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Old 12-09-2002, 06:50 AM   #1  
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Default Good Monday Morning Dec. 9th

Only 16 more days till Christmas! Going to get a cup of coffee---be back in a minute.

Not much on the agenda today, daycare for Miree and a huge flylady for me . Last little details on the gingerbread men we cut out, they look so cute! I'm sure my grandma will really like hers. I am crocheting little mitts and hats to glue on them.

Well, I'd better run and start my day--need a shower desperately!

Last edited by Pooky; 12-09-2002 at 06:53 AM.
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Old 12-09-2002, 08:01 AM   #2  
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Pooky, your friendly reminder has put my system into shock this early! How am I ever going to get it all done in 16 days???????? I did finish my list last night, plan to complete the shop on Friday, then it's wrapping and decorating at the last minute. Gotta find some way to get all the goods back here without dd noticing!

It's definitely Monday, coffee is perking, I'm waiting as patiently as possible. Gonna have a great day today, the dentist and a call to the gyn for an appt. The people at work think I've gone to part time, and so does my paycheck.

Ya'll have a wonderful day, I'll talk to you later!
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Old 12-09-2002, 08:06 AM   #3  
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Morning Pooky and all to come!! I sit here with my second cup of java on my way to a third. I need it this AM to wake up, didn't want to get up when the alarm went off.

I have the CRS thing going this morning, trying to remember the posts from yesterday. Just can't seem to do it. hero.....lifting weights, walking, biking, swimming!! Do you think if I would get off the butt and exercise, my weight would come off better. Don't answer that.......I already know it would!!

Busy day today for me. Lots of last minute things to get before we leave Thursday. Tonight we have daughter's band concert......not only do we have daughter's, but all the bands. It seems there was a problem in the schedule, all bands will be performing tonight!!! FOUR!!!!!!!!! I love the band students, but the last thing I want to do is sit through 4 band performances on the hard, hard bleachers in the gym (only place big enough to hold the parents.) And the kids have been informed they are expected to stay for all bands!!!!!

The worry is starting to set in about leaving my 16 year old daughter at home alone with her brother's while we go on this trip. She is a really, really good kid and the boy's have stayed home alone before, but never with daughter here. I thought it was only me worried, but hubby said this morning, "do you think she will be okay while we're gone." The real problem is getting her to and from work, it depends on the boy's work schedules. We are taking the car that she drives to the airport and leaving it there, with her such a new driver we do not want her driving while we are gone. My friend Jenny will come to the rescue if need be but I hate to bother her.

It has taken me over an hour to do this post, had a phone call from my friend Jenny..........she has assured me I need not worry about our daughter, she will take care of whatever is needed.

Well better get my day started. Hope everyone has a great one
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Old 12-09-2002, 08:50 AM   #4  
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Angry Good Moan Day!!

Cold and soggy here in Houston this morning. Coffee's good and strong, anyone ready for a refill?

Pooky ~ Gee, thanks for the reminder! Guess I'd better get my hiney busy as I've bought a total of 3 gifts, no tree up, and definately no wrapping! Want to come help me????

Sherie ~ Glad those good drugs are working quickly for you! Send Tommy to Betty's for a few hours and hide the presents in the attic????

DebK ~ Glad you had a nice time at your Christmas party! When're you leaving on your trip? I'm sure DD will be fine - her big brothers will probably be overly protective and drive her nuts!

DH informed me he'll be working in the office most of the day which means this would be a good day for me to go Christmas shopping! lol Plus, with the rainy weather maybe the stores won't be a complete zoo. I am absolutely stumped on what to get most this year. The boys are really the toughest and they're not offering much in the way of ideas.

Need more coffee. I'll check back in later! Have a glorious day!

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Old 12-09-2002, 09:05 AM   #5  
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Good morning, EarlyChicks.

I'm late this morning but it's a good morning to goof off a bit. The temp is -10F out there and the house is cool despite my stoking the woodstove before bed last night. Our new wood is very dry and burns well - what a joy after farting around with that wet and green stuff last week.

Harry caught two more mice last night - good news! The bad news is that they were very small. I think we have a family of the darn things! So far we've caught 8 and will set the traps every night until no more show. I hope that's soon because I am getting tired of my kitchen drawer stuff on the counters.

Janice, I hope you have a good day shopping. I still have DH's stuff to get and a few small gifts. There is always someone who shows up with an unexpected gift for me so I try to have something simple wrapped and ready to give for the last minute situations. This season it'll be boxes of peanut brittle - NOT homemade, this year! I know my limits!

Debkay, I'm sorry I missed something. Where are you going on your trip? And when will you be back?

Sherrie, I hope the dentist appointment is a good one and that he says you are on the mend. We do not need sickies this time of year!

Pooky, did I read that right? You are crocheting for gingerbread men? You have to be the craftiest person I know!

Just skimmed back and thought I'd lost this post. I'd better post it NOW!

