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Old 08-04-2024, 11:35 AM   #451  
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Trish,money was scarce when I was a young child but we always had dinner. Sometimes it was just a big pan of fried potatoes but we never knew we were supposed to have meat,too..My mother made do,somehow. Many times there was nothing for lunch. There was no free lunch program back in the 50s. so I went to school but had no lunch most days.

I love Tilapia but DH does not so I don't buy it anymore. DIL told me they had tilapia once a week growing up. Her mother is a very good cook. Always cooks a healthy dinner. She was surprised I don't know how to cook fresh string beans. I always cook canned or frozen. My mother never bought fresh vegetables,except for carrots, celery,lettuce. We NEVER had salad at home. Not once! I think she didn't like it and didn't cook things she didn't like. She cooked a lot of starchy food, and she was very overweight. But I never noticed that she ate a lot, but we did have a lot of starch, spaghetti and mac and cheese.She would have a small piece of meat but cut it up and spread it out for 5 people. She went shopping and that food had to last a month. By the end of the month we were eating the fried potatoes. When the monthly check came often she didn't even have 10¢ for the bus. She would walk downtown to go to the bank and then shop and bring bags of food home on the bus. We would walk down to the bus stop and help her carry them. I started to drive when I was 23 so I would go shopping for her with a list she wrote. My brother started driving before I did but he never helped her. Once he got a car we never saw him. Then he joined the Marines. Both my brothers have passed away, and my half sister,too. I guess I go to the doctor so I'm living longer.

Last night I went in to lie down at 6:15. I fell asleep and slept til 10 when DH came to bed. We watched some TV then I fell asleep at 12:30 and slept til 8:30. 12 hours. I should be very rested,but I think I needed it.

Now the cabbage rolls are in the oven and I just ate Hzlushky for my lunch. No breakfast. DH wanted me to make the cabbage tomorrow but I was afraid the meat would get brown. I bought it at the local grocery and their meat isn't as good. When I go to the other meat store I can have their meat in the fridge 3-4 days and its still good. The meat store was now anew owner so I don't know if it will stay good. Its the same employees but new owner. They always had the best meat department around, and a meat cutter on hand if you had a special request. So we will be eating cabbage rolls in a few hours. Yum, yum, yum!

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Old 08-04-2024, 01:50 PM   #452  
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Carol Sue Mama Learned to cook what Daddy liked. She liked healthy greens etc but Daddy wouldn't eat anything but spinach and she always cooked a can of spinach with scrambled eggs in it. I assume that was the only way he would eat it. They were always saving for a summer vacation so meal time was pretty much the old 4 food group diet and she cooked just enough for each of us to have a plate of food with no seconds. You never overate because there wasn't enough set out to eat more. I grew up thinking we were poor but one time when Daddy and I were talking he said we were never poor. They just saved. They just provided what they thought you needed and no extras. I think that was just how people lived coming out of the depression and the war. When I moved in with my aunt who was poor, I was so used to eating whatever Mama served so I did the same thing with her. The only difference which is when I started gaining weight was I had to eat breakfast because she had it on the table when I got up. That is when I went from 2 meals a day to 3. I think if I could ever get my head around 2MAD that the weight would just come off, but I'm conditioned to eating 3 and my body thinks it needs it.

It is hot now to me even with the air and fan on so when I got up this morning I was not in the mood to cook. I had taken out a beef roast to cook for dinner so I put that on to cook and just made myself my cup of collagen coffee and drank a Protein Shake while talking to my son. It is supposed to be in the 100s this week so that will probably be my breakfast until we get out of the 100s.

Not much happening today or this week. I go Tuesday afternoon to get my hair cut and a perm. I want to keep the curly curly style and get back to my shag cut that I wore most of my life. It will look really cute worn in the curly style. Then nothing else until the next week when I go for blood work a week before next infusion. I realized yesterday when I put my appointments in my appointment book that my next infusion is on my birthday.

Hope everybody has a blessed Sunday.
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Old 08-04-2024, 03:28 PM   #453  
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Trish,you are getting back to your old self. Got your eyes and teeth fixed and now a haircut and perm. And weight loss, to boot! You have whized right past me on the scale and I haven't caught up! Im afraid to get on the scale now, its been several days. I think I will get on my balance beam just to see. That won't register to the app. My eating hasn't really been that bad. Even though I got a lot of sleep last night I'm tired but thats not the same as sleepy. My legs hurt, too. Its my thighs, not my calves, and my right knee. Yesterday we got in the car and I told DH that I forgot my knee brace. He came up to get it and he got an ankle brace. That would not fit over my leg, so I went without it. Riding my recumbent bike will help my knee.

