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Old 11-25-2011, 11:31 AM   #421  
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Hello Girlies!

Just a quick check in this morning....

I had a great day with bff, family and my folks yesterday. It was a lot of work, though. I tend to take the largest share of hostessing in Mom's house to spare her the work so I was busy all day.

Spending lots of time with bff today and she will be leaving tomorrow. In the morning, I will be up at 0500 to drive to Sheridan, Wy, for the "Battle in the Bighorns Pool Tournament". I won this one a couple years ago.

Today we are having our traditional "butter ball soup". It is very rich chicken broth soup with our homemade very fine cut noodles and butter balls. They are a mixture of cream, butter and breadcrumbs shaped in little 1/2" balls. They are added to the soup just long enough to heat before serving. How come none of our traditional favorites involve large amounts of fresh veggies??? it is always cream, butter, bread, sweets....

I hope that everyone continues to enjoy the weekend.


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Old 11-25-2011, 12:54 PM   #422  
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Happy Black Friday...sighhh for 51 weeks a year weigh in day as Friday is a good thing. Well today ain't so bad. With all the extras I maintained. No loss but No gain is just about perfect.

Isabella.....I did it just 20 pecan halves. Of course if 2 were stuck together I might've counted that as one. Knowing the GG were watching kept me in line.

DH slept in hour long naps all day yesterday and again today. Dash is so confused that he climbed in the shower with him this morning. I had to drag him outside yesterday for a bath and today he is standing a close to DH under the running water. Both boys smell lovely but the bathroom is a mess. my sides hurt from laughing and now both are snoring.

Rie....Good luck at the Bighorns tourney. Kick a** and enjoy yourself after all you are a Golden One! We were in Sheridan one year day before opening season on antelope...every yard/dooryard, street corner had a pronghorn eating grass. Next morning NOTHING.....Went from there to Little Big Horn. Early early morning when the heavy clouds were almost touchable....the only people there and if you had done a warhoot I'd had dropped over dead. Spooky was the word. Of course the rattle snake signs didn't help.

Have to go order the orange/grapefruit boxes to a shipped North. You all love your navals and can't wait for Jan and the honeybells. Shipping is the killer cost. I can buy a bushel of juice oranges locally for $3-5 but can't ship them out of state. Like the local honey at $5 a quart and $30 to ship!!!!! Next time I'll just send the bees.

Anyone go shopping at 12m? I was curled up with my kindle and thought about the shoppers......

Off to Homasassa for vegies and Oranges....they opened the Spring up for the wild manatee again this year. Makes the captured ones a bit love sick, but they are too wounded to ever survive in the wild again. 1000 lb Romeo and Juliet love story. k3
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Old 11-25-2011, 08:45 PM   #423  
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Isabella, I ride my outdoor bike on a fluid trainer (stand with resistance) during the winter and work week during the summer. I set it up in front of the big TV and pedal to rock concert. I’m not so secretly in lust with Bruce Springsteen.

Carol Sue, interesting tidbit about the number of parking spaced for the store’s square footage. That makes sense. I’m glad Kohls increased their parking lot size. BTW, I donated to their profit margin today. And JCPenneys. And Lowe’s.

Rie, good luck at your pool tourney tomorrow. Kick some butt!

LOL!!!! LOL!!! LOL!!! KarenFL, I love you’re gonna ship the bees next time. I don’t know why that one still has me laughing but I can picture your pool friends and family opening the box and buzz….. LOL!!!!

DD, my son, DIL and DGD all did a modified black Friday on the other side of the mountain. We left here at 8:30 and arrived in the shopping area about 11:00. We got some mighty good door buster prices and didn’t have the horrible crowds except one store. My DIL hid while son and DD shopped. Both of us were uncomfy. Overall it was a very fun day. After reading the police log of Black Friday nonsense, I will never, ever go to Walmart on Black Friday. What in the heck is wrong with people? Shooting the for their purchases? Macing a group of people for an Xbox? Wow. Never, ever. I do have to say I bought one present… the rest of the packages were for me. Hahahahaha!!!!!
Love you all!

