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Old 02-14-2010, 07:14 PM   #166  
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Hello Ladies. Hope you all had a nice Valentine's Day. I had a little surprise when I woke up this morning. I could get out of bed without much pain. Yippee, finally feeling more like myself although I probably will not walk until Tuesday or Wednesday. I made heart-shaped banana blueberry pancakes for breakfast and broke out the real maple syrup to celebrate the day. I was moderate with my servings and enjoyed those pancakes very much. DH gave me a nice card but I didn't give him one as I couldn't get out to the store with the bad back. I told him the pancakes were his Valentine Card. hahaha.

I'm going shopping tomorrow with DH. The schools have a mid winter break day tomorrow. I told DH that if I couldn't keep walking in the stores we were getting a wheel chair and he could push me around. That will be the only way a man will push me around. Anyhoo, I hope I'm up to the little trip to town.

Releve, sounds like your DH gave you a nice day today. My DH's specialty is peanut butter and jam sandwiches. I do the cooking.

Oh, my Karen, what a great Birthday/Valentine's Day surprise. I love your birthday picture. Glad you had a great day.

, we've been watching some Olympic coverage too. I was watching a few minutes of the ski jumping and thought I'd be broken in a hundred pieces if I tried doing that. So sad about that luge accident.

Georgia, I'll be there by tomorrow. I'm done with winter. Hahaha.

Bobbi, I'm gone to check out your St. Patrick's Day challenge. I'm almost at goal and don't want to fall off the rails before I get there.

Freda, it's so good to eat something enjoyable without any after guilt.

OK, Lynn, what did you have for dinner at DD's place. 120 minutes of exercise would have allowed you to enjoy a nice meal.

Zoe, I know all about DHs who can get up and then go right back to sleep. I have often felt the urge to violence early in the morning listening to the loud and lusty snores of my DH who is totally oblivious to my need for sleep. They can't help it. Forgive him.

Donna, when you're 110 eat whatever you want and be as fat or skinny as you want.

Can't believe February is half over. Where does the time go? Catch all tomorrow on the downhill slide into March.

Last edited by retiredone; 02-14-2010 at 10:46 PM.
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Old 02-14-2010, 07:54 PM   #167  
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Valentine's Day dinner -

Steak au poive (made with fillet mignon)
Broiled lobster tail
8 string-style french fries
Cherry cake with vanilla icing

Mmmm - Mmmmm Good

(I ate a half serving of everything & stayed within my day's calories!!)
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Old 02-14-2010, 09:09 PM   #168  
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Karen, LOVE the new picture! And that cupcake cake was fabulous! How fun!!

Isabella, thank you for the wise counsel... when I'm 110, I'll be drooling into my cereal and probably won't CARE if I'm fat or skinny!!!!

All your Valentine celebrations made me a little sad... not often, but sometimes, I really miss having someone in my life. Maybe next year?
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Old 02-15-2010, 08:11 AM   #169  
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Be back later with personals!
A Little Habit That Makes Exercise Easier

You're more likely to finish your workout by saying "Boy, that was a breeze!" if you do this first: rest your mind.
Why? Because research suggests that a tired mind means a tired body. Exercisers in a study had a harder time with their workouts when their brains were fatigued.
Brain Strain
The men and women in the study were given two different preworkout activities on different days. Before one workout, they were asked to complete a tedious and time-intensive computer task that demanded close attention and quick responses. On another day, their preworkout activity consisted of relaxing in front of documentary films on relatively uncomplicated topics. Ultimately, the study participants reported much more fatigue during the workout following the computer task. They also reached their point of exhaustion more quickly. (Always tired? Ask yourself this important question.)
Mind over Matter
It isn't clear exactly how this mind/body fatigue connection worked, but researchers suspect that mental exhaustion messes with the workings of dopamine, an important brain chemical that affects your sense of motivation and your perception of effort. So plan your workout accordingly. A first-thing-in-the-morning walk may mean a better workout than waiting until the end of the work day. Here are a few more ways to get energy efficient with your exercise:Benefit
Exercising regularly can make your RealAge as much as 9 years younger.
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Old 02-15-2010, 08:11 AM   #170  
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Please join me in offering CONGRATULATIONS to Isabella (Retiredone) for winning the Winter 09-10 Challenge

Isabella has earned the right to display the virtual award for all to admire.

