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Old 07-29-2004, 08:47 AM   #1  
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Cool The Pact

Introduction: We are 3 women who met in the "Buddy Up" forum, and we thought it was time for us to move our little group into "Support Groups".
The 3 of us have recently made a pact to lift weights, eat right and lose weight. We want to do this together and support each other daily while doing this.

Together we have been trying to learn how to eat well and exercise well. We all want to lose weight, and we don't follow the exact same food and exercise programs either. But we all want to eat more balanced and healthier. And we all want to lift weights and become stronger.

We are also very friendly and welcome anybody who wants to join us in the pact to lift weights, eat right and lose weight!

Last edited by mette; 08-15-2004 at 02:06 PM.
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Old 07-29-2004, 09:02 AM   #2  
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Hi Ang and Jessica!!!

I don't have much to report.
But I have talked to someone at the gym, and have now an appointment to call one of the instructors for an appointment. So, I'll do that later - and then I'll know when the actual appointment will take place.

I am also feeling very enthusiastic about this, because I spent some time reading Krista's pages yesterday. I want to have a good idea of what I'm after before I go to the gym - so that I can tell the instructor what I'm looking for.
And Krista's weightlifting program for beginners - a 2 day split - looks exactly like what I'm after:
I want to start off with a simple program, and get more adventurous as I go along.

And - hey! welcome to our new home!
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Old 07-29-2004, 10:33 AM   #3  
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Hi Mette~

Congratulations on making progress toward getting with your trainer and reading more about lifting weights. I know the more prepared you are, the easier it will be and the better results you'll get.

I stayed up so late last night and slept in about a half hour later than usual. My interview panel is today, but I found out yesterday that due to "lack of intrest", our 9 interviews have dwindled down to 3. So, it will be a longer work day in the office than I thought.

Ang, I hope my message last night didn't sound to harsh, I just had one of those "light bulb" moments and felt very strongly about where we are in our lives as opposed to where we want to be.

Mette, thank you for starting the new thread! I hope we like our new home!

I have to get ready for work since I don't have much time this morning. Hope everyone has a great day!

By the way, weighed myself this morning and was down 2 more lbs.! Woohoo!

SW: 202 <---------- 6/20/04
CW: 185
GW: 148
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Old 07-29-2004, 11:25 AM   #4  
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Hi Ladies - our new home is quite nifty.

Thanks Jessica for the inspiration. You were not too harsh at all. Sometimes I need someone to tell me what I know but just ignore. I just wish I knew why I was so scared to step up and live life the way I should and truly want to. Maybe I need to sit down and really figure out what I want out of life. You had a lot of great ideas and I'm glad it inspired you and you were able to share that inspiration. I have always thought that it is essentially that you know where you're going before you try to get there. It seems like you have a real goal now. I know you can do it. You just need to believe. You have been very successful so far and I hope that helps you build your confidence. When you don't have supportive parents you don't always build self worth so when you get older it is your own responsibility to create that self worth. I am struggling with this too but no one else will do it for you. You are taking the first steps. You go girl.

mette - I will look for the printout for Krista's workouts tonight. I remember reading a lot of her stuff and liking it. The way she breaks up the workouts does fit right in with our plan. Good job with moving forward at the gym. Will going to the gym affect your running schedule at all? Are you thinking of adding a third day of cardio to your routine while at the gym, maybe elliptical or bike?

Jessica - sorry to hear about the interviews. I hope it is still fun and interesting. At least some break from work is better than nothing. Hopefully at least one of the three candidates will be a good one.

Congratulations Jessica on another 2 pounds lost!

I guess I better get some work done. Later Ladies. Ang
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Old 07-29-2004, 01:00 PM   #5  
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Jessica – you’re doing great!!! Congratulations on loosing another 2 pounds!

As for the gym - I have talked to the instructor and have an appointment with him on Tuesday (he only works Tuesdays and Thursdays during summer, and didn’t have time today).
Which means that next week I can lift weights at home as usual on Monday, go to the gym for instructions on Tuesday, and then start weightlifting at the gym Wednesday! Wow. I just hope everything works out: that I like it there, that I stick with it long enough to get through the anxiety-barriers I have about gyms. Exciting times ahead, that’s for sure!

