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Old 02-25-2006, 12:04 PM   #436  
on my way to HOT !!!
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Exclamation I'm Back !!

Hi Ladies ~
Wow I have been MIA for what seems like FOREVER, and I am now so far out of the loop of who's here it's sad. My son has been sick again with high fever and and a bad ear infection, I was out of town 2 weekends taking insurance classes, FINALLY got over my cold stuff. AF came and I just felt BLAH. Can no longer get on the net to come here or any non-related business sites at work anymore, and I am RARELY online during the night of weekends. I am SO sorry to have been so out of the loop and out of touch. Life lately has just been bonkers !!

Glad to read about everything that is going on with all of you, sounds like each and every one of you is doing SO awesome !! Congrats on all the incredible weight loss and WOW all the exercise !!


If you all don't mind I wanted to give you a little update on a few things. After hearing from all of you how great Netflix and the BL DVD was I now have it !! I have yet to use the DVD but plan to use it today or tomorrow. Last week I was at a thrift store and came across a jogging stroller (which I've wanted one SO bad for awhile) for $10. I snapped it up and have taken Sam (my 11 MO son) out on walks and exercised. It's awesome and he LOVES it.

Here's the breakdown:

1.I also am still counting calories DAILY, and am now holding myself even more accountable for what I consume whether it is food or drink !

2.Since I Was a gestational diabetic when pregnant, and since I have PCOS I am borderline Type 2 - I started checking my Blood Sugar - Fasting before b-fast and sometimes in the afternoons. I am staying within normal limits.

3. Limiting myself to 1 Diet Soda a day, and drinking water the rest of the day !

4. Exercising (Still trying to do this daily) - this is a constant challenge for me ! Help hold me accountable !!

As it stands since January 1st 2006 I have lost a GRAND TOTAL of 25 lbs !!

As I sit and type this I am wearing jeans 2 sizes smaller, and a smaller shirt. It's AWESOME. I feel so much better !!

I miss each and every one of you, and I promise to work on being a larger part of this group.

Hugs & Well Wishes ~ Elizabeth

P.S. J aka downonthefarm says Hello !! For those who don't know that's my hubby !! He's lost about 10-15 lbs he won't tell me how much LOL !!
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Old 02-25-2006, 12:12 PM   #437  
on my way to HOT !!!
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Originally Posted by Katie Bug
Hey ladies! I weighed in this morning at 168 - a very pleasant surprise! I wasn't even expecting a loss. Now I can set my March goals. Well, I have to run to a friend's birthday dinner now, I'll be back later for personals and such.
Katie ~ Good to see you YAY for 2 more lbs !!

That's awesome !!

Keep up the good work ! Have a good time at your friend's birthday meal

~ Elizabeth
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Old 02-25-2006, 12:17 PM   #438  
on my way to HOT !!!
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Post The Poll Questions !!

Originally Posted by hellokittyfan
Wow guys!

We are all doing so well.

I would like to know if everyone could tell us how long it has taken for them to lose the weight they've lost (and ages - that helps too!).

I'm 32 and it has taken 4 weeks to lose 7.7 pounds (much harder after 30 years old to lose weight I've found!!).



Alrighty well I searched everywhere to find where ya'll asked these questions. Here's my answers

TOTAL WEIGHTLOSS : 25 lbs since January 1st, 2006 !!

It has taken nearly 2 months to lose my weight so far !!

Age : 30 (a young 30 LOL)

I have 3 children, Sam who is 11 months old, and was blessed with my 2 girls Hannah 6, and Hallie 4 when I married J.
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Old 02-25-2006, 12:31 PM   #439  
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Default Monday still

Hi girls.

Nori: Congrats on the 3 lbs!!! Way to go, you're proof to me that the exercise makes all the difference!

I couldn't do BATP this morning because the kids had made a fort in the family room last night to sleep. So I showered while they dismantled the fort and then I brought them to the park (even though it's cold) and my neighbor and I walked on the path for about 2 miles. Glad I got that in anyway. I guess tonight I'll make some chicken. I think I'm going to start clucking soon.

