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Old 07-03-2024, 06:48 PM   #346  
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Trish, its interesting about your eye. I've known 3 people who had that done but don't know the details. My MIL was first, BIL was second and my high school friend was most recent. No one told me details of the results. I think my neighbor across the street had it done too.

The cabbage rolls turned out good. I went to bed and fell asleep then DH woke me up and asked me to taste it and tell him if they were done,they were. They cook 4-5 hours. Some people cook them less but thats how I was taught. Cabbage is very healthy. I used to cook it for my lunch often but don't do that anymore.

Im still tired and want to go to bed early tonight.

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Old 07-04-2024, 10:51 AM   #347  
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Happy Independence Day to all!

Finally got on the scale,expecting a big gain and I'm 181. I can accept that for now. I expected to be higher.

I told DH there was no room in the freezer for ice cream but he bought it anyway. So its in the downstairs freezer. There are a few hot dogs in the freezer but he wants new ones. So he got them and buns. Im making a small portion of potato salad. I dont want leftovers. There's already too much in the fridge. I have some chicken legs in the oven. I would rather eat chicken than a hot dog.

I need to cook what's in the freezer. Its still good but he wants to throw it out. Then he told me to give it to step daughter. Nope! Im cooking it! I will toss any that has freezer burn but most does not.
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Old 07-04-2024, 12:38 PM   #348  
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My weight was 155.2 lbs. FBG 101 and BP 120.60. I have a few more days of ketone strips and reading was 1.1 and my carbs were 40 total and net was 20. So I think I can easily do 40 total carbs a day.

We are having hot dogs but no bread or potatoes so not sure what we will put around it. We both love our salads so we will start with that. I use 50% spinach/50% baby green blend in place of lettuce and add cukes, tomatoes, etc. I use pig skins in place of croutons or crackers and it works very well. Then I will add a good veggie that fights cancer and have my sf jello for dessert. Don't know if I can lose any more weight but I will be happy if I can keep my weight where it is.

Have a great day.
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Old 07-04-2024, 03:33 PM   #349  
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My food for today was under 1000 calories so I added half a hot dog to get it over 1000, and 82 carbs.

I see no reason why you won't continue to lose, Trish.

I slept very well last night with 1 Benadryl so I will do that again tonight.

When Rusty has to go outside he usually just gives us a stare down. If you are not paying attention, too bad. Today he came over and hit my leg with his paw! First time ever! Good doggy!
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Old 07-04-2024, 05:27 PM   #350  
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My calories were a little higher than usual in the 1300s and net carbs 46, but it was a lot of veggies because I was working to keep sodium etc low because the frankfurters were high sodium. Our food was simple but sufficient to celebrate Independence Day. We will spend the rest of the day being lazy watching tv etc. DH will probably sleep.

Carol Sue What a cute way for Rusty to learn how to get your attention.

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Old 07-05-2024, 08:16 AM   #351  
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We watched the fireworks last night . They werent as good as other years. It was threatenng to rain sp i think they were hurrying to get them set off before it rained . We can see them from our front porch. Rusry is not afraid of them as most dogs are.

My headache is back so im going to take Tylenil and go back to bed.
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Old 07-05-2024, 01:56 PM   #352  
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Not much going on here. Weight pretty much the same and even numbers are good.

We didn't have many fireworks last night and I'm sure it is because it is so dry here and too big a chance of starting a fire.

We have nothing planned for the rest of the week or weekend. I've been tired today and I think it is because I'm not able to exercise my usual exercises that usually makes me feel better. I fell asleep and DGS called and woke me up. He and his wife are moving back to SC from FL. While talking to him, I got a call from my eye doctor who did my surgery. He called me himself to see how I am doing. I think that is so nice. I've had nurses check on me for the doctors but never had a doctor call and check on me himself.

Hope everybody has a nice day.
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Old 07-06-2024, 01:09 PM   #353  
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Nothing happening here today. Talked to DD as usual on Saturday morning. I will talk to DS tomorrow to see what he is doing to get ready for Beryl. I think they will just get rain out of the hurricane and we may even get some rain this next week. If I can keep my woe eating as it is it will be good for my FBG as it was 93 this morning. Ketone was 1.0 and today was the last day I can test ketones because I have no more strip and can't buy any more. Don't really care for the ones you pee on.

Carol Sue I hope you feel better today. I am really feeling better today.

Have a good weekend.
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Old 07-06-2024, 01:12 PM   #354  
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Im glad you are doing well after eye surgery and its nice that the doctor called to check on you. Thats unusual.

Today we went to Bob Evans for breakfast,then Goodwill,then Walmart. We went because Wal-Mart called about prescriptions that were ready. But picked up a few things while we were there. It made it feel like Monday.

When we got home we ate watermelon. Now I'm not hungry but DH will be asking what's for dinner.When the kids were here,I planned my menu in advance and posted it inside the cupboard. Instead of both of then asking about dinner,they could just check my menu. I often let them choose what vegetable we would have so they felt they were contributing.

I was up until 1AM last night. I slept good,but not long enough. I am still taking Benadryl at bedtime. My throat doesn't hurt anymore but I'm still getting headaches. None so far today. I still think this is all related to the weather. I dont spend a lot of time outside,I stay in the air condition.

