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Old 10-18-2005, 09:43 AM   #301  
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So, Tina, you don't count that as your fat, right? I take EFA's (2 a day) in addition to my peanuts. . . I think this is okay, since LAWL suggests up to 6 of their EFA's a day. ..
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Old 10-18-2005, 09:58 AM   #302  
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Julie, I don't count them as a fat...I consider them as a supplement like you said.
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Old 10-18-2005, 10:06 AM   #303  
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Julie, i take 2 of theEFa's a day and i just consider it a nutrition supplement, so I don't count it.

I am also not a milk drinker (never have had it in my life, but doc says i can handle it, just hate the tatste), so i take calcium pills, because eating 2 oz of cheese a day is a lot and i rarely get it all in, plus 2 oz of cheese is a lot of fat and calories

Katie~ great for your sister. I have worked with a lot of domestic violence families and it is often hardest of the immediate family of the lady to stay with her and to continue to support….kudos to you and your family for your love and support.

Athena~ if it is the end of the world, were going out with a Sox championship!!!!!!!!!!

Mary~ sorry for the lost last night, although it is only preparing you for all of the loosing that will happen when the face the Sox

Welcome Nikki

I was abad girl yesterday and had a rather large piece of pizza for my carb craver. ( i knew it was big, but I tried to convince myself that it wouldn't hurt, and once it got into my plat, there was no stopping me. Plus since i had just had the not so good weekend, I shouldn't have even had the CC. You know i have never really deviated from plan like I did this weekend, and it seems like I am having the darndest time really get back into the swing of things...I guess this shows me not to deviate anymore, huh?

I am having light protiens and startches for the next few days and throwing in some extra water and a some yucky lemon water, hopefully I canget back on track, I was doing so good and I had raised my average back to 2 pounds per week, but i will get back there.
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Old 10-18-2005, 12:21 PM   #304  
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Hi all, went to COD last night, weighed exactly the same 201. Oh well, by Friday I will be in "onederland" as Mary so astutely put it! I did exercise this morning. I decided that I really should get it done before too many daycare kids are here, and all day I am waiting for an opportunity. We are having a beautiful fall. I have my fingers crossed that we will not have snow by Halloween. I make such nice costumes, and I don't want to have to hide them under coats!
Niki- Welcome! I am in Rexburg, where are you at?
Have a great POP day everyone! Katie
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Old 10-18-2005, 12:41 PM   #305  
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Just something I've read about flaxseed, flaxseed is not absorbed / processed if eatten in whole seeds. To get the full affect of using flaxseed you need to get it in oil format or ground seeds. I have read that you can grind the seeds yourself in a coffee/spice grinder (and it's much cheaper too). My hats off to anyone that can drink a tablespoon of the oil. I've tried it in the past and I ended up giving it to the guy at work that suggested it - IT'S HORRIBLE and cost about $20/bottle in our local health food store. The flaxseeds (whole or ground) are great on salad and oatmeal. Kind of on the level of eatting a ground walnut.
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Old 10-18-2005, 01:00 PM   #306  
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Mary: As much as I hate to admit it, I sort of agree with you. I love my Redbirds, but they sure have had enough chances - I STILL want them to win though! Last night about gave me a damn heart attack!
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Old 10-18-2005, 02:13 PM   #307  
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Must be something in the air - I'm up .6 - which is much better than the 5 I was last week Monday - so I'm still hoping that I'll be lower by Friday -

My center is running a special - 10x a month and a 25$ credit - for Oct, Nov, and Dec - I know what I'll spend it on - more WL weeks!

I'm also not hungry today - missed my AM snack since I was out, and just had some pea soup (homemade) for lunch. That'll probably hold me until dinner time. . So, Mary, it happens to me, too - don't think it's TOM, but just some days I don't want to eat everything.

Shennie, I'm not a milk drinker either, so I use FF yogurt for my dairy most days. If I'm out of yogurt then I'm really out of luck. I do like cheese, but it's usually last on my list - I feel like I need to eat it with something. . And without yogurt, the fruit intake really goes down. (I think I spent too much time on low carb diets)

Katie - do you often get snow in October? -it's rare for us to get it before November, and we hardly ever have a white Christmas. Jan and Feb is usually our prime snow months.

Fat is usually also a hard thing for me to make sure I add every day - since I'm not a mayo fan, don't use oil in cooking much, etc. . etc. . . so I have to think of ways to use it - so I usually put peanuts in my yogurt and fruit - and then I take care of 3 tough ones at once.

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Old 10-18-2005, 03:10 PM   #308  
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Well, it is quintessential Astros! I remember last year when we lost, I went upstairs to check on my DS and he was in bed crying (he was 12 then). When I asked him what was wrong, he said, "Those stupid Astros. I wanted them to win so bad. That stupid Roger Clements!" (They left the Rocket in just a little too long).

Last night, DS, DH & I were literally on the edge of our seats. When Pujols came up, DS said, "They better walk him with 2 men on. Lidge can strike the next guy out easy." Of course, they didn't and the Cardinals went up. We were sick. Lidge struck out the next guy (like DS knew that he could). If only they had walked Pujols! We've got to win the next game! Every time I think about it, I could just cry!

Metalchic - I think DS sounds like an outstanding young man. It is so challenging raising sons in today's world. You are rightfully proud of him.