There were never leftovers at our house growing up. If there were leftovers here no one would eat them. DH will never eat leftovers because he thinks that means you are poor. He never wants to be poor.
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Old 08-04-2024, 10:34 PM   #454  
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I'm attempting to follow more of a Mediterranean woe. There is a low carb plan out there, but not sure I am following it so much as just trying to eat a proper amount of protein and enough carbs to get plenty of fiber into my woe. I have managed to do 2 meals and a snack within 8 hrs. However, my stomach is a little upset right now for some reason. Other than that it has been a good day.

I'm tired and ready to go to bed soon.
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Old 08-05-2024, 09:58 AM   #455  
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Good thing I got lots of sleep night before. I was reading last night and thought I stopped at 12 or 1 am,but it was 3:15! Yikes. Only got 4 HR 45 min. I feel ok though but might nap today.

Off I go for Monday morning escape,Bob Evans, Goodwill, maybe Walmart. Maybe not.

I had oatmeal at Bob Evans. Their other breakfast food ,eggs, sausage,bacon,toast,is not as good as what DH cooks,so I'm not going to order it anymore. I pay $9-$12 to food don't like. He loves to sit down and be served. The taste of the food matters to me more than ambience.

We went to Goodwill and all we bought was an Aerosmith CD. $2. We didn't see anything else we wanted. Later this week they are having a Back To School sale,everything 40% off. I don't know if we will go. It will be very crowded. Thats hard because its small and the aisles are narrow. silent a bicycle. He wants the one DH has but DH wants it. There is another bike at Goodwill that would be good for him. They never go to Goodwill but would take the bike if we buy it. Its $12.99 but will probably be gone before 40% off day. Sometimes I think step daughter sells things that we give them on Facebook Marketplace. That's not right but once we give them something its theirs to do what they want.

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Old 08-05-2024, 12:43 PM   #456  
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Weight was 158.0 lbs. I read that a gain isn't unusual, but things will settle down. I did eat within 8 hr eating window and working for another one of those today. Also I'm getting my exercises in and that could contribute to the slight gain. We will have leftovers today. I think I will take my portion of roast beef and just add it to my salad. The roast was a good size because it was enough for 2 meals so there will be no leftovers. I also want to try to stay in some kind of ketosis and continue IF.

Carol Sue Sorry you didn't get much sleep. I hope your day will go well. I used to have nights when I couldn't sleep but don't have those much anymore. I usually fall asleep in my recliner and DH wakes me so I can go to bed. I usually fall asleep pretty quick once I get to bed. I hope that means there are some healing going on.

My goal this week is to stay OP low carb woe working to keep carbs low enough to be in ketosis and make my exercises a constant routine each day hoping to make it a lifestyle. The only other thing I have to do this week is go to the beauty shop tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a good day.
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Old 08-05-2024, 03:57 PM   #457  
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Trish, I slept well last night while I was asleep but I didn't get to bed early enough to get as many hours sleep as I would have liked. It's not as bad as nights when I toss and then and keep waking up. Last night DH had the tv on late . But he wasn't watching it. He had fallen asleep. Sometimes I wake him up and ask him to turn it off but I don't like to disturb his sleep. I can sleep because he doesn't have it on loud,but the light bothers me.

I want to start checking my blood pressure regularly. I haven't done that for a long while. I haven't been checking blood sugar either like I should. Im out of control.

I wish DH would decide what he wants for dinner. Im just so tired of deciding. He is the picky eater and its important to him so he should decide.

Our neighborhood is having a yard sale on Sarurday. I don't want to participate but DH does. I would rather donate the things I dont want instead of hassling with people over the price.