Last edited by Marie; 11-25-2011 at 08:45 PM.
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Old 11-25-2011, 10:59 PM   #424  
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Hello all! Too late to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving so I'll just say I'm glad to hear you all seemed to enjoy the day. Here, of course, it was just a regular workday. I don't think I've had turkey in decades...not that I would because I've been vegetarian for so long now. But, I may have a bite sometime.
Just having a breather today, though I should be cleaning the mess that is my living abode. Too busy this past week. Big race tomorrow.
Well, totally discouraged about the weight, that is, the LACK of weight loss. Can't understand it at all. I guess the constant sitting has really taken a toll on my metabolism or something, I don't know. I am in the pits. Any cheer appreciated. It should NOT be this hard. It just shouldn't be. I feel cursed.......
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Old 11-25-2011, 11:06 PM   #425  
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Red ~ I'm sorry for your frustration with this weight loss thing. And I'm sorry that I don't seem to have much of any comforting words to offer to you ~ except if it helps any at all to know that you are not alone. We're glad you're here with us. Hang in there.
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Old 11-26-2011, 12:15 AM   #426  
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Thanks, glynne. Anything helps. I wish I didn't have to come in here all the time moping, but it's either that or not come in and give up, because I know I will. Since I'm all alone and NO one here ever comments on weight loss in general I have NO motivation when I don't see some progress. So, I will go back to doing the things that are enjoyable instead of NOT doing them but still having nothing else in their place. Why is eating so enjoyable? Why does nothing I can do compare? Maybe I have to get to a point where I DO eat the junk I want but only do it seldom, so that I don't gain weight from it. Or I exercise SO much that I wouldn't gain weight. That seems to be the only way to do it, take off the extra calories. I guess this is a part of getting old. Everything works against you. Sigh. Well, I will try to keep going, try to envision a certain weight not too far off but still possible.
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Old 11-26-2011, 07:16 AM   #427  
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Good Morning Chickies.

Hope everyone made it through Thanksgiving on a positive note, ours was very enjoyable.

It is pouring rain here right now. Good day to declare a Sew Day! So, that is what I plan on doing today.

Karen3, ship the bees, I love it (LOL). I always heard you were suppose to eat honey made in your area for the best health benefits anyway. And yes, you guys have the best oranges, too bad shipping them is the killer.

Marie, I agree Black Friday is over rated, people get so out of hand. We went to three stores (pet store, craft store and electronics store), then we went home. I have decided to hold off on a trainer and joining a gym. I am going to try and do this on my own. I have two pieces of exercise equipment at home, why not put them to use.

Hi to everyone else.

My thumb is healing, I am thinking of covering it up when I am at work, just because looking at it now, it is ugly (even though they told me leave it open to the air and do not put any ontiments on it!) I can't wait til I can get full motion back to it.

Happy Saturday.

Red, don't give up, even if no one comments on your weight loss, you are doing it for yourself. Even if you feel better because you know you are eating healthier and getting some exercise, that should count for something. It makes a difference. This is for you. I went I think 2-3 weeks without the scale moving (and I mean I stuck to my plan), and thanks to this forum I kept to it. And then all of a sudden 3 lbs gone. The body is really doing its own thing. Just hand in there. Alll these changes we are doing, are really for us, no one else.
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Old 11-26-2011, 08:31 AM   #428  
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Red ~ I agree with Chickadeee ~ do it for yourself. And also what she said about feeling better. That is what is motivating me ~ I'd like to see the scale move, but feeling better is "right up there" with the numbers going down for me.

Maybe you can experiment and find a way that works for you to enjoy the things you like to eat. What works is different for everyone ~ you just have to keep trying until you find what works for you. Our Nancy here has a weekly ~ she calls it a pig out meal, and a nightly snack that she looks forward to. She has lost a lot of weight and kept it off doing this. I tried what she was doing and it was a disaster for me ~ I do not have very good self discipline.