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Old 02-15-2010, 09:34 AM   #171  
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I'm back..............
It's snowing again, had another 3 inches over night. My DD has to drive to Minneapolis/St. Paul this morning for a chiropractic appointment. (100 miles north of us), what are young people thinking of? I wouldn't dream of traveling that far when we have many chiropractors right here. Boggles my mind!
Lynn...good job on the exercising and staying within your calories! You seem hyped, me too!
Lynn, I did 120 minutes at the gym this morning & plan to eat REALLY light today so that I can enjoy dinner (with dessert) and NOT gain.(I ate a half serving of everything & stayed within my day's calories!!)
Jess...Why don't you join us on the new challenge, it's only for 31 days. We're aiming for 5-6 pounds except for Isabella, shes almost there.
Bobbi, I'm with you! I decided, when I got up this a.m., that I'm going back on Phase I, South Beach, tomorrow for a week or so, just to shock myself back into some semblance of sanity. What is going ON here????
Karen...How fun for you yesterday with your family there!I love your birthday cake, never heard of cupcake cake. Looks like a lot of attention and work to it, are the cupcakes all frosted seperately then placed close together so the writing could be written across the top?I used to decorate cakes in years past and the hand made flowers were such fun to make.
Karen, Guess I'm getting crotchety in my old age huh!! Well, I had a surprise this afternoon and both my brothers, my sister and her family and my Aunt all came over with cake and Ice cream! Cupcake cake
Oh Stop already Georgia, cherry blossoms? We get thrilled to death when our first robin appears in Minnesota. I'd love to just smell that wonderful scent!
we can take long walks in the blossoming cherry orchards just east of my hometown.
Releve...did you post your real name and I missed it? I noticed you're at the weight I started at a couple of years ago, those pounds will come off fast for you if you just keep nibbling away at it.
Isabella...what did you do to your back? I know you hurt it but I must have missed why? Congrats on winning the award on the habit challenge. I only missed one day of exercising because of that challenge. Funny about breaking out the real maple syrup, I purchased a large quart size at the outdoor food market this summer and we use it for special occasions too. Way too expensive but oh so delicious. I usually use the no sugar syrup which is very good but much less calories and taste. One pound to go! Gosh, I just realize you weigh less than me now, congrats again. Now that will motivate me to get back down there!
Hello Ladies. Hope you all had a nice Valentine's Day. I had a little surprise when I woke up this morning. I could get out of bed without much pain. breakfast and broke out the real maple syrup to celebrate the day. I was moderate with my servings and enjoyed those pancakes very much
It's 8:31 and I have to run get dressed and make-up on, the tiler will be here in 1/2 hour. (He's tiling the basement shower stall) Started last Friday, I hope he don't put anymore stinky goo on the walls. The smell has finally disappeared along with my headache.
Hi Zoe, what's happening today? You seem to have an adventurous life and have a wonderful, humorous way of looking at things
Hi anyone I missed, gotta go!

Last edited by Bobbolink; 02-15-2010 at 09:39 AM.
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Old 02-15-2010, 10:03 AM   #172  
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Good Morning all,

I'm passing the winner Avitar on to a most deserving winner. Congratulations Isabella!!

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Old 02-15-2010, 11:13 AM   #173  
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Good Morning! Yesterday was fun and I was really surprised for everyone to show up. Everyone brought stuff for the pool, I got a "noodle" for the pool, a lounge for the pool and a beach towel. COME ON SPRING!!! Today it is only 20 degrees and it is snowing---not much snow there, just cold!

