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Old 07-04-2024, 12:44 AM   #346  
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Happy Fourth, Americans! And Happy Canada Day, Dagmar! We are not having anything special, except perhaps watermelon and an ear of corn.

There was a rattlesnake in the yard this evening. My dog Greta alerted me with her barking, but fortunately she didn't get too close to it. I called her away and DH came out to take care of it, but he couldn't hear the rattling. His high-frequency hearing is gone! We both prefer to relocate snakes instead of killing them, but the rattlesnakes pose too much danger to the dogs. It's only the third one we've seen in almost 35 years.
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Old 07-04-2024, 09:07 AM   #347  
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Happy Fourth to you all! Glad Greta wasn't hurt and the snake got dispatched.

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Old 07-04-2024, 10:22 AM   #348  
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Happy 4th of July to the Americans and Happy (belated) Canada Day to the Canadians.

Terrific story, Alice, that your dog alerted you to a rattlesnake. Prize dog, there. Our nuisance wildlife is Wild Turkeys. Lots of them. With no fear of humans, cars, or bicycles. They can bring a busy city street to a stand still. No one has any idea what to do since it's illegal to kill them.

We'll be hot today; headed to the 90's F this weekend. We aren't going anywhere to see fireworks; we can hear them in the distance and that's enough for us.
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Old 07-09-2024, 05:33 AM   #349  
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Did my first weights workout in over a month. Finally had the room to do it. My body is so happy! Going to address all the junky snacking in the afternoon next. Will purchase portioned cheese and small apples and snack on them instead. Small steps starting on the road to being physically healthy again.


Last edited by Mudpie; 07-09-2024 at 03:06 PM.
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Old 07-14-2024, 07:10 PM   #350  
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Excellent, Dagmar! I've been trying to increase the number of exercises I do each day. I was really slacking off for a while. Now I'm trying to do at least one arm, one leg, and one core exercise every day. This never-ending heatwave has really sapped my energy and motivation. But I'm going on a three-day backpack starting tomorrow morning, into the Dinkey Lakes Wilderness.
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Old 07-15-2024, 09:50 AM   #351  
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Originally Posted by HowlinAtTheMoon View Post
Excellent, Dagmar! I've been trying to increase the number of exercises I do each day. I was really slacking off for a while. Now I'm trying to do at least one arm, one leg, and one core exercise every day. This never-ending heatwave has really sapped my energy and motivation. But I'm going on a three-day backpack starting tomorrow morning, into the Dinkey Lakes Wilderness.
That area looks gorgeous Alice! Have a wonderful hiking trip.

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Old 07-18-2024, 08:58 AM   #352  
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I keep getting derailed on the healthy eating and no pop stuff. I find if there a chips and pop around I will consume them. Problem is DH is liking the pop and chips and bringing them home. He lives here too so I can't just say "no". We're making progress with the house issues so maybe I'll be a little less stressed and sleep more.

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Old 07-18-2024, 09:05 AM   #353  
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May everyone survive the heat wave. We've broken 90 degs F, but not 100 as has happened in Texas and Arizona.

We're surviving with our fans; no air-conditioner. I'm avoiding snacks, which is a positive step toward sane eating.
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Old 07-18-2024, 03:31 PM   #354  
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Good going with the snacks Bill.

Interesting to hear that you chose to not use your A/C. We do put our A/C on when it gets above 80 F. DH just melts in the heat and he's had heatstroke a couple of times. Don't want to put him at risk.

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Old 07-18-2024, 04:05 PM   #355  
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It's not a difficult choice. Our 150 year-old house has no air conditioning.

It does have heat which is helpful in Boston winters.
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Old 07-19-2024, 05:43 AM   #356  
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Originally Posted by BillBlueEyes View Post

It does have heat which is helpful in Boston winters.

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Old 07-23-2024, 06:39 AM   #357  
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Happy Fourth of July to you and Happy Canada Day to Dagmar! It sounds like a quiet celebration with watermelon and corn. I'm glad Greta alerted you to the rattlesnake and stayed safe. It’s fortunate that you both prefer to relocate rather than kill them, though I understand the need to manage the risk, especially with rattlesnakes. It’s a relief that it’s only the third one you've encountered in 35 years. I hope you continue to stay safe and enjoy the rest of your holiday!
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Old 08-01-2024, 05:54 AM   #358  
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I've been in the new town for 2 months now. Everything is unpacked and almost everything is set up. Time to start doing a bit of living. To celebrate the upcoming long weekend DH and I are going to get a "pop-up" picnic meal on Friday and go see "Deadpool and Wolverine" on Saturday. There isn't a whole lot to do here but we will patronize the downtown merchants and their promos since we live downtown.

I am weaning myself off the diet pop and am down to one can every day. Next thing will be to switch out the ice cream treat in the evenings for a small vanilla yogurt. I'm determined to lose the small roll of fat I now have on my belly when I sit down!

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Old 08-01-2024, 06:27 AM   #359  
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Congrats, Dagmar, for getting settled in so quickly.

Looking forward to your review of "Deadpool and Wolverine". Can it be enjoyed by folks who don't already know the characters?
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Old 08-02-2024, 05:48 AM   #360  
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Originally Posted by BillBlueEyes View Post
Congrats, Dagmar, for getting settled in so quickly.

Looking forward to your review of "Deadpool and Wolverine". Can it be enjoyed by folks who don't already know the characters?
I hope the movie can be enjoyed by those who don't know the characters since I am one of "those". I will LYK Bill.

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