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Old 08-13-2007, 01:05 PM   #346  
Melly Mel
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Ugh Helen poor you with the mice! I was massively freaked out last November when I had one. I called my boyfriend immediately and said "Oh my god I just saw a mouse!" He was like, "Uh... OK. It's a mouse. You'll be fine." Then I just kinda sat on the bed thinking I saw mr. mousey again and googling ways to get rid of them!

Refreshing the boards: the smell lasts about a week or two - just respray when the house stops smelling like a candy cane!

Seriously though the smell and the traps should work and you'll be seeing the back of them in no time! Oh also maybe have a look around the house for holes they might be sneaking through - they are remarkably good at sneaking through the tiniest of holes so maybe block any wholes with steel wool for good measure. And don't feel too bad - everyone gets them now and again. But yeech you'll be glad when they're gone I am sure.

Moonchild boxercise sounds like so much fun! I wonder if they do it in my area? (Beautiful Peckham 'on the rye', as my Mom calls it.)

Got a question for you longer term SW folks. I am keeping a food diary (using the one on the web site) and I am noticing that I am going over 15 syns nearly every single day. Not hugely, mind. More like between 1-3 extra syns a day. I'm kind of feeling like it's probably not a big deal as I have a lot of weight to lose and I am definitely working the program. But what do you guys think? Suppose I'll see when I go to WI what kind of difference it is making. Your input is appreciated!
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Old 08-13-2007, 02:11 PM   #347  
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When I did SW I used to have over 15 syns a day (I lost 3 stone then stopped doing it after I put on over a holiday and never went back then gradually I put the 3 stone back on!) I used to hand my diary in with 30 syns on it but I was losing all the time so the consultant never said owt bad to me.

I think the official SW line is you should eat the low/no syn stuff but my line is as long as you lose and don't give up like me you're prob be ok.
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Old 08-13-2007, 03:34 PM   #348  
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Thanks for the mice advice guys, my house now smells very minty lol, I know where it is in the floorboards now, just need to work on getting holes filled up. I'll let you know when its gone.

I'm the opposite with the syns, I often find it hard to eat 10-15 usually I'll have around 5-10, I guess if it works for you then it's fine, I think everyone must have an optimum syn level where they lose the most when its just right. I think I read somewhere that if you have more weight to lose then it means you ca have more syns (a bit like WW and their points), but that's not officially stated anywhere, weigh in will tell you the answer I guess.

You doing it through the Body Optimise? That's how I am. What day is your weigh day? I'm a bit spaced out this week but I'm sure my brain will be back to normal soon
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Old 08-13-2007, 04:58 PM   #349  
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Alright Helen that's interesting. Today is the first day in about 5 days that I have only gone halfway into the syns but haven't been really hungry at all. Hmm. And yup keeping track on Body Optimise - so nice as I can just quickly add something on at work (and I like seeing all of my healthy food add up!)

Wednesday is WI day so we will see how we go! Sorry your house smells so minty - I kind of liked it but it really annoyed my boyfriend. (Maybe peppermint repels them too? Hope not!)
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Old 08-14-2007, 03:58 AM   #350  
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Hehe yeah it stinks but I love it, and fortunatly my hubby loves it too, he's wondering why we haven't made the house smell so nice before lol.

It's funny with the syns, when I first started I thought I would never manage to stick to 10-15 but actually I really just use my syns for treat, so I will eat the occasional chocolate bar, or have a couple of drinks at the weekend, or enjoy salad cream or ketchup on my food. I think once you've adjusted for a few days you'll get used to it. I'd tried a few ways of losing weight, but slimming world is the only one I've stuck to and I'm sure its because of the syns

Muller lights are my big snack food at the moment, I'll eat a couple a day, and I like that because the toffee one does feel a bit naughty, well kinda.

I should be around most of the day today, so I'm up for chatting.

OOh just to add, the pest killer people are coming out on Friday afternoon to have a look. Hopefully that will be the beginning of the end of this saga.

Last edited by crazy helen; 08-14-2007 at 05:55 AM.
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Old 08-15-2007, 07:08 AM   #351  
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Hi guys,
had a day off yesterday, so I'm a wee bit late with my replies....but here I am.....

Helen, I really hop your rid of the mice soon, the pest guys should do the trick. And once thats of your mind, you can concentrate on the slimming again.

Mel, I think as long as you loose sticking to more than your 15 syns should be ok, otherwise try to keep it at 15 syns.....Slimming is not a walk in the park after all lol. And try to keep you weekly value the same, cause if you dont use many syns one week, and use more the next you will not loose as much weight......

Had a good day at home yesterday, had a milkybar in the afternoon, but otherwise stayed on track...quit proud of myself!. Well tomorrow is WI, then we'll see. My muscles are a bit sore today from the boxing the last two days, tonight is my last one for this week, I'll probably won't be abled to move by tomorrow lol....
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Old 08-15-2007, 09:10 AM   #352  
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Hi there! Was very busy yesterday so no time to post. Helen hope you are seeing the end of the mice today or in a few days' time! How's it going with the peppermint?

Moonchild good luck on your WI - mine is tonight too, eek!

