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Old 04-05-2007, 07:04 PM   #346  
Joni - Atlanta, GA
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Lettie - gosh, that taco sounds yummy right about now! But I know you just wanna kick yourself.

This site can be addictive; I need to take a break from it. So, I'm signing off for the night and I'm going to try and do something productive.

See you manana!
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Old 04-05-2007, 07:41 PM   #347  
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Juliemarie - I just read your blog and I have to tell you that we have that green dress too! My youngest DD is wearing it for Easter, such a pretty little dress! Can't wait to see pics of her. Her room is adorable, she is a lucky little girl!
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Old 04-05-2007, 08:35 PM   #348  
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Originally Posted by LottaMe2MiniMe View Post
Lettie - gosh, that taco sounds yummy right about now! But I know you just wanna kick yourself.

This site can be addictive; I need to take a break from it. So, I'm signing off for the night and I'm going to try and do something productive.

See you manana!
yes.... kicking myself for sure!

but I am going to follow your lead and sign off and get something done! maybe if I get enough done tonight I can stay on here all day tomorrow! hee hee.
Night All
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Old 04-05-2007, 10:17 PM   #349  
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Hi everyone!!

I haven't been here is a couple days, so I wanted to check in. There's been alot of activity here, so I won't even try to do personals. Hopefully, I can get back on track this weekend.

Well, as if worrying about my FIL's surgery recovery and my upcoming biopsy (tomorrow) wasn't enough, my DH had to go and fall off a roof on Tuesday...the ladder he was using broke. So far, all of the xrays, scans, and tests have come out good...nothing broken and organs are okay, thank goodness. He is very bruised and quite sore and stiff, so I am on nurse duty. I told him that was heck of a way to distract me from my other worries.

Needless to say I threw my dieting out the window for a few days. I am not giving up, but something had to go for right now. I plan to be careful through the weekend, then do a TO and get back on track next week.

Thing's have got to start looking up. I am usually a very positive person, so all this depressing stuff has got to go! I'm ready to be happy again!

If I don't get a chance to check in again before, everyone have a great Easter!!

I know I've said it before, but thanks again for all support!
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Old 04-05-2007, 10:21 PM   #350  
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Lettie- Taking a break from here wont happen! LOL After my surgery I'm gonna steal one of my sons laptops so I can lay my sore body in bed and keep up with you guys. LOL Just NO MAKING ME LAUGH! Although thats good for sore muscles LOL

Kristen- You'll get it girlie! I promised my COD today that I would be back in on Monday to keep me focused all weekend!

Megan- Sign me up for the Memorial Day Challenge. I would love to be close to goal by the time I have my surgery. Maybe this will keep me motivated!

G'night everybody! Sleep with the angels.
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Old 04-05-2007, 10:32 PM   #351  
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Katie -- Woohoo for your 3lbs! I hope the puppy starts doing better soon. Poor little guy.

Joni -- I love the poker idea. How about putting a playing card in each egg...and when everyone finds 5 they make their best hand and win choices of treats based on their rank?

Jillian - 1 more lb down! Good for you too!

Dan -- Congrats on your loss!

Marsha -- Only 15lbs to go, I'm sure you'll find the support you need here.

TN Kim -- Yay for your 60lbs!!!!!!
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Old 04-05-2007, 10:36 PM   #352  
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:::Waving::: Hiya Angie!!!!
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Old 04-05-2007, 11:03 PM   #353  
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Hi everybody,

I am finally back. I just wanted to drop by and say hi to everybody. I briefly just read a few posts and I can't believe how awesome everbody is doing. I will try to join in more often now that everything is starting to settle down.

I weighed in today and I am down 1.2 from yesterdays weigh in.

A special hello to my homey's Kristen and Angie.

Talk to you soon.
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Old 04-05-2007, 11:39 PM   #354  
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...marsha, Marsha, MARSHA.. Welcome!!

Paula - you're husband is very lucky he wasn't seriously injured in his fall. One of my friends is a widow from that same accident :-( I'm glad he's okay!

Tonight I went to a jewelry party and I'm still POP for the day! She had lots of veggies & low-fat dip there.. I saved 2 veg for tonight in the hopes that there would at least be carrots. I'm on a roll.. I think the fire is coming back!
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Old 04-06-2007, 12:07 AM   #355  
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Have a good night, all!!

Congrats to the losers and "Keep it up" to all!!!
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Old 04-06-2007, 06:48 AM   #356  
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Good morning!

I am up at the crack of dawn only because I didn't want to miss reading your posts another day! Boy am I glad I all are chatty.

Nicole - I am SO sorry about your interview, I totally would have wanted to laugh and would have probably made up a wacky scenario just to freak them out during the role play.

Cassie- WTG on your new chef clothes! I would still have to check the label on the pants to make sure they are a denial. It's so exciting to read your posts, you are making the most out of your life and reaping great rewards. I hope to see your new skinny pic in all whites on the site soon.

JM - The fish recipe sounds delish, thanks for sharing.

For those of you I have missed, I'm sorry! I can't keep up but am thinking of you!

