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Old 06-30-2024, 10:48 AM   #331  
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Hope all are doing well! This is Canada Day weekend for Mad. Hope you are doing well, Mad. Maybe at the cottage.

Not much newhere. I had scrambled eggs and tomato slices for brunch,with a slice of SL toast. I don't know what we will have for dinner. I feel like I'm always eating.

Trish, I was switching back and forth between SL Delightful and Nickles 45 but twice now,the Nickle's went moldy. When I bring them home I freeze them until I need them,then defrost them. The SL lasts but not the Nickles. Im the only one who eats it. Maybe SL has more preservatives. It doesn't get stale, but actual black mold! So I guess I have to give up the Nickles. 😞. I like them both.
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Old 06-30-2024, 02:27 PM   #332  
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Carol Sue I'm undecided right now about bread. The Australian Dr. does allow bread, but then she vegetarian. She talked about some kind of sourdough bread, but since I'm counting carbs, I'm not sure about that. I would have to read labels. Of course the thing that always brings me back to SL is the fiber. She does seem to think that wheat is bad news because so much is lost in the process. She does okay spelt bread/flour. I have to say I would have to learn to like it.

Because Dr. Barbara said the reason Dr. Atkins diet worked so well was because he based his diet on fiber, protein and fat. So I've decided to do low caeb Atkins style and count net carbs by subtracting fiber. I won't eat sugar alcohols because they mess with my gut so that will not be a part of my woe. I will work at keeping net carbs under 20 g most days. I just think that some of the veggies that help fight cancer are very important for me to eat. For example, we are halving one of those large chicken breasts, I'm having a healthy low carb friendly salad and cauliflower. I still can have a low carb friendly SF Jello with a little whipped cream. Dr, Westman recommended sf jello. I had my 2 eggs, 1/2 avocado and sausage patty breakfast. I have been eating in the evening, but think I will end my eating day with a protein shake. I am going to work at having 4 hrs between the 3 meals as Dr. Barbara says it takes about 3 hrs for you food to digest and an hour to rest. However, I remember reading years ago that meat takes 4 hrs to digest so no resting between as I don't want to eat a 10 hr eating window. I prefer an 8 hr minimum so I can get a 16 hr fast each day. I hope as I get used to this that I can eventually drop the shake and have a 20:4 ratio.

Fatmad I hope you get to check in sometime and hope even more that you are back to living life and spending time at the cottage and traveling. Have a great Canada Day.

Have a nice day everybody.
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Old 06-30-2024, 10:00 PM   #333  
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Sometimes when I'm in Walmart I see the bread delivery man. Next time I will tell the Nickles man that the bread went moldy. He might be just a driver or might report it.

Going to bed now
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Old 06-30-2024, 10:54 PM   #334  
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Had a good eating day. I had a little over 1200 calories and 19 net carbs. Since I am only allowed to walk for exercise and I can't walk outside because of the heat for a few weeks after cataract surgery, I stepped off approximately 250 steps and will do them at least 4 times a day until they give me permission to do heavier exercises. I did 1000 steps today besides my normal walking. I think I have a good eating plan and will get used to working it into a habit for the month of July so I will be healthier and ready for infusions when they start again at the end of July.

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Old 07-01-2024, 05:40 AM   #335  
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Trish, I mostly have 1 slice of bread per day except when we get fast food sandwiches. I think that's why my bread gets mold but SL never got molim still in bed. I now wait until DH gets up. I let him make the coffee etc. I just read in bed.

I Am very hungry but coffee usually holds me til breakfast<still reading Obesity Code


Morning! DH just informed me we are going to Bob Evans for breakfast. I would rather not, but this is Wal-Mart and Goodwill day and Bob Evans is there,too. They are usually crowded on Monday. They are extremely crowded on Sat and Sun, Andi think other people go on Monday instead. If we can't get in we will go to McDonalds next door. So its coffee now and then get dressed.

Last edited by Wannabehealthy; 07-01-2024 at 09:12 AM.
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Old 07-01-2024, 12:57 PM   #336  
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Carol Sue I also drink a cup of coffee to hold me over until I eat brunch. I still have to figure it into my hours of eating because I add my collagen powder to that cup and it is 30 calories. So my eating window is probably longer than I think, but I count my eating window from the first bite of food until my last bite of the day.

Weight was 153.8. FBG 109 and bp 116/66. So my low carb woe is good for me.

Surgery is at 6:15 am in the morning and should be finished by 8:30 am. We will go by the store to pick up meds and a few groceries. I will stay in the car while he does that. Then we will come home and have breakfast and take our pills. I have to be back at the eye doc's office around 2 pm and then we will probably get Taco Bell on the way home. I am ready to get this done.

Enjoy your shopping etc.

Have a great day everybody.

