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Old 09-13-2006, 07:40 PM   #286  
Martha's losing on LAWL!
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Hello ladies,
Well i went to WI and I seem to be stuck again. Oh well, it doesn't bother me as much as it used to. Eating this way is becoming a way of life, so I'm not feeling as much of a martyr as I did at first.

Are any of your CODs promoting the "Thinner by the Minute" thing? I bought the cheaper plan (still a ripoff) but I like the diet plan. I'm not real creative and require lots of structure, so that is why LAWL is good for me. But this plan includes an exercise video and really emphasizes eating 5-6 small meals a day with lite exercise to boost your metabolism. Is anyone else doing this?

Thanks to all of you for the inspiration. You are a great bunch!! The recipes are wonderful and help add a little variety to the 2P, 2S, 3F, 3V, 1D, 1 fat life I live now!!!
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Old 09-13-2006, 08:00 PM   #287  
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Martha--I saw the little booklet on the gals desk but she didn't mention it so I didn't either. Can you explain what it's about? Thanks
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Old 09-13-2006, 10:16 PM   #288  
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Hiya girlies
Man I have been so PISSED today! Mad at everything.everyone.... I don't even know why. BUT I DO know I really wanted to go to Food World and hit the bakery department for some of those little strawberry cream cheese tart-type things..... Gosh I love them so much! BUT I DIDN'T do it, I stayed POP, came home and even exercised. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Why does doing the right thing seem to make me more miserable?!?!?
and no, it is NOT PMS!
Anyway, sorry to be "Jenni Joy-Killer" but I needed to tell SOMEBODY this junk and ya'll are the lucky ladies!

On a happier note - I'm really proud of all of you for your good attitudes and successes. You girls totally rock, and I'm grateful as always to have ya'll here to lean on and yell to, and cheer for.

Keep it up!

Many hugs,
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Old 09-14-2006, 07:48 AM   #289  
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Jenni - Awwww, c'mon girl... we don't mind if you dump on us! Great NSV by the way!

Martha - I haven't heard anything about this, or seen it at the COD. I'd be interested to know more too!

Katie - We've missed you!

NSV for me. My daughter was cheering her first HS football game last night. She was originally riding with another girl's family, and didn't want me to come to the first game because "they suck" (her words). I think she was a little nervous and didn't want me watching, which is so funny because she's been competing in gymnastics for 10 years. Anyhoo... I had planned my taco salad for dinner, and she calls me at work at 3:30 and asks if I'll take her to the game and stay and watch because she changed her mind. I had to leave the house by 6:00 to meet the rest of the girls at 6:20 and we would all drive together. Well, since I leave work at 5:00, I usuallly get home at 5:45. Not much time for dinner. In the old days, I would have hit a drive thru. However, yesterday, I did a quick mental check of the pantry, and I left work about 10 mins early. When I got home, I made some chicken salad in my Magic Bullet, put it on a 50 cal. tortilla, had 12 baby carrots and two string cheeses and my LA Lite all ready to go, and snacked before and during the game. TOTALLY POP YESTERDAY!!! I was soooooo proud of myself for being able to switch gears without falling into old patterns.

Thanks for listening, girls. Have a POP day!
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Old 09-14-2006, 08:07 AM   #290  
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Jenni--we are all ears and shoulders! (and a couple butts and thighs but who needs 'em) Lay it on us--we'll help carry the load.

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Old 09-14-2006, 08:37 AM   #291  
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Good Morning Chickies!! Just dropping in to say a quick "hello" to everyone!!

Jenni: Gripe all you want, we're all here to listen and help all we can....

Cassi: Yay on your NSV! I'm proud of you!

LeaAnn: Boo is soooo cute! Awww.
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Old 09-14-2006, 08:40 AM   #292  
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Wow Cassie, good for you! I have been noticing a lot of ugly old habits trying to come through lately. This month is especially huge for me, as we have to relicense, joined the federal food program, and when I started here 3 weeks ago we had 25 children, now we have 65. That is a ton of paperwork for me. I have been so stressed about what I needed to do, plus trying so hard to keep payroll down. I finally realized that I am not superwoman, and I cannot manage this place and engage in a lot of childcare. Sure, I need to jump in when needed, but I also need to have enough staff to take care of most things. I also owe it to myself to go home on time, refuse to work on weekends, and take breaks. How do you ladies manage your time at work?
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Old 09-14-2006, 08:43 AM   #293  
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Jenni: That's what we're here for. It stinks feeling that way, huh? But you made the right choice and now you can look back and chalk up another point on the victory side.

Martha: Changing our entire mind set about food can be so daunting. Food has always been used as a reward in my family and I guess I've been ewarded enough to last my lifetime. So... the big question is: Do we substitute another healthy food as a reward, (big juicy peach), or do we need to change the reward altogether, say, a mani?

Cassi: Way to go. It would have been sooo easy to do the drive-thru. You rock!