I spent over an hour planning a week's worth of LAWL meals that wouldn't be just chicken, chicken, chicken. I am making Beef Stew tonight and a Beef Stroganoff on Thursday. I've designated our 2 late church nights, Wednesday & Sunday, as frozen dinner nights. I also found a recipe for Chicken & Biscuits (in a WW cookbook) that looks like it would fit and that is for Friday night. I've also planned DD a few nights of popcorn (the 100 calorie pack) with a small bag of M&Ms. She'll like that. DH picks her & DS up from school on Wednesday and takes them to get a snack and then onto church, so I planned her a small french fry from McDonald's (2 S, 2 Fa). She'll adore that. I know if I keep her happy, she'll stick with it and not quit on me. She is going to her boyfriend's house tonight for birthday cake (it's his 15th birthday) and she gets to have a slice. The LA Tip Card says it's 2 S & 2 Fat.

Anyway, hope everyone's day is going well!

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Old 10-18-2005, 05:55 PM   #309  
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I'm having some stupid cpu problems right now, but I wanted to drop in to say a quick hello to everyone before this thing crashes again.

Mary, tom is here for me too, and I wish I had your problem. I'm craving sweets like you wouldn't believe. I haven't gave in yet, and the worse I'm feeling!

Ok, I'll try to post something to everyone later, this thing is about to go, I can feel it! Anyone have a DELL, I may just get one!
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Old 10-18-2005, 07:50 PM   #310  
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Slimdreams - what about going through your tip cards and planning some on program sweet that will help get you through? Or, freeze some fruit, that's always a sweet treat - I love frozen bananas!

After 2 weeks learning my program, I am beginning to realize that this isn't quite the diet prison I thought it was. We can have more than we know!

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Old 10-18-2005, 07:54 PM   #311  
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Hi all! It sounds like everyone is getting back on track!

I've been teetering myself, but have managed to continue to dip after a small rise. I'm looking forward to hitting that 50 pound mark and hope I can get there by Friday. It is just .4 pound away!

I went to a knitting class last Sunday to learn entrelac (sp???) and I love it! Michelle, you probably already know how to do this, I'm sure!!! I have never taken a knitting class before and had such fun! Now I'm knitting a wool scarf while it is 90 degrees outside!

Karen! What a wonderful son you are raising! I only wish more kids were like him. It really shows how much self-control that young man has. You have every right to be proud of him!

I started walking this week. I've only done Monday, but hope to make it at least 3 times a week. I wish we had some cool weather to look forward to, but I am afraid we will go straight from summer to winter with the way things are going now!

Hope everyone stays in this upbeat mode for a long while!!
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Old 10-18-2005, 08:34 PM   #312  
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Thanks for the tip about the frozen bananas. I just found out they had frozen pineapple,and strawberries. I just tried the pineapple, and I'm hoping the strawberries are just as good! I couldn't go the actual lawl route, so I'm doing on my own. So no cards for me. Just tips from experienced lawlers! I started yesterday, and followed the blue plan to a t, and still according to my weight watchers points I went 3 pts over. I work out too, so it should be ok. I just don't want to fall back into my carb frenzy, like I am known to do! Thanks again for the ideas, they really do help!
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Old 10-18-2005, 08:49 PM   #313  
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Hi all,
Julie- We do have snow in October quite often. Once in June I had surgery at 2:00 in the afternoon. When I went in the sun was shining. When I woke up in my room, it was snowing really hard outside. I just about had a fit, thinking I had been asleep for a few months or something. Anyway, it was just a freak storm. I have never seen Christmas here without at least some snow. The word is that we will have an extra hard winter this year. I hope that is true. I love snow!! Of course, I have never repoed in snow before, so maybe I'll change my mind!

Had a great POP day. I bought the best salad dressing last night. I don't know if you all can get this brand in your store, but it is lighthouse brand. You get it in the section w/ the bagged salad. The flavor is Huckleberry Vinagrette. It is fat free and has 20 calories per 2 tablespoons. This dressing is full of whole huckleberries. It is worth eating a sald just to have this awesome dressing. Huckleberries are a pain in the butt to pick, and sell for over $50.00 a gallon around here, so getting them for $3.00 a fat free bottle is the bomb! They also had a cranberry brand I want to buy next time I go shopping.

Andi- Great job making meal plans that work for DD so well. You are such a great mom!

Well, better go. There is a Jeep Cherokee out there with mine name on it! Katie
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Old 10-18-2005, 10:27 PM   #314  
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I've got a question--Does anyone know of any good SHORT workout tapes (20-30 minutes)? I get up in the morning around 5 am, and I need to exercise, shower, and dress by 6 am or so. I've been using the Easy Steps tape (runs about 22 min), a Kathy Smith Timesaver workout tape (has 2 20 minute workouts plus cooldown), and I just started on the Mari Windsor 20 minute Pilates workout. I do have some others (step aerobics, etc.) that I use when I can take a little more time, or if I get up a little earlier, but I'd like to have a couple other options for short workouts, especially since the Easy Steps tape isn't much of a challenge for me. Any suggestions?
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Old 10-18-2005, 11:05 PM   #315  
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I sold all of my old clothes on ebay (im a powerseller there anyway) from the very beginning, I have just one of my larger items left as a momento to see how far I have come from my original weight (I started WW at 203)..they do really well for sure. The smaller sizes do as well, Ive sold every size as I move down, from a 20 to a 6.
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