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Old 02-12-2008, 12:40 PM   #676  
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I always liked to save my freebies for when and if there is ever a time that for some reason I can't get online in time to post my weight, or if I am out of town. I never even thought to use it for a gain, but if Julz would like that I suppose I could, lol! I just feel like having to psot a gain is part of keeping ourselves accountable. We aren't going to always have a lose every week. Chit happens....

BTW, Be mad at me or not, I am dedicated to this team or I wouldn't have tried to think of ways to motivate us and get us all posting. I DO want to know you girls and guy....wait do we have a guy? It has been my experience in the last 3 challenges that when I quit posting and participating, I start gaining weight and getting seriously off track. Fitday and 3fc IS my Diet plan.
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Old 02-12-2008, 12:56 PM   #677  
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Default we're posting ! !

How about the next challenge be to post one positive thing about yourself each day? We could learn about each other and ourselves at the same time.
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Old 02-12-2008, 01:00 PM   #678  
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Can we start now???

Jess gave me a gidt cert to Goodies for Valentine's day (early), so I went for a little retail therapy this am and guess what? I thought I was a size 18 jeans, but I fit into a 16!!!! I found out by accident because I thought I picked up 18's. I am still in a 22 or 3x shirt(mostly because of my boobs), but at least something is shrinking, lol!
OH! And I got some reebok running shoes that were reg $60 for $30! Wooohoooo!

Last edited by Diva; 02-12-2008 at 01:00 PM.
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Old 02-12-2008, 01:19 PM   #679  
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Hope4Me - Mmmm! Just thinking about steaks makes me start craving butter and potatoes! And cheesecake for some reason! I laugh, but I guess it's really not that funny! I understand what you're going through craving the rich foods. I am hoping that if I get my spiritual and emotional self in order, the physical will follow. Maybe the New Earth class will help us both with that! I also just started posting in the Overeaters Anonymous forum and joined an OA e-mail group. I'm thinking it might help, because like you said, food is my drug!

ceegee - Thanks for the kind words! They really help! I know my husband is definitely an enabler. He's not tough enough! Or maybe it's just that I'm too stubborn. He'll remind me that something is bad for me, but then he gives in, because he knows that I'll throw a fit and be a monster if he doesn't let me eat what I want. He had mentioned McDonald's and when we started to leave he told me, "This is bad. I shouldn't be taking you here." So I pouted and told him how much I needed it cuz I was depressed, and he gave in that quickly!

I think I need to tell him to remind me of our daughter or my health or something every time I pull something like that. I think he's afraid he'll make me cry or make me mad, so he prefers to just keep the peace. But this is life or death for me, so I need to tell him to do whatever it takes to talk some sense into me. Thanks for reminding me of that!

Thanks, Mugsy! OMG! I can't believe you didn't order ANYTHING! That is awesome! I can't imagine myself EVER going to McDonald's and not eating something! You should be so proud of yourself! I'm soooo proud of you and jealous of you strength! Way to go!!!
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Old 02-12-2008, 01:22 PM   #680  
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ok for me... i saw a picture of me from this weekend... and i'm feeling skinnier... also my walk last night of 3 miles (even though i haven't done a walk since 30 jan) felt GREAT!
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Old 02-12-2008, 01:28 PM   #681  
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Please know I had a hard time deciding on answering these question. My purpose for answering this is to help Chellz not to offend. To anyone reading this please don't get offend this is just my opinion. No matter what someone will always not be happy about this or that.

QOTD: If you could change one thing about the TBL challenge, what would it be? Also, how do you think we should deal with no participating chat members?

I'm a newcomer also, so I didn't know what to fully expect. I'm glad to be on this team with Julz. I know I don't post as offen as some but I do try to post at least once a week. I don't think I have this passed week due to a lot going on in my life right now ie outpatient, my grandfather is dying, and life in general. I've been on 3fc for awhile and it took me along time before I started posting period. Bonds take awhile and change isn't always liked but life is full of them. I'm just graceful to get on here from time to time even if it seems whinny over the new teams. The whine from the way the teams were redone does seem to put a damper on it for the returners and the newcomers. Julz, I'm glad to have you as a leader but I'm also very glad I'm not in your position. Sorry, I'm just being honest and Tom is visiting so it probably doesn't help.

I have workout more than I ever have since starting this challenge. I am behind in posting my miles to the moon, but I've not slacked in the exercise. I'm saving my freebies for when I may not be able to get to a computer. So far I haven't gained but if I do, I might concern taking a freebie. I have thyriod problems but I'm still trying to get healthier even though it's a struggle.
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Old 02-12-2008, 01:34 PM   #682  
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I just wanted to wish everyone luck that's weighing in today!

