Beck Diet Solution A step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life.

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Old 05-23-2024, 10:18 AM   #121  
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Happy Thursday.

Yesterday was another hard work day. Classes are good. Everyone is working and content as we cruise to the end. I had two debates. Juniors: Is war ever worth the cost? They had to use Korea and Vietnam for their evidence. Freshmen: Should Puerto rico become a state. I was so proud of the insight. A Samoan student of mine said her family lives in Hawaii and when it became a state, their language was lost. only 9% still speak it. She said a lot of culture disappeared with the loss of the language. My goodness I am going to miss teaching.

So another exciting landscaping discovery. I am working on a 15 by 5 ft. irregular berm in the front yard that use to hold a huge tree. I have surfed thousands of images to create a plan. I bought "Nevade flagtones" and matching DG. I began watering it all down to start the digging. I discovered a 1 by 4 huge root right under a large day lily and 18 inches from a rock. Voila. It will be a water fall : dry rock as the fall, flagstone as the lookou, cobble stone as the pool. What a mess but fun to work in the mud for three hours. Super sore this morning but nothing seems hurt. Today I smooth it out and put the burlap cloth I bought for weed protection.

Curly: Had to look up Ashley Madison. It is depressing.
Joy: Glad you had some bonding time with family.
BBE: Again, I need to put your DW on retainer for when I start on the River House yard.
Silverbirch: A third look sounds promising.
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Old 05-23-2024, 01:15 PM   #122  
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Default Thursday

It’s been cold and rainy all day and the house isn’t at all warm. I’ll light the fire in a bit, I think. If the rain holds off tomorrow I’ll load up the wheelbarrow and put some things in the car - so they’re not in the house. I didn’t want to put them in the car last week when it was so hot because I thought it was too hot for books. Logistics, you see.

I’ve done a bit more today but to paraphrase Lady Macbeth, “What, will this house ne'er be clean?” And I’m not a perfectionist in this department. I have an open mind about the potential buyer but they’ve already made two offers well below the asking price so we’ll see what happens this time.

Sleep - good. A clean bed and a cold bedroom work for me!

Food - I’ve eaten too much today.

Exercise - morning exercises and some crawling about.

Bill, it really sounds as though summer’s on its way in Boston now. The mower, the hammock and someone getting ready for the summer holidays.

curlyjax, credit for a 20 minute brisk walk. It sounds so doable.

maryann, love that you’re channelling your inner child with all the mud fun!

Waving to gardenerjoy and onebyone!
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Old 05-23-2024, 05:00 PM   #123  
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Today's been an errand-heavy day and it triggered an old habit of foraging for treats. Sigh. Every time I think that one's gone, it resurfaces. Fortunately, I stopped it at one treat and not a whole-out binge, like might have happened in the old days.

The thing to do now is to make sure tomorrow is structured for success.

Exercise: 60, 1360/1800 minutes for May
90% of Ideal Food Day
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Old 05-24-2024, 01:05 AM   #124  
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Hi Coaches

I read this confronting headline today:

Healthy diets with only 10% ultraprocessed foods may raise risk of cognitive decline, stroke.
Wow. So if I am 90% OP on my healthy diet, if I eat 10% UPFs it's still not good enough? That's a very depressing headline for someone who has lost her crampons and her ice axe many times on the slippery slopes of the Mt Everest of food.

Food: just full on out of the groove. The scale has not moved right back to the bad old number but it is 8lbs up from where I was my last Sunnybrook weigh-in. My next visit is June 3rd so I have some time to lose something. Maybe.

My Cold-an update: this never-ending cold fooled me into thinking it was over
Cough almost gone. Sleeping well and in the bed. No stuffy nose. And now tonight I have a bit of congestion again
A bit of a cough.
And I had a bit of a sore tickly throat once more.
DH is going tomorrow to the Anime North event at the Toronto Metro Convention Centre. It's a massive Anime gathering. I'm usually there with him through it all. But everyone and I mean everyone has forbid me to go. It's true it gets so hot and humid inside the building from all the attendees that you're just breathing everyone's air that they just breathed.
[quote/]I ain't gonna repeat
What I said any more
While I'm breathin' air that ain't been breathed before,
I'll be just as gone as the wild goose in winter​[/quote]
2nd verse

I've digressed.

