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Old 12-06-2002, 05:25 AM   #1  
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Default Friday, Dec. 6th


My computer is acting funny!!

check this out:

any one remember the tampon angel?

ok, ok, YES I am feeling a bit of holiday stress but I hope to run to the toy store and do the "big sweep" for the kids today. Plastic toys have gotten on my last nerve which is easy to do these days but I need to be wrapped and ready in one week. YIKES!

Yesterday's snow event put a damper on my plans. The little guy stayed home and the big kid got out at 12:35. I only like snow when I can stay in and not HAVE to do anything. BUT! The kids had a ball, borrowing the neighbors beach boogie boards and sliding down the street. I only got a bit irritated when the big kid was running around in the snow with no coat and only socks on his feet. He thought I was mean for sending him inside.

my eye is twitching.

have a good one!


Last edited by peach pit; 12-06-2002 at 05:41 AM.
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Old 12-06-2002, 07:14 AM   #2  
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Your eye is twitching? Get another coffee, Peachie! A tampon angel? No, but I do remember angels made out of disposable diapers - the kids made them for the Church Christmas tree!
Are you going over the edge, Peachie? Christmas and crafts can make you nuts!

Yesterday was such a frustrating day. By noon, I was close to tears from trying to wrap gifts with these two crappy wrists! Ribbons and fancy bows are not going to happen this year, I'm afraid. Harry made me a Bloody Caesar for lunch which helped a bit but blew my OP day. I did get my Secret Santa and my grand daughter's birthday gift in the mail. I mailed a few other small things and ended up paying $50 postage! It's cheaper to send stuff to California than to Vancouver Island - so silly!

Enough crabbing! (Hmmmm - I wonder if yesterday has anything to do with the gold foil chocolate wrapper in my pocket.)

Jennifer, guess you have a reprieve from surgery for a bit. A perforated colon would not be a good thing! However, I hope you can feel better than you have been - damned PCOS!

Lucy is whimpering which means she needs out NOW so I'll get the day started and check in later.

It's TGIF!
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Old 12-06-2002, 07:41 AM   #3  
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Good Morning! Peach your link wouldn't work for me, but I did see the "tampon angel" on another board. what will they think of next.

Ouch Ruth, would Harry be willing to wrap gifts? Or are you better off not asking.........I don't think my husband has wrapped a gift in years.

Jennifer glad your doctor wasn't an ego type who had to continue with your surgery.

PRAYERS NEEDED! My Dad is undergoing a "routine procedure" today, the problem, with my Dad's health issues nothing is routine. Mom and Dad were going to leave for Virginia on Sunday, they were flying up for a week. My Dad was just not feeling well and my sister insisted my Dad go to the doc before leaving and they found a problem with a..........sorry, boil they had lanced the week before. They are doing out patient surgery today to correct the problem.

Hope everyone has a great day
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Old 12-06-2002, 07:42 AM   #4  
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Good morning. Yawn, grumble, whine. Wanna sleep some more. Coffee is a good thing. Ya'll have a great day, I'm going to have a hectic one at work. Talk to everyone this afternoon.
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Old 12-06-2002, 08:11 AM   #5  
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Sherrie, you are sick! Why are you going to work?

Gee Debkay - boils can be a pain in the ***! I hope today's procedure goes well and your parents can take their trip.

I must say there is nothing like a doggie to cheer things up in the morning. Lucy went outside while I made coffee. I heard a big crash and bang on the deck - she somehow managed to tip over the table! Of course she was very pleased with this and bounded into the house with snowy paw hugs and cold nose kisses - sheer joy and delight! PWDs know how to enjoy life - we should follow their example. Right now she is loafing by the woodstove and chewing the ice pellets off her paws. Life is good!

I am going to take a luxurious bath, sip another coffee and plan my day. This wrapping thing is NOT going to ruin my Friday!
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Old 12-06-2002, 08:25 AM   #6  
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Hello to all,

I finally feel better today. I wasn't sick just sort of in a funk. I get that way once in a while especailly around this time of year....hunting camp and DH is away. He comes home tomorrow. I really have missed him. It's silly but we've been married for 13 years and he's always gone up to camp and every year I shed a few tears at our good-bye.

I have to get the kids working on their school work. Then we are going out to lunch with MIL and going back to her house. We have planned on renting a movie for the boys and then renting a chick-flick for us. Dont know what we'll get yet. Maybe even spend the night back there dont know about that one yet. I have the dog to worry about and I dont like to take him back there even though she tells me that it's o.k. and I know that she does enjoy him but it's so nice to have a day without sneezing.

I did horribly yesterday. I ate some cookies and a bowl of soup for lunch and dinner. But I am human and I'm back OP today so I'm not going to worry about it.

DH cousin came over last night and used the snowblower to clear our driveway, brick patio and deck. I think that was awfully sweet of him. I am still at times amazed that this guy is not married. He's VERY good looking, easy to get along with....well, almost all the time, no kids, financially secure and a hard worker. I dont know he must be a pistol to live with...he's had ALOT of different girlfriends and always seems to find fault with them and then boots them out!

Well, off to start the day.
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Old 12-06-2002, 09:07 AM   #7  
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Good snowy morning everyone! About a foot of the stuff and it's still coming down. There will definietly be a white Christmas here. At least the snowmobilers are happy.

