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Old 10-20-2008, 09:52 AM   #106  
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Thanks BOBBI -- it does get a little cluttered when I look at it -- I left Eileen because she did mention she'd be away from the 16th to the 21st; so maybe she'll pick up again in the next couple of days. -- BTW, so sorry you've got the problems with the MIL again. Hope you can get her settled down.
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Old 10-20-2008, 09:53 AM   #107  
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Just a thought that popped into my head while getting dressed, what about putting a new spin on the accountability thread? I myself used to get excited to check in and also see what everyone else is doing, but it's getting old. How about each of us giving ourselves points for a few mini goals for each day. Like 1 point for staying under goal calories, 1 point for drinking at least 8 glasses of water, 1 point for exercising (we'll all decide a feasible amount of time), 1 point for fiber, 1 point for whatever anyone thinks is important. If you're all game, I'll set it up for November and we'll go from there. I'd like everyone's vote on this whether you're going to sign up or not and any suggestions.
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Old 10-20-2008, 10:37 AM   #108  
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Were you thinking along the lines of "instead of" or "in addition to" what we are already doing? -- just for clarification --?
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Old 10-20-2008, 10:40 AM   #109  
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Morning Ladies

Originally Posted by floridarusty View Post
Oh, we did a Moonlight tour of DC and it was so beautiful at's a must do if you ever go.

We tried to "straighten out Washington" while we were there too!!! lol
Glad you had a nice trip Phyllis. We haven't been back in about 2 years but DSS and the Grands live in DC - dreadfully confusing town to try and drive in but it surely can be beautiful. Yup, we thought about "straightening things out" when we were there too - best we could come up with was having drinks in Georgetown at the same bar as a couple of Senators

Originally Posted by retiredone View Post
I'm back! Now I want to move closer to my son and DIL. They both graduated on Friday with a BA (DIL) and MA (DS) and they're having my first grandchild in March...sigh...and I'm 400k away. I told my husband I was going to start praying that he lose his job so we'll have to move. I'm not really going to do that. DS says he likes where we live and we can stay we we are. How did I raise that child??? Gotta go as I'm just about ready to fall asleep on the keyboard. Was up before 5 am this morning to pick mom up at my sister's place.
I sure know what you mean - Like I just told Phyllis, our Grands are clear across the country in DC (he's attending Galudette University). We miss them terribly and usually buy them plane tickets to come see us for the holidays. Sadly, DSS is recently divorced and doesn't have them enough days this year to make the trip worthwhile. Joint custody is certainly better than nothing but sure sucks for grammas at holiday time... We're hoping DSS will move back to this side of the world when he graduates.

Originally Posted by the slim me View Post

YoYo, Well, if you and karen are having problems with the new laptops, I guess that means i would never be able to operate one!! Fingers crossed that they decide you ae the best candidate for the job and they just really need YOU!! Freda
Eh, Freda, you could figure out a laptop too. Just takes a little getting used to but not any harder really than a desktop. Thanks for the good wishes on that job but I'm not holding my breath - I think that second Director (that I haven't had a chance to meet yet) might already have someone else in mind. Not giving up completely, it is a Hotel/Casino and they do things in their own sweet time, but I'm not going to sit around waiting to hear from them either. Back to passing out my resume. I am good at what I do so I'm not stressing (yet ).

Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
A quick good morning to ya all!
I had a lot to gab aboutthis morning but it'll have to wait. MIL has been driving us to the looney bin the last 3days/night. She's so confused, keeps packing up her apartment and needs to move back home. (She has no home anymore, that was sold) She is living back 40+ years ago and talking to people that have died 40 years ago. I have to go in this am and unpack everything and try to get through to her again. I personally think she's had another stroke. Catch ya all later or tomorrow.
Oh gosh Bobbi, I'm so sorry to hear MIL is so troubled. Mine has physical "issues" and is getting to be quite childish at times but I count my blessings that, for the most part, she's mentally sharp as a tack. Must be so hard on you both but DH especially to watch his Mom fade like that