Printmaking class last night was a disaster. My
let me down! I just couldn't get it to print properly. You turn the whell on the press which should pull the press bed toward under and through the rollers and the pressure prints your inked up plate onto the paper. But the complicated layers of padding and paper
and printing plate and matteboard kept separating while printing. Everyone including me got these feeble barely there prints. However, if you ignore the results, the process was amazing as ever! Other things could have been wrong besides the press of course. Multiple things. Next week, our last week, should make up for it as I bring my Akua Pin Press to class. A glorified machined steel rolling pin!

Such is my life today. I am just aiming to get through the weekend and to make sure I do what I can to help DH get through his big show without me I just can't get sick if I can help it.

BBE: I visited the website you linked to and saw the work of LaToya Hobbs. Wow. I've carved woodblocks that large too. And printed it with a steamroller not with The Big Tuna. That's was a wonderful discovery. Thank you for directing me to it.

Maryann: I marvel at the creativity you show in working with your students.
It's going to be very exciting to see you move that creativity from the classroom and into other settings. I'm excited for you. Also I looked up the hiking pants and wanted to buy some just to support the maker! She has a great origin story. I'd never heard of her before.

Last edited by onebyone; 05-24-2024 at 01:24 AM.
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Old 05-24-2024, 07:33 AM   #125  
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Thumbs up Friday - Samuel Morse taps out "What hath God wrought" 1st telegraph message (1844)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Eating was on plan, CREDIT moi, despite too much evening snack. Lunch was large - but planned. I met with three friends at a Chinese restaurant for lunch where we often meet. I had one of their luncheon specials, as always. It came with hot and sour soup enough for a meal in itself; I do like that stuff especially since it won't ever get made in our kitchen. Fortunately, one of the group ordered little, but had two chunks of mine. Was glad to shed a few calories. We're familiar as if family. When it came time to pay we did the usual: one pulled out his credit card and the others gave him cash. Except for one who asked, "You do take Venmo, don't you?" He didn't; I don't either; I put up her money and she owes me cash which I'll get from her someday. My security conscious side isn't willing to share my bank account number with 83 million Venmo users who, it's advertised, have no way to worm their way into the funds that I didn't send. I treat it like it's an app for youngsters who only have $500 total in all their bank accounts. Perhaps my caution means that I just bought her lunch, which would be my pleasure, since I'll never remember to ask for it back.

I learned that First Class on Spirit Airlines means only that you get four across seating (2 and 2) instead of six across (3 and 3). My friend said that it was the best $100 extra she'd ever paid to allow her rear end to sit in peace while everyone else was squeezed. Apparently there's a petition to the US Government from a group of travelers who want regulations requiring airplanes to have larger seats.

onebyone - Thank you Johnny Cash for reminding me that I don't want to be breathing air that's been breathed before. Although I do enjoy the thought that I breath air that dinosaurs once breathed. Watched the whole process using the Wee Woodie Rembrandt Press. The creator, himself, didn't make it look easy. It was good to hear that everything was great about the class except for weak images.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Knowing how to stop is such a skill.

Silverbirch - LOL at Lady Macbeth trying to wash the blood out of her house. Congrats for keeping a cold, businesslike approach to a buyer who's made insultingly low offers. I'm betting that his builder will remind him that low cost houses haven't been seen in fifty years.

maryann – Sobering reminder from your student that losing language means losing the culture it's holding. I can understand that part of teaching that you'll miss. What a neat creation from three hours of mucking about in the mud.

curlyjax - Gum would be a great distraction. I was so amazed at the Ashley Madison story back when it broke. I especially liked that the accounts of "women" were all fakes set up by the founders to keep the suckers paying subscription dues. Would hate to have to make the judgement whether guys were cheating if they were only chatting with robots, however lascivious their intent.

