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Old 10-30-2023, 04:35 PM   #256  
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Hi all; the weekend was pretty good, just Friday was bad for pain. Last night DD hosted my birthday supper a few days early. She made a nice stuffed pork roast, and other DD made a GF tiramisu for dessert. Both Fellas were there as well.
We all had a lovely evening and great food. I have been fasting today but feel lightheaded so will have some supper. I had salt and lots of fluids and other electrolytes, but obviously need food.
I got a new glucometer and test strips today. Walmart here does not have that Relion brand you talked about.
I got a Contour. It has blue tooth for connection to an app I put on the phone, see how that goes. I am going to test quite a bit for a little while, as I want to see how it goes.
hope everyone has a good day.
I am jealous of the weight loss and have to work to catch up.

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Old 10-30-2023, 05:17 PM   #257  
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I cooked a whole chicken today. We ate that with broccoli and potatoes and I saved the rest for chicken salad tomorrow. DH won't eat chicken salad.

I don't think our snow is coming til tomorrow night. We are ready for trick or treat but we don't get many kids. Less than 10, but we have lots of candy!

Mad, I'm glad you had a nice birthday dinner. Happy Birthday!

I'm surprised Wal-Mart does not have Relion, it is their own store brand.
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Old 10-31-2023, 12:50 AM   #258  
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Fatmad I'm so glad you were able to get over Friday's pain. Glad the DDs had a nice birthday celebration for you. You have a Happy Birthday!!! I hope your DH is feeling okay.

Carol Sue DH and I don't get a whole lot of trick or treaters because churches and schools usually have parties for them. We didn't buy and candy this year because we don't need to eat it and if we buy it, we will eat it. I told DH not to buy any more cookies but he bought them any way.

I'm headed to bed early tonight. Catch y'all tomorrow. Goodnight.

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Old 10-31-2023, 01:03 PM   #259  
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The trip to the NP was a waste of time IMO. She said the reason I was there was to have my incisions checked so she checked them and said they were fine. She also said I'm cleared to do whatever I want. DH was there and heard that so to him that means I can go to the casino.

My weight was up to 170.1. I don't see the doctor til Dec 13. I want to get my weight back down by then. If I don't watch I will gain! Not my goal!

I go to cardiac rehab next week. I thought it was this week. I hope I wrote it on the right day on the calendar.
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Old 10-31-2023, 02:37 PM   #260  
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Carol Sue I am so sorry your NP appointment was such a disappointment and you couldn't get the answers you needed. Do you think your cardiologist will have those answers? I hope so. Sorry you have to wait till next week. Sorry DH heard the NP tell you that you can now do whatever you want. I'm sure the 1st day you can go without it snowing, y'all will be going to the casino.

I went on my portal at Primary doctor's website and I guess they have changed things because I pre-regustered and I planned to bring everything up to date especially medicine because I can't remember all the information unless I write them down. I was surprised they had already gone to the hospital info and got it themselves. I will see him tomorrow afteroon and will be so glad to see him and find out what he has to say.

Weight this morning was 157.6 lbs. I had eggs, bacon, toast and 1 c coffee for breakfast. It is so cold that I plan to have chicken noodle soup for dinner. I would like to go back to eating 2 meals and a small snack within 7 or 8 hrs each day.

DH got us McDs for dinner yesterday and I thought there was a time when I would eat nothing but a HB and nothing else. A burger didn't mean I had to have fries or vice versa. I ate just what I wanted and nothing else. My aunt and I would go out dancing and after we closed the place down on Friday or Saturday night a bunch of us would go out and eat breakfast before we all separated. I would sit there and those people would buy all this food and even try to share it with me because I didn't buy anything except a Dr. Pepper. I wasn't hungry so I wouldn't eat anything not even a bite of someone elses food. I had dates where my date would buy a whole meal and I would just get a Dr. Pepper and fries. I wonder what happened to that girl. I want to let that girl back out here. Now that I am cooking again I only have to plan and cook one meal a day now for the 2 of us. So I can plan one meal and eat the rest of the time intuitively. I want this to be routine woe for life for me.

Have a good day everybody!
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Old 10-31-2023, 04:50 PM   #261  
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Trish, my friends also used To go out for breakfast after a night of dancing but I never went. I didn't trust myself to not eat, and if I ate after dancing and drinking I usually got sick.