I have somewhat better luck with ~ if I want something ~ get a single serving size of it. One of the grocery stores has single pieces of pie and cake. Or a case where you can but just a couple doughnuts or cookies. Single serving size bags of chips. There are single serving cups of icecream. Or, a single candy bar instead of a whole bag. And single serving size cups of mashed potatoes. It is probably not very cost effective to do it this way, but it keeps me out of trouble. The part I have to work on with this is not doing it too often

Keep coming here ~ these ladies are wonderful. You don't feel alone here, if you need a hug or a kick in the rear ~ they'll do that too
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Old 11-26-2011, 08:50 AM   #429  
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Good morning, GG's.....sounds like everyone (who had Thanksgiving) enjoyed it...I did, except I sure didn't count a single calorie, and wouldn't get on the scale today if somebody put a gun to my head! (And I know that some of you are quite adept with guns, so this is no casual statement, trust me. )

Oh, Red. We SO know how you is most definitely a "been there, done that, got the T-shirt" situation, believe me. Losing weight is a huge struggle for everybody here...or, I suppose we wouldn't be here, eh? Sometimes we do well, sometimes not so well, and sometimes just plain lousy, but we know, in the end, that we need to stick around and keep trying because being overweight when you're over fifty - aside from looking prematurely old, just leads to so many other health issues, and really puts some limitations on what you can and can't do in your life. None of us is ready to throw in the towel and take up residence in a rocking chair, so here we are - and moping, complaining, ranting and raving are all perfectly acceptable in GG's territory, so aren't you glad you found someplace where you fit right in? Just keep on trying, Red...that's all any of us can do.

Marie, like you, I made some (non-tax-deductible..grrrrr) retail contributions yesterday. Aside from Christmas, my dgd rather thoughtlessly (I feel) picked November 27 for a birthday, so I always start my holiday cash drain off with a big birthday shopping spree for her. That, along with a consistently all-A report card, and this kiddo deserves to be spoiled, but this time of year really chops my pocketbook since I refuse to use credit cards for birthdays or Christmas shopping. And, the money that I'm earning with my consulting gig just goes right into savings, so that doesn't offset anything just yet. Oh, well...Ho ho ho, and all that, huh?

Thought of you, K3 and your 20 pecans while I was eating my pecan pie. No question who made the better choice. Woe is me.... (But it sure was good!!!! )

Val...that butterball soup sounds downright decadent...sounds like something we could've slurped down without thinking when we were skinny teenagers and never had to count anything that passed our lips. Now...whew. (Sounds tasty, though)

Carol Sue, I most definitely remember that if I can just convince myself that the party's REALLY over, and it's time to get back to healthy eating again, it would be a good thing, yes?

What color are you painting your bedroom, Bobbi?

LOVE the black Friday pic, Isabella! SO often, when I've driven by one of these huge, new shopping malls with the ornate archways and grand staircases and all, I think that they really do look like cathedrals...and what else would be worshiped in them but the the great god Capitalism? Sad. (Did I mention how happy we are to have you back...? )

Those recipes sound yummy, Gayle. And, you've got me at a bad time for self-control - I may have to make that pumpkin-spice dessert before I climb back on the wagon!

Val, how's the tournament going? Or has it gone? How did you do? Did you hear us all cheering for you? (Our very own resident pool champ...who would ever have guessed?)

Chickadeee...did you have roast venison for Thanksgiving?

OMG, CaddyK!!!!! You're actually moving AGAIN????? Have you even completely unpacked from the last move? Oh, are much braver than I am! Will you have a pool in the new house?

Nice surprise for Thanksgiving, Mary...I hope you had a wonderful day with your son and his gf! (I'm glad she liked your sounds easier than making the bread kind!)

Lynn, I was going to try your cranberry sauce recipe - it sounded so good - but I ran out of time. I've got it on file for next year. Thanks for sharing!

PT...thanks for the good thoughts...I AM improving slowly, I think. I slept fairly well last night with much less coughing. Once I am able to rest better, I start feeling better all the way around. Hope your Thanksgiving was nice and that you didn't eat as much as I did!

Freda, what do you mean about taking better care of yourself? More rest? Eating better and like that? I'd love to know how to break this darned bronchitis-every-year cycle myself!

Rosey, are you back home yet? How was the movie?

Nancy, I hope your dsd behaved herself and that Thanksgiving went smoothly.