I went to the COD yesterday and it was total chaos. The manager is in the hospital and they were short staffed. I think they are under pressure to sell the supplements, as I have had every counselor beg me to buy them and then yesterday I got on the scale ....I was down .6 - not fab but for the week almost 2lbs. As soon as I got off the scale the counselor asks me if I know why I am not losing weight!!! I was down 3lbs last week so I asked her to look at my chart, she ignores me and asks for my journal. I quickly realize this is not going to get any better. Then she rakes me over the coals for eating a hamburger patty and a banana in the same day. Instead of my usual "put them in their place" ways I decided to just agree with her and get the He** out of there. This reverse psychology fails and she starts in with the supplements. I told her I could not take them until my Dr. signed off on it, not exactly the truth but I was desperate!!!! She gave me some song and dance and I told her I would get back to her later... needless to say I RAN out of the COD and am not going back until Monday!!!!!

I am heading out of town for Easter so I won't be back on until Sunday. Have a GREAT weekend and stay far far away from the chocolate bunnies!!!

Congrats to all for hanging in there another week!!! Let's have a GREAT weekend...we can do it!

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Old 04-06-2007, 08:01 AM   #357  
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I went to COD yesterday morning and was down 1.6. I didn't have a very good counsellor this time but I don't let that bother me. Usually I get one of the ones I like.

Last night was fur kid night and it didn't go very well but some things with the ex were finally said and I confronted him about several things including the fact that he is now involved with an older married woman. He didn't like the things I said but he did admit that he knew it was coming as he had gotten off way too easily when everything happened in November with him. We are going to have another talk to get the rest of the things talked about and move on from there. I feel better this morning, but it was still hard.

On the plus side I got on my scale this morning and I was down a little bit more so hopefully the scale will start moving again. We got a storm yesterday but the worst is over and we are supposed to get some rain now so the snow will melt again.

It is a long weekend here for Easter and I am off but no plans. I have the visit with the furkid tomorrow (he won't be there) and I have supper with mom and a couple of others on sunday. I work monday and then I am off on Tuesday and Wednesday. So next week will be a short week too.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!! remember to step away from the bunnies....and their eggies!!!!
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Old 04-06-2007, 08:02 AM   #358  
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Good Morning this cold A.M.

Tried to check in a few times yesterday, but the house was in Eater Egg chaos. My little girl was an egg dyeing machine. She brings such joy.

Looks like those who were trying to get back on track are getting back on track. Good for you.

Deb or anyone- What does the Memorial Day Challenge entail? Is the diet even more restrictive, more exercise, etc? I think 7 weeks for me will be hard to follow...I am with Nichole and Joni about doing it for 2 weeks. I am one of those folks who likes to see quick results but at that same time, I am willing to do it for 7 weeks. Fill me in.

Well, my DH has the day off today, so I will be leaving the kids with him and having a spa day for me. Also, today is WI. I'm just so looking forward to that!

Have a POP day!
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Old 04-06-2007, 08:26 AM   #359  
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Originally Posted by pjbeau View Post
Hi everyone!!

I haven't been here is a couple days, so I wanted to check in. There's been alot of activity here, so I won't even try to do personals. Hopefully, I can get back on track this weekend.

Well, as if worrying about my FIL's surgery recovery and my upcoming biopsy (tomorrow) wasn't enough, my DH had to go and fall off a roof on Tuesday...the ladder he was using broke. So far, all of the xrays, scans, and tests have come out good...nothing broken and organs are okay, thank goodness. He is very bruised and quite sore and stiff, so I am on nurse duty. I told him that was heck of a way to distract me from my other worries.

Needless to say I threw my dieting out the window for a few days. I am not giving up, but something had to go for right now. I plan to be careful through the weekend, then do a TO and get back on track next week.

Thing's have got to start looking up. I am usually a very positive person, so all this depressing stuff has got to go! I'm ready to be happy again!

If I don't get a chance to check in again before, everyone have a great Easter!!

I know I've said it before, but thanks again for all support!
OMG much can one woman take YOU ARE AWESOME, hang in there!!!!!
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Old 04-06-2007, 08:29 AM   #360  
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Morning All
Paula. bad things happen in threes.. you are all DONE!! Take a deep breath and make sure you get some time to relax yourself. We are all here so if this is your only outlet right now come and chat away.
Sara .. awesome to see you! We will have to get together with Angie and you soon!
Hope everyone else is doing well. I heard chocolate bunnies talking to me last night over and over!
I'm not sure if I mentioned it to you guys but I am converting to the Catholic church.. hence all of my classes and Lent ( I can't give the kids's wrong) but I am being baptized tomorrow night along with my two girls.. how special is that. So I'm a bit of a basket case as to how they will behave as it's an evening service and very long! Fingers crossed and they will surprise me. They will be all dolled up so Joni there will be a little montage of them in girlie dresses and in Easter garb for you!
We are off to Mass this morning, then family dinner this afternoon. My DH side of the family keeps saying oh just have a bit, you can ease up a bit, you've lost some just have some fun. But with being one pound from goal I don't think they get it.. one weekend of 'easing up' sometimes means a 3-4 lbs gain for me. So I bought dessert and a HUGE salad to take.. instead of the mashed and gravy I'll be having turkey breast and greens
Hoping you all have a super weekend and let's see how I do on names...

Happy Easter to Cassi, Kimphin, Nicole, Deb, Evette, Katie, Katiebug, Wendys, Kim2, Letisha, Vic, Lorraine, Sara, Angie, Dan and Liz, Libby, Wendelina, Alannah, Letisha, Vic, Kristi, Joni, Jason, Kelli, Shannon, Megan, Paula, SHEA, Lettie, Michael, Pearl wherever you are, Marsha our newbie and everyone else.. have a super weekend with your families!!!
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