Thanks for the feedback on the SW syns. I know I am really putting in the effort so we shall see how we go. There HAVE been a few days where I've really gone over the syns and those days are usually the weekends and alcohol! It would probably be best to give it up but.... I just don't want to! *Sigh* At least I have pretty much given up my beloved beer and wine and switched over to vodka. I need to think about this one.

Right well last night I went on a 'date night' with boyfriend, it was really nice. We went and saw a movie at the NFT and then afterwards we went to this Chinese restaurant that we used to go to a lot when we first started dating. I didn't really limit myself but I thought very carefully about what I ate.

I think this is a good step for me - THINKING about what I'm eating rather than just mindlessly eating it. I did eat what I wanted to eat but I counted it all and put it in my food diary rather than my usual move just pretend it never happen! I think in a weird way that is a good thing.

Still hope it doesn't mess with my weight loss though! We'll see how the WI goes...
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Old 08-15-2007, 09:13 AM   #353  
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Oh and forgot to mention - pretty cool this morning my colleague who is also doing Slimming World told me I am starting to look like I have lost a little weight! And even though I am only just about finished with my second full week the shirt I am wearing today DEFINITELY feels looser! So these are good things.
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Old 08-15-2007, 11:15 AM   #354  
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That's great Mel, its awesome when people notice. I had a simelar experience last night, we went out with a couple of friends for Birthdays, and both of them told me I was looking amazing. I felt so good about it, and really pleased about the fact that people could see it.

We've been blocking up the mouse holes, I now have filler all over my hands, but hopefully the mice will be in my neighbours house by now. We've seen no evidence since we started spraying the house with peppermint (thanks for the tip), apart from a bit of noise from one running around in our living room celing, urgh. Anyhow we'll see what the council say on Friday.

Weigh in tomorrow, I feel really unready for it, and like I've not lost anything, maybe its TOM, or maybe I just haven't been doing too well, I'm feeling more motivated now though. Hope you all have a good weigh in.
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Old 08-15-2007, 02:40 PM   #355  
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Helen I am sure you do look amazing - your stats are incredible! I have to say they are very inspiring to me.

Well, WI tonight I was happy - lost 2 and a half pounds! Was shooting for 3 but I am not complaining! I focused on that number all week and now I've got another number in mind to start focusing on. So far so good!
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Old 08-16-2007, 02:51 AM   #356  
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Excellent Mel, that's great, well done. It feels so good when the weight starts to come off.

I stayed the same this week, but I know if was my own fault, I can make excuses and say TOM etc but I know that I didn't follow the plan 100%, so I can't blame anything other than myself. I find if I don't do my food diary every day then I don't eat what I should, seems like a good reason to stick with the food diary.

Also I haven't exercised as much as I should, well at all really, so last night I got details of our local sports centre, and although its 35pounds a month that I really can't afford I'm going to join and do classes there. I could have gone just for the classes, but if I was doing 2 a week its actually cheaper to get the membership.

Time to get back on the wagon......
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Old 08-16-2007, 05:01 AM   #357  
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I would really like to join a gym myself but I don't think I can afford one at the moment. Is it possible for you to incorporate some exercise into your daily routine? I know if you do a google search you can find some weight training exercises to do at home. I have started riding my bike to work - I don't ride it every day but I am aiming to ride it 4x a week to work.

Sorry you didn't lose. It could be related to TOM though. I think it can also be harder to follow the plan when you are suffering from PMT. Also you did have the stress of the mice!

Did you know that when you are under stress your body produces a hormone called cortisol which causes the body to hold on to weight? It's true! Just a fun fact for today.

Moonchild how did your WI go?

Alright I have to finish eating my omelette and get to work - long day today! Won't get home til about 10:30pm. I have spent the morning making not one but THREE different meals - one for lunch today and tomorrow, one for my bf and I to have for dinner tonight and one for breakfast. No wonder I am running late!

Have a good day everyone!
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Old 08-16-2007, 05:14 AM   #358  
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Mornin ladies,
Mel, well done with the 2.5lb loss, thats great! Keep it up!!!! Regarding your syns....your syns are generally flexible, so lets say you have your 105 syns a week, you can spread them over the week as you like, I usually try to stay quiet low, so I can have a drink or a nice meal in the weekend, that usually works fine for me. My group leader always tells us that we should see syns like money, if you spend it all in one go, u dont have enough for the rest of the week.

Helen, I'm sure you'll be fine, maybe you havent lost this week, but with TOM and the mice this is understandable...

Gosh its so busy today, it took me an hour to write this lol
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Old 08-16-2007, 05:14 AM   #359  
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And in that one hour, you both posted....hold on let me read up lol....
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Old 08-16-2007, 05:19 AM   #360  
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Helen well done, at least you didn't gain, and thats the most important thing!!!!! Maybe joining the gym when low on money isnt such a bad thing, at least you will go, otherwise its just money thrown out of the window.....

Mel, my WI isnt until tonight, I probably wont post tomorrow, cause I'm off again, and getting internet installed this weekend...or so I hope....but I'll update you all asap. I hope I've lost the 2lb I gained last week, but with going to boxercise 3x this week, I should be ok....and a wee bit more would be only a bonus....I wont be abled to get my minigoal, but if I get down to 17st till my Bday, I would be quiet pleased as well.
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