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Old 02-10-2005, 07:58 PM   #46  
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I left home this morning at 11 and got home at 5. I had class which lasted until 1, and then went over to a fellow student's home at about 3 (took that long to get lunch and get there), and stayed for over an hour talking French stuff. I had some pizza for lunch because by 2 p.m--even after my apple snack--I was h-u-n-g-r-y! I got a pepperoni pizza which my friend and I shared. There were 4 pieces left over. I haven't had pizza in ages, and it wasn't all that great. That's what I get for going off plan.

I was a bad girl today. There are all kinds of nutty students on campus. One group is NORML, which has a standing sandwich board right off the sidewalk on my way to class. This group is pro-marijuana and tries to get the laws changed to legalize marijuana. My French prof. is the faculty sponsor for this group. Their sandwich board says something on one side about "getting high on life" and the other side states that (some large number) people have been arrested for pot possession, as if that is terrible. On Wednesday there was an article in the USAToday headlined "Pot cuts blood flow to brain" and detailed the specifics of a study showing this. So, I copied the article, enlarged it, and laminated 2 copies. Today, when walking pass the NORML board, I just could not resist tacking the articles on the corner of the board. I figure that students should get all the facts. Oh, I'm so bad!

So far today 12875 steps. I have found out that my old pedometer was not counting all my steps. I wore them both yesterday, along with the new one I got for my daughter. The two new ones registered practically the same, but the old one was 471 steps less than the others after 2 miles. So, now I'm racking up the steps. That's about 5.5 miles today.

Heart, have a nice trip.

Monet, when is your dinner?

BOB--Brrr, stay warm tonight.

Everyone else--have a great Friday.
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Old 02-10-2005, 09:45 PM   #47  
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Hey Y'all!

I'm going to ATTEMPT to attach some Mardi Gras pics. I have some of the float and some shots of me and my friends. For those of you that don't know what I look like - I'm the FAT scarecrow! I've included the shots of my friends so that y'all can see their costumes - we were the Wizard of Oz.

Here goes nothin!


OK - I'm having trouble shrinking them enough!! Getting mad!!! I may have to try later!
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Old 02-11-2005, 07:54 AM   #48  
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Goodness, its Friday and there is only 47 posts? Where is everyone???

Today will be a marathon of cooking, and cleaning. Tomorrow won't be any better. I found out yesterday that the newlywed couple we had invited was not coming. I had called and let them a message on Wednesday, and on Thursday, my drawing buddy came over. When I told him I had not heard, he called the husband on his cellphone, and got an answer. The husband then called me ten minutes later to RSVP, three days late, and tell me they were not coming. I was gracious, but boy was I ticked. I called another couple to invite them. If they can get a babysitter, they will come. I hope they can, and I wish I had invited them in the first place.

So, today and tomorrow will be cooking and cleaning and trying to make sure I am organized enough to pull this off. I used my new wok to cook some ground beef filling for stuffed poblanos last night, and it worked awesome! Unfortunately, Tom decided to make refried beans in it after I had left for my meeting...I had to reseason it! :LOL:

My eating has been so so. I did not really eat dinner last night before I left for my meeting. One of the fellas had brought a bunch of Wendy's Chili cups, so I had two of those for dinner. It was pretty good, and I think its ok, isn't it? He tried to get me to eat a third, but two was a gracious plenty!

So, I am off to steam some flower rolls and then start cutting up stuff. Be back later!
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Old 02-11-2005, 08:55 AM   #49  
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Happy Friday!!!

Glad the weekend is almost here. We have to work the fish fry at church tonight and tomorrow we are going to the UK-GA game. BUt that is the extent of my weekend.

We got my aunt moved into a NH yesterday for rehab. She is hoping that is all it is, but I'm not sure if she will ever be able to live on her own again. Miracles do happen though. Now if all here old biddy friends would quit calling me and griping about what we are doing I will be happy. At least she is only 5 minutes away and my niece also works at this NH so she can check on her daily.