I was thinking I would keep up the running on Tuesday and Thursday mornings Ang, but I have been a little bit worried the last couple of times I’ve been out. My right knee has been a bit painful when I’m jogging, so I think I have to look for alternatives to jogging – maybe I could use an elliptical or bike for a couple of weeks? I really, really like the morning jogs, and don’t want to do anything that can jeopardize them. I hear horror stories all the time about people damaging their knees – and how it takes forever for it to heal.

Ang - maybe if you had a couple of good alternative exercising programs you could easily do at home and indoors in the evenings – like weightlifting, yoga, exercise DVDs, or whatever – it would be easier for you to still do *something* even if you didn’t go out running? I also think you should include work in the garden as exercising! And when you do that, it doesn’t look so bad, does it?

Have a great Thursday!
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Old 07-29-2004, 04:43 PM   #6  
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mette - I'm glad you have an appointment with the instructor at the gym. Take one day at a time. Don't worry about sticking with it, just think about going to the instruction with an open mind. It is a new and exciting adventure. Don't let preconcieved notions about gyms take away from this exciting time. I guess I better get moving and pick which days I am going to lift.

You definitely don't want to injury yourself, mette. In what way does your knee hurt - muscle? joint? Is there any chance that your shoes have outlived their usefulness for morning runs? Have you changed ANYTHING about your running - distance, time, location? Using a bike wouldn't be bad to see if the pain goes away and then try running again. It could be like a little experiment.

I do have a couple of videotapes but don't really have the space in my house to jump around. I'll see what I have though. I guess it's not so bad when I count gardening but the rain has kept me from even that the last two days. Tonight is my pub run though so maybe it's the first step back on track.

I talked to bf twice today and he doesn't know if he has time to see me this weekend. I am just trying not to think about it because it is the only way to keep it from really upsetting me. I am not staying late tonight so I'm outta here.

Have great evenings. Ang
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Old 07-29-2004, 11:19 PM   #7  
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Hi mette and Jessica -

I just wanted to tell you that I did run tonight. I am glad I went and on eof my running friends actually made it to the run so we talked and ran together. I knew I just needed something to get me out there once. I plan on running again tomorrow after work. I realize how much I missed it. Unfortunately we ate bad food and I had a beer afterwards but oh well. Right now I am concentrating on the exercise and my mood. I went to the grocery also today and was less strict about what I bought (I actually bought bread!). I am trying not to deprive myself and to see if that helps with the food situation. If nothing else it should help my mood around food and that may spill over into the rest of life.

I hope you both had great evenings. Be back tomorrow. Ang
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Old 07-30-2004, 12:45 AM   #8  
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Evening girls!

Well, I had a good day and a bad day. The interviewing went great. It's a difficult process, because how much can you really know someone after talking to them for 30 minutes? It was a really interesting experience though, being on the other side of the table. I'm really glad I got to be a part of it. When it was over, I went back to the office and had another experience where a guy got SO pissed at me over something really trivial. In California, contractors are required to either have worker's compensation insurance or be declared exempt. Our system is set up so that if I don't have that information, I can't issue a permit. Well, I asked him about it, and he just got really hostile and kept saying I was trying to tell him he had to do this and that, yelling at me! The funny thing was, he had the insurance, I looked it up online in less than 30 seconds, but he got really irate. My supervisor, Jeff, was having a meeting at the counter next to me and he jumped in to stand up for me, asking the guy why he had to be so rude, and telling him he didn't want his staff treated like that. Well, it was a nice thought, but the guy got even MORE upset. He really just fuelled the fire. The worst thing about it was that his client, a man I've been dealing with for a few weeks and who has just been the nicest guy, was standing right there witnessing the whole thing. He just looked down at the counter and didn't even want to look at me. I think he felt really bad, but all HE wanted to do was get his permit. I finally finished up with the man, thanked his client and wished him well, and sent them on their way. Needless to say, I maintained my composure, did what I needed to do to get through the situation, and when the guy left, I headed for the bathroom and was in tears. I felt kind of stupid for crying about it, I guess I inherited that from my mom. When we get angry, we end up crying. Anyway, I cleaned myself up and finished my day. Jeff asked me about it later; he didn't even know why the guy was yelling at me; he said he couldn't even concentrate on HIS customer because this guy was being so loud. I explained what happened and he just couldn't believe the guy would fly off the handle about that. I'm getting really tired of getting attacked like that. I either need to develop a thicker skin and learn to stand up for myself, or find a new career. Sheesh.

