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Old 03-30-2005, 05:12 AM   #1  
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Default Wednesday ~ March 30

Good Morning Gang..

Just a quick run by.. I am running late this morning since I tried to clean.. Lots of laundry still sitting on the couch and the kitchen is still a mess but I made a dent in it at least. The kids were more important yesterday so I left all the supper dishes where they were... and went out. Hopefully I can run home quick before I pick up the little one and get my son off the bus.

I got my workout in again this morning... I am SOOOO glad tomorrow is my day off.. I love the lady who does the schedules at work.. I normally get monday and thursday or monday and friday off

I haven't gained any...haven't lost any either... BUT I need to stay away from candy at least for a week.... I had 5 peeps last night... and other easter candy... on top of the jelly beans...

Ok have to run going to be late for work

Have a wonderful day ladies.
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Old 03-30-2005, 09:07 AM   #2  
prepare for the BEST time
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OK, HI everybody....the SUN IS SHINING IN NJ!!! (for a change)! I've been slogging through mud with the poor dog forever it seems....he's direty, the carpet is dirty, my sneakers and sweats are wet, yuck! there will be no drought this year for sure.

I'm going to following CINs suggestion from last week and list some positive steps I've taken, I hope others join me in patting ourselves on the back (just a little):

I don't eat extra food at night anymore, I have dinner and say good-bye to the kitchen until morning coffee......

I eat more veggies, fruit and drink more water or seltzer

I stopped eating my way through other departments candy dishes all day at work.....a chocolate here and there was adding up to about an extra 200 calories I estimated.

I get up at least an hour earlier than I used to......just getting my caboose outta bed into a position of movement MUST count for something!

now for the bad news, I've been searching for 3 days.....I can't find my most important white bra......where could it be? its not in the dryer, hanging, in my lingerie drawer, the guest room, the guest bathroom? it has disappeared off the face of the earth! (jeeze this drives me crazy)!
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Old 03-30-2005, 09:43 AM   #3  
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good morning gang!

just wanted to say HI and wish everyone a BLESSED DAY!

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Old 03-30-2005, 11:54 AM   #4  
Starting over Spring 2011
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Hi, everyone,

Thank you so much for the encouragement and prayers. Still feeling just way too stressed out. I am trying really hard to take one day, one small step at a time and be nice to me. I am sure things will get better, but not soon enough. Thank you so much. Just reading your posts is very comforting right now. I wish everyone a blessed day.
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Old 03-30-2005, 01:45 PM   #5  
Oooo Silly Me!
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Ashlie – I am with you! Easter Candy is evil! I’ve been munching on the Laffy Taffy’s hehehe

Marble – Funny… my bras disappear to. Now that I have Heidi, I find a lot of things tucked into her bed! LOL Yesterday I found a few of Brits small stuffed animals, and a large number of socks and a pair of James’ undies SILLY DOG! She jumped into the laundry basket and dragged all the clean laundry out.

Cathy – WOOHOO! Hello!

Tdkathy – we’re here for you even if just to put a smile on your screen

Today is a late day for me, I work in the afternoon. I am hoping when I get back, I’ll be able to get in some exercise. Kid is off from school for the month. (Off Track time for her) So she’s bored… :-P We may go run around the mall a little when I get back. So we shall see. I will post more later…

Take care everyone and have a Blessed Day!
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Old 03-30-2005, 03:49 PM   #6  
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Hi everyone

I have for the most part been keeping up with the posts.....I sat down a couple of times and started replying but one thing or another came up.

Just finished working 2 night shifts..........feel horrible today physically, emotionally and in every way. I had to get up early today to go to the dentist..........another highlight! Ugh.

Anyhow I have been thinking of you all with your stuggles, accomplishments, losses, joys etc and am cheering you on from the side lines!

Hang in there.

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Old 03-30-2005, 05:06 PM   #7  
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Hello ladies

Today I had my orienetation.I will start work on april 18th. I am so excited.....
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Old 03-30-2005, 05:43 PM   #8  
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Congrats Lynnie

I'm happy for you!

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Old 03-30-2005, 07:37 PM   #9  
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congrats lynnie...
hugs to everyone!!
I walked today for 42mins and drank alot of water...
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Old 03-30-2005, 09:46 PM   #10  
Oooo Silly Me!
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Congrats Lynnie!
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Old 03-30-2005, 10:56 PM   #11  
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I am so excited for you!

Purple - congrats on the walking & water today!

I have not gotten up early enough to get my walks in - I am determined to set that alarm for 5:00 in the morning and get it in.

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Old 03-31-2005, 10:21 AM   #12  
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Good Morning All
Marbleflys.............good for you girl.Keep dwelling on the positives and good luck on finding the bra.......I sometimes hang them on the back of bedroom doors.check there!

Liz..sincerely sorry you dont feel good in any way,shape,or form. They all "tie in" together.So hopefully you will feel better soon! I have had a few health problems lately too...especially fatigue which really bothers me because I like to consider myself a PERKY 55 yr old! So prayers are going out to you that you will improve in every way soon! Children require so much of our energy.

Speaking of gransons Jake & Josh just left after spending the night. Jake doesnt go to school til noon so he can stay here on school nights! They wore me out ..between the park close by and the trips in the attic(Their favorite spot)! NOW for the house.I wont mention what their presence does to the house bedrom smells like pancake syrup! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??????????????

Well gotta go walk MUST go walk WILL go walk after picking up the house a bit.

Bye...........11 yr old Abby is in program at 1PM! Oh we go!!!!!!!!

Do not think when your kids are grown you will have FREE time............honestly I dont want you you believe that because it IS NOT TRUE!


PS Hope I am posting this under today instead of yesterday
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