A couple years ago we did this. I had 2 pots, new in the box. I wanted them,but I marked them $10. If no one wanted to pay that much then I would keep them. It was almost over and these 2 women came. DH said "Everything over there is $1.". They each took one of those brand new pots for $1. I was so mad! He said I should have said something. But I had a price tag on them. Once you tell a customer a lower price you can't go back on it. There are some things downstairs that I bought at Goodwill.. He wants to sell them. I told him I bought them because I want them. If he sells them I will never go to Goodwill with him again. He can sell his things. Also,he wants me to sell some of my exercise equipment. No! There is one thing I will sell that I never use anymore. Nothing else. I intend to use them. He wants me to sell the rebounded I just bought last week! Once the people start coming he hides in the cellar and leaves me out there when they start asking about his stuff. I don't know what to tell them. I am not participating. Whatever money he makes he will just want to go to the casino and gamble it away! Men!!
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Old 08-05-2024, 09:06 PM   #458  
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My blood sugar was 166 this morning and I am at 287.2. I haven't seen this number on the scale since before I got sick last year. I have been trying to get back on my 16:8 Intermittent fasting since it really helped get this blood sugar down. I have been eating very late at night and that never does well for my blood sugar. Today I almost forgot to eat before 9:30 since that was the cut off time for today. I made several meals last week so we have been eating soup, chili, santa fe chicken or mississippi pot roast and rice. I'm having the last and some canned green beans because I forgot about the bagged salads and they all went bad. I really can't wait until my garden really starts producing so I can have fresh veggies from there. I have yellow squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, red bell peppers, green beans and butter peas. I hope I can get enough from here and the farmer's market to be able to can the green beans again. I prefer my own. I will be canning pears and making pear jam when my coworker that has a tree on her farm brings me some. I can't wait! I planted my garden late this year, thank goodness, since it was in the high 90's with no rain for many weeks. Everything is just now started to grow. I did kill a couple of my green bean plants with fertilizer. I have never added fertilizer before and i was trying to do what people said I needed to since i'm gardening in containers. Never again. I'll just plant and water. I did plant more beans and they're already growing. We'll see!

Life isn't too busy for me. Both my children now have their own cars and are working. My daughter is planning to start college in January. My son is working and saving and plans to start training as a carpenter at the end of the year. He will be moving out some time in the next year with that dog of his. I really am no a fan of dogs and this drooling thing is 135 lbs at just over a year! When my lease is up in fall of 2025 I am planning to buy a house. I have never really wanted to own one, but it's just insane having to pay $2200 a month for a 3 br 2 bath rental! And nothing is getting better. I am nervous about it but I'm determined to stay within a reasonable budget. I don't need a mansion since it will just be me and 2 cats. My daughter will only be there between semesters. It will be interesting not having anyone there but me. I'm not exactly sad about becoming an empty nester, just trying to make sure I have my own life.
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Old 08-06-2024, 12:18 PM   #459  
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momtopands I got off of IF while on the hard chemo treatments and now that I'm trying to get back on IF, I have had a difficult time getting back on it. An IF of 5:19 was really good for me but have a very difficult time getting back to that. I am fighting just to do the 8:16 ratio, I have managed to have 2 days this week, but it is a struggle. All I can say is "don't give up" and at the same time don't feel guilty on days you aren't successful. My plan is to realize that everyday isn't the same so I will work towards having as many successful days as possible in a week believing that eventually I will have a full week of the 8:16 ratio. I think I have to get away from the "start over" mentality and just go for the best I can do until it becomes a lifestyle. Hope we both find our way.

Carol Sue I hope you got enough sleep last night. I wonder if casino is in your DH plan for today? I hope your day goes well regardless of what y'all do today.

Opened my eating window at 11 am with a slice of PB toast because I want to close my eating window at 7 pm tonight. DH has decided we need to go to Sam's club on the way home from the beauty shop so that means Chinese food for dinner. So I will try to keep calories as low as possible and especially stay within 8 hr eating window.

Weight back down to 157.2 lbs and hoping to keep it coming down.

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Old 08-06-2024, 12:18 PM   #460  
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Momtopands, good to hear from you!

My kids each have a garden but I dont know what they do about fertilizer. DH only plants tomatoes and he adds a bag of manure to the soil. He also dumps coffee grounds and potato peelings through the year. I don't know what they do. I want to get a bin that turns to make compost but DH says no. I commend you for all you do on your own. I depend on DH for so much.

Today I finally got on the scale. Up 1 lb to 182. I don't know what I'm going to do about this. Im just out of control. I want to get back to IF like I did before but with DH eating 24 hrs a day round the clock its hard. He doesn't seem to gain, but I do.I'm getting closer and closer to 200. When I had my heart procedure in October I was in the 160s. What the heck happened? I gradually went thru the 170s and am now firmly in the 180s.

Today I would like to make the bean salad. I think the fiber will help. I like it so much but never made my own. I will rinse all the beans to get rid of as much sodium as I can. Thats what's bad about canned vegetables. Next time I might buy the dry beans,and soak them. Never did that before.

Maybe I will get back to exercise today.

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Old 08-06-2024, 01:32 PM   #461  
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Carol Sue DH and I both love beans especially in when the weather gets cooler. That is one reason I may ditch the Keto woe and just watch protein (different kinds of protein not just meat) and watch fiber. DH and my FBG were lower and easier to control when we ate beans. Since oncologist wants me eating fiber, beans will help with that.
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Old 08-06-2024, 04:26 PM   #462  
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I can't find the bean recipe I wanted online. I will keep looking. I need to see how much EVOO and Balsomic Vinegar to add. Otherwise its just 1 can of each bean with chopped celery and onion.