Anyway, thanks for reading my ramble. I just get blown away by things like that because I'm truly a nice and caring person and go out of my way, especially at work, to be kind and helpful. So much for that!

Mette: Your workout plan for next week sounds awsome! I'm so excited about opening this "new chapter" in our journey. I'm concerned about your knee too. Does it pop? My arthritic knee pops now whenever I go up stairs. I really love the elliptical machine at my gym (it's a Precore, I think) because there is no impact and you can really work up a sweat.

Ang: I'm so glad you went running and enjoyed it! You sound like you're feeling a little better. Let us know if you get a run in tomorrow. Have you made any plans for this weekend? I know there are probably a lot of really good things about him, but everytime you post something about your bf, I get really irritated by the things he says to you. It just hits really close to home, and I know how those little comments can tear your self esteem apart, if you let them. Urgh...

Well, I was so tired tonight when I got home, we ordered pizza for dinner. It tasted good, but I feel pretty ucky right now. I didn't eat all of my "mini meals" today because of my schedule, so that might have had something to do with it too. I had four slices, which is still on par or less than I would have eaten before. I also ordered the extra thin crust and didn't put any ranch dressing on it (yeah, that used to be a regular routine too.) I'm not going to beat myself up about it. Food for today was:

Breakfast: yogurt w/ protein powder
Lunch: Cobb salad w/ rasberry vinagrette on the side
Snack: 2 string cheese
Dinner: 4 slices of pizza

I'll check in in the morning! Hope everyone had a good night!
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Old 07-30-2004, 03:08 AM   #9  
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Ang - congratulations on going running!! And isn't it great when you find out how much you've missed it?
Depriving yourself is never a good idea - go for balance instead. Eat bread *and* some lean protein. Concentrating on exercising and your mood, as you say - you know what makes you feel good.

Jessica - what a day! Hope you're feeling better. I can't believe people behave like that - and I totally understand it must be dreadful to work where people yell at you! Jeez. Good for you that you kept your cool and did your job, and also good that your supervisor stood up for you! (even if the results weren't that good)
I don't know about getting a thicker skin - I think it's very understandable and normal to be upset and cry when somebody treats you like that.
Couldn't you prevent it from happening instead? Ban the screamers from your offices???

And yes - I will try to not let preconceived notions about the gym ruin it for me. Thanks for the support guys!

As for my knee - it's not the muscle but the joint I think. It doesn't pop or make noises, and the pain is sort of dull. I haven't been changing anything about my running, but I wonder if I maybe should look into changing my shoes. Great idea, btw!
I could use some new shoes, and I could really use some new gym clothes. It's part of my improved enthusiasm for going to the gym: I want to look good so that I feel better - so I'm going shopping for cute and smart gym clothes that fit this weekend. Baggy T-shirts and old rags are going into the trash.
I got the idea at Krista's pages (she really is the guru!) - and it's so obvious! I've been going to the gym before in ugly clothes, and hated what I looked like (all the mirrors everywhere) - and it's only logical that some smart clothes would help my mood. And like Ang says: when the mood improves - the motivation improves too!

I'll also look into the elliptical machine at the gym. I would love to go biking in the mornings btw, but haven't fixed my bike since it was broken 3 years ago (yeah - I know!). Maybe I should look into that too? Hm. Many great ideas here today!

See you later.
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Old 07-30-2004, 09:23 AM   #10  
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Good morning!

Jessica - I am so sorry to hear about your experience at work yesterday. Some people are just inconsiderate a*&holes. You didn't deserve it and shouldn't take it personally. I know it would have bothered me too, but it is his problem. He probably had a bad day (or a bad childhood ) and unfortunately took it out on you. I am glad that the interviewing went well. As a grad student I got to sit in on some group 'interviews' for faculty candidates and it was always interesting. I had no power though. Do you get a vote in the hiring process? What are you doing on your day off?

Please don't worry about your food yesterday. Not really a bad day. One day in many that you eat 'differently' (not even really bad) is not bad. You can also concentrate on the fact that your pizza choices (thin crust, no ranch) are better than they once were. Enjoy the pizza and today is another day. I do agree that sometimes when you eat different food it doesn't sit well. My body is not happy about the nachos I ate last night at the pub. I woke up this morning and couldn't even eat my cereal. Hopefully I'll feel better later.