If I had known what that office visit would have been like I would have cancelled. I have to wait til December to see the doctor to get my questions answered! My doctor will have the answers. Most of it is on my portal but i dont understand all the terminology. My Next week is cardiac rehab. I was reading about the vibration platform and the heart and it was all good, but it says to check with your doctor. I like it and I'm going to use it. I pray that God will take care of me. Its not the worse thing I've even done.
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Old 10-31-2023, 11:55 PM   #262  
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Carol Sue Are y'all getting the snow? It has really been cold here and will be cold tomorrow. It is 45 degrees now and low will be 30 degrees by morning. I think it will be around 50 degrees when we leave to go to see the Primary doc tomorrow afternoon. It will be cold when I go for infusion Thursday but the high will be 62 so we decided that my sisters and BILs will meet DH and me for steaks. We had planned to meet once a month but I ended up in the hospital this month.

I understand about not understanding the medical terminology. DH made me get the information out that I printed out from hospital so we can ask doctor about them. To me as I understand it, all this bad stuff happened to me that night at the hospital but it now sounds like it has gone back to normal. I want to do what I can to prevent it ever happening again. I read that a lot of doctor's don't believe what you eat matters, but I disagree. I will find out what my Primary says as I want to know his thinking. I trust him but maybe shouldn't trust his eating ideas so I feel it is necessary for me to know. I realized today that Daddy's Grandfather on his Mother's side had a stroke and got over it. His Daddy died from a stroke and of course Daddy had a stroke. He had a cousin who had TIAs all the time. My Mama's Daddy had high cholestrol and died with a heart attack. So I need to be more cautious.

I told DH if I could get into bed by 1 am every night and get up around 8 am, I would feel great. I think I will start that schedual this weekend with the time change.

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Old 11-01-2023, 10:09 AM   #263  
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We got a very light dusting of snow. On the grass and bushes. None on the road. On the news they said there is more snow on the roads, in northern PA. Its cold here and we need to wear winter coats.

I believe that what we eat matters for health but I'm not sure who is right about it. There was heart disease on my mothers side of the family starting with her father. All her siblings died from heart disease. However, my father died from a stroke. Bleeding in the brain. So I get it all around. The doctor who did DHs heart surgery said he thinks family history is the biggest factor. I think that is because we learn our eating habits from our parents, and also our activity level. I think exercise is important for health too. But these are just my opinion. I don't know this for sure. I think doctors still say that fat is responsible for heart disease.

I think it is important to know what caused your stroke. That way maybe you can find out how to prevent it from happening again.

I think my heart issues were caused by eating carbs and little exercise. I was overweight and ate all foods,and ate too much. That caused my blocked arteries. My heart valve had a lot of calcification around it that prevented it from working properly. I was 17 the first time a doctor told me I had a heart murmer. I was in my 30s when a different doctor wanted to know why I had a heart murmer. She did an Echo and said it showed aortic stenosis which meant the aortic valve was narrow and not working properly. They have been watching it over the years until it got bad enough to need to be replaced. Our own valves are meat to last a lifetime.
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Old 11-01-2023, 01:55 PM   #264  
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Carol Sue I agree with you. think we inherit things from our family and of course environment. We learn to eat what and do what our family does. We may get some things from family but not all. I do know my Daddy's Daddy's family were big eaters and they were all big people, but Daddy was raised by his Mother's family and they weren't all big people and we weren't around his Daddy's family all that much.. They ate all food groups but they ate healthy and didn't overeat all that much. I think I learned to eat unhealthy during my marriages. My 1st husband and I ate loads of carbs which I had not eaten much of and that is when I first gained a lot of weight. Then when I married DH#2, he had the 3 kids and a good Mommy is supposed to cook a lot of healthy meals and goodies too. I had lost down to 150 when I married him because I was eating OMAD. We married and I slowly gained weight back as I learned to eat 3 meals a day which I seldom ever did before. I grew up eating 2MAD because I was a kid who wouldn't eat if I didn't have to.

I am sitting here freezing thinking about going and changing into a sweater instead of this blouse I have on now. It is only 48 degrees so headed for the high of 52 but I drank a protein shake and it made me extremely cold.

Have a good day. I'll BBL.
Doctor's appt went fine. I did have a full blown stroke and me being better able to do thing things than before was strange to him. My arteries have partial blockage of between <50% in one and <50 up to 69% in another. This seems to be not urgent to deal with most of the time, but because I did have a full blown stroke he thinks I should see a vascular surgeon and if oncologists okay it, I could have them cleaned out. I will talk to oncologist tomorrow so that when I see the vascular surgeon I will have an answer ready.