I did manage to get in my TM last night. Thought sure I would get lots of wts done too, but by the time I got home from the NH, ate, and got 4 phone calls about my aunt, it was too late to do them. Oh well, I got in 4 nights of TM and 2 good nights of wts this week. Will try to get Sunday in too.

Toni, that is great that you can go to your friends to work out, it's free and you have a buddy to do it with. That makes if more fun.

Heart, I'm sure that 5 lbs is not fat. Don't let it get you down, even though I know it is frustrating. Just keep on plan and you will see results. Have a safe and nice trip.

Cindy, got a laught about you exercising before you realize how tired you are. I always feel rejuvenated after exercising. Funny how that works.

Bob, thanks for the info on Deb's GF. I will send her an email. You better get unbusy and get back on here soon.

Gator, you go girl! That's giving them the facts. WOW on all your steps. 5.5 miles is awesome.

Monet, I'm glad you called that couple, I had a feeling they might not be coming. Kids today. They nned to learn manners. I hope the other couple can make it, you have it planned out so pricisely. I'm sureyour dinner will be superb. BTW, we are going to the UK-GA game tomorrow. Hopefully my CATS can beat your DOGS.

Guess I'd better do some work. Not much to do today, so I'm sure I will be back.
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Old 02-11-2005, 09:45 AM   #50  
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Okay, so...I've fallen off the wagon with the airdyne. Since my hubby's back from working in VT, I feel bad turning on the news and riding the noisy bike while he's still asleep...and he's a little bit of a grump if you wake him waking a bear up from hibernation!! So, I've gone back to procrastinating my way out of it each day..."I can't go on it yet, I still have to have my coffee"..."I can't excercise now with all this caffeine coursing through my veins!"..."It's too close to lunch now, I'll just wait till after I've eaten"..."Now it's too close to when I have to pick up Shelley from school, I'll wait till I get back"..."Shelley needs help with her homework now"..."Now I have to get dinner ready"..."Derek will be home from work soon...I'll wait till he gets home"..."Derek had a bad day and needs me to listen to his woes"..."Derek needs me to sit and keep him company after dinner...I'll wait till it's bedtime"..."I don't want to go to bed all sweaty, I'll do it in the morning"..."Derek looks so cozy laying there in bed, I don't want to wake him up, I'll wait till he goes to work"..."I have to have another cup of coffee..." And so it goes around and around in a vicsous cycle.

Haven't had much time to read up on all the posts, so I'll give a collective "Hi everyone!!" I know, that's boring...and kind of cheating...but we've all been a little sick this week and haven't been at the puter much. I'm finally getting over the cold.

Monet: Good luck with your chinese new year party!! You are so much more of a woman than I am. I can hardly handle having people over for potato salad and hot dogs in the summer!! And I just hate that, too, when people don't RSVP. When I have Shelley's birthday parties, I always ask to have people RSVP and I only ever hear from about 2 or 3 and the rest just all show up. I've gotten used to it.

Well, off I go to find more excuses to NOT get on the airdyne...i have laundry to do...I have to pee...breakfast dishes to wash...etc, etc...

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Old 02-11-2005, 09:56 AM   #51  
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Hey, guys. Well, the mysterious 5 pounds are gone,plus 2(YAY!). I'm still up 2 from last week and 4 above my low, but it's more encouraging than yesterday. I don't have time to exercise today. My morning routine got messed up. Need to get off this computer and get ready to go to town. I hope I can wear my regular jeans today. WOODS- I don't ever starve myself. My friends are always commenting on how much I eat. Maybe I do eat too much. It does seem to work for me IF I stay on track. Yesterday, I ate less than what I usually do when I'm OP, but I still probably ate around 1300 calories(just guessing). I don't see how people eat no more than 1200 calories on a daily basis. Here's my menu for the day which might change..but will still be OP and no more than 1 starch today.