Jessica - you are not alone in getting irritated with my bf. I have been trying to say things to him but never finish the entire thought so I don't make much progress. I'll try not to mention him so much. Why should he negatively affect more lives than just mine.

I don't really have any plans for the weekend as my friends are out of town. I am watching their cat - that is the extent of my plans. I think I will go with my biking group on Sunday and try to get a lot of cleaning done in the house. I might even tackle going shopping for some tops since I seem to wear all blue, black and white and thought I should interject some color into my summer wardrobe. We'll see how I feel. It takes the right mood to be able to go shopping for me.

Yeah for mette - I'm glad you are so excited about the gym. I think getting the 'right' clothes can do wonders for your attitude. When you look at the bottom of your running shoes are they worn at all? Unfortunatley running shoes don't last long at all (as llittle as 3 months and not usually longer than 6 months). The wrong shoes can definitely cause pain. I love biking btw and think it would be great for you to get into it. Do you have a bike shop near you that could fix your bike? Maybe you could make it a goal to drop it off so you have an alternative or addition to running. Personally the elliptical machines hurt my knees but I think I am the only one in the world.

I was thinking about planning specific meals and rotating them so I know what I am eating. Can you two help me plan some things that are nutritous? How about this breakfast? It's the one I've been eating. When I get home I'll try to get the numbers that go with these.

1/4 C fiber one cereal (I think about 110 cals and 8g fiber - highest I could find)
1/4 C soy milk (don't drink the extra so I don't even get this much)
small handful of walnuts or almonds (may try granola later)
small handful of blueberries (or other berry)

The nuts and berries are definitely not a whole serving but it's something and makes the cereal more interesting.


1 slice whole grain and nut bread (Health Nut is the name but don't remember brand)
sliced buffalo or bbq chicken breast (how much? - I guess I need to buy a scale)
slice of low fat swiss cheese (would 2 be too much?)
piece of fruit (banana or apple probably)

I was thinking of adding a yogurt or something else to give me enough volume - any ideas or thoughts on what I propose?

Have a great day.
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Old 07-30-2004, 12:43 PM   #11  
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Hi guys –

Ang – I agree with Jessica that your BF sometimes sounds really irritating (sorry!), but don’t stop mentioning him, what’s going on, or what you’re feeling! Keep talking about it; it’s a big part of what’s going on in your life. But only if it’s not uncomfortable for you that we’re commenting. By now, I’m very curious at how this will end up. And I also think it’s one of the things you have to deal with – one way or the other – before you take yourself and your projects in life truly seriously.

If you’re not doing anything for the weekend – why don’t you come over to me and help me move all my stuff out of the way, so that I can start painting tomorrow??? Heh.

You have both a biking group and a running group? Ang, you’re really getting around and getting exercise! That’s great!

My shoes actually do look worn – and I had no idea that you need new shoes that often! Apparently I don’t have a clue when it comes to jogging! I’ll look for shoes tomorrow.
Today I went shopping for a sports bra, and found a great one - and I fit into a cup size D!!! Yey!!! My breasts have never looked this small – I’m possibly never taking this bra off again!
As for the bike and whether there are any bike stores that can fix it near by – I have no idea! I’ll have to look around – and it really would be a great addition to jogging.

OK. Your food and suggestions. Jessica will probably do a much better job than me at this, but here are my suggestions:

Your breakfast looks very yummy, btw! Are you looking for alternatives for breakfasts too? If that’s the case I’ll suggest oatmeal with skimmed milk and banana, and oatmeal pancake (oatmeal, cottage cheese, egg whites) with fruit. The oatmeal is very simple and made very quickly. The pancake I sometimes eat in the weekend, and sometimes when I’ve been out jogging – it takes a bit longer to make, but not *that* long. Other breakfasts: müsli, yogurt and banana. Slice of whole grain bread, cottage cheese, and banana. (Can you tell that I really like banana in the morning? It’s filling and I really like the taste – banana makes it more interesting for me, much like the almonds do for you I suppose!)