I asked him if I have CHF because I saw something about a certain spot having been enlarged on the left side of my heart but seemed to be back to normal when I was discharged. He said no. In fact, he said with all things considered that my heart is good. He said that what I was reading that 99.8 or 99.9 % of 80 yr olds hearts are like that. I asked him if I can drink caffiene and he said yes just don't go crazy with it. He did tell me to be careful with salt.

Yesterday I thought of a friend I had in church back in SC. When she was in her late 70s she started having repairs such as knee replacements etc and her DH used tolaugh and say that it wouldn't be very long until he would have a new wife. I seem to be learning new rules to help me live with new problems as she did. She inspired me a lot spiritually through the years even after she moved to GA and I moved to TX. I went to see her at rehab after one of her knee surgeries and the therapists described her as "a tough old bird".She wanted to get well and go home and wanted them to know she was tough and she wanted to get back to her life. I've kind of taken on her motto for me too as I walk through this time of my life. Another one who impressed me was DH's Mother. She said she wasn't upset when she broke both her hips because things happen as you age, but the one thing she would never understand was what she went through because a blood technitian drew blood and didn't apply pressure and her hand turned black. I've decided to look at all this I'm going through the same way she did. So for now, I stay on the meds I'm on and just wait to see what happens.

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Old 11-01-2023, 07:06 PM   #265  
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Well, it is sure cold here! below freezing over night and much of the day. Hallowe'en was fun. With the construction here it was decided not to have kids trick or treating through the co-op, but we set up tables at the two entrances. A witch staffed each entrance and kids could reach into her cauldron for candy. Also clear plastic gloved stuffed with tube candy in the fingers and bags of chips in the hand were big hits. Then they were sent round to the pedestrian entrance where the teens had set up a haunted trail. good time for everyone.
I am still not doing well with fasting. I have been plagued with headaches the last couple of weeks, and I feel like it gets worse with fasting. So I don't stick to the fast. I try to eat sensibly, but I just gain.

I am glad you are both doing better than I am these days.
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Old 11-01-2023, 09:47 PM   #266  
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Mad it sounds like Halloween was fun at your house. we had 4 kids and 1 adult. I think the adult was collecting candy for a kid,there were several in his group and he had no costume but had a baby bottle in his shirt pocket. DH said someone was carrying an infant. I'm sorry you're not doing well with fasting. I'm not either but I'm doing lots of eating. Trish is the one losing right now.

We went to the local casino and lost. We brought a little money home. Good thing is it's a short ride home. 20-25 minutes. We wanted to stop somewhere to eat but everything was closed.

Trish,I'm sorry your stroke was more serious than first thought. Around here they only fix arteries that are more than 70% blocked. I hope you are ok. When I get blood drawn I always hold pressure if they don't. I had no bruising from the hospital this time. My mother was obese but no one else . I have always taken after her. In looks and health.
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Old 11-02-2023, 12:18 AM   #267  
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Fatmad I am so sorry that fasting isn't working for you right now. I think it is nice that y'all had a celebration for this kiddos so they can have fun and be safe. I wondered how cold it was there since we were having cool weather.

Carol Sue I told DH that I bet y'all went to the casino since the NP said you could do whatever you wanted. I will probably have to put that artery cleaning off until after I'm cancer free. I think my Daddy's artery was like 90 or 95% blocked in just one artery.

My weight was up almost 2 lbs today but should be down in the morning. I was 164 at the doctor's office and I asked the nurse to measure my heighth and I am 5'1/2". I drank a protein shake this morning and we got fried chicken for dinner. I had potty all issues but not sure it was from anything I ate but one of the new meds I am taking. Probably the statin because the paper work says take it with crackers so that stops me doing low carb.

I found a page in DASH DIET for Dummies that tells how much of each food group to eat for 1200 calories and 1600 calories etc so I just might follow the 1200 calorie plan. I won't have time to write tomorrow until I get home from infusion and may have to wait till we get home from eating with my sisters and BILs ecause DH wants to go to Sam's. It all depends on how smooth the infusion goes. However, if my BP is high like it was at the PD office, they won't even do the infusion this week.

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Old 11-02-2023, 01:37 PM   #268  
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Trish, I hope you are able to get your infusion. Its time for this cancer treatment to be over.

