  
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I'm two pounds down this week so I'm pretty pleased with that. I ache though and I wanted to go to BLT tonigh, I'll have to see how I'm feeling later.

I'm in charge at work today, scary
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Old 08-23-2007, 04:13 AM   #402  
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Oh 2lb off, thats great Helen, good for you!!!!! And with all the extra exercise you will also see a difference in the inches you loose. You might not loose much weight for a week or two, cause your muscles are building up, but you should see the difference in inches....I'm really pleased for you....and getting ever closer to your goal.
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Old 08-23-2007, 05:38 AM   #403  
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Thanks Moon, I was pretty pleased, although secretly I had hoped for more hehe. I'm just looking at pressies for my parents Birthdays, I realised that I need to get them before I go on holiday, so I'm all over ebay, and hotel chocolat websites lol. Have you guys heard of quidco when shopping online? Its a money back scheme when you shop online, seems to be pretty good, my friend has made over £400 pounds on it this year.

Bit gutted this morning as our bread had gone off and sent hubby to buy some while I made our breakfast, but the local shop had only got white bread, so I have to count it as syns
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Old 08-23-2007, 06:42 AM   #404  
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Dont' we all lol.....we get a good loss and we still want more.....never heard of that website......

White bread....mmmmhhhhh I do miss it sometimes......

Got some news regarding the unpatient self contacted the job agency and apparently the manager is on holiday but they want to see me again for a 2nd interview beginning of september....yay!

I just checked the syns on the soup I wanted to have for lunch and its a wopping 11!!!! I'm shocked....I guess I won't be having that for lunch....will drop into Somerfield during lunch and get me something to put on my bread....I'm still in shock......
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Old 08-23-2007, 07:35 AM   #405  
Melly Mel
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Hey guys!

Wanted to write earlier but this has without a doubt been the craziest day of the week at my school! New teachers turning up with no idea where they going (and later I find out they haven't even been interviewed!), old teachers NOT turning up for the dodgiest of reasons, manager having a meltdown etc. etc. I've actually found it all funny, tbh. But it has certainly kept me on my toes LOL!

Helen fantastic loss! Hope you are happy with it anyway! I am happy with anything between 1.5 - 3. If the scale is going in the right direction that's really all you want isn't it?

I had a 3.5 lb loss - no idea how THAT happened! Actually I kind of know I have been eating CONSTANTLY but eating lots of fruit and veg and riding my bike and sticking to the program (until I hit the pub LOL!). I was pretty pleased as I am now down over half a stone and also I made Slimmer of the Week! Pretty groovy.

I don't expect those kinds of losses every week but am happy to have had one. And again as long as the scale keeps moving in the right direction, I am happy! Now I just need to keep momentum up.

Moon you are really are a little chef with all of your recipes! I know what you mean about the kitchen - mine ALWAYS looks like a disaster area when I am done cooking! Unfortunately the boyfriend doesn't seem to understand the concept of 'washing up = also tidying up the kitchen in general.' So I will come in after he's done the washing up to find clean dishes and dirty counters. Drives me CRAZY!

Alright ladies am gonna run to the fruit stand at the end of the road while I have a quiet moment LOL!

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