For lunch: 1 slice of meat and 2 slices of cheese with your bread – I don’t think that’s too much. It’s about what I eat – minus the meat for me. And I add peppers (red, green or yellow – I alternate!), sometimes tomatoes and cucumber. And I also eat an apple or orange or another fruit.
Other things: I’ve been thinking of fixing salads for lunch when I start up with school again. I want to eat more beans – and beans are excellent protein in salads. I’m sure Jessica has a lot of good ideas too!
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Old 07-30-2004, 01:50 PM   #12  
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Morning ladies!

It's almost 10 a.m. here on the west coast. I slept until almost 9:30 this morning. Yikes! I think yesterday was very draining for me.

The interview process yesterday: Yes, the three members of the interview panel had to score the applicants in about 8 different catagories and write notes about each one, and then give them an overall score. If we had more candidates, it would have been even more crucial, because they only grant a second interview to the top three. Since there were only three, the department managers will consider their overall rank when they interview the candidates. So, yeah, I did have some power which made it a bit more difficult. Luckily the three of us were pretty well agreed on the ranking, so I felt pretty confident I did the right thing.

Ang, about your boyfriend, I only commented because I hope you're able to see how he is affecting you and take the steps you need to to resolve the situation. Please keep us up to date, and if it helps to talk about it and give feedback, nothing is off limits to post! I agree with mette that the process we're going through is to grow, in more areas in our lives than just weight loss, and it's important to discuss and analyze these things. My parents, your bf, mettes school and career, etc. are all inter-related to our ultimate goals of being healthy and fit. So, I'm not irritated that you post about him, I just don't think he is helping your journey at all.

Oooh... I'm so excited that you've asked for meal ideas!! ha ha ha... Of course, you need quick and simple, especially for breakfast and lunch. Here are a few suggestions:


toasted ww english muffin w/ butter and hardboiled eggs (I either mash the eggs in a seperate container, peel them and eat whole, or mash and make a sandwich w/ the english muffin)

Oatmeal (whole oats) w/ soy milk, toasted wheat germ and natural peanut butter (this is a new concoction of mine and keeps me really full)

Shredded wheat (or any kind of low sugar, high fiber cereal), with milk and splenda (add the fruit and nuts too, if you wish; that sounds really good)

Fruit and cheese

Lite fruit flavored yogurt and cottage cheese blended, or yogurt and protein powder (so you get some a.m. protein too)


Cobb salad is my favorite salad right now, with mixed greens, bacon bits, chopped egg, sliced turkey, veggies, low fat low sugar dressing on the side, or just some oil and vinegar w/ salt, pepper and some Splenda mixed together

sandwich w/ ww bread, lean turkey, chicken, roast beef, 1 slice of cheese, veggies, etc.

ww pitas or ww tortillas filled with a serving of protein like chicken, dressed up w/ low fat dressing, mayo, mustard, etc. and veggies

Low fat, low sugar prepared or hommade soup w/ noodles or rice, beans, meat, etc. and a green salad


fruit and cheese
ww or rye crackers w/ cheese and deli meat
nutrition bars or shakes (just read the labels closely)
nuts and fruit
apple and peanut butter
veggie sticks or cucumber slices and hummus

Does that give you any ideas? I think in your case, if you eat like this during the day, there's no reason you can't have a "Lean Cuisine" or "Weight Watchers" frozen dinner w/ a big salad or big serving of steamed veggies on the side. That should fit into your schedule and you won't be frustrated because you have to cook. You might also want to give yourself one day a week as a "free day" where you can eat whatever you want, like I was telling you the BFL plan includes. That way you're not feeling deprived on a weekly basis. And on your question about the amount of protein to eat, BFL gives a good guide, and you don't have to use a scale: protein should be roughly the size of the palm of your hand, and carbs about the size of your clenched fist. That makes it pretty easy to determine how much you should eat per meal.

I'm glad you have some things to do this weekend! I'm the same when it comes to shopping for clothes. I pretty much have a 1 hour max when I shop, and really HATE trying things on, although I'm getting better about this. I think it's funny that all of us tend to wear black, blue, gray and white exclusively. I have a couple of red tops that I wear to work and always get compliments on how good I look when I wear them. Yet I'm almost always in black, gray or blue. Do you think it has something to do with not wanting to draw attention to ourselves, and to be kind of muted? Hm.