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Old 07-07-2024, 09:05 AM   #355  
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Another good nights sleep last night. Thanks to Benedryl. I think 2 is the dose for sleep but 1 is working for me. I hope I don't become dependent on it.

Im still reading Obesity code. I want to get back to Fasting. It seems that's the only way I will lower my insulin. I was looking back on my weight and on Sept 12 I was 165. That was my lowest,so I've gained 14 lbs since then,but bouncing up and down the same few lbs. I want to be back down by my next doctors appointment.

Trish, when do you go for your next infusion or scan? Is it soon? After you get the other eye done? Do you get your dental work done before,too?

I just saw on the news that Beryllium is going to Texas soon. Hope it doesn't affect you. We might get rain from it eventually. We are getting no rain until Tuesday but I dont think it will be from Beryl.

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Old 07-07-2024, 02:37 PM   #356  
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I sleep good at night lately. Last 2 nights I've had to take a Tramadol because my right foot has been hurting. Our power went out Friday and of course I couldn't lower the recliner so I had DH tilt my chair forward and I think I sprained it a bit. It was hurting so bad I took one so I could sleep. I took one again last night. I hope I won't have to take one tonight. I don't take them all the time, but I like to save those in case I really need it.

I will have my left eye done this coming Thursday. I will see eye surgeon Thursday afternoon and again the following Wednesday to see how both eyes are doing. I will see the oncologist on the 25th of this month and find out when I go back on infusions. I have dental appointment on the 29th and hope to start infusion on the 1st Friday in August after all those things are finished.

Looks like we may get some much needed rain out of Beryl on Monday, but that is kind of iffy. DS and DIL will get a lot of rain from it. DH has gone to the store today so he doesn't have to go out in a possible storm.

It is getting hot here so I am having him get me 2 flavors of protein shakes from Sam's. I've decided to drink one in the morning and one in the evening for supper and eat whatever we have for our main meal each day which will be more of a balanced low carb meal. I want to do that for at least 2 weeks to get myself back into a routine that hopefully will get me into a good eating habit.

Hopefully you can get your weight back to your 165 when you see your doctor and I can get back to a slow weight loss. I want to get back to eating my salads again if I can. I really miss them.

Have a good day.

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Old 07-07-2024, 04:13 PM   #357  
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I would like to start eating salads. I haven't had one for ages but I eat some of DHs when he gets one. Our lettuce goes bad too fast. We can never finish it. I like the salads at Bob Evans but DH only wants to go there for breakfast. I hate restaurant breakfasts
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Old 07-07-2024, 09:15 PM   #358  
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Trish,what 2 flavors of shakes do you drink? I have had chocolate and strawberry of the pure protein shakes. I prefer the chocolate so I have something else to alternate.

We went to the local casino today. We didn't win but played and brought most of our money home. DH had fun. I read a little bit but had to do it sitting at a slot machine. They don't have anywhere I can sit without ordering food or a drink. One time I went out into the mall to sit but I dont like it out there.

We stopped at Goodwill but I forgot this is Sunday and discount day is Monday so we didn't go in. There are 2 slow cooker cookbooks I want but I dont want to pay full price for them so I will look tomorrow. I won't be mad if they are gone. Its not a big deal.

I had some Tramadol when I had foot pain from gout. I would like to get a refill to have on hand just in case but my doctor doesn't like to give them except for A specific need. So I just use Tylenol Arthritis for bad pain and extra,strength Tylenol for all else. I rarely take it. I took it when I had the sore throat and headache but I haven't had them for a few days. Whatever caused it seems to be gone.

Have a good night, and I hope you get some rain but not a bad storm.
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Old 07-07-2024, 09:41 PM   #359  
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Carol Sue I had DH get me some romaine lettuce and I will add a little bit of the leaves to my green salad just for flavor. I do miss the taste of it in my salads. I hope I can eat a small salad without any problems. I had him get me the Premier Dark Chocolate to drink for breakfast and the Caramel flavor to have for supper. I'm mostly counting calories now but trying to keep carbs under 50 grams total. I was so tired when DH got home with groceries and KFC that I ended up eating my 2 pcs of chicken and a serving of coleslaw. I even ate a biscuit. I like a dessert and I had a keto ice cream bar. Calories were around 1300 and net carbs 50 g.

I am able to get the Tramadol for the neuropathy in my feet. I could get more, but I only asked for a prescription for 1 a day. I read or heard Dr. Barbara talk about cayenne pepper for circulation. I ordered some pills hoping they will help with the neuropathy. I'm going to try not take a Tramadol tonight.

Hope we will both sleep good tonight.
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Old 07-08-2024, 09:46 AM   #360  
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Got on the scale this morning. 179. That's not really good because I'm back to taking Lasix. My ankles have been swelling..

When my doctor thought I had neuropathy he said they usually prescribe Gabapentin. Did your doctor ever mention that? I took it after shingles. It's a nerve pill.

I slept good again. We will be leaving soon for GOODWILL. He hasn't mentioned Bob Evans but he might. He mentioned breakfast at McDonalds but thats over at 10:30 so we might be too late. I don't like breakfast out anymore. I liked it when we had Norwin Diner but they closed. The day we moved here we didn't have a stove. So we ate all meals at Norwin Diner both Sat and Sun. Our new stove was delivered on Monday. It was a great diner with many home style meals.

Im going to go get dressed. BBL.
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