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Old 06-16-2008, 09:01 AM   #1  
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Default Flex Talk #12

Here's a place where we can discuss Flex and WW, as well as issues of our everyday lives. New Flexers are always welcome, so please join in, to give and get support and encouragement on your weight loss journey.

Flexers that attend meetings, At-Home Flexers, and anyone just curious about Flex are all welcome here.

Our old thread surpassed the 100 mark... Time for a new home
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Old 06-16-2008, 11:27 AM   #2  
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I will be starting WW flex for the second time on Thursday...had a baby which interrupted my flow...but gained alot of weight and need to get b ack on it..I am looking forward to trying it again and hopefully having good success again.
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Old 06-16-2008, 01:39 PM   #3  
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Thanks for the new thread, Jaime.

mcmommy- good luck! Jump on in!

Chey- 4 lbs!!! Way to go!!! Sorry about all of the flooding. I was in the Quad Cities yesterday visiting my family. They got a lot of rain there as well. Both the Mississippi and the Rock Rivers are bad! I use to ride horses along the Cedar River years ago. I'm sure the ranch where I rode is probably under water badly right now.

************************************************** ********
Busy weekend. I hope everyone had a good one.

TOM came this morning. Ugh! I feel like a bloated piece of crap. I hate that. I'm sure this'll effect my 3lb loss from last week on Wednesday, but one can still hope right?

It's suppose to be a dry, nice week this week. I'm hoping to get lots of riding in - finally!
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Old 06-16-2008, 03:28 PM   #4  
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Paint, TOM/AF arrived for me yesterday morning. Already I'm feeling better cravings-wise. Wish I could reign the darn things in, but at least they are focused around this time and aren't ALL the time.

mcmommy-Welcome and good luck! The ladies here are great. Very supportive and informative! Congrats on your baby...Babies are such blessings.

Chey-I missed the 4 lbs. Congrats!! I am sorry, though, about the flooding.

Me, I'm trying to stay OP this week, and pledged to myself to exercise at least one day. Exercise is a week point, but two things kind of smacked me in the face recently.

#1: I got winded while dancing at BiL's wedding reception. Electric Slide. Dumb dance/song, but what's a reception without it, right? That really hit me because last year at a friend's wedding, I was fine with it. NOT good. Even though I'm lighter now than I was then, I must have been in better condition exercise-wise.

#2: ARM JIGGLE!!! AACCKK! I never had well-defined arms, even when I at a good weight/size. But there's loose JIGGLE now! I've been paying attention to the mini-workouts in my WW magazine. I'm going to try starting some of them, including the arm workout. Have to get some 5# dumbbells, though.

I'm TRYING to get better about responding to individual posts. I'm bad at this format. I'm used to Yahoogroups, where you respond to individual emails. So, I read a lot, but still have a hard time responding.

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Old 06-16-2008, 07:00 PM   #5  
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I've been doing pretty good today. Has been crazy at work so far as our normally outdoor concert has been moved inside so there's practically someone calling here like every 5 min asking where the concert is. I am very proud of myself as I have finally started exercising. My goal is to do it 5x a week, and alternate what I do. We'll see how that works. Today I did Hip Hop Abs, which didn't really do much for my abs, but my legs, shoulders and back are quite sore. Plus made me tired as heck so I guess it's doing it's job. Plus I earned 3 AP! Woot! If I'm this tired now, should be able to sleep right away tonight.

Modkittn: I have tried to read the Tolkein book before but it is so dense, like an Icelandic saga (i.e. thornir the son of aenir the son of thor killed x number of people at the battle of knob hill--things like that). So hopefully I can be more focused and actually try to finish it.

Lizzy: Are you a counselor at this camp? What kind of camp is it?

mcmommy2: Good luck with Flex and congrats on the new baby!

Kim: I know how you feel about TOM, I've been feeling the same way as mine has just passed.

luvmyfam: You can do the exercise. It's a weak point for me too, so I understand how you feel. I'm trying to step up mine too.
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Old 06-16-2008, 07:09 PM   #6  
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mcmommy-congrats on new baby, and welcome back, Good Luck on your weight loss journey.

paint-hope you enjoy your riding, and feel better soon.

lovmyfamily-darn that PMS, glad your cravings are better, best of luck for an OP week.

Chey: You are doing so well, and hope that bad weather is gone.