Mette: I know what you're saying about getting nice gym clothes. I tend to lean toward exercise pants, like yoga pants, and a t-shirt. I guess my hangup is trying to look decent without looking like I'm trying too hard to look good. The funniest is when you see girls all made up with make-up, big hair, jewlery, trying to look "hot" and they never break a sweat. Sheesh. By the way, can you tell me the make on your sports bra and where you got it? When I go to places like Sportmart the largest they have is usually a 36-C, so I'm stuck squeezing into something that's too small, and it's uncomfortable. I'm so excited you found one you like. Please tell me all about it!

I'm thinking about getting a bike too, so I can ride it to work a few days a week. That really would be the best compromise and would save some wear and tear on my car. It should only take me about 5 minutes to get to my office on a bike. My only dillema would be where to keep it, since my place is so small and I don't have a lot of storage options.

Well, I guess that's it for now. Hope you two are having a great day!!
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Old 07-30-2004, 03:39 PM   #13  
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Jessica – great food ideas – I really must start to print out all this information about food. It's great.

As for sports bras – I never buy bras in sport stores; I always go to lingerie shops. It’s because I’ve always had really big breasts and I want good quality bras. It’s the kind of store where the lady behind the counter takes one look at you and say: “You’ll need a 38D” and is completely correct!
I really feel strongly about getting bras in right size and shape for your body – especially if you’re big breasted. Uncomfortable bras are the worst thing ever!
The one I got this time is Rosa Faia according to the tag, but it’s a brand I’ve never had before I think. I seldom notice brands btw, I just try on the ones I’m brought when I stand in the changing room.
But I know that I have used (and liked) Champion several times – both models like this: and this:
The one I bought today was more like this one – with the X or racer straps on the back:
I’ve found that the average sport store is not the place to get sports bras when you’re big breasted. See if you can find a nice lingerie shop and check out what they have there.

I want something like what you’re wearing at the gym, Jessica - in some nice colors and the right size – no more baggy and loose gym clothes.
And no makeup or trying to be hot either! Got it!

I think you’re absolutely right that the choice of colors is about hiding too. Just like fat is.
Not wanting attention, not wanting to be seen.
I’m also having trouble buying clothes that actually fit – I love clothes that are too big. I have to stop myself from buying XL and XXL sweatshirts and jackets.

I have to go back - talk to you guys later!
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Old 07-30-2004, 11:12 PM   #14  
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Here I am alone on a Friday night - at least I have you two to write to.

I know my bf is a jerk and I don't blame you for saying so. EVERYONE I talk to about bf thinks I should dump him so you are both in good company. Actually I want objective (as obj as possible under the circumstances) and honest opinions, I think it really helps me think about the situation I little more intellectually. I don't think I would even be this far if it weren't for talking to people like you and getting feedback that helps me see what he is doing and not doing. I just wish I didn't feel bad about myself over it in the meantime. I'll keep you updated. Today he took his day off and went to CT. On his way there he let me know that he would probably stay over. I knew he would but he wouldn't tell me ahead of time. I almost said something on the phone earlier but I was at work. I went silent for a moment and he asked me if something was wrong and I just shrugged it off. I really hope I see him tomorrow at the farm because next week is going to be **** for him at work and I am sure I won't see him. I can't go through another whole week like this. Give me courage!

mette - I wish I could come help you move stuff. I like helping people out, especially physical stuff. Good luck with it. Do you have any help? What are you painting?

Tonight I found out that I have blackberry and blueberry bushes in my yard! I can't believe I never noticed them before. This tells you how little I have been in my own yard. I also met my neighbors to the side. These are the first people that I have met in my area since I moved in. They seemed nice and the guy professes to be a good handyman. He offered to mow my front lawn tomorrow because I have not made time and it is getting super long. He also is helping me fix an electrical switch that was giving me problems. This could turn out to be a very good thing and in general I just feel better knowing who my neighbors are.

My favorite things are outdoor stuff and I love to bike so I looked into a running club. So far I found one two towns over but they are older and only ride on Sundays. I have gone with them a couple of times and hope to go this Sunday but I would love to find some younger and closer people to ride with during the week some. I've looked a lot but just not sure how to find them. I guess I'll just keep my eyes peeled. If I participate in all the running and biking activities, I would work out 4 times in a week over 3 days. I did this one or two weeks and hope to get back this week to that schedule. I hate feeling like a blob and that's all that is going to change it - exercise.

Please let me know if either of you pursue the biking. I would love to have some discussions about it (nothing intense but just nice to talk to other women about their experiences).