I have been reading about CHF and just downloaded a series of books about it. Two of the meds I am on treat it, plus low sodium. But there is no cure. Symptoms can get better or worse. I have had several arteries blocked 90+%. I had 4 bypasses and I lost count of how many stents I have. I have a stent inside a stent. That eventually got blocked and Dr Baker cleaned it out. That was the first encounter I had with him. Right now I have an artery blocked 100%. Nothing can be done for that. New blood vessels grow around them to carry the blood. Nature has a way of taking care sometimes. I am in my later years and have many health issues. I feel obesity played a part in this. My poor eating habits and lack of exercise over the years. I could have taken better care of myself. Should have. But now is now and I do the best I can for whatever time is left.
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Old 11-02-2023, 10:57 PM   #269  
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Carol Sue I didn't realize you had had stents and that many of them. I am blessed that I did learn yesterday that I do not have CHF and DH saw my lung X-ray and said it was clear and looked good.

Well it has been a long and interesting day. I got a call before I left for oncology to get the infusion and I have an appointment with the Vascular doctor Monday morning at 11:30. Then we left at 9:30 am and I was dehydrated and they got one vial tube of blood and then just stopped on them. I wasn't sure they were going to find a vein to give them enough blood to do my CBC. Evidently I didn't drink enough fluid yesterday and what I did drink had too much caffiene. She finally got just enough to get a CBC reading. Induaion had a hard time finding a vein too, but they have their little tricks and finally found one and everything went fine from then on.

When I saw my oncologist and he says it is possible that the chemo maintinance medicine I'm on caused the stroke. Because of the history of strokes in my family, it is impossible to know if I would have had the stroke if I wasn't on the cancr meds. I told him I don't want to stop the treatment until the cancer ia gone because he says we are making progress and if I stop now then the cancer would grow again. So I will continue the cancer treatment and pray I don't have another stroke. I'm trusting to remove the cancer and other problems that have popped up so why not trust him to protect me from a stroke too. My docktor was surprised when I told him the wierd thing was that when I woke up from the stroke that I could do the things I couln't do before the stroke. He laughed and agreed with Primary that doesn't happen. I don't go back for infusion until the Thursday after Thanksgiving. I may have a CAT scan between now and then and may even see the surgeon too not sure. Since my surgeon is leaving on December 29rh, he said she might decide not to see me before she leaves because I'm progressing so well with treatment. So I asked about getting the flu shot and oncologist okayed it so I got that today.. They don't pust the other vaccines because they seem to be waiting to see how they do before pushing them on their patients especially cancer patients. When DH and I went to the local store, he got his flu shot while I was shopping. We got through shopping just in time to meet my sisters and BILs. We discussed what happened and what the doctor's said about me being stronger after the stroke and my BIL said "It was a God thing". So we now call it a "God Thing".

We got home around 5:30 pm and changed clothes, put away the groceries and settled down and when I set down in my recliner, I crashed and slept for a couple of hours. It has been a long day so hope I get a good night's sleep tonight. I will start my DASH Diet tomorrow even if we have chili. I'm going to follow the 1200 calorie plan. I had planned to make chili but it is going to warm up tomorrow and the rest of the week so I might save the chili for another day. We'll see how it goes.

Have a good night.
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Old 11-02-2023, 11:54 PM   #270  
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Trish, I am continuing to pray that your cancer is gone so I will also pray that you don't have another stroke. My dad had a stroke that killed him but he also had Huntington's disease which probably came into play. My brother also had Huntington's and they thought he died of a heart attack but maybe it was a stroke. Stroke is the biggest risk after this TAVR procedure I just had but I pray I don't have one. My niece had a stroke but I don't know what caused her stroke. She has CHF as a result of her stroke. I can't believe I have to wait so long to talk to the doctor. 6 weeks. I have so many questions. I hope he has time to answer them. I'm not concerned about my CHF because the fluid pill and low sodium diet should keep it under control. But I worry that a stroke will leave me disabled and I don't want DH to have to take care of me.

Today I got an email that my credit card was hacked. The charge did not go through, it was declined. But someone tried to use my card number. They are going to issue a new card with a new number and lock the old number. This same thing happened with my debit card. Neither card was lost. Both times it was after I got out of the hospital. Very strange. I'm lucky it was caught. I don't understand how they knew it was not me. In both instances. People get these numbers somehow. I guess I'm just naive.

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