Readers -
Chapter 1 The Key to Success

How Cognitive Therapy Works

Are You Like Sue?

Whenever Sue gave herself an excuse to deviate from her diet, her resolve quickly diminished. She'd continue to eat out of control. Then she'd feel like a failure, decide she'd never be able to lose weight, and give up entirely, eventually gaining back all the weight she'd lost - and sometime more.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), Pg 22.
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Old 05-24-2024, 08:09 AM   #126  
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I had a cheeseburger at lunch which I had planned for; it was smaller than one you would get if at a restaurant and no doubt less caloric/better ingredients, but I still ate too much of the accompanying sides. Huge lunch which I continued to munch on later in the day. At home I had a bunch of chocolate covered pretzels, and then finally stopped eating at 4;00, and didn't eat anything else for the rest of the night except some blackberries. So at least I stopped the over eating.I decided it was a treat day in terms of lying in bed and binge watching Ugly Betty, so that was the evening. If I don't take a nap I'm no good for the rest of the day, but if I do take a nap I can't get to sleep until later and then the whole cycle continues.
I woke up from this morning from a disturbing dream where I was yelling at the kids and DH and feeling frantic. i did yell way too much when they were growing up and I feel terrible about it.
Oh geez its late. Personals tomorrow!
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Old 05-24-2024, 10:41 AM   #127  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

I have now done formal exercise or intensive yard work for one week. Credit me. Food has not made me desperate. Credit again. My plan is working.

I borrowed some landscaping rakes from a buddy and have just about rid the berm of roots, rocks, twigs ect. . . . I am going to try and get at least some stepping stones in by today.

We have studied all the major reform movements now in US History and yet when ask to name four human right activist/reformers, I received blank stares. Nope. With the threat of the final looming, I going to play the old game where you tape a famous reformer on the back of a student and they have to guess who they are . I have a pretty diverse set of people famous and anonymous. My two favorite are "security guard at the watergate hotel " and a "student in my class". The latter is because I expect each of them to leave my class and better our society.

Running late. Wave to all.
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Old 05-24-2024, 01:51 PM   #128  
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Putting yesterday's unfortunate event behind me....Today is going according to plan, so far, and I'm in good shape to keep it going in that direction.

Exercise: 50, 1410/1800 minutes for May
80% of Ideal Food Day
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Old 05-25-2024, 07:46 AM   #129  
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Thumbs up Saturday - JFK announces US goal of putting a man on the Moon by end of decade (1961)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – A gloriously easy day. I got off some emails. I attempted, but failed, to schedule an appointment to have a minor paper notarized - my banker started his three-day weekend a day early. I finished a book that I actually wanted to finish but had left dawdling. All good and minor.

Food was on plan, CREDIT moi, with evening snacks. Dinner was eaten outside on the patio; it's the season of bliss outside. DW had even spent some time in the hammock. Dinner conversation was about what books had to be finished in brief time in order to 'get' the story verses what books were separate chapters that could be savored over a year or more. In the process I conflated Les Miz and A Tale of Two Cities when making the argument that both of them had to be read quickly enough to follow the plot. Then got reminded that Dickens had serialized A Tale of Two Cities over 31 weeks. Then got corrected that "It's a far far better thing ..." was not from Les Miz. Then tried to remember Lez Miz the musical that we saw in New York. Vividly remember the rotating stage that rapidly switched three scenes. Then decided that all of my memory is carefully stacked in one heap together challenging me to find anything and to figure out with what it goes. I firmly remember that Queequeg lives in Moby Dick. Good enough for a gentleman with gray hair.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Good to be going in the right direction for your Saturday - a day known to insert wrinkles.

maryann – What a dramatic way to make your students see that they will be a reformer in life simply because they've been made aware in your class. It's sobering to be reminded that major events in history hinged on a figure as small as the "security guard at the Watergate Hotel."

curlyjax - Lovely thought of a cheeseburger that isn't super sized. Blackberries are a great food to end a day's eating.

