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Old 11-18-2012, 04:37 AM   #121  
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Thumbs up Welcome Chickbury


In addition, in honor of your first post,

How did you find out about the books by Dr. Judith Beck?

And how did you find this Beck Forum on 3 Fat Chicks?
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Old 11-18-2012, 04:44 AM   #122  
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Thumbs up Sunday

Diet Coaches/Buddies – On plan eating, CREDIT moi, included skipping my morning snack. At dinner, I left half the portion of sweet potato on my plate - an extra CREDIT moi since I don't remember to do this every meal. We had our first California Navel Orange last night - good, but not as good as they get after Thanksgiving.

Made an excursion, CREDIT moi, to get gas and steering fluid for my car. My car has a leak in the power steering; it's frustrating not to be able to just look underneath and see if it's a simple problem or a mechanic-worthy one. Oh, well. I also went to the drugstore nearby that sells handicapped aids. Wanted to shop around to see what I needed that I haven't thought about yet. I loved their variety of arm extensions and the different kinds of canes that convert to little stools.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – I've learned that gardener work is exercise indeed. Hope your muscles aren't sore this morning.

Nature Girl – Good grief! The news never covers the collateral damage like someone being stuck in the room with 17 five year olds who are scared. Yep, cold seems to make me hungrier also. Kudos for good enough days. Love your synopsis, "It is SO HARD to be a grown-up all the time."

Beverlyjoy – Yay for your own veggies and dip so a healthy snack is in sight.

Chickbury – A concise history of dieting, "I know precisely what I need to do, so just do it! Easy, right?" Kudos for marching forth so quickly by giving yourself credits. Love the notion that you don't have to eat food that appears at the office. And a special Kudos for exercising when you didn't want to because of a cold.

Your posting is just right. It's proven helpful to a bunch of us to post here often - daily when we can - for the joy of accountability. We serve as Diet Coaches (pink book) for each other and welcome you to do that with us. Glad you've joined us.

Readers -
chapter 1
The Key to Success
no more "cheating"
The word cheat doesn't appear again in this book outside of this box. I've omitted it intentionally because too many unsuccessful dieters have all-or-nothing thoughts about their eating: Either I'm perfect on this diet or I've cheated ... If I've cheated, I've blown it ... I may as well continue to cheat for the rest of the [cay/week/month/year]. I've found that people who view themselves as having cheated usually feel demoralized and even "bad," which makes it even more difficult for them to get back on track.
. . .
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), pg 18.
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Old 11-18-2012, 06:29 AM   #123  
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Hello Coaches/Becksters/friends - yesterday went well - I am grateful. We got to my cousin's and they had made sloppy joes with turkey for supper. That was easy, really, I had a small portion on one half of the bun. Credit. I actually think I like it better with turkey than ground beef. I took ONE plate of veggies with some dip, two chips, and a dab of cheese dip while watching the game. Credit for no seconds or chocolate chip cookies. I did, however, gave into a couple of miggie tootsie rolls. Over all, it went well. Am grateful for that. When I got home my snack was a little more than I planned - but, all within my limits. All in all, I think it was a good day.

Credits for yesterday:
planned (as well as I could)/measured/logged
ate seated, mostly
LOTS of water
read advantages

Today is more of getting the house ready for company company. The grocery list is huge. I am including lots of healthy things too. I need to have them here.

My sleeping times are way, way off. I am waking up at 3:30 am or so and can hardly make it to 9:30 pm. I need to get this figured out and get on a better sleep schedule.

billbe - kudo's for you many food credits and also getting out and moving from here to there. As you look around for handicapped helpers, check out a grabber/extender. It helps for picking things up and getting things from high shelves. (when you can't get on your tip toes)

chickbury - WELCOME! So glad you posted. Folks here are supportive & helpful. Wonderful credits already.

naturegirl - oh my goodness what a couple of days you've had - so stressful. I am glad you were able to keep your eating OK. I know it's hard to be with all the children and trying to keep them from crying and quiet. I hope you can relax this weekend and let down from all the stress.

gardenerjoy - yes gardening is very good exercise! Good grief.. an hour of a barking dog. Ugh.

haleyju - so glad your turkey day at school did no harm. It's hard when we can't measure and really know what food's calories are away from home. Enjoy your week off.

lexxs/debbie - hope your driving and errands are slowing down.

