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Old 08-30-2008, 09:15 AM   #226  
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Morning ladies....It is getting bad when I check the weather blog before even my email! Hanna will be about where Gustav is in 5 days and there is another one coming after her. Been worrried about Cat so thank you YoYo for checking. They predict that Gustav will come across the western tip of Cuba and head North, but have watched too many hurricane to really believe what they predict. I don't let out a breath until they pass us and then pray for who ever is getting hit. Katrina was so big we heard the thunder as she blew by....and she was 150miles out to sea.

I suspect that this storm is coming your way Pamp, but they don't want to stop people from getting out of N.O. Stay safe.

Guess I am having a old lady's pms day or maybe days. Yesterday after riding 30 miles in the backseat of friend's car I had a hissy fit. There was no a/c blowing into the back and my hearing aides shorted out from sweat. They were comfortable up front and turned the a/c down. Now when I drive I use DH's jeep and get a step stool so this lady can get in and out comfortably...which means I get out to assist her. She blew me off when I complained. Now I don't get ticked often often and I don't stay mad long usually but when I do look out. So this is a Look Out Warning! DH says NHC should post hurricane karen warning!

Quiet day planned here and that means I really have to watch myself or snacks will get consumed. I can't understand why mindless eating still happens to me. Eat when bored, sad, happy, and of course mad. When I grows up...............ha!

Take care everyone...hugs, Karen3
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Old 08-30-2008, 11:03 AM   #227  
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Good Morning . . .

Finally, the tummy is feeling quite a bit more stable, but wowee do I ever still have a bunch of aches and pains on the go -- partly the rain (it's with us again today), partly still leftover from the ball-fall early in the week, and partly that I slept in late, and although that felt really great, I seem to have managed to pinch a little nerve in my back. Mostly okay when I'm sitting but I'm all hunched over if I try to walk. I had been planning a little shopping for this afternoon, but guess it will fall by the wayside.

I've started, and stickied, the September Accountability thread, gang so hopefully you will all be getting signed up. Couldn't get Lynn's picture to copy for me, so it's not as pretty as it usually is -- but it will get the job done. I will be looking forward to seeing you all over there again and just know we will all be having a really great month.

Hope we hear from some of our missing flock soon and especially wishing for everyone in the path of the lastest hurricanes. I sincerely hope every hurricane this season stays way, way out in the middle of the Atlantic (well, after clearing Bermuda), because we don't want them up here either.
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Old 08-30-2008, 11:16 AM   #228  
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Thumbs up Accountability Counts

Karen3, sorry for the unfortunate trip. The destination had better be worth the effort!

The accountability thread has paid off again for me. This morning I'm on my own and I wasn't in a cooking mood. I'd usually sneak in DDs hi-cal leftovers or take myself to a fastfood place (breakfast is always cheaper). However, I grabbed a cheese stick , yogurt and an apple. Filling, tasty and wise! It's also all disposable so no additional dishes for the dishwasher too!

DH said he's going to sand and paint the used metal filing cabinet we bought! This has been on his teacher/summer to-do-list for 2 months.

I'm off to plan what we'll be eating this week-end. I want to do an inventory of the freezers to use the most meats just in case we loose electricity. A plan is always better than winging it - especially calorie-wise.

Enjoying the dry weather while we can!
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Old 08-30-2008, 12:52 PM   #229  
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I feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz today, "There's no Place Like Home". My ex-SIL is taking the boys today/tonight and I got to come home. The older I get, the more content I am to stay home. I wasn't used to sleeping in town with all the noise and traffic. Some of the teens that go by had their car radios blasting away, I could hear it through the walls. I didn't cheat at all yesterday and I know I didn't go over my calorie goal, but I'm just guessing since I didn't write anything down. I have a ton of zucchini's that I need to do something with today, I better get crackin'.
Thanks Meowee for setting up the Accountability thread, I'm thinking we won't hear from Lynn this month either or she would have done it. I'm using the same format as August since it worked well for me.
Have a great week-end, Eat lots of fruits, veggies and water.

Last edited by Bobbolink; 08-30-2008 at 04:17 PM.
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Old 08-31-2008, 08:27 AM   #230  
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Good Morning Girls............Just a quick wave before I run outside to let the chickens out, then shower for Church. Tomorrow is not only the 1st, but it lands on a Monday. A perfect time to start again, but this time lets work really hard for the month of September. This month goes by so fast and before you know it our holidays, food, food, food, family and fun began. Think of this new month as your own personal challenge to drop 5 pounds, that means staying within your plan. When tempted to eat sweets/pizza/calorie high foods, just think of the pleasure you'll get for the minute it takes to eat it and then think of the agony of portion control, journaling and exercising and blowing it for one morsel on your lips. All the great work you've done day after day after day, Is it worth it? Be good!
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Old 08-31-2008, 05:05 PM   #231  
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Bobbi, thanks for the encouragement to us all! We just went to the movies and I consumed movie popcorn without thought

We've had a lazy day otherwise. I cooked poached eggs for breakfast - yeah! We're having enchiladas for dinner to clean those from the freeze and out of further temptation as I can feed most of it to DDs.