Bobbi, I hadn't ever heard of a cupcake cake either. The cupcakes were made in the shape of a heart, all in individual cupcake papers, and then all frosted at the same time. Didn't have to slice a cake----just grabbed the cupcake that you wanted. There was both white and chocolate cupcakes. It was a really neat idea. Then after everyone left we went to El Charro and had Mexican food for dinner! Don't think I will get on the scales until next week!!!

I will try to get back later.....right now I need to get some housework done. I took the day off yesterday!
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Old 02-15-2010, 11:28 AM   #174  
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G'morning, you can see, I'm late to the computer; I slept late!!!! (Well, late for me - 8:15, and it may as well have been 11:00! I feel downright decadent!) DH is off to his exciting day, and I am just getting mine started - it's already 10:53, the day is half gone, and I'm wishing for a few more to myself, but I guess I'd better put this one to good use, rare as it is. I already walked with Leslie (enthusiastically, I might add!!) and ate my yogurt mixed with a half cup of Fiber One cereal. Yummy, crunchy, and healthy, right? (I, too, am starting over this week with great determination). Yesterday, my daughter had us over for a Valentine's Day brunch - I couldn't very well refuse to eat those pancakes filled with delightfully fresh blueberries, now, could I? (I did bring my own Vermont Maid sugar-free maple syrup - or whatever it is they are passing off as maple syrup; it's low-cal, at any rate). Everything was delicious and I feel that I've had everything I need(ed) desperately to eat, and was ready to start back being healthy today, which I did, so it's so far so good on this end...
More snow, eh, Bobbi? I hear we're due for more tomorrow. This is getting downright annoying, as far as I'm concerned... cherry blossoms, indeed! (Enjoy them Georgia - understand that I don't begrudge your having them and all.... )
Congrats, Isabella - you are for sure the poster woman for health and vigor around here! If I weren't so lazy, I'd think about trying to keep up with you and the Bobbies of the world. Unfortunately, I AM lazy, so I shall content myself to worship from afar... on a more encouraging note (for me, I mean), my daughter got me an Ipod for Valentine's Day which I shall use to keep my pace when the snow goes away, Spring graces us with its long-awaited presence, and I am able to walk outside again. I've been talking of late about wanting to get myself one, and lo, the child was listening...
Oh, PT, It makes me sad that you felt sad - or a little sad - on Valentine's Day! Just having a significant other is not the key to happiness, after all. In fact, I didn't acquire a second one until I made up my mind that I was sufficient unto myself, and proceeded to pursue things that I enjoyed doing with or without company. I actually met my DH at an art museum that had staged an exhibit that I was interested in seeing, and when none of my girlfriends was available - or interested - I went by myself. DH was there by himself, as well, and we struck up a conversation in front of a picture that to this day I can't remember - had coffee together in the Museum coffee shop, and the rest is history. But of course he does snore , and having retired, has begun to get on my nerves from time to time. That's life, I guess.
But here we are...all of us GGs, together renewing our vows to become fit, healthy and weight-appropriate this year! Can't get much better than that, in MY book...
Lynn, I would've loved the lobster, but of course I haven't eaten meat in a very long time. In fact, DH & I have decided to have at least one meatless meal a week (no poultry, fish or pork, I mean...we don't eat beef anyway) and perhaps two - just to lower our carbon footprint. It's based on reading Michael Pollan, and recently watching Food, Inc. on Netflix. It's been out for awhile, but we had never seen it. We consider ourselves to be fairly conscientious eaters, but that documentary really opened our eyes even wider...but I'm not saying this to suggest that you shouldn't have enjoyed your filet; after all, I know that you are probably one of the most diet-conscjous folks around...
Ha, Cindy, that's right...Zoë here. I chose Ellabella because I thought it was silly and clownish, and sometimes I am.
Ravishing in red, Karen....very appropos for the day, I must say.
Oh, Freda, you'll always be a winner!!!! Pretty new Avatar, tho....I don't suppose you could've chosen something a little more summery??? You know me and my SAD problem...
Have a great day, everybody, and if I missed you, then get back on here and post, you hear?