BF- 2 eggs topped with 1 sp salsa and sour cream, 1 cup 2% milk
Lunch- probably eat a grilled bacon ranch salad from McDonald's, but use the Casaer dressing instead of the Ranch(lower sugar)
Snack- not sure? maybe PB or some nuts? or yogurt
Supper- 2 grilled hamburger patties topped with all the fixings and salad with Ranch dressing

As you see, I've increased my food from yesterday. I was resorting to drastic measures yesterday,lol. Guess it worked.
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Old 02-11-2005, 11:56 AM   #52  
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Hi gals:

I wish I had time for replies, but I have been really busy this week. I did go to the gym on Monday & Wednesday, and will go today and tomorrow. My WIW weight was 122#, which is where it has been pretty consistent. I've been eating pretty well too.

Guess what? A huge Sunflower Market just opened that is closer to me than Whole Foods. I am going to check them out tomorrow after I workout (when I am by myself).

QUESTION FOR ALL THE COOKS ON THE BOARD: I have a recipe that calls for that wine? Is there a substitute? I have some dark port wine; would that work? It's actually for an onion soup recipe I want to try.

Also, isn't sourdough legal?

Has anyone heard from Ken (Julia)? I am sure she has been to the doctor by now. I hope all is o.k. with her.

Well, I gotta go get dinner in the slow cooker and get some laundry going before we head out for the gym in a little while.

Take care, and I hope to catch up next week.

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Old 02-11-2005, 04:01 PM   #53  
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Tech, ask hubby to move the bike to another room while he is home. I know you don't need suggestions really, but thought it might help. Now get your butt back on there. You will be glad come next WIW. Glad your cold is better.

heart, glad those pounds are gone and more! Funny how that works.

Nat, sourdough is legal as long as it isn't made with enriched flour. Most of what I have found is. Can't answer about the cognac. Have a great weekend.
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Old 02-11-2005, 04:05 PM   #54  
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T. G. I. F. !!!!!

What a week!!! I came home early today after getting my work done ahead of schedule! didn't really get cold here until today...supposed to be cold tomorrow, then in the 70's on Sunday...No wonder everyone gets and keeps a cold here!!! PIZZA sounds wonderful to me!!! BUT...I'm fixing fish tonight, and I'm getting ready for a little snack of buffalo chicken....

JACKIE...Hope your AUNT gets settled in and likes it there..Have a good time at the ballgame...I'll tell KATE to watch for you at the game!

MISSY...get those pictures posted...can't wait to see them!

Sorry to be short, but I've got to get my chicken out of the oven...I'll be back later

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Old 02-11-2005, 04:48 PM   #55  
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Pancho--Cognac is a brandy. It has a different taste from sherry, which is more nutty flavored, and port is a hair sweeter with a milder nutty flavor than sherry. Further, cognac is usually thought of as an expensive brandy, but you can use a cheaper variety just by looking for a bottle of brandy in the grocery store. Or buy the store brand at your local liquor store. I don't suspect that you'll need much in the recipe. You can probably also omit it, but the brandy just adds a depth of flavor. It should be fine w/o any. Or add 1/2 the amount of port that the recipe calls for on the brandy.

Monet--I'd put that couple on your" do not invite for dinners" list. Have them as friends, but don't include them on the list for anything that requires ANY work. I just get steamed about the rudeness of people. What do they think? That you are ordering out to the Chinese take-out? We have people that we have learned--the hard way--not to invite anymore. It's sad, really. People get so self-absorbed that they just don't think. I'm sure they would not like to be treated the same way, and one day, maybe 15 years from now, that newlywed wife will be moaning about the same thing when someone "stands her up" at her dinner party. OK, enough of my rant. Let this be a lesson for all of us: promptly RSVP for everything, no matter how insignificant it seems.

I did not walk today, and probably won't get to later. I had a dentist appt. again today because they found a crack in my tooth and had to do an onlay so that my tooth would not break and have to be pulled. I will go back in 3.5 weeks for the permanent onlay; I have a temporary now. They had to drill out the old composite. I HATE those novocaine shots and so just had them do it with nothing! It was just fine and I felt nothing, actually. The only part I didn't like was when they were doing the mold of the tooth. They have to shove some sort of little string between my gum and tooth, all around the tooth. I hate it when they are picking at my gums. Other than that, it was a breeze. I must have hard teeth and no nerves in them.