Have a great day, friends.

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Old 11-18-2012, 09:37 AM   #124  
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Hi Coaches!

Found myself resisting getting on the scale since we ate out, late and salty. I did it anyway credit and was right, the scale is up...reminding me to choose wisely today since I'm anticipating yet another meal out.

chickbury, glad you've joined us and are revisiting the Beck plan, which you have found worked so well in the past. (PS-you'll get the hang of the 3fc forums. There is just incredible support here.)
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Old 11-18-2012, 12:19 PM   #125  
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I did well with my food plan yesterday. Today's plan isn't going to work as written and I was toying with the idea of ignoring that and doing what I want. But here I am posting, so I'm going to change the plan to match reality. Done. Credit.

Exercise was more leaf hauling. Also pulling tiny invasive honeysuckle plants -- I fight aliens!

WI: -0.2 kgs, Exercise: +90 860/1600 minutes for November, Food: 100% op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

Nature_Girl: I'm glad the whole lock-down thing ended well. I think you're exactly right about the desire to overeat being something to do with the aftermath of self control. And the thing is, we probably really do want to give ourselves some extraordinary self care at those moments. And for overeaters, self care looks like lots of food. I assume for thin people, it means something else. As a recovering overeater, I have the added complication of wanting the food while knowing that's going to have consequences that I don't like -- and let's throw in a little resentment of the unfairness that I can't have, guilt-free, the one thing that I really want for comfort. Anyway, I'm collecting ideas for alternatives to food for self care. One that really works for me is a hot bath with a good book but I don't always remember that idea and it isn't always a possibility.
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Old 11-18-2012, 04:16 PM   #126  
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Looks like I missed checking in yesterday...... Maybe it was because I did a "me" day. Credit for doing that. Sometimes it's good for it to be all about me. I slept in (if sleeping until 7:30 counts as sleeping in), went to yoga, read the papers, then went shopping and cooked dinner. Cooking when not under pressure to get it on the table, eat and clean so that you can get ready for work the next day is enjoyable. Today's plan started out to be finishing some school work so that it is not hanging over me all week, but hubs just walked through and wanted to know if I wanted to go to the movie. I love having the opportunity to be flexible. Yea for a week off next week .

Welcome Chickbury!

Oh my, Nature Girl, I feel for you. I'm not sure what would be worse -- 17 scared 5 yr olds. or 30 high school seniors. The girls would be freaked and overly dramatic and the boys would think they were macho saviors of the situation. The last time we had a long lockdown I showed a movie. I can't even remember why we had it. I do remember having to have kids escorted to the restroom. By the end of the lockdown most had texted their parents to come check them out and pick them up.

It never fails. If I quit posting here a few days, my eating rapidly disintegrates. Good job gardenrjoy for recognizing and correcting the problem.

BBE-- Glad to hear that you are finding ways to get around. Those crutches are definitely exercise. How long until they fit you with a walking cast/boot? 13 years ago yesterday my husband fell off the roof while cleaning leaves. He destroyed his ankle and had to have surgical repairs, plates, pins and bone grafts. He had every kind of device from a wheel chair, walker, crutches and a cane during his recovery. He finally got out of the boot and back into two shoes around the first of March. I can't tell you how glad I was for him to have a handicap sticker for the car. I was the one trying to manage the wheel chair an d paraphernalia.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone. Be mindful of what you put in your mouth. I must remember that the popcorn is not a requirement for the movie.

(New number for the ticker today...Very happy about that!)

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Old 11-18-2012, 07:52 PM   #127  
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Beck Team,

Still slogging away, still here. Another dog crisis, our English Bulldog Gina. She will pull through, so I'm not walking another one to the Bright Bridge just yet, thank Heaven. Work has been awful and there are computer issues at work where I usually post [I think this site is blocked now]. Woke up this morning with an epic muscle spasm and literally could not walk for a couple hours.