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Old 02-15-2010, 11:42 AM   #175  
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Good Morning, All...

I have Phase I motivation droplets coursing through my veins (how ICKY is that???). I am fired up! When I did it last September, it was very easy and very doable and good for 12#. Of course, there won't be anything that significant this time, but anything would help! Bobbi, I am going to check out the new challenge.

PT, enjoy your day! I wanted to tell you, too, that I tried taking a self portrait last night with my head turned a little, as you suggested. The pictures weren't hideous. Someone suggested Glamour Shots...

Anyway, enough silliness. I have to get to work.

Be safe and warm, Everyone!
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Old 02-15-2010, 02:28 PM   #176  
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I don't want to torture you all go on and on about the California sunshine, but after several days of blue skies, I feel really good! I always thought I was affected by SAD, experiencing the winter blues as long as I can remember. But this winter's blues were more about the divorce and how I was managing the rigors of now caring for my parents.

So suddenly, yesterday and today, I'm feeling much more positive and energized. My boys are hiding from me because I have a HUGE list of things to get done today and I have cut them off from the XBox. I love being the evil taskmaster! Expecially when it means the garage is going to get cleaned!

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Old 02-15-2010, 03:35 PM   #177  
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OK – another day where I need to save my calories for evening meal. Today is my DD’s birthday and we are going to a Japanese restaurant. I’m planning on salad w ginger dressing, miso soup, and veggie sushi with their special dessert – little balls of pastry-wrapped ice cream.

Went to the gym this morning & did 90 minutes – I hope that was enough to take care of dinner.

In our family, we generally celebrate birthdays for around a week. This weekend, I am treating my DD & SIL to a little trip to Philadelphia. We are going to the Constitution Center for an exhibit on the relationship between ancient Rome and America, to a Chinese restaurant, and staying overnight at a center-city hotel. In addition to her birthday, we are also celebrating her recuperation from latest cancer treatment.

I need to keep on exercising to make up for all this celebrating!

Originally Posted by Karen31 View Post
Bobbi, I hadn't ever heard of a cupcake cake either. The cupcakes were made in the shape of a heart, all in individual cupcake papers, and then all frosted at the same time. Didn't have to slice a cake----just grabbed the cupcake that you wanted. There was both white and chocolate cupcakes. It was a really neat idea. Then after everyone left we went to El Charro and had Mexican food for dinner! Don't think I will get on the scales until next week!!!
Hi Karen,
I love the cupcake cake – what a great idea – AND I love your new photo!
Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
Lynn, I would've loved the lobster, but of course I haven't eaten meat in a very long time. In fact, DH & I have decided to have at least one meatless meal a week (no poultry, fish or pork, I mean...we don't eat beef anyway) and perhaps two - just to lower our carbon footprint. It's based on reading Michael Pollan, and recently watching Food, Inc. on Netflix. It's been out for awhile, but we had never seen it. We consider ourselves to be fairly conscientious eaters, but that documentary really opened our eyes even wider...but I'm not saying this to suggest that you shouldn't have enjoyed your filet; after all, I know that you are probably one of the most diet-conscjous folks around... Z
Hi Zoe,
It’s my DD & SIL who love the beef. I had about 2 oz – to be sociable & to try my DD’s French recipe, but I also prefer the lobster. A while ago, I was reading about “mindful eating.” Unitarian churches around here are promoting this. Is this related to what you are doing?
Originally Posted by geoblewis View Post
So suddenly, yesterday and today, I'm feeling much more positive and energized. xxxooo
Hi Geo,
Funny, but most of us turned the corner yesterday and moved away from our “blah’s.” Maybe it’s the Chinese New Year – yesterday was the beginning of the Year of the Tiger.

Last edited by ladyinweighting; 02-15-2010 at 03:36 PM.
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Old 02-15-2010, 04:56 PM   #178  
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I"m up and about today. Went shopping and stayed upright and didn't need any wheeling about.