Okay, I've undoubtedly missed a few people that I'd rather not miss, but I really HAVE to get out to do my grocery shopping....have a terrific day, everybody!

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Old 11-26-2011, 09:15 AM   #430  
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Hi Everyone,

Please check out the Honesty Thread.

Waiting for handyman to come and fix my bedroom ceiling fan/light. I HATE not having it when one of my hot flashes hits.

Yesterday, I kind of crashed. My DF and I met for a walk and lunch. We were supposed to go to a movie after lunch, but all of a sudden I just crashed. I was just too tired. Too much cooking and eating. My blood sugar is probably totally out-of-whack.

I MUST get my act together again.

Hi Freda, Yes - I agree, the Golden Girls are family to me.

Hi Donna, I am becoming less and less in love with Thanksgiving. One of my traditions is watching the Macy's parade. I could not get over how commercialized it has become. Almost EVERY float and every balloon was advertising something. I don't mind the "advertisements" for the Broadway musicals (dances/songs performed by the actors), but the rest I could live without. Also, the focus on food is kind of turning me off. We had so much food left over that it was kind of sickening.

Hi Bobbi, I will post my recipe for sweet-potato pie up in the recipe thread. It is delicious but NOT calorie-friendly.

Hi Mary, my DD and SIL and I are also in a quandry about our winter travel. We have airline points that we must use or lose by end of December - our trip can be after that, but we must schedule by then. Between SIL's back problems and their B&B staffing problems, it is REALLY difficult to plan.

Hi Karen, So HAPPY for you that you found buyers. Maybe my DD & SIL will have the same good luck.

Hi Isabella, This is off-topic, but while you were away, I found a site that I LOVE. It is the Presidential fitness site. You keep track of your exercise, and when you get to certain milestones, you can order medals to reward yourself. Rie and I are both doing it. Check it out -

Hi Karen, did you ever try the cauliflower recipe where you cook it, beat it with a little skim milk & eat like mashed potatoes? It's pretty good.

Hi Gayle, I will DEFINITELY add that pumpkin one to my non-healthy-but-delicious menu box!

Hi Marie, I also have a craft room. I am thinking about getting rid of all my scrapping stuff and changing it to a real guest bedroom. I used to go scrapping with two DF's. One now has altzheimer's and the other is now a shut-in. I have never liked doing crafts alone (except for knitting or needlework). So, no more pretty scrapbooks in my future.

Hi Carol Sue, 142 is NOT a happy number. I am worse than you - when I know the number will be high, I just don't check it.

Hi FL Karen, I don't even like shopping when the stores are empty. I would NEVER go near a mall on Black Friday!
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Old 11-26-2011, 10:02 AM   #431  
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Marie, I agree Black Friday is over rated, people get so out of hand. We went to three stores (pet store, craft store and electronics store), then we went home. I have decided to hold off on a trainer and joining a gym. I am going to try and do this on my own. I have two pieces of exercise equipment at home, why not put them to use.

Chickadee - I have a list of reasons to exercise at home instead of going to the gym.
By the time I get ready and get to the gym, I could have half my workout in at home.
I don't have to worry about what I look like when I exercise at home.
I don't have to wait for someone to finish with a piece of equipment, and I don't have someone waiting for me to finish, and I don't have to worry about other people's germs on the equipment.
I can have the TV/Radio on to whatever station I want as loud or soft as I want.

I know there are also benefits of working out at a gym. There are many people who won't make the effort to get up and exercise at home....they need the gym to make them do it. And you have access to a personal trainer to help you and make sure you are doing the exercises correctly.
But I really prefer exercising at home, and I try to work at making myself do it. I feel so much better afterwards.

Here's an interesting Thanksgiving story. A restaurant in our area was closed for Thanksgiving, but a 15 lb wild turkey flew into the window, shattered the window, and ended up inside on the floor....dead. Some people passing by saw the broken window and thought the place had been vandalized and called the police. I think that turkey had a death wish!
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Old 11-26-2011, 10:23 AM   #432  
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Old 11-26-2011, 10:47 AM   #433  
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Originally Posted by jess1 View Post
Too cute for words.
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Old 11-26-2011, 12:35 PM   #434  
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Morning everyone, I don't have loads to say since I was here last night but I figure if I wait till this evening, I'll be way behind. This GG thread moves at the speed of light.