Even though I am not an expert runner, I have read a lot about it and can try to answer any questions if they arise. mette - have you ever gone to a running store to have your gait analyzed so you are wearing the right type of shoes? It is definitely worth it if you are going to keep running regularly. I hope new shoes fixes your problem.

Thank you both for all of the food suggestions. I printed them out (and found Krista's workout btw) and will take this weekend to make a grocery list that will help me have good breakfasts and lunches all week. I'll wing the dinners for now and concentrate on B and L. One step at a time.

I'm not sure, but the more I think about it the less I think I will go shopping tomorrow, maybe Sunday but I doubt it. I just can't try on clothes when I feel this awful about my body. It is hard enough when I feel ok. I agree jessica that we probably want to hide a little. I also do it because I have no sense of style and so it is easier to match colors. I also get compliments at work when I wear a real color - something about skin tones.

Keep me updated on your shopping. I expect each of you to buy at least one thing that is not white, black, blue or gray. Maybe I should join a gym so I can buy some gym clothes. mette - I do exactly the same thing with clothes. I want big and comfortable. I can't wear things that are form fitting, even if they are the 'right' size. I know I am just self conscious about my fat. My ultimate goal is to be able to exercise in shorts and a spandex top (those tankini types are nice) with putting a t-shirt over me.

Jessica - can you hang your bike from a ceiling or wall? I do this all of the time and it helps keep it out of the way a little.

Sorry for the really long post. There is just so much to talk about. Tomorrow for me is mow the back yard, run and do some farm work (not sure what I'll do though since the weeding is under control now). I also have a couple of errands including checking in on a friends cats. I am seriously considering going to this thing tomorrow night in Providence but it is an outdoor social thing and I would be going alone. What do you think? Would it be unsafe? Would it be boring by myself? Would it be dorky?

Have a great Saturday!
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Old 07-31-2004, 12:29 AM   #15  
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Hi Ang,

Sounds like you're having as exciting a Friday night as me! I cooked healthy meatloaf and cauliflower for dinner. We just finished up. Mike's on the couch watching the Angel's baseball game, I'm on the computer as usual. He bought me a new printer, so I've been printing out all of my favorite recipes to put in a book. We had a nice day. Lounged around until about 1:30 this afternoon, then went and ran a couple of errands. He wanted to eat at Hometown Buffet (first of all, I can't stand that place, secondly, any kind of buffet is BAD for someone trying to lose weight!) so we had a late lunch there. I was really good. I had a salad (pretty much a cobb salad w/out meat), 1/2 a chicken breast with some skin, a small serving of red potatoes, some carrots, and a couple of chunks of mellon. He indulged but had a spinach salad instead of dessert, so I was proud of him. Spent the afternoon setting up and playing with the new printer and just hanging out around the house. I didn't exercise, as usual.

This may sound like a strange idea, but have you ever considered writing your bf a letter to tell him how you feel? I think, even if you never gave it to him, it might help you eventually express to him what you need to tell him. Or at least help you really see how the relationship makes you feel. I find that when I put things down on paper, I see more clearly what is going on in my own head.

As for the outdoor social, are you going to know anyone there? If you feel up to it, I think you should go for it! If you're not having any fun, you can always leave. I don't know if I would be confident enough to go by myself, but that's just me. Sometimes I can feel a little "phobic" being out in public alone like that. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, though.

I'm glad you met your neighbors. They sound like great people! How wonderful and lucky for you that they are so nice. I've sort of befriended the "crazy cat lady" across the hall from me. I visited with her for a few minutes tonight. She had given me a little cat bed for my kitten. I was able to snap a couple of pictures of him in it on my digital camera and printed one out for her with my new printer. She was so happy he liked it and said she'd put his picture on her fridge. She's really sweet and funny, and her place is like a cat palace, literally. She's got like 5 cat condos in her living room. I thought I was bad! ha ha...

I'm so glad our food suggestions were helpful. Let us know how your grocery shopping goes. I hope you're able to make a good effort this week with the food. I'm curious to see if it starts to help you feel a little better, in general.

I guess that's about it for me right now. Good luck with the chores tomorrow. Mike's back out to sea for the day, so I'll have some time to myself. I should make a list tonight so I don't fritter away my Saturday. Good night and hopefully talk to you both tomorrow!
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