We had spaghetti for dinner because a storm is coming and we didn't want to go out and get caught in it. I don't like spaghetti as much as I used to, or else I wasn't really hungry.

The farm fair in Butler starts today but they are getting rained out. Thats at the place where Donald Trump was shot at his rally. I think our county fair starts this weekend, too. We don't go anymore. Its hilly and hard to walk there. I used to love the county fair. Oh, to be young again!

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Old 08-07-2024, 12:59 PM   #463  
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Carol Sue I would like to find a good bean recipe that doesn't have to be cooked with meat, but I'm not sure DH would eat it. Hope you find one you and your DH will eat.

Got my hair cut and done and it feels so good. Also had a good visit with beautician. We laughed about how I knew her Mother and went to church with her for a long time before I found out she was her daughter. I was standing washing dishes during a Helping Hands Friday morning meeting and this lady was describing her daughter. I turned and asked her "What is your daughter's name?" Then I told her that her daughter had been my beautician for years. Her Mother died from cancer before I moved back to TX.

No ketosis today because we had Chinese food and I ate too much starchy carbs, but what was interesting to me was that my FBG was down below 110. That is so opposite of what we are told will happen if we don't eat keto/low carb. Weight was only up .4 lb so that was good.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Had a good day. Did all my exercised for the day and stayed OP and ate within 8 hr eating window. Now to relax and watch tv with DH.

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Old 08-07-2024, 10:43 PM   #464  
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Trish, this bean recipe does not contain meat but it is a cold dish, not cooked.My DIL started buying it pre made from the deli but then found a recipe my step son liked. He takes it in his lunch. After he had the surgery he had to have for his bowel he was told to up his fiber. I never did understand what he had done. Some day I will ask him. It started when his wife suggested he get a colonoscopy. They found something, not cancer but he needed surgery. After that he was released but when he came home he was vomiting bile. They called the doctor who told him to come back to the hospital. It turned out the doctor admitted he did something wrong and he needed to do another surgery to correct it. That was a couple years ago. I guess he's fine now but had to change his diet to include more fiber. After his second surgery they told him he would have diarrhea that might last the rest of his life. He takes meds, including Imodium and some others, and has to eat fiber.

DH will not eat this bean recipe. He does not like beans. When I make chili I smash the beans so he doesn't see them. But he knows they are in there somewhere.

This recipe is kidney beans,black beans,garbanzo beans, green beans, wax beans and I'm going to add lima beans too, then chopped celery and onion, and my DIL added chopped orange bell peppers, then you add balsamic or white vinegar and evoo. Sugar if you want it. It is served as a cold side dish,cold or room temperature. I love beans.

We went to the casino and lost. Can't win all the time. We went local so a short drive home.

Im glad you got your hair done and you like it. I have to call to find out if my hairdresser is back from medical leave. I've had my hair cut twice but no one cuts it like she does. There is one other girl who I like but she hasn't been there lately. My hair is very thick and they just can't cut it to my satisfaction. Everyone who cuts my hair is amazed at how thick it is. My mother also had very thick hair. I used to cut it for her.

My DH is gathering up things he wants to sell at the yard sale. I know he wants me to help him but I hate it. He doesn't put prices on things and I dont know how much to tell people. I gave him 2 pieces of exercise equipment that I don't use anymore to sell for a few dollars. He wants to sell more of my stuff but I don't want him to after the fiasco when he sold my pots for $1. So far the weather is going to be sunny on Saturday. I hopes he sells everything.
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Old 08-08-2024, 08:10 AM   #465  
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By the way, the 5 bean salad is made with canned rinsed beans, not dried beans. If you make it from dried beans they are soaked and cooked. My mother used dried beans for baked beans or bean soup but I never worked with dry beans. I think they taste better. I recently read that you should not eat beans if you have kidney issues. My last egfre was only 40 which is not good. I might have it checked again in Oct or Dec and will discuss it with my doctor.

I did not sleep well overnight. DH says if I stay out late and get really tired I will sleep well but thats not the case with me. I get wound up and can only sleep if I take time to wind down and relax before sleep. It helps if I sit and read for a while. I can not come home and go right to bed like he does. So I will be tired today. I didn't fill the water in my cpap so I didn't use it last night. Sometimes I sleep better with it, sometimes not. I don't go to the sleep doctor anymore. I don't like him because he always wants me to come in for another sleep study. I had one there and it was terrible. The first one I had at the hospital sleep lab was not as bad.

I might weigh today.

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