We had vistors last night. About 8, a neighbor pulled into our drive on an ATV. As I hate the things, I wasn't pleased. However, DH went out to talk to them and they have 2 huskies (one a puppy) and they escaped. Huskies escape and run at any opportunity. It is part of the breed. So DH and I harnessed up our pups and took them through the neighborhood to look for the lost pups. Huskies love huskies and I figured that my babies might stir the runaways out of hiding. Unfortunately we didn't find them. And we tried again this morning. It's below freezing and I'm worried about the puppy. I'm hopeful since I haven't seen the ATV out going up and down the roads that they were found. While we were out this morning I asked DH if we were good neighbors or just dog lovers. Then I laughed and said dog lovers.

Chickadee, ditto on every reason Carol Sue gave for exercising at home. I would never, ever join a gym. CS's number one reason is my most important reason. I don't have loads of time in a day. In my case, I live 30 minutes from town and a gym. I'm nearly done exercising by then. And if I crank my stereo to loud GG music, then that's all good. So... use your equipment and keep track of what you're doing. I'm coming up on either 6 or 7 year anniversary of when I started exercising every day. In January I'll look at my log and announce the overall distances and times. Anyway, I track each workout and "bribed" myself with my progress. Like I put wlaking a mile equaled a dollar. 50 cents a mile on my bike. 10 cents a minute for elliptical, etc. I bank the money and have a spend toy as my goal. I've bought an LCD projector for our home theater, an ipod, and several other toys along the way. About 18 months ago I stopped bribing myself. But I still log it. Now I do it because I love to exercise and would never stop. But, it took me a while to get to the point that I never wanted to skip my exercise schedule. Other than I bought an elliptical 2.5 years ago, my exercising is free. OK, I bought the fluid trainer stand for my bike as well but it was only 200 bucks. Exercising at home is doable and quite enjoyable. Then there's the free factor and the other reasons Carol Sue mentioned.

Zoe, I'm with you in not getting on the scale for any reason after the pigout fest. Yesterday's leftvoer meal left me more stuffed than Thanksgiving. I didn't even want my pie for dessert. And I'm blessed no birthdays before Christmas. My son's is in Sept and there isn't another one until February. Then we get slammed month after month until Sept.

Lynn, we're totally opposite in our crafting. I like doing it alone. I usually have an audio book on my iPhone and "read" while working on stained glass. Maybe you could give that a try before getting rid of your scrapbook stuff.

And Chickadee, do not cover your thumb if the drs say not to. Who cares what it looks like? You want it to heal properly so you can get that full range of motion back.

Gayle, I like single servings too but the cost is too much. I tend to buy in bulk and use my Foodsaver to package into proper portion sizes.

Red, hang in there. Diligence will make the weight go away.

Donna, I'm in love with the mommy cat. How sweet was that video!?!?!?

That's it. I'm caught up.
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Old 11-26-2011, 02:11 PM   #435  
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Good Morning! Getting some laundry done this rainy day! Still trying to decide between a few houses that we have looked at. One we really like and it has several Weeping Willow trees in the yard and just in a beautiful setting. But is a little further out. Don't know if that is the smart thing to do or not. But really like the house. Have several others that are closer in to town that we like too so we are not without choices.

Red, don't give up! We all have those same feelings once in awhile (go back a few pages and read where I was ready to give up!) I think we would all like to see 5 or 10 pounds drop every week or two but that isn't realistic,,,, but it doesn't stop us from getting frustrated! I think we need to really be happy even if we lose just a pound every week..But know that is hard. It would be so nice if it was easy to take off as it is to put on--- but it isn't. Just keep working and there will be progress. I need to listen to me too!!

Donna, loved that video--- had to post it on my FB too. Just so cute and loving!

I'm going to save all these yummy recipes too. Thanks

Well, laundry is calling my name so I'd better get going. I know I have missed several but will get back later.

Have a great day!
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