"Other than that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?"

I haven't lost, but haven't gained and feel well prepared for a focused week. Looks like I've got some catching up to do on all the posts!

Here's to a great week,


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Old 11-18-2012, 08:47 PM   #128  
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Nature Girl, that situation sounds extremely stressful! Most of us have not been through that exact thing but the urge to decompress from stress with food is very familiar. And I think you hit it exactly and this is a pattern for me as well: really good at keeping it together, even not eating this or that, but it's the "afterward" when I want to, finally, let my guard down - that's when I really want, expect and often feel I "deserve" or have "earned" food. A far cry from the food you may have legitimately earned by your workout! I like remembering the Beck-ism that my body doesn't distinguish between one calorie and the other. It doesn't say, oh, okay you suffered X today or turned down a lot of treats and so on, so that's okay you deserve this food now. So, good for you for recognizing all that in the moment and keeping things in check.

My next "afterward" is Thanksgiving! Not at my house (yay!) and I know how to deal with the meal, will get in a quick workout etc. But it's that plan is to buy a salad my local grocer has, pre-made. It's not the lightest salad - blue cheese, walnuts. It's for Thurs nite. I often think I don't need to plan any dinner. But when we eat at 4, dessert at 5...I can often be combing through the fridge at 9 when we get home. (my dh is often trying to find a pizza place open!). Gonna try to defuse it, anyway.

Good luck!
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Old 11-18-2012, 08:58 PM   #129  
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Thanks for that very cool welcome, Bill and everyone.

Bill - can't recall how I learned about Beck. I I have a way too large collection of diet and exercise books!!

Happy to be here!
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Old 11-18-2012, 10:34 PM   #130  
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Remember Peeps, the Easter candy? Well this is an FYI that the chocolate dipped, candycane flavored Christmas version is really not that good at all--overly sweet and grainy with sugar, and pretty expensive at 2>49 for three!! So why did I buy them? They seemed 1)rare and unusual b)better calorie wise than many of the temptations at World Market. I choked down one and the second one's head (!) before I came to my senses.
Does the Christmas peeps mistake get balanced out by the delicious and healthy lentil casserole and steamed kale I had for dinner? This is locally grown kale that is almost too pretty to eat; grown by the family of one of my students and sold at a local farm stand store--amazing! I had their beets the other night, roasted and splashed with balsamic vinegar. I love living where there are so many fresh, healthy choices, and I am slowly getting in the habit of working these things into my diet instead of frozen veggies from Wallie World, etc.
I was about to say no walking today because of the rain but realized that where I am living, that would pretty much cancel out the possibility of exercise from now until April so I'd better find my parka and park my Wellies by the door!
Credit- I did do my upper body strength work out this morning.
Thanks to those of you who responded with such empathy and thoughtfulness about my most recent struggle--I appreciate your input on how to deal with this type of tough situation.
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Old 11-19-2012, 07:13 AM   #131  
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Thumbs up Monday

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Watched as a friend cut a chocolate topped glazed donut into quarters so that everyone could have a small bite. And I didn't take one, CREDIT moi. I had already faced down a platter of homemade mini-muffins - the kind that go down in two bites making it so easy to rationalize why it doesn't matter. So I get to call it an on plan day.

I continue to test what I can do with crutches and cast. The initial journey out where friends see me is the most difficult because each wants to be told what happened and each has a horror story of what they broke themselves. I've heard some stories of injuries that haven't healed in dozens of years. My new insight: take stairs seriously.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – Changing plans is such a good way to stay accountable.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Wish I could find the conversion for grams of salt to temporary water pounds on the scale.

Nature Girl – Drooling for your "lentil casserole and steamed kale." Thanks for the tip about Christmas Peeps - an ugly thought since my childhood brain knows that peeps belong to Easter. Great new motto - "my parka and Wellies by the door."

Beverlyjoy – Ah, the secret, "I took ONE plate of ..." - when I stick to one plate, it's usually a success.

spanky - Sending supportive thoughts for a rough week. I do hope Gina recovers and that you can have your focused week.