Busy weekend also, and now back to work tonight, UGH!! I begining to really dred 11-7 shift, I really trying to get to 1st shift, but that is next to impossible, I pretty much have to wait for somebody to leave, and that doesn't look promising. Now there is a 2nd shift job opening and I did put in for that, at least I can be home by midnight and still have my mornings.

other than that not much new, did have a great day, spent it in the garden, one friend gave me some extra plants and needed to give them a new home, still fighting those roots from that dead tree, but I did plan to do a little bit each day, so I won't get as sore as I did last week, I had hopes of doing it all in one day, my upper legs thought very differant!

Enjoy your night everyone
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Old 06-17-2008, 09:39 AM   #7  
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Sorry I haven't been active in the chat for the past couple days, I'm reading up on everybody but haven't had the stamina to sit down and respond. I have two projects going on at work that need to be finished soon, which would ordinarily be okay but my evenings are filled with preparations for our trip next week, making dinners and lunches, doing dishes, and jogging... not much time for overtime.

So anyway, just saying hi for now! Hope everyone realizes the month is half over How's everyone's challenges coming?

Oh, anybody want to volunteer to take over starting up the July weigh in thread on the 30th? And the July challenge, if we want to do one again? I'm going to be gone from the 26th to the 7th.

Hope everyone is well.
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Old 06-17-2008, 10:05 AM   #8  
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Doing good so far today, other than my eye & eye socket hurting (I've been told it's sinuses by a friend). Whatever it is, it hurts. Am exhausted as I've had to come in and work the morning shift, totally last minute request, and got up at 6am this morning (and I am so not a morning person). I still have some Super Veggie Salad, as I added to it yesterday, so I'll be having that for lunch. Am hoping to walk this evening, but we'll see how that turns out. My tummy is upset at the moment, probably b/c I had too much milk this morning. I had one of those WW Chocolate Smoothie mixes with the full glass of 1% and then my hubby made me tea so I got some more. Probably need some real food on my tummy and then it will feel better. Gonna try to start drinking my water too.
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Old 06-17-2008, 05:31 PM   #9  
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When we switch to a new thread, can someone PLEASE post in the old thread that we have switched? I wrote a huge long post yesterday and was surprised that no one was posting but I guess it was because there was a new thread!

Here is yesterday's post. I will post again later tonight after I have dinner and let you know how I did and how today went

Hello ladies! Not very talkative today, hmmmm???

I was completely OP today! I made VERY healthy choices and I'm giving myself a pat on the back for that. I even went for a jog at the gym in the hotel when I got in. I realized that I REALLY need to go back to physical therapy because I've been limping the rest of the night I'll stick to the recumbent bike until I can get back to PT.

I weighed this morning, and was at 152.something. I was upset because I thought I would be less (um wasn't I 163.4 on Saturday?) but then I remembered that TOM came Sunday and that was why. So I'm just waiting it out. I won't get to weigh again until Friday because there is no scale in the hotel room or the gym here!

stitches - I'm glad your daughter liked her shower! Was there a theme? for getting back on track the following day, even with the

lizzy - What steakhouse was it? Was it good? I'm always interested in good food in Boston! I'm sorry you're not feeling completely happy about your transition to the camp, but hopefully when you get there and get organized you will feel better about it.

BB - Of course you can still post here! I'm so happy I planned these days while traveling. Just wanting NOT to screw up my planning kept me on track today. Even though I went somewhere completely different for lunch today and had to skip a snack, I only ended up 1 point over what I had planned.
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Old 06-17-2008, 08:11 PM   #10  
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LOL mod.. I don't think you were the only one!

We were looking at recumbent bikes just the other day. DH is very supportive of my exercising, but he is worried about adding to our already not in use equipment.. lol. I don't blame him really. If I could trade in my exercise bike for one of those I would be just fine. My behind wouldn't be so sore, that is for sure. I can't believe that the gym doesn't have a scale? I wonder if you asked at the front desk if they would have one. Sometimes they have stuff like that. Rah Rah for the OP

Librarygirl - Tylenol sinus. Awesome stuff. When the seasons change I can't live without that stuff. I too and not a morning person. If I could work from 10:00 to 6:00 I would be in heaven.

Suite!!!! JOGGING?!? Not Wogging? LOL I love that word btw.. wogging. That is what I do all the time. I am short and I live in a land of giants, so I pretty much have to wog when DH and I go for what he refers to as a walk. LOL

Stitches - I worked 3rd shift once upon a time and then moved to 2nd. Around 4 a.m. I would get so sleepy. 2nd shift isn't too bad. Like you said, you would still have your mornings, but I would find that I would get going on something and then have to stop to get ready for work. DH recently got me one of those mantis tillers. I have planted the rows and plants in the garden far away enough from each other so I can use that and just weed in between the plants. I am hopefully looking forward to less weeding this year.

luvmyfarm.. I respond to individual posts, but it is difficult. I constantly scroll up and down, so I know what you mean. I want to make sure that I am posting to the correct person.. LOL Arm jiggle.. I have been looking at that too.. someone here called them batwings.. lol.