I'm going to try to keep busy and do some much needed housework for at least an hour. Back to work tomorrow The new Nikes are hard to get on but very comfy, no breaking them in even. Well, I'm off to vacuum, your friend Hazel.
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Old 02-25-2006, 12:59 PM   #440  
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Default Saturday

Hi girls, this is so weird I came on to post and saw that I was the last post. I guess I must have never logged off from 3fatchicks on my home computer and somehow when I thought I was logging on an old post got resubmitted...sorry...weird

Elizabeth: so glad to hear from you!! Congrats on the 25 lbs, that's incredible!

Well DH is working and the kids are on my nerves. I'm sending them out to play in the cold! I want to do my exercise and take a shower. I'm letting them to the park at the end of the street by themselves for the first time. I guess I have to cut the cord sometime. They're taking one of the two way radios with them. It's a fairly safe neighborhood and it's only 5 houses away.

I'll check in later because I have no plans for today
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Old 02-25-2006, 02:24 PM   #441  
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WTG Elizabeth !!!
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Old 02-26-2006, 12:52 PM   #442  
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hey again!! MIA here, too!! im so sorry.... you guys probably dont remember me, but im doing better now.. i gained a total of 4 through that massive binge session, but im back on track and drinking 96 oz. a day and trying to so some form of excersize... well just wanted to update you all. it seems like you guys are doing pretty well!

MommaAshley- excellent job with your 25 pound loss!!! that is soo good! i cant wait to get there myself!

ttyl guys and have a good day today!
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Old 02-26-2006, 07:07 PM   #443  
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Post Skating again

Hello everyone! Glad to see everyone is doing well. I have been roller skating again! If I don't get any other exercise at least You all know that I have been skating. I have not seen a loss on the scale, actually a gain. My husband still says I look smaller, especially in the legs and butt. That is good! LOL Of course my chest area looks smaller, too. Isn't that one of the first places to lose. Work has been ok, not great, just ok!!! Hope everyone's weigh in does well tomorrow! See all of you later!
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Old 02-27-2006, 06:19 AM   #444  
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No loss this week. It seems that I am only losing every other week. I packed some tuna kits for the office lunch stash so I can stay on track and set some March goals for the exercise (it seems that I just can not get going on the exercise side).
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Old 02-27-2006, 08:49 AM   #445  
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Default Monday

Hi ladies, Happy Monday!

Hi Jen, nice to meet you.
Erin, I'm the last one to give exercise advise but I recently started and can say for me, it's finding something that's not too hard and can be fun. I've been doing Blast Away the Pounds and although I like it, I'm changing it up already so I don't get bored.

For any of you that have On Demand TV, there's a fitness channel that has ALL kinds of workouts. I scanned through it yesterday and did a 10 minute cardio hip-hop workout (yes the kids were laughing at me). It was hard because of the dance moves but I want to keep doing it till I get it down pat, it made me feel young! I also did a 15 min. walking workout which was similar to my BATP but a nice change of scenery and music.

I have to look back I think I read about someone here using the The Firm? I bought the step thing (Transfirmer?) and 4 DVDs at a local Goodwill store yesterday for $10.99 I figured for that price it's worth a try.

Well, I'm happy to report that I lost 2.4 lbs (rounded to 2) and Mike lost 3 more pounds this week giving him another sun!!

I got my Enell sportsbra Saturday. DH thought he'd be cute and try it on himself! Other than the fact it takes me about 5 minutes to squeeze my boobs into it and button it all the way up the front, it does work well. I didn't think I'd ever get it on. I can't wait to reduce my breast size!

Well, I'll check in a little later on, boss is away again today

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Old 02-27-2006, 09:37 AM   #446  
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Wow, it looks like I got a good deal on The Firm. It goes from $60-80 + S&H. I looked it up on collagevideo and it says "intermediate". I may try it but if it's too hard I'll save it for a few months down the road. I read back and see that Sarah was using the Firm quite a bit. Sarah, are you out there still?? I miss so many of our posters who seemed to have vanished I hope they're all doing well.