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Old 07-01-2024, 06:12 PM   #337  
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So you go back to the eye doctor the same day? I didn't know that. Hope all goes well!❤

I've had a sore throat off and on for A few,days. I don't know what that's about.

Our weather has gotten much cooler. I had to wear a jacket going out this morning. But it was hot by the time we got home and now have the air condition on.

I feel like I need to lie down and take a nap!
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Old 07-01-2024, 10:08 PM   #338  
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Yes I go to the doctor's office tomorrow afternoon for him to check it and give me instructions and medications. Then won't see him again until Thursday the 11th for left eye surgery. I'm headed to bed early because I have to get up around 4 am. Although can't wear makeup. ugh.

Hope you don't get sick and feel better tomorrow.

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Old 07-01-2024, 10:19 PM   #339  
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Pray all goes well, Trish. I dont feel sick but just get pain in my throat. It's gone now. Seems to happen when I'm out in the air.
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Old 07-02-2024, 11:02 AM   #340  
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Surgery went very well. In fact, paperwork and the prep took the longest. Actual surgery itself took only 10 minutes. We were back home before 8:30. Now it is time for a nap until time to go to the eye doctor's office.
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Old 07-02-2024, 05:12 PM   #341  
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Im glad it went well, Trish. Ihope its ok when you go back.

i am in the casino. food. court. When we. got here i put my $15 free play in the same machine as last time and won $100 again. DH would have told me to keep playing but i quit while i was ahead. .i know how easy it is to lose what you have won.

I bough cabbage and meat to make cabbage rolls tomorrow. . Ive been craving them. We dont eat dinner when we come here. We srop at DQ for ice cream then he gets a hiot dog for the drive home.

Let me know what the eye doctor says when you go back!

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Old 07-02-2024, 05:25 PM   #342  
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Carol Sue Congratulation on the $100 win. I had DH get cabbage today too. I don't like ground beef by itself but I could panfry it with cabbage and I will fix boiled cabbage for him.

They had me read the chart with just the right eye and then she brought up a line that I evidently could not read before and said, "Can you read any of this line?" I read it perfectly. The doc came in and checked the eye and pressure and not sure what else, but he told me that I was doing good for the first day and that it will only get better as time goes on. I am very pleased with the results. I look forward to this being over because if I remember correctly this was the worse eye between the two of them.

They have changed things since DH had his. They some how combined the eye drops I have to use for a week into one drop combo. Instead of wearing a patch when I sleep, they gave me special goggles to wear and they gave me special sunglasses to wear when out in the sun. So a lot of things have improved since he got his about 4 years ago.
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Old 07-02-2024, 11:23 PM   #343  
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Im glad to hear it went so well Trish. I hope you sleep well this first night.

DH did not win anything. You can't win every time. I think Tuesday is a bad day. He didn't want to go tomorrow because we are making cabbage rolls and Thursday is the holiday. I dont like to go on the weekend. Too crowded. We will probably never go on Tuesday again.

We hit a detour coming home and got lost. We weren't far from home but on unfamiliar roads. It was,scary. We went a different way going there or we would have known about the detour.

Still reading Obesity Code. I must have lost my memory since I read them before. This seems all new to me. Unbelievable.

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Old 07-03-2024, 11:26 AM   #344  
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Cabbage rolls are in the oven and I'm making Halushky with the leftover cabbage. Just a small amount that we can eat for lunch. DH went to the grocery store and said it was jammed with people shopping for tomorrow.
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Old 07-03-2024, 02:21 PM   #345  
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Carol Sue I think I'm going to cook cabbage for DH and me to eat with our steak today. Are y'all going anywhere for 4th of July or home? I hope you are feeling better and no sore throat today.

Eye is still adjusting but it is so amazing that I can see so much better. I close my left eye and white is pure white, I close the right eye and white looks more like a cream color. I didn't know I wasn't seeing pure colors. Using reading glasses to read/work on computer.

Weight was 155.4 lbs this morning which is what it was yesterday but I wasn't sure it was right at 4 am. I'm adding veggies back into my woe so don't know if that is the cause or not. I know my calories aren't all that high so not worried about it. FBG was 110 and bp 111/61. I'm not sure I will continue carnivore/keto woe or not as I've been seeing a lot about the foods especially veggies that fat cancer. I might be wrong, but I think they are important. It is difficult to know if carnivore/keto actually fights cancer because I have also seen where keto can feed cancer. So I'm thinking that more of a diet eating healthy veggies along with protein just might be the better woe. I know I sure have more energy eating that way. I'm still reading cancer code by Dr. Fung but can't read right now until I get the other eye done as eyes are still blurry when reading a book. So I will put that on hold until I get the new left lens and they adjust to each other.

DH is mowing the lawn since we may get rain from Hurricane Beryl the rest of the week if it hits any of TX. I think I will go make my salad and put some of the cabbage in to cook so it will be ready when he gets ready to cook our steak.

Have a great day everybody.
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