Paint - Thanks . I am sorry that you and many others have issues with your TOM's. It has been so long since I have had mine, but I can sure sympathize. I hope you have a lot of fun riding! We have neighbors that have horses and they ride a lot by our place. A couple of times they have rode over to us when we were working in the yard. I don't know what kind of horses they have but they are huge! Hubby would love to have horses - I am not so sure.

mcmommy2 - Welcome to the Flex forums! I am sure that you will find this place invaluable! I sure have. Some really awesome people are here!


Well, the water has receded pretty much around here. No more roads are closed, but elsewhere in Iowa they are still having issues. We have had 3 days of beautiful weather - days in the 70's and nights in the 50's. Wonderful sleeping weather.

Had to go to the dentist as one of my fillings decided to totally 'jump' out of my mouth after eating a banana. Go figure on that one. Anyway, it was on my front tooth and I ended up having to get a crown. Because the dentist recommended that both of my front teeth match, he thought I should get crowns on both. Who am I to argue with the dentist? Me, who has never had a crown at all? Well ladies.. I am feeling like one of those chipmunks in the cartoons. I have 2 temp crowns and they are huge! I can't completely close my mouth, much less bite on anything. I also have to be careful about chewing too.. so - soft foods for me for a couple of weeks until my permanent crowns come in and then another 2 weeks of being careful. I didn't realize how much I used my 2 front teeth to eat and chew!

I am still enjoying my vacation, but am getting antsy about going back to work. There is going to be a lot of work to do and so little time to get it all done. I have 3 major govt. reports to complete, plus get the whole school ready technology wise for the new year. I am going to bury my head in the sand now.. don't want to think about it.

I have gotten gas twice since I confessed to my candy bar craving and each time forgot to buy one. After I realized each time that I forgot, I figured that I must not have really wanted one. I think about it, and realize that I don't really have the craving anymore!

I have tried on all of my clothes and all of it is too big. I thought I could get by for a little while longer with what I have, but I need to buy more pants. All of the ones with the exception of the one I just bought I can pull off without unzipping or unbuttoning them. I got a couple more size 18 and one size 16. I think every 20 lbs or so I will have to buy new bottoms and wait and see on the tops. I think I can make it through the summer with what I have for those, but once the new school year starts, I will have to get new.

And thanks to all for the congrats on the 4 lb loss! It was totally unexpected, but I am sure that all the extra movement I did from all of the flooding!
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Old 06-17-2008, 09:22 PM   #11  
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Hey Flex Folk!

Just really busy on my part. Evening meetings all nights this week and dog babysitting and such...not much time to post.

Staying OP thus far this week...count down to TOM...should be PMSing bad now...but don't really feel anything yet. THAT is nice , maybe all the exercise? Scale is up tho today so, that makes sense...I am drinking my WATER

mcmommy Welcome, hope WW is great to you again, congrats on the baby!

luvmyfam I notice the jiggle MORE as I lose weight...seems like the muscles get more compact but I notice what flaps around on top more...probably a good sign! Good job exercising!

Paint Hang in...a few more days

Chey excellent job! Cool that you get new clothes and are dropping sizes! Good luck eating-ugh. Glad the worst of the flood clean up and prevention is over and maybe the bright spot is all the activity you did?

Will just say hi to Stitches, Mod, Suite, Library...and Faerie wherever you are in India. Gotta run soon!

Stay OP chicks! Keep it up!
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Old 06-17-2008, 11:01 PM   #12  
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Thumbs up

I had a good day today. My hubby convinced me to go swimming for an hour vs taking a walk and this worked for me. Got my exercise in and didn't have to worry about it being too hot (it's been in the high 90s here again). I have been taking some sinus relief medicine and that has helped my sinuses tremendously. Am tired though, so I will keep this short as I'm really ready for bed by now.

Chey: What other exercise equipment do you have? I've been thinking about getting a stationary bike for myself. Recumbent would be better but I think those are much more expensive. Good to hear that your clothes are now too big and you have to get new smaller ones. I just realized that I've lost about 20 lbs in total and even though I can't see it in my waist, I know I am slowly shrinking. I think the waist must be the last thing to go, as I feel as big as ever there.
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Old 06-18-2008, 02:44 AM   #13  
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This is my first week back on since my "meltdown". I'm trying to keep my eating and what not under control because the medication that I've been put on is notorious for making the consumer gain a massive amount of weight (of course when I say massive I only mean around 20 pounds but I can't afford to gain 20 pounds!)