Chrissy, sounds like your dh's cousin is just selective, I'm sure the right girl will come along someday Does he want to come and snowblow my driveway?

Ruth, I warned you your wrists would hurt! Now just stop it and get Harry to do it, OK? Even if you have to stand over him to get him to do it right. Even better, get one ofthe church ladies to help you wrap. NO more injuries to your wrist!

Sherrie, the minute you feel yucky, just go home!

Deb, prayers being sent!

Peachie, your link didn't work for me either, but all I can say is if you're using tampons for other than what they are intended for, that is truly gross. I'm sure they may look sweet, but EUUUUGH! The trick to shopping for kids is hit one aisle at a time and grab everything you need from that aisle and don't go back to it later. That way you've covered it once and no running around!

Quiet day for me, Miree is in daycare and I'm doing last minute things for Christmas. Always the way, the minute yu think you're done, you aren't! Mostly clear coating the projects, a smelly but necessary step. Have to ride dh's butt to get him to put the trim around the checker boards and I have to cut out some gingerbread men from wood and that's it. Qick and painless really.

Hope you all have a great day!
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Old 12-06-2002, 09:47 AM   #8  
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Good Morning Ladies!

Its a feel good day today I plan on getting dressed up for this weekend, and to start it off, I am going to wear a brown paisley silk blouse I bought over a year ago, Ive never worn and it still has its tags on it. Today the tags are coming off!! It fits!!

anddddd the winter white pants that have been sitting in the closet for about the same amount of time!! They fit too!!!!!!! lol, this is so cool!

Should be a very busy day, started as soon as my feet hit the floor this morning. Of course I barely slept last night, thinking of all the things that had to be done today. I would have had alot more done if I didnt have to fight with the printer. Some days it just doesnt want to do what I want it to do

So here I am, taking a bit of a break, we head out the door in about 1/2 hour.....and the official christmas season starts on the busines strip.

I hope everyone has a great weekend....

Love Robin
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Old 12-06-2002, 03:43 PM   #9  
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Afternoon All:

Finally back online, we have had no service here for 4 days, man was my email backed up.LOL

Hope all is well with you ladies, I will have to catch up on posts at a later time, I am in the midst of packing for our vacation, leave on sunday for a week. Boy do I ever need this break!!

Got news that our adoption may fall through(was almost done), parents are now contesting, long story........ feeling at a loss, sad, unsure.....Prayers are welcomed at this point. Would be so hard to return him after this long.

Praying for guidance daily (many times a day), need a break to be able to come back and see this all clearly.

Christmas cards are starting to come in now, nice to see them on my mantle.

Take care all.
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Old 12-06-2002, 04:49 PM   #10  
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Meowna ~ I don't know your story and don't need to. As a mother of two non-biological boys, I understand the love. Please know that prayers will be said for you. Don't fret over it, put it in Gods hands that his will be done and sit tight! <hugggggs>

Peach ~ The very thought of a tampon angel would have me a bit stressed and twitchy! So, what're the craft projects this year? (or should I not ask?)

DebKay ~ Prayers will be going out to your dad. Please keep us informed. I try to avoid confrontations, but! My gosh, it would be tough to do with that so called doctor! I think Jif's comments were tactful enough to get the point across! Bet you would've heard from him if "your check wasn't in the mail!"

Robin ~ WAY TO GO !!! Hope your Christmas season brings alot of attention your way for future business too!

Pooky ~ You and Peach should live closer! All those crafts! No wait, maybe not........maybe that would cause her to go into craft overload!

Whew - I've got to get in here earlier! lol

For me, same ol' same ol'. Just can't seem to get anything much accomplished this week. House is a wreck, patio a mess, yard is horrible.....I keep starting stuff, but I'm looking at 6.5 weeks of neglect and keep getting overwhelmed! The damn thing is all this was done before the original surgery! Does that give you the slightest idea of the slobs I live with? sigh - oh well

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Love to all - Janice

Chrissy ~ Hmmm, nice looking, single brother in law? Gee, what age group? I have a real nice friend named Dawn (some have met her!) Good girl, attractive, owns her own home, new SUV, teacher......think he'd like Texas?

Sherrie ~ Glad Tommie is feeling better! How's Betty Boop doing? You need to take care of yourself girl! What're you taking for that cough? Need me to come take care of you?

Ruth ~ Agreed, let Harry wrap the presents! Or, just mail them and tell them don't peak till Christmas cause your wrists hurt too damn much.....and the drugs were too good! Hope the pain ceases soon!

Wow! I hit submit and look at my post got split up! Weird! Maybe LindaBC's PM luck is rubbing off on me!

Last edited by MamaJ; 12-06-2002 at 04:52 PM.
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Old 12-06-2002, 08:26 PM   #11  
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I'm having a terrible day. My right foot is paining me constantly. I hobbled into the mall to exchange a gift that I knew wasn't right and hobbled right back out again without doing any browsing around. On the way out I saw a "day spa" and bought my older daughter a gift certificate. She's on her poor feet for 10 hours a day doing hair so she really will appreciate the massage, etc.

I don't know if it's my orthotics that are doing a number on my foot but, if so, why just the right foot. I'm afraid I'm going to OD on aspirin.

No time or patience to respond to all but I'm thinking about you.
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