Kris--I vote the same way--move the airdyne into another room.

Hi BOB. I can't wait for those 70° temps.
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Old 02-11-2005, 06:21 PM   #56  
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Thanks Gator; you've been very helpful!!!!

I tried the easiest recipe ever, but it turned out wonderful. If you have a slow cooker, here it is. The meat was so tender it fell apart (I used chicken), and the flavors were so good. I found this recipe on my Beachbody website that I visit on occasion.

3-4 chicken breasts or boneless pork loins
1 14-oz can of crushed tomatoes (with whatever seasonings you like already added to the can)
2 TBS of vinegar (I used Balsamic)
Garlic powder (I also added fresh garlic)

Layer the meat on the bottom of the slow cooker, pour the tomatoes on top of the meat, pour in the vinegar and add the garlic powder/garlic. Cook on low 6-8 hours. I cooked mine for almost 10. Eat with WW pasta/rice....and/or a large salad.

Gotta go check laundry. Have a good evening.
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Old 02-11-2005, 06:23 PM   #57  
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Yea...its friday... ahhhhh

Heartmom - glad to hear those pounds disappeared for you !

Jack-k- I do too feel energized...after lol. Its just been more of a struggle with working so much ot. Im so exhausted when I get home. I only have about 3 1/2 hours before bed to fix dinner, clean dishes, fix lunch for the next day, and then exercise. So I dont dare sit down for long before the exercise or I could make a good excuse to put it off.

Monet- Good luck on all the cooking you are doing ! Hope everything comes out perfect for you !

Todays menu:
breakfast- blueberrie smoothie, 4 bacon
s- apple
lunch- turkey sandwich on lc ww bread with 1 tbl lf mayo
s- 1 oz almonds
s- atkins bar
dinner- LARGE romaine salad with sliced sirlon and ranch dressing
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Old 02-11-2005, 10:13 PM   #58  
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Flying by....Been cutting and chopping and cooking most of the day. I did go over to Garden Ridge and buy a white table cloth and some light blue bandanas that I dyed a darker they are a shade lighter than cobalt. I wanted cobalt but ran out of dye! My Chinese dishes are white and cobalt blue, and my normal dishes are white with a cobalt blue stripe, and I have cobalt blue water the table will be all white and cobalt blue, except I bought red chopsticks! I want to set it tonight, just to look at it! tee hee!

I still have a LOT to do...and the house cleaning has not happened at all. Hopefully, James and Tom will help some. Tom went to the liquor store and got rice wine and plum wine...both are tasty, but I prefer the plum wine. The rice wine is rather strong, and reminds me of sake which is also made from rice.

Ok, gotta go. I am still fighting this cold, but its better. I took a nap today too...which was good!

GATOR: You will be pleased to know I put on my pedometer this morning, not long after I got up. I have 9,340 steps so far, without walking! Just running around the kitchen and Garden Ridge and the grocery store! I may make it over 10k by the time I go to bed! I totally agree with you about the young couple. I am SO mad! If they had told me earlier, I could have invited someone else, but the other couple I asked yesterday told me today they can't get a sitter, so no. Its just too late now to invite someone. I am feeling rather frustrated about it. ALL that work, and expense in planning for 8 and there will only be six now. Grrr. I may change my menu and drop a dish, as we won't need that much food. sigh.

Later everyone!
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Old 02-12-2005, 12:21 AM   #59  
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I was excited about the final tally on steps...10,744! And all I did all day was run around cooking, chopping, and shopping! Night!
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Old 02-12-2005, 12:18 PM   #60  
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I wanted to get in here and let y'all know that I watched THE NOTEBOOK last night, and I have to say that it was one of the BEST MOVIES that I've watched in a LONG, LONG haven't seen it....GET IT!!! YOU WON'T BE SORRY!!!

MONET...Is tonight the BIG NIGHT?? If so, I'll be thinking about you...good luck!

GOTTA RUN...laundry day and I've found all kinds of things to wash....

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