Hope you all have a fabulous day
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Old 10-20-2008, 02:50 PM   #110  
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Were you thinking along the lines of "instead of" or "in addition to" what we are already doing? -- just for clarification --?
Sorry, I can't expand now, am up to elbows in things to do. I meant in addition to Accountability. I'll give you my thoughts later tonight. /Sorry, gotta go.
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Old 10-20-2008, 06:10 PM   #111  
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Hi Everyone,

My sister came to visit yesterday & left this afternoon. We went into Philly and did some museums - free on Sundays.

Having problems with eating urges today. Want to eat what I shouldn't and more than I should.

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Old 10-21-2008, 07:18 AM   #112  
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I love the Accountability thread because I have a record of what I've done. But I'm game to try a challenge along with it. After teaching over 30 years I have a goal/outcome oriented outlook on life. I'm always setting goals and outcomes for myself. So, yes count me in on this. I'm assuming you'll post the format again in the November thread.
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Old 10-21-2008, 07:38 AM   #113  
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Good Morning . . .

Darn it all . . . weight is up to 213 this morning . . . hopefully at least some of it is www from too much salt and too little water yesterday. BGL is running a bit lower than I'd like so I also had to eat breakfast this morning before I even had my coffee Guess I still need to do a little tweaking to the insulin dosage.

It is cold and dreary looking around here this morning, but no snow in the current forecast at least. The local weather station guru was telling us about the fact that on October 21, 1974 Halifax got over 39 cm (that's well over 15 inches, folks) of the white stuff -- hopefully no repeat will be happening.

Personally, I do not do well with the "challenge" philosophy and will probably just stick to the Accountability routines the way they are currently running; but, obviously, if others want to add an additional element into the whole thing, they are perfectly welcome to do so.

Have a great day . . .
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Old 10-21-2008, 08:56 AM   #114  
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Morning Girls, I had time to think about the challenge and decided to post the challenge on a new thread. I'll set it up and whoever is up for shaking up their routine and lose some pounds before the Holidays are welcome to sign up. In the accountability thread Lynn states this is Not a challenge, if this is working for you great!
This is NOT a Challenge - it is a place for us to record our daily behaviors (behaviours) toward being personally responsible for our EFFORTS. We cannot control our OUTCOMES - weight - however, we can control our EFFORTS - daily actions aimed at losing/maintaining weight.
I got MIL unpacked and settled in to her apartment again, she doesn't think she lives there. This is about the 4th time she's packed up and waiting for us to move her home. Unfortunately DH is an only child and we have to bear the trauma and stress by ourselves. She's on new meds and the nurse thinks it triggers her memory loss and living in the past.
Today we have to buy some bales of straw for more insulation in the chicken coop, DH sold his pick-up and purchased a new Jeep. We're at a loss of hauling big items like bales of straw and will have to enlist my siblings to haul it for us. I hate asking but we can't get bales in the jeep or my sports car.
I'm excited for Thanksgiving this year, I have two brothers/SIL and two sisters/Hubbies and all the kids are getting together for Thanksgiving. (My dad too). Lots of food and laughter, we have always gotten along splendidly. My SIL has a list of things for everyone to bring, I don't know what she has planned for me. I don't cut calories in the dished I bring to pass for obvious reasons. Our daughter won't eat anything that has chemicals, artificial sugar, non fat foods, etc. I have a choice to eat it, leave it or take a small taste. Since I'm at goal I'll probably take a small portion of whatever and not bother to count calories on Thanksgiving. I'm curious about what you all are going to do.
Make low calories dishes? Count calories or whatever plan you're on? Are you going to eat pumpkin pie?
Now I'm getting hungry, better go eat breakfast and get a load of clothes out on the line. It's 26 degree this am, but suppose to warm up so I'll get to hang clothes out one last time. Have a good one.
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Old 10-21-2008, 09:39 AM   #115  
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Morning all....having a lovely quiet day to myself. No bridge, Dh is out fishing and Dash is glued to the front windows watching for walkers. We have had the a/c off for 3 days now and fresh air is wonderful. Having it off while we were in NC cut the bill a $100!