Readers -
Chapter 1 The Key to Success

How Cognitive Therapy Works

Are You Like Sue?

Sue began another diet soon after her first session with me. The first two or three weeks of her new diet went smoothly, but then she had a setback. She was so upset by a situation at work that she began "to eat everything in sight."

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), Pg 22.
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Old 05-25-2024, 08:36 AM   #130  
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Another busy day at work, which started with helping bagging up lots of bakery items which were donated from a local BJs. We separate the items into smaller bags for individuals to take, and we're allowed to take home stuff too. I snagged some raspberries and goat cheese crumbles- hopefully the latter is okay but the sell by date isn't for awhile-and took a few muffins as well. victory at work was getting through quickly to Medicaid and sorting out someone's health insurance. We were told the opposite of what another rep had told us a few days before-it really depends on who you get answering the phone sometimes-but its finally done, after multiple phone calls. I don't know what folks do who don't have anyone to help them navigate this kind of stuff, its time consuming and often contradictory.
I went to the grocery store for a few items afterwards, then came home to devour one of the muffins I had foolishly brought home, which put me over my calorie limit for the day. LAter on I did get some exercise with indoor aerobics-yay for youtube!-and in theory worked off some of those calories. Another stop to eating earlier than usual.
Today is dump day, which means cleaning out the fridge of old food and making me aware of what I need for the week. I need to mow the rest of the lawn and should plant my seedlings. I'm determined to make it a veggie heavy day.
Maryann- I had to look up the security guard, so interesting! That game is a great way to remind kids of what they have learned.
Bill-yay for eating outside. Good memory indeed!
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Old 05-25-2024, 10:36 AM   #131  
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A glorious three day weekend!

Yesterday was another 3 hours on the landscaping project. I have now put half of the the burlap ground cover down, made a flagstone path, n and started cleaning small river rocks recycled from the older project. I had an awakening this morning after thinking how much intensity it has taken ( 3 hours a day for 5 hours) to see measurable progress on the landscape. Maybe that is the kind of intensity I need to put toward my weight loss effort. Wow. I had a follow up thought: everything I serve myself to eat, I leave half on the plate. I am still weighing myself everyday and the new scale makes a graph for me on the ap. All of this is enough for the next two weeks until school is over.

Today is my two hour, girl's trip to get our haircut and have lunch.

I had to decline a Peace Corp Costa Rica position. the position itself would be wonderful: master teacher for English classes ( co teaching with a Costa rican) but the length is 2years. I think DH would miss me. In my next life ( which starts in two weeks) I will call a recruiter to see if there is a better fit.

Curly: Awesome An early stop to eating. That is what I want today.
BBE: "Books and Why We Read" is going down for a topic of an article I would like to develop.
Joy: Yeah for avoiding yesterdays trap.
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Old 05-25-2024, 01:31 PM   #132  
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Default Saturday

Yesterday was busy getting the house ready for today’s viewing. And today I had to get going early. As I knew next to nothing about the person viewing I decided to do a bit of observation and suffice to say, added to some local knowledge, I’m very clear about who they are now. And I’d be more than happy to leave the house and garden in their hands. But let’s see what they offer.

Sleep - not great.

Food - improving now I’m past this particular viewing.

Exercise - some morning exercises. Things are opening up a bit now so there will be more tomorrow.

Bill, credit for good enough Dickens knowledge. Mine is minimal despite reading a few of his books at age 11, 12, 13. Just not interested. Celebrating your ‘gloriously easy day’. I’m hoping some of those will come along in my life soon.

curlyjax, credit for stopping eating earlier than usual.

maryann, good information from the Peace Corps to get you thinking. Credit for serious landscaping work.

gardenerjoy, sending you strength to navigate your Saturday. Hoping it’s a straightforward one today.

Waving to onebyone!
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Old 05-25-2024, 03:15 PM   #133  
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So far, the Saturday wrinkles (thanks, BBE) have been met with excellent Beck smoothing skills.