Forgot to post my menu again:
B: cereal, L: mini bagel w/PB & yogurt, S: pretzels D: salad & 1 boneless rib, S: 2 red. fat cookies Exercise: 10 hip-hop, 15 walk Pts 26 Water: 32 oz

Catherine: way to go on the rollerskating, that sounds like so much fun. I have a pair but am always afraid I'll fall and hurt my back/hip area.
Nori: I hope DD is better, haven't heard from you in a few days.
Lisa: Are the computer problems all resolved?
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Old 02-27-2006, 10:28 AM   #447  
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Default Happy Monday!!!

Hi guys,

Elizabeth - welcome back!!

I had a fabulous wekeend at the spa!! It was wonderful, although I felt sick most of the time (bad cold). It was great and I enjoyed every minute of it!!

Hope all are well. I'm hanging in there.

Have a great day!

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Old 02-27-2006, 11:35 AM   #448  
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Mo - Wow! I'm jealous - you got a great deal on The Firm!!! I've been looking at it off and on wondering if I should add it. I'm not going to yet. I like the gym and am in a groove with the dvd's I have right now. But when I get bored I'll tryit I think. Maybe I'll start looking at thrift stores off and on! Congrats on the 2.4 pounds.

Erin - I've lost like that before while dieting too. It would seem like my body would hold onto the fat for a week or two and then BAM, let go of 5 or 6 pounds real quick. Our bodies are weird. Maybe you haven't found something you really like to do when it comes to exercise?

Lisa - glad you had a good time at the spa! Sorry about the cold.

Hi Elizabeth! You are doing so good!!! 25 pounds gone!! I love walkingoutside with the girls too. I'll be doing it more consistantly once the weather warms up and they don't have colds every other week. I'm still tracking calories daily also. I use I love it. I don't know when or if I'll be able to quit writing everything down.

Jen - Welcome back! Nice to hear from you again!

Catherine - you go girl with those rollerblades!!! I kwym about losing from the chest area. Why? I'm only a B as it is right now. And last time by the time I got to around 180 I was in an A.

I lost 1.5 this week. Good for TOM! I had my "roughest" days on Saturday and Sunday so far. Didn't "overeat" - but didn't have a calorie deficit either. My baby was sleeping HORRIBLE and both nights was awake for 3 hours in row in the middle of the night. So I ate. At least I stopped myself from going into a total binge... I kept up with the calorie counting (being accountable really does help me!), exercise and water and no real damage done! Scary though when I felt those old tendencies coming back SO STRONG. I suppose I'll always have them? Like an alcoholic is to alcohol I am to food.

Hello everyone else! Let's have a good week around here! I'm off to shopping now. Already did my workouts - WATP's 3 mile and Tamilee's I Want That Body. That whole dvd kicks my ***!! Totally. It hurts to sit on the toilet...
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Old 02-27-2006, 04:20 PM   #449  
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Hello ladies!

I've been here exercising a lot and eating (pretty) healthy. However, I think I am coming down with something because my throat is sore and I have a persistent cough. Bah! I know I should take it easy from exercise while I'm sick but I just want to get up and MOVE! My apetite is gone, though, so maybe I won't be tempted to eat between meals.

I'm off to take a nap. My medicine is making me sleepy.
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Old 02-27-2006, 05:33 PM   #450  
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Post Happy Monday!

Well, It has been along day! I weighed in and I am still holding where I was at. My pants are baggy though. Great weight loss everyone!

Katie, Hope you feel better! Your weight loss is an inspiration to me. Our goals are about the same. You are doing great!

Elizabeth, Nice to hear from you. Hope you and hubby are still doing well with the weight loss! Check with us as you can. None of us would be here if it wasn't for you!

Nori, Hey girl, I hope my TOM goes as good as yours! The last few months I craved chocolate and salt. I still have about 10 cases of Girl Scout cookies in my house. Temptation is bad!

Mo, You didn't say how cute your DH looked in the bra?! I have not had a cig. since Friday. Aren't you proud of me? I can do it, I have before. Trying not to let everything get to me so bad. It seems I either emotionally eat or light up, I am trying to get out of both. Smoking will be the easier one.

Erin, Isn't tuna just yummy? Are you tired of it yet?

Jen, Awesome on the water! Drink some for me too, please !!! LOL

Hey everyone I know why they call this three fat chicks! It is because we eat up so much chicken! We should all be clucking by now!!!!

Talk to all of you later.
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