Bobbi, I'm not quite sure what I did to my back but it may have been the wood chopping. I was using a large splitting axe to make kindling. It was going to be my new strength exercise but I think it was just too much jolting of the spinal column as the axe hit the wood. There was no great pain or snapping of bones but after I'd finished my lower back felt kind of sore and it got progressively worse during the day (Thursday) and no better on Friday or Saturday. Sunday the back was feeling much better and today I've only experienced mild twinges. Tomorrow I hit the road again. Maple syrup is really expensive and I've had this can for ages waiting to use it. I was going to use it last summer when all the family was here for DS's wedding and forgot and then I thought we'd use it Christmas but too much food on the go so that's why I decided no time like the present to finally open it up. I poured the rest of the syrup in a jar but there were a couple of tablespoons that wouldn't fit in the jar. I've been carefully dribbling a little over my cereal last night and this morning. Yum.

Karen, those cupcake cakes are very popular around here. The grocery store bakeries always have them for every occasion. I like cake and they always look so inviting.

Georgia, you're experiencing "early onset spring cleaning." Glad you're feeling more like yourself today.

Zoe, your romance was...well, romantic. Sounds like a great chick flick plot.

Freda, I graciously except the torch, er, ah the avatar. Thank you for the congrats.

Lynn, it wouldn't be the beef and it wouldn't be the lobster but it would be the French fries that would have done me in. Oh, those darling little morsels lovingly deep fried to a golden crisp outside with a tender hot center. I feel like Homer Simpson..."French fries...drool" I must get a grip on myself. You always have such interesting celebrations visiting restaurants and places of interest.

Donna, I'm always ready with wise counsel.

Anyhoo, I'm feeling much better so I'm looking forward to a good Tuesday. Hope you all are, too.
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Old 02-15-2010, 05:58 PM   #179  
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Something interesting:
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Old 02-15-2010, 06:03 PM   #180  
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Bobbi, just reread your contribution about the tired mind's affect on exercise. So, a little pre-workout meditation sounds like a good thing. Thanks for sharing.

Isabella, I'm glad to hear you're getting around so well. Never too tired for shopping, I always say! I was just giggling over the maple syrup...I've never heard of anyone forgeting they had maple syrup. I have enjoyed it on a lot more than just Sunday waffles. I love it on my steel-cut oats, in my smoothies, in a glaze with hot sauce for homemade hot wings. But I find that it's most delicious when I sneak a spoonful straight from the bottle when nobody's looking. (Alright, the term "spoonful" is used merely as an approximate measurement. No spoons have ever actually been involved in that behavior.)

Ellabella, WOW! Your daughter heard you talk about an iPod and followed through. How old is she? Do you think that's a function of maturity or her gender? Or probably your wonderful relationship with her? I told my teenaged sons (17 and 12) that I didn't really want flowers or anything for V-day and they believed me! I ended up taking them out for dinner and a movie. Well, I did get breakfast in bed on my birthday just a couple weeks ago...and they did help me with all the laundry today...that one's actually worth a lot more than the flowers.

Karen, Mexican food always messes with my love/hate relationship with the scale. For me, it's the chips before the meal. I can wisely order just a cup of tortilla soup and a salad, but then my boys insist on ordering guacamole, which is actually very healthy at the Mexican restaurant we go to, but the chips are the killer. I haven't ordered a regular entree in a very long time because they always come with the refried beans and rice. Our local restaurant serves an amazing turkey mole, which is smokey and spicy and earthy with the chocolate in it...and I become a quivering mass before it. It's not that the ingredients are bad, because they're not. It's that I can't tell when I'm satisfied until I'm stuffed. I get the same way with Indian food. Oh, and the Pasta Fagole with breadsticks at Olive Garden. Grilled salmon. Sweet potato fries. My mother's spanokopita...

Great, now I'm hungry.
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