This morning's excitement was clueing Dear Niece in on recent family drama -- even though I had to do it via Facebook Messenger while she is in a foreign country. Her response confirmed that it was the correct decision not to wait until she returned. This wasn't the sort of drama one wants to learn while experiencing jet lag. Some of it is good news for her -- she gets to be a step away from being the family scapegoat, for a change.

The rest of the day feels like smooth sailing after that.

Exercise: 60, 1470/1800 minutes for May
95% of Ideal Food Day
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Old 05-26-2024, 06:28 AM   #134  
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Thumbs up Sunday - The Beatles' album "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" released (1967)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Got seduced by the new opening of a delivered food service with the catchy name, Feast and Fettle. We have several good deli choices nearby, including Whole Foods and three supermarkets that try to keep up with it. Saw the opportunity that DW was tired from too much yard work. Yep, she'd be willing to give it a try. If it didn't work, there are many restaurant choices available. Off we went. The store front was only refrigerator cases of packaged entrees and sides. I immediately missed seeing workers behind the counter preparing dishes and trays of foods. The price tags were digital; included full product name. Instead of feeling glad to see a modern touch I wondered how rapidly they changed the prices.

We chose Flank Steak Carne Asada with avocado herb sauce which met my main goal to get something that we'd never have at home. They make it clear that they had marinated the flank steak for four hours in carne asada spice. For a side we chose a black-eyed pea salad as both a vegetable and starch. Unfortunately at the register, we learned that we'd spent enough to get a FREE coffee mug - a soup-serving sized affair with black F & F on an all black mug priced $16 on their shelf. All went into a stylish paper bag again all black with F & F on it. My feelings that I was dipping into the arena of the modern generation of swells was over the top. Can't decide whether it was tweaking my curmudgeon or snob resistance.

They were both tasty; combined them with my green salad, consumed on the patio in lovely pre-summer weather. After eating four small slices, I noted that I'd had sufficient meat and if we both stopped at that, there would be exactly half for another meal. CREDIT moi for eating less meat than I had been designated since usually I eat all that I can.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - That's a twist - that another family drama moves Dear Niece away from being family scapegoat for a bit. Silver lining, I suppose. Kudos for "excellent Beck smoothing skills."

Silverbirch - It's a warm thought that the house you loved could go to someone who appreciates it and its location.

maryann – Lots of backbreaking work going down. Your next career could be landscape designer; might have to hire a few young guys for the non-stop hauling part. Yep, for two years in Costa Rica you'd be missed.

curlyjax - Those bakery items do sound tempting. So neat that you're a conduit getting short-dated goodies to your elder clientele.

Readers -
Chapter 1 The Key to Success

How Cognitive Therapy Works

Are You Like Sue?
Fortunately, Sue came to see me the next day. When we examined what Sue had eaten, it became apparent that she had not "totally blown" her diet.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), Pg 22.
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Old 05-26-2024, 09:23 AM   #135  
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Busy day yesterday. I made fruit salad with the free berries I scored along with other fruit that is wilting. Afterwards I spent a good 90 minutes finishing the lawn mowing and then using my hedge trimmer to take down a bunch of branches, etc. It's amazing how quickly the greenery is growing. The result was a bit like a bad haircut, but at least I've stopped the overgrowth for now. Lovely nap, clean out the frig and dump run, then a few groceries. I'm balancing out tracking my food but also eating when i'm really hungry. The lose it app shows you roughly how much fiber ,fat and protein you've eaten which is helpful data. It's going to be a loooong haul. I'm tempted to try one of the weight loss meds but not liking the side effects of nausea etc, so i'll start with upping my exercise etc and really eliminating the bad stuff.
Today I'm going to my college friend's family house on the ocean for the day, and bringing BFF with me so the two can meet. Bringing fruit salad also and some pita chips, and then we'll do pizza for dinner. It's going to be beautiful out and not too hot, yay!
Bill-I love the phrase "modern generation of swells" !
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