Have a great day, Ladies. I'm off to sub for a few hours at school. See ya tonight.
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Old 09-14-2006, 09:05 AM   #294  
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Thanks, girls.
Lea Ann
- Boo is too cute. I was wondering where you got the name from too.
- I spent the last eight years doing real estate closings. In general it’s a stressful job. In South Florida, it was insane. I gained 100 lbs in eight years. I was always working. Finally, at the end of February, I quit. I took a job as an in-house paralegal with a developer. I joined LAWL a month later. I was finally able to focus on something other than my job. (probably not what you need to hear since you just started). But I will tell you this... they recently did layoffs here, so those of us that are left have to pick up the slack. What I do now is come in an hour early. I can get settled, check e-mail and begin working before anyone else even gets here. I take my lunch break to go WI mon, wed, fri, and then use tues and thurs to get caught up at work, but I still stop for 20 mins to eat.
I make sure I plan my week’s meals on saturday, and then I shop on sunday. I have a BIG lunchbox/cooler so I can fit my breakfast, lunch and snacks.
And since I come in an hour early, I donTt feel bad leaving on time at the end of the day.
I could very easily work 12 hours a day right now, but I refuse to. I do my time, and a little extra, and it seems that with the consistency of doing that little extra for a month, the load has lessened.
Stop trying to do it all in one day or week. Put in an extra hour (or two MAX) per day, and you get done what you get done. You are only one person. You will be no good to anyone (employer or family) if you burn out. That’s the most important thing I took from my last job.
Good luck, and relieve some of that stress by checking in here more!
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Old 09-14-2006, 09:30 AM   #295  
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hiya chickies and good morning!!!

Wow - it is really coming to an end here at work - I'm totally bored with nothing to do. I have a meeting with HR at 10 to discuss how to move my 401k and pension money. This is really weird for me - I've only been out of college for 7 years and I've worked here for almost 6 - whew - this will be a drastic change for me....

Cassi - Way to go on that planning - it sounds like you really have your life the way you need it now with the working and the LAWL. What a great decision you made with the chix salad and tortilla - you should be very proud of yourself - b/c it would've been so much more convienent to take the unhealthy choice!!!!! Way to go girl!!! Funny about the DD not wanting you to watch for the first game, but glad she changed her mind!!!

Boo - You know I just love the name and that darn dog is too cute!!! I will babysit him anytime!!!

Katie, Katie, Katie - Step back and try to take some time for yourself. You have jumped into this job with two feet and are doing a wonderful job, but remember who is most important - YOU. You have to take care of yourself first , so that you can take care of everything else that is on your plate. It sounds like you've done a wonderful job already and I'm sure the owner really sees that as well. Sometimes people become consumed - don't let that happen. Do what you can do - the best you can, but remember to take care of Katie and Family - I know sometimes it is hard to not handle everything - but try to pick out a few things that could maybe wait till tomorrow. Prioritize what really has to be done and try to leave on time - You owe that to yourself. It sounds like you have made some awesome strides there since you started!!!! Slow down and take time to enjoy your changes!!!!

Evette - Good morning to you miss sunshine!!!

Jenni - We've all been there - but after you were finished - didn't you feel relieved that you made the best decision even though at first it made you miserable? The ending result is usually what matters. Just be proud of yourself that you didn't fall into temptation and to know that your new habits are starting to make your brain make the best decisions. Sometimes, it just makes us mad, that we can't do want we want instead of what we should, but in the long run - it is worth it. "Don't trade what you want for that minute - for what you truly want in the long run!!!"

Angelica - I'm so sorry to hear about your DS - I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers!! I know that has to be so stressful!!!

Good morning to all my other chickies!! Sznn, JM, Deb, Joan, Kristi, Rebeca,Pearl!!!
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Old 09-14-2006, 09:50 AM   #296  
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Good morning all!

Wow! I love the sentiment and inspirational thoughts for the day: woman, take care of thyself first! We are so often guilty of not doing that and we do suffer for it!

I just bought a two months supply of LA XCEL supplements on ebay for about $65 per bottle (shipping included). They are about $90 each at my COD. I thought I would give them a try. Does anyone here use the XCEL? Did it help you lose? Please share your experience. Suzette
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Old 09-14-2006, 09:53 AM   #297  
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Years ago I ran a Kinder Care in Kentucky. This was before I had kids. I found my ups and downs in that job were especially drastic. Either we were short handed and I had to take over a class, (but still had to get all my paperwork done), or I was walking around with this huge smile on my face because I was there when some lil' guy took his first steps. I worked for the company for about a year, then decided to have kids. At that time I really didn't feel like I could handle both. Eventually I got a full time teaching job in a high school, (Princeton HS In Cincinnati) and found that job was a whole lot less stressful than working in the child care profession. People are usually underpaid and overworked which just makes me so mad. And it seemed that the company took advantage of the hourly employees. They knew these gals really needed these jobs and didn't think twice about heaping all kinds of extra responsibilities on them. It was one of my best times and one of my worst. KNow what I mean? So, I'm there with you, girlfriend. Hang in there and thanks for taking such good care of the future leaders of America!
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Old 09-14-2006, 10:00 AM   #298  
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Katie, at some point, you will need to start setting limits, saying "no" if required. I tok on a new job in my company and it was a hectic summer. I barely had time to get myself properly trained (and still need to take more training!) About 3 weeks ago, I was told that I will be supporting new programs in my position, after I just learned the ins and outs of the current ones. Well, I was suppose to take on the new ones right away and the person to take my old ones would be TBD.

There was no way I could humanly do that. So, I took the position that my transition to the new product could not begin until my replacement was at least named and I could begin a transition concurrently. It was (and still is) very difficult to do and I keep holding myself back to just "dive in". BUT! I know that by doing so, I would stretch myself too thin (heh, funny pun) and in this case it would be a "bad" too thin. I would not be effective in any of the programs and I would not be helping myself physically or mentally.

The point is, you have to know you limits, take a stand...and well, stand firm.

Good luck...we're all pulling for you! I have also found myself at times falling back into old habits but take it one moment at a time and don't beat yourself up if you slip...just get up again and promise to be good to yourself and stick to program as best as you can for the rest of the day...
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Old 09-14-2006, 10:01 AM   #299  
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I guess it's "Bash LAWL Day" on the board today.
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Old 09-14-2006, 10:12 AM   #300  
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Um, yeah, Cassi...I guess so. WW though isn't "all that"...That's why we're on LAWL.
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