We can't decide if we'll be going to work on Tuesday or not. I've check my alternative email - nothing. I think I'll actually have to log-in to work to see if we have any heads-up.

Enjoy the Labor Day tomorrow!
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Old 08-31-2008, 06:09 PM   #232  
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Evening all....Just checked in and saw that our Cat was ready for the storm. It seems unending here. We can hear the storm out in the gulf and the weather map shows Hanna spinning, and 2 more growing...Be Ike and Josephine when or if they are named. We are getting the out side edges of the feeder bands and heavy heavy clouds. N.O.L.A. levies are supposed to take a cat#3 so this will be a test. They will be on the wrong side when Gustav comes a shore. It is about parallel to us now so now I start praying for the folks in the target zone.

Does anyone have any home remedy for canine hot spots? Poor Dash is itching himself to death. Vet says he is allergic to fleas but he hasn't had a flea. Been treating him with antibiotics and steroids so he is straving....but no better. Had lots of baths with sulfar shampoos, too.

Made up my mind that this is my Fall and I will get this next 25lbs off. After working for over a year and half the past weeks have been OP, but no excitement/challenge. Think I need a movational spreaker and one of the trainers on Biggest Loser. nah...never get me in public in one of those sweaty nasty outfits.

Have a question...Do you have a mental image of yourself? I can't picture myself now. Not implying deep ego strength problems. Just mean when you see yourself in store window do you recognize you? Some days I see me much thinner and other days still grossly over weight????

Guess in life cycles I am restarted my teens again.

Time to get dinner on the table....hugs, Karen3

Last edited by Karen3; 08-31-2008 at 11:40 PM.
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Old 08-31-2008, 06:22 PM   #233  
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just a ps.....Hey Pamp just found out you are a Karen, too! Wow! Just add number and join us as the real you.....Karen3
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Old 08-31-2008, 10:26 PM   #234  
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Hello Everyone--- Well, I didn't get many steps in today darn it. Only 6474 so far and it is already 8:15 pm. I am a little upset too-- I was just getting on the Gazelle when I noticed a baby fawn outside that was hurt. I watched and his/her left back leg was just flopping when he walked. I called our sherrif (couldn't find a # for dept. of wildlife) and they had the wildlife dept. call me. In the meantime, saw another baby that was also hurt and a doe! we heard shooting this afternoon and thought it was probably someone target shooting but then thought this was a little to coincidental. The DOW said they can get along pretty well on 3 legs and if they are up and walking they just leave them alone. I couldn't believe it. I know we live up in the mountains but still you would think they would come and check to see what was going on with them.
So I will just have to do better tomorrow. Sorry about the rant! I just feel bad that they wouldn't even come out!
I'll go ahead and fill out my accountability thread around 9:00 and see where I stand then. September will be better!
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Old 08-31-2008, 10:29 PM   #235  
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Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Good Morning Girls............Just a quick wave before I run outside to let the chickens out, then shower for Church. Tomorrow is not only the 1st, but it lands on a Monday. A perfect time to start again, but this time lets work really hard for the month of September. This month goes by so fast and before you know it our holidays, food, food, food, family and fun began. Think of this new month as your own personal challenge to drop 5 pounds, that means staying within your plan. When tempted to eat sweets/pizza/calorie high foods, just think of the pleasure you'll get for the minute it takes to eat it and then think of the agony of portion control, journaling and exercising and blowing it for one morsel on your lips. All the great work you've done day after day after day, Is it worth it? Be good!
OK, where were you last night when I needed to read this??? I had a total meltdown last night and ate peanut butter cheese cake until I had to throw out the last bit because I was afraid I'd get sick if I ate any more. It was so good but I think I ate enough last night to last a long, long time. DH and DS are gone for the weekend and I was a bit bored and the house was lonely. I knew the difference but I just sucked it down like water. OK, I did much better today.

Originally Posted by PampGal View Post
Bobbi, thanks for the encouragement to us all! We just went to the movies and I consumed movie popcorn without thought
At least you did it without thought. I did it knowing exactly what I was doing and did it anyway!! I need a knock in the head.

Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
Have a question...Do you have a mental image of yourself? I can't picture myself now. Not implying deep ego strength problems. Just mean when you see yourself in store window do you recognize you? Some days I see me much thinner and other days still grossly over weight????

Guess in life cycles I am restarted my teens again.
Karen keep safe in those storms. I can't imagine what it must be like. Poor little Dash, hope he's feeling better soon.

I know what you mean about that mental image. Today I was shopping with my mom and I took her to the washroom. When we were coming out of the stall I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and was quite startled because for a moment I was quite confused. I couldn't figure out who was pushing mom in the wheel chair! I looked so thin I just didn't recognize myself for that split second. I'm not thin but I looked like I was then. Other days I see a short, round looking woman but I'm working on her. Now, if only there was a support forum for short people becoming tall.

If you are restarting your teen years again watch out for low-rise jeans. I accidentally bought a pair today. I was so excited to see a size 12 petite I must have misread the label. Somehow I thought they were mid-rise but when I got them home and finally tried them on they were low-rise just as the label said they were. Talk about feeling like your pants are falling down and I have no need to accentuate my rather rotund belly.

Hard to believe August is over in about 30 seconds (for me). Here's to a great September.
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