Congrats to everyone that has decided to stick with this challenge! May we all see it to the end.
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Old 02-12-2008, 01:39 PM   #683  
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Wow, I feel pretty down after reading some of the answers to Chelleez question. I am really trying and have been exercising and trying to the best of my ability, but I'm having some trouble. I understand how you all feel wanting to win. I think some of us are more competitive than others. I am here more for support and to try to support others than to win, so maybe I shouldn't be in a challenge? I don't know. I think it's ok if you don't lose, as long as you try and come here and post. All of us are in different points in our weight struggle, and I think we should encourage one another whether we lose or gain. I, for one, don't want anyone to leave the challenge, even if they gain every week, because I think this can be a big help to get people thinking about losing and make us all more aware of our food and exercise choices. I respect the person who gains but still posts and sticks with the challenge more than the person who drops out because they're not losing. But maybe I'm thinking of this more as a support group than a competition???

QOTD: If you could change one thing about the TBL challenge, what would it be? Also, how do you think we should deal with no participating chat members?

I agree that teams should stay the same. I'm a newbie, but I understand what you guys are saying. You want to stick with your friends, and that's understandable. The newbies could be spread out among the teams.

That said, what's done is done. Let's get over it and try to make new friends! Maybe we should've PM"d the answers to this question so all us newbies wouldn"t feel like outcasts!

If we want this to be more competitive rather than a support system type thing, maybe we should eliminate the person with the least weight lost or the most gained on each team every week? The eliminated players could have their own thread so they'd still have support after being out of the competition. It might motivate some of us to try harder. Sounds mean, but if the majority of people want a competition, that will certainly make it more competitive!

As for not participating, I don't really think there should be a rule for how many times per week you need to post or anything like that. People get busy and just because they're not here chatting everyday doesn't mean they can't be working hard on weight loss. Some people would rather spend the time exercising than sitting at the computer, and I'm cool with that.

Maybe if someone doesn't post for a couple of weeks, they should be PM'ed and warned or find out what's going on, etc. But I think everyone needs to post their weight every week no matter what! I really think we should all only get one freebie, in case we're out of town or internet is down, etc.

Alright, time to shut up! Gotta go put the baby to bed so I can workout. Hugs!!!

Last edited by TatianaHdz; 02-12-2008 at 01:45 PM.
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Old 02-12-2008, 01:48 PM   #684  
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I have to be honest, I am dedicated to this challenge 100%, just like I was last time and it really makes me feel like cr@p to see so many people gaining because they didn't stay on plan. Hey, I have temptations too. We (most of us) menstruate, have birthdays, vacations, parties and so on. We have to be accountable to ourselves...this is OUR life we are living, but this is also a TEAM effort and you are letting your teammates know that they aren't more important than the foods you eat that aren't on plan every time you give in to temptation.

Hi Soul- I just was reading through and this part of your post really hit home with me, and I'll tell you why. A lot of us struggle with eating, and I don't think it's fair to say that were choosing food over our team. I know for me food is my addiction, and just like an addict I struggle daily to fight the urge to over eat. It's something though that I think in ways is harder then other addictions because we all have to eat to live, and it's hard to stop for people like me once we start sometimes. I just don't want people feeling bad about a gain or a maintain. I don't think that in anyway means we're less dedicated to this challenge. I know it's hard for some people to understand food addiction, and to be honest it's hard for me to understand. I think just don't eat that, but it's like something takes over you and until you eat it your crazy. The rest of your post though I totally agree's just this one part that kinda upset me~
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Old 02-12-2008, 01:58 PM   #685  
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Originally Posted by Tina30 View Post

Hi Soul- I just was reading through and this part of your post really hit home with me, and I'll tell you why. A lot of us struggle with eating, and I don't think it's fair to say that were choosing food over our team. I know for me food is my addiction, and just like an addict I struggle daily to fight the urge to over eat. It's something though that I think in ways is harder then other addictions because we all have to eat to live, and it's hard to stop for people like me once we start sometimes. I just don't want people feeling bad about a gain or a maintain. I don't think that in anyway means we're less dedicated to this challenge. I know it's hard for some people to understand food addiction, and to be honest it's hard for me to understand. I think just don't eat that, but it's like something takes over you and until you eat it your crazy. The rest of your post though I totally agree's just this one part that kinda upset me~
Didn't mean to upset anyone and I agree, food addicts face a bigger challenge than other addicts...we need to eat every day, several times a day, to survive but no one NEEDS to drink alcohol, shoot heroin, smoke crack etc.!

At the same time, an addict choosing to give into that addiction (crack, alcohol, heroin, food) IS making that addiction more important than themselves, the people in their lives, a weight loss challenge etc. every time they give in.

I'm not saying it's easy to NOT give into an addiction! I'm saying, giving into the addiction IS placing the food (crack, alcohol) in a place of more value than anything else. It just is. I am sorry if that hurts.