We should have friends coming for Thanksgiving. But not making plans yet. Have the Daytona week to do first. That is the most perfect week in the year. I get to play hours of bridge, eat tons of vegies, read a book aday on the balcony over looking the ocean, and someone else cleans the room and makes the beds.

Crept into bathroom and did my jump on and off the scale dance. Surprised me so much I jumped back on. With all the dinners out and traveling I just knew the scales would be scary....wrong....I didn't loss anything but didn't gain either. That is really success!!!!!!! yahoooooooooo

Really upset about my DF who almost died on me this Spring. I told you about checking her BS at the bridge table and the machine didn't go that high. Anyway she started smoking again. I yelled at her yesterday and then backed off. Told her I was scared for her and it was her decision, but it was a really stupid choice. Hope I shocked the bejeus out of her.

Then my regular partner who had been doing WW diet with me doing South Beach admitted to having regained 15 lbs. Hummmm, bet that is more like 30 but who's counting. She started back counting points and I think my tongue is bleeding. She ate all day. Raw vegies, cheese sticks, protein bar, and ww candy. She never stopped chewing. 5 hours of chewing.

The biggest problem I have with cooler weather is I forget to push water. It is easy in the heat to remember. Need to hang a big sign....DRINK....

Well Off to vote. Will be away election day so doing it early. hugs, Karen3
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Old 10-21-2008, 11:15 AM   #116  
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Thank You Meowee for putting the November Challenge on the Sticky. All interested mark their spot for Nov 1st starting date.
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Old 10-21-2008, 11:50 AM   #117  
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Pardon my ignorance, but when is American Thanksgiving?

At celebratory meals I usually eat lots of vegetables, especially the low calorie ones to fill up on and then concentrate on the other goodies in small amounts. I definitely had pie at Canadian Thanksgiving-3 pieces, in fact-apple, pumpkin and lemon meringue, but small pieces. I know at Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc we tend to make the most lowly of calorie foods into fat bombs by adding butter, cream and sugar to them so I try to be careful when choosing. I find the less I draw attention to what I'm eating the less I'm asked to try something I don't want.

I had to leave for a few minutes to help DH. I wanted Bobbi to know that I've signed up for the Thanksgiving Challenge. I'm glad the Accountability Thread will still be there too.

The weather is miserable today with rain and wind. It's better than the Eastern part of the Island where they're receiving 70mm of rain and are reporting accidents from hydroplaning and skidding in the rain. DS just left for town and I hope the highway isn't too bad. The water builds up on the road in some places just awful.

Must go do my push-ups and I'm finished all my exercise for the day.

Last edited by retiredone; 10-21-2008 at 12:28 PM.
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Old 10-21-2008, 12:57 PM   #118  
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Old 10-21-2008, 06:59 PM   #119  
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Hi...Thanksgiving is the 4th Thursday in Nov.....late this year on the 27th..k3

ps...gonna have a hugh rant! the noise you hear is me grinding my teeth. They have cancelled Halloween and now call it Harvest Festival. Gesh, I love the little tots we get and just can't see them coming around in "harvest" costumes. we are getting too PC. Ghosts and Gobblins are for fun. karen3

Last edited by Karen3; 10-21-2008 at 07:13 PM.
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Old 10-21-2008, 08:42 PM   #120  
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Thanks Karen3. I wasn't sure which Thursday it was.

Bobbi, you've reached your goal! That calls for a non food celebration. Congratulations. Way to go. Good job. Etc, etc, etc....Now, what are you going to do to maintain? We don't want you to keep losing until you're just a grease spot.
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