Have a great day!
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Old 12-09-2002, 09:27 AM   #6  
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Up and done my Oxycise and paid bills!!! Really energetic this AM. I'm off my way to the health club. i've started a new "class" on MWF AMs it's a combination of walking the track and and using weight machines. So far I've gone 2 weeks. With ole Alvin in the exercsing mode, maybe I'll stay on track. (Cant let him outdo me

tonight after work it's geet my nails done and then hopefullly finish the decorating. I've got to get to the garage and dig out my Christmas dishes for the progressive dinner Sunday night. I have no idea where they are. haven't used them for years!

Hope everyone has a great day!
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Old 12-09-2002, 10:23 AM   #7  
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Angry Good Morning Ladies

Everyone looks to be in good spirits this morning

Pooky 16 days left, and Im done my shopping! lol Actually went out to Kmart last night, found the last item I needed and while I was there, found 2 more shirts for my daughter lol. I finish her early and dont spend much, because by the time christmas gets here Ive spent too much!

Deb-When I was 16, my parents would leave my brother and I alone overnight for practise runs to see how we did, and we always had relatives checking in on us. Im sure with friends and brothers around, she will be fine.

Ruth-You have more patience that I with those mice!!! I couldnt do it. My apt. in ThunderBay was infested, I had caught 6 in one night on sticky traps (I hate those things) and at my last job the ceiling over my office was crawling with them, when I was on conference calls you could hear them scratching around. I was terrified they would come thru the ceiling! Unfortunately they couldnt all be caught and thats where they lived and breededin the winter months. In the complex we were in, there were too many openings for them to come in. It was awful. I used to laugh at the women that were afraid of mice.....well I have a much better understanding now!!

Im going to try to attempt to attach the image I wanted to yesterday. I think Ive fixed it. We had a great weekend at the store! One of the owners from down the street brought in her business card, and we were so impressed that I went to work on ours and redesigned it. Hopefully today, we will send it off to someplace in florida for printing. (we have to get the info from her) anyway, the below image is the back drop of the card, with our name on the bottome right hand corner, address across the bottom...and our sloga in the top left hand corner "the shop that doesnt have what everyone else has"

Im off to start my day, have a great monday everyone
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Old 12-09-2002, 11:27 AM   #8  
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Hi all,
Busy weekend. I had surgery on Friday, so it took the weekend to be able to sit
I am feeling better today, I have to, I have the kids to drive to school and pick up.
Next wed is my little man's 6th birthday. My SIL and I designed a cute karate guy for the theam and I am having t-shirts made for the kids. she works in the promotal field so I can do some of this stuff for not a lot of $. We are also going to collect toys for tots instead opf gifts for him. it means we can have more kids without the hassel of too many junky toys.

I am going to try to attach the guy....

Deb, don't stress, it gives you wrinkles!
Robbin:very nice picture.
Ruth i thought we were cold at 9 this am, but you have us beat!
pooky: chanukah ios over and I think I can do the little I have left in 16 days, but i think it will mostly be online.
Everyone else happy day and take time to do something nice for you.
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Old 12-09-2002, 01:58 PM   #9  
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Good Afternoon All! I'm feeling so on top of things after this weekend. My tree is up and decorated, the presents are all bought and wrapped, the house is somewhat decorated and cleaned. My cards are addressed and ready to send.

All of this was done with this cold that's moving toward brochitis. I have a Dr. appointment today. I'm having trouble breathing.

The only thing left to do is the "extra" stuff, like making cookies for Santa. DSS doesn't believe that Santa is a low carber.

I've even bought a new dress for the office Christmas party this friday. My reward for being so on top of these things is going to be the slice of key lime pie at the dinner. The dinner itself is prime rib, so I don't have to worry about the carbs there!
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Old 12-09-2002, 03:06 PM   #10  
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Good afternoon Chicky-poos. Starting to rain here after a lovely sunny morning. Funny how things can deteriorate so quickly. Same goes for the state of my house (a pigpen) and my diet (a disaster). I never should have started Christmas baking. I haven't even begun to start decorating but it will be very simple this year. Just a few things scattered about the house and our tiny artificial tree. First things first though and that is a thorough dusting. I HATE dusting. Why? I don't understand why I hate it so much. I think it's having to lift and move stuff in order to dust properly. Maybe if I do a fly lady and get rid of all the stuff I have to dust around, I won't hate it so much. hehe I'm sure I could lose 27 items from the family room alone without making a dent in the mess.
Every night I have myself all convinced that the next morning I will get back OP but by mid-day I've already blown it several times. Who else do you know who can gain 10 lb in a month without batting an eye. Only ME! Darn! At least I went to the pool this morning and got in about 45 minutes of workout. I sure can't do much on dry land with a foot that hurts so much. OK, that's it. I'm going to make an appointment with my doctor. This pain isnt going away.
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