Personally, I have found that sometimes it takes having a good look in the mirror to inspire change. That and a LOT of therapy

Anyway, I appreciate how hard this struggle is. I would not have become over 300 pounds if I didn't understand it all too well!
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Old 02-12-2008, 02:04 PM   #686  
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Personally, I have found that sometimes it takes having a good look in the mirror to inspire change. That and a LOT of therapy

Here, Here!LOL! I could use therapy big time...I think I'm just afraid of what will come out once I start. You seem like a really strong person, and I just don't know if I'm ready to face what is really the root of my binge eating. I'm scared that once I start it's going to be like a volcano erupting, and I won't be able to stop it. It's scared the **** out of me to be quite honest. I hate that I let food control my makes me mad that it has control over me. I just want to know how to take that control back. Keep it up though, your doing a fantastic job and really do inspire a lot of people~
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Old 02-12-2008, 02:06 PM   #687  
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Well Ladies and Gent, we lost this week by a ridiculously small margin *Sigh*.

I am quoting this from another thread, from "the Beck Diet Solution" because it is really helpful:

Originally Posted by ksk571 View Post

One thing that I suppose I knew but didn’t ever think about was the difference between hunger, desires and cravings. I am finding that I can deal better with cravings now that I can quickly identify that is what it is. Here’s from the book:

  • You hadn’t eaten for many hours and really felt ravenous. That empty sensation in your stomach, often accompanies by stomach rumblings, was hunger.
  • You ate a big meal and yet you still wanted to continue to eat more. That was a desire.
  • You had a very strong urge to eat, which was accompanied by a feeling of tension and an unpleasant yearning sensation in your mouth, throat or body. That was a craving.

In another chapter, she talks about how to deal with cravings. I’m going to list a few examples.

Mindset Techniques:
  1. Label it as a craving.
  2. Stand firm. You’re absolutely not going to eat the food you’re craving
  3. Don’t give yourself a choice. Once you can tell yourself with total conviction, NO CHOICE, and do something else, the craving will diminish.
  4. Imagine the aftermath of giving in. Is giving in to the craving worth feeling guilty or beating yourself up later?
  5. Remind yourself why you want to learn to withstand cravings. I have a list of reasons that I want to lose weight and I read them at least twice a day (Beck calls them my Advantage Response Cards)

Behavioral Techniques
  1. Distance yourself from the food you crave (especially if you can see or smell it).
  2. Drink a no- or low-calorie beverage.
  3. Relax. Breathing techniques, etc.
  4. Distract yourself. Focus your attention somewhere else. Some examples they give: brush your teeth, polish your nails, walk the dog, play with your child, exercise, do a craft project, etc.

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Old 02-12-2008, 02:09 PM   #688  
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Originally Posted by Tina30 View Post
Personally, I have found that sometimes it takes having a good look in the mirror to inspire change. That and a LOT of therapy

Here, Here!LOL! I could use therapy big time...I think I'm just afraid of what will come out once I start. You seem like a really strong person, and I just don't know if I'm ready to face what is really the root of my binge eating. I'm scared that once I start it's going to be like a volcano erupting, and I won't be able to stop it. It's scared the **** out of me to be quite honest. I hate that I let food control my makes me mad that it has control over me. I just want to know how to take that control back. Keep it up though, your doing a fantastic job and really do inspire a lot of people~
You too! You are ALSO strong!!! You are a lovingly devoted mom and have lost 60 pounds!!! That shows how strong you are!

Therapy, journaling, meditating, prayer, chatting on here, getting honest all helps. No one thing works for every person. Me? I want it ALL because I cannot do it alone! I need all the help I can get.
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Old 02-12-2008, 02:10 PM   #689  
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I think we've lost focus. Chellez's question is about what to do with people that aren't participating. It doesn't really pertain to those people that don't lose or have gained, IMHO.

Tatiana: You are a consistent member of this team and I enjoy reading your posts. You were also the first week's biggest loser for The Black Team and I appreciate you being here.

I appreciate EVERYBODY that posts here.
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Old 02-12-2008, 02:11 PM   #690  
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I LOVE what my friend Selina said on Blue Team about all this:

"And yep, play hard or go home. But even if you don't wanna play hard, play some at least. Anyhoo, I think whatever team you are put on that you should just jump headfirst into that team and make it your own and help all the newbies feel welcome and help to make it fun and add to it's appeal, not complain about it!! Where is the teamwork? Where are the 'support' groups we thought we had in these teams? I know you all can do better and don't do it because we all think you should, do it because it's YOUR team and don't you want to take care of it? It's like your family and your home. Put some effort into it and spice up things if it's not flowing smoothly at the moment. Be a peacekeeper on your team, help mediate problems that might arise. But don't just give up. To me, that's simply not an option. (This isn't directed at everyone, please understand. Whomever it hits home with, that's who needed to read it.)

Hugs to each of you, Selina"

On the same note, I think we can still be playing and have a week or two where we maintain or lose. If you're addicted to food and you make better choices than you were before, you're still 'playing' and trying hard to improve yourself. We're not all at the same point right now, and that's cool, as long as we all support one another.
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