HaleyJu - Yay for a "me" day and Yay for being flexible with your plans so you could do the movie with your DH. [That's an awful story of your DH's ankle. I hope he's one of the lucky ones with a full recovery.]

Chickbury – That is the killer isn't it, the "I "deserve" or have "earned" food." Thanks for the reminder to be prepared for that feeling in the evening of the big Thanksgiving meal. In my past life, I could put down a cold turkey sandwich that would break any meal plan.

Readers -
chapter 1
The Key to Success
no more "cheating"
. . .
Instead of cheat, I've used the words unplanned eating, and overeating. These terms are less negatively charged. People who use them are able to take a more benign view and say, Okay, so I ate something I didn't plan to eat, or I ate more than I was supposed to. But they're also able to then add, It was just a mistake, no big deal ... I'll get back on track for the rest of the day.
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), pg 18.
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Old 11-19-2012, 08:44 AM   #132  
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Hi Coaches!

I weighed this morning and must just accept that although I don't enjoy the higher's just a number which reflects two more meals "out." The good news is that lunch was at a vegan market *credit* and dinner was 1/4 of a breakfast burrito from my workplace which I brought home and made a bit

everyone! It is a great time of year for us to be mindful of our learned and practiced Beck skills.

BBE, yay for standing down the sliced up donut! I have learned two very important "non diet" skills here at Beck.
1. Keep my doors locked (at my home) at all times (Thx Beverlyjoy)
2. Be very careful on stairs (BBE)

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Old 11-19-2012, 10:03 AM   #133  
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BBE my DH is definitely one who had a complete recovery. He had his surgery in Dallas by a doctor that specializes in only feet and ankles--- and pro sports injuries. 13 years later it does have some occasional arthritis issues but they told us that would happen. You too will heal. Don't let the crazies get you down.

I got a wonderful boost to my resolve not to mess up this week. Down another .5 this morning. Success breeds determination and hopefully more success.

naturegirl, I do think you are correct about the response to eating after a stressful event. Sometimes "stuff" just gets to you and you can only hold it together for so long. That maybe one of the hardest eating situations to control.
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Old 11-19-2012, 03:45 PM   #134  
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Good Afternoon, Coaches.

I am officially on vacation. My last semester project is in. My job commitments and social events are finished. What a relief! I did not emerge from my overpacked schedule unscathed. I am a pound over a ticker which is three pounds over last month. So I spent my first easy morning rereading the beginning of Beck and writing new advantage cards. My first advantage is "I won't have to buy new clothes." because that is the "jumping off point" I am facing. Beyond five/six pounds, my clothes feel tight. It is good to study the book again. I didn't remember the powerful quote "20 extra calories a day equals two or three pounds a year." That is me in a nutshell. This is my third year on Beck and I have put on about six pounds of the weight I have lost. Incredible, twenty calories is less then the head of one of Nature girls's chocolate covered peeps.

No more fooling myself. Refusing to sit down, write down, argue down the urges will lead me back to my starting weight of 173 pounds. No way. So. . . Day 2 and I have reaffirmed my Zone Diet - easy, simple with a history of success. I will exercise at 4:30. I have read all the posts and will hopefully do personals tomorrow. On I march.

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Old 11-19-2012, 07:01 PM   #135  
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Hi beckies/coaches/friends - yesterday went well. I was able to extend breakfast and dinner to at least 20 minutes.Credit! Another credit goes to my DH who went shopping for Thanksgiving but didn't bring home the ice cream (for the pies) because he know it would be hard for me to resist. Maybe he is listening.

Other goals accomplished: planned/measured/logged food, journalled, exercise, read my advantages, no seconds and more.

We are invited Friday morning for a family get together for folks to meet my my new granddaugher. I think I"ll call and see what they are serving. I've already offered to bring something.. but, my SIL said not to bring anything. I'll ask again. It was nice of them to host this.

Tomorrow I go back to see the dietician. It's been a learning experience. One important thing I learned is that I needed to eat a bigger breakfast than I've eaten in the past. It's been helpful.

I hope you all are having a good day.

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 11-19-2012 at 07:09 PM.
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