Because of my busy work schedule, my "menu" has been pretty much redundant, although I do change it up every few days. I still have yet to move out of my mom's house. I'm about to pull my hair out because I have to be out by the 30th. I made the first step and reserved a storage unit for Monday. We shall see.

After browsing the forums over the past few weeks, I have seen people talk about Wasa crackers. They have now become a permanent staple in my diet (of course when they're topped with Laughing Cow Cheese that is). I'm trying to be more active, it's the little things that count at first, right?

Overall, I'm trying to stay positive.

I really do apologize for how I left last time. No one was the problem. Only I was the problem. I'm sorry

But I'm back and better than ever!
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Old 06-18-2008, 10:59 AM   #14  
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mcmommy2 - welcome!

jet - how's that OP week working out for you? Arm jiggle is the worst, and I think it's kind of hard to get rid of Have you found any exercises you like yet?

Rachel - Good job on exercising!

stitches - what kinds of new plants did you get? digging up roots is hard word! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you getting that 2nd shift job.

mod - sorry about not posting in the old thread, I assume people would see it when they come into the forum. Good job being OP.

Chey - glad to hear things are clearing up weather-wise over there. I bet it's still a mess. And that's really funny about your teeth - I'm picturing you with big Bugs Bunny front teeth - Your clothes are all too big??? WOOO!

Manick -

Heather - "redundant" is fine, so long as you're sticking with it! Good to see you posting again and trying to stay positive. I love Wasa crackers. My favorite is to top a wasa cracker with some cottage cheese and a sliced tomato, then put basil and pepper on top. YUM.

Kim - I wanted to ask you about your recent camping food choices. I know you were talking about ff Pringles and those brats I think? But what did you do for breakfasts? And did you eat the chips/sausage for both lunch and dinner? I'm going camping in about 10 days and am trying to plan out my meals. I have a feeling I'm gonna hit my 10% either this week or next, and I don't want to go camping and totally blow it, come back and be up 5lbs. Talk about reason to stay OP. One girl who will be there is also doing WW but she's talking like she'll be letting herself go, I DON'T want to do that, I know what I'm capable of when I let myself go. Any input would be awesome.

OK, as I was in the middle of posting this, I felt something scurry across my foot. Looked down and there's this HUGE FREAKIN SPIDER. (No exaggeration. The size of a golf ball.) So I quietly say to myself, "wow, I'm kind of freaking out. This is really, really gross." So quiet my office mate (3 feet away) doesn't notice. I get up, trap the spider under a cup, slide paper underneath, and carry him out to the garden out front. The two guys with a window facing the garden stop me as I come back in and ask what I was doing, I told them about the spider, and both of them start shuddering and saying, Oh, I would have totally FREAKED out! I HATE spiders! I would have stomped on it! Here I am, with my little rational, level-headed response, and these two big manly men talking about jumping up on chairs and screaming "kill it!" Oh, it made me laugh.

My body seems to really be agreeing with my every other day wogging. (I'm sticking with every other day for now, I do eventually plan to be an every day exerciser - but didn't want to go from nothing to as much as possible so soon.) My leg muscles are reappearing and the scale is headed in the right direction! It has also been teaching me about how my body uses its energy. I usually jog in the late evening, after dinner has settled in. I've been noticing that if I have a low-carb dinner instead of a high-carb one (think: chicken and vegetables versus pasta), I don't perform as well when I'm jogging. I don't have as much stamina, I get tired out more easily. It's pretty interesting. I'm almost certain it has to do with the food I've eaten for dinner. We shall see what happens tonight, I have pasta planned.

Oh, did I mention I got a promotion on Friday? That made me quite the happy camper this weekend.

Hope everyone has a good day.
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Old 06-18-2008, 12:25 PM   #15  
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Hi Ladies

We have another beautiful day,temps are going in the 70's and the humidity has dropped quit a bit.

Leo and I had a busy morning as my DS wants us to send a parcel of things that he left up with us 10 years ago. Have to take them to Fed EX and sent them to him,than I have to head for the bank,and than pick up last minute items that we ran out of.

Went on the scale this morning and I dropped 3-lb.If this keeps up we're going to have a celebration in the meeting room tomorrow.

Going to start my dinner but I be back this afternoon

Hugs BB

Last edited by beach bum; 06-18-2008 at 12:26 PM.
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