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Old 10-15-2007, 09:20 AM   #166  
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Good Morning GOLDEN GIRLS . . .

Another good and healthy day in my plans . . . BGL was great this morning and I want it to stay that way. Weather forecast says very cool (single digits - which is under 50F) and overcast. BUT, the sun is shining right now. If they'd called for sun it would probably be raining.

Here's an interesting article about Calcium and Vitamin D that I thought you'd all enjoy this morning . . .

Have a great day, Chickies . . . keep doing the good stuff just as much as you can and may all your perms be perfect. . .
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Old 10-15-2007, 09:33 AM   #167  
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Good morning everyone,

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

I'm back! My gf left yesterday after a 10 day visit. Had a wonderful time, we shopped until I dropped. We also went to the movies to see Elizabeth and both of us enjoyed it very much. My eating wasn't all that great, but I'm more than ready to start eating right again because when I don't eat right, I feel .
I have a lot to catch up on and I have a lot of reading to do.

All your stories about bad perms brought back a lot of memories. One of my late aunts was a hair stylist back in the 50's. Everytime I stayed with her it was her mission to give me a perm or some other horrible "do". My hair has a natural wave to it and I always ended up looking like Little Orphan Annie. One time it was so bad you literally could not pull a comb through it. When I got home my mother had to put some kind of lotion on it to take the curl out. My aunt never touched my hair after that.

Cat, I liked your photos of the cemetary. It must be an interesting place to explore. I also liked your photo. You look great!

Zoe, I too like you in a perm. I also like the way you wear your hair now. My hair style is similar to how you wear your hair now. The only difference is that here in FL my hair won't stay turned under, it automatically flips up. I don't fight it anymore, I just let it do its own thing.

Lynn, sorry to hear that you're not feeling very well. I hope you're feeling better soon. Did you enjoy Elizabeth?

Lily, that's a good sign your clothes are getting looser. I have read that losing size is a better indication than the scale. Keep up the exercise.

Hi to all the GOLDEN GIRLS that I missed.

Enjoy your day!
BFN, Ali
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Old 10-15-2007, 10:06 AM   #168  
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Good morning everyone.
Just a quick note this morning. I have lots of things to get done today. Before going to the city council meeting tonight.

Went to curves today. Felt soooo good. I really needed to, I ate like a pig yesterday.
Had pie w/ ice cream. Oh it was worth it. Won’t do that again for a while.

I love all the pics you have been posting. Everyone is looking so good. Keep it up girls.

Love the perm. You look so nice in it. I did a spiral perm. In the 80’s. My hair was to my waist.
In fact it was so long. We had to cut off half a foot. It would not take the perm at the bottom.
I did not like the look on my round face.
I looked like little orphan Annie to. And I am a red head! So it was to funny.

Good luck with your predicament. I would not trade ya.
But… on the up side…you get to pick out new furniture, etc. I love shopping, even if its not for me. Sounds like you got some great deals on the furniture. You will need to post some pics. I am sure its lovely.

Ps. Thanks for the kind words about the job. I am looking forward to going back tomorrow.
Later girls
Have a sunny day.
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Old 10-15-2007, 12:53 PM   #169  
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Dentist had to extract the tooth. He pulled on it for 20 min. It finally came out. He said it was a VERY big tooth for such a "little girl." I just LOVE my dentist.

I'll be back when the pain wears off.

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Old 10-15-2007, 12:53 PM   #170  
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Catch up time -- I just don't seem to spend much time on the computer on the weekends. I guess that is a good thing. I know I went a couple of years when I was glued to the computer and barely did anything else -- it was what I needed to do at that time and it helped to a certain degree.

I did get up and out early on Saturday morning to try our Crunch. I need to get the exact numbers -- I am not sure how long it really is and what the vertical rise is - all I know is I quit when it became extremely difficult for me. I was only out for about 30 minutes walking but 10 of those minutes were an extremely tough hill climb -- -well I will do better next month I just know it. Today I am off to do a cardio Latin dance class -- all baby steps back to where I was and heading somewhere even better for fitness. Now I just need to get my eating under better control -- its really not horrible just not where I need to be to drop any more weight.

Phyllis - Yikes about the grizzly cub -- keep working on the tan and good luck with the perm. Love all the stories that came out from this.

Karen - what a cool cure for perms

Rosey - what a horrid way to get your kitchen clean but doesn't it feel good after??

Linda -- congrats on the good day

Cat -- my tour through the cemetaries in NO was amazing -- love the pictures - thanks for sharing.

Lynn -- I hope you are feeling better and got to enjoy the movie.

Zoe -- your dinner sounds awesome. LOL what is it about men and TV they just head off into a different zone. Thanks for sharing your perm picture -- I think my last perm was 25 years ago -- not sure why I did it except the afro look was in. Now I fight to get my hair straight -- mostly I let it do its own thing and from what I gather I am lucky.

Marylynn -- your family is lucky to have you as their nutrition guru. Jazzing up "good" food can be easy once we take the time to read the labels. I found some great wraps -- they are chock full of wholesome goodness and I just change out the "innards" and its a great lunch.

Trish -- happy cleaning (is there such a thing??)

Barb -- good luck with the eating on the business trip.

Lily -- nice to see you pop by

Ali -- hi again

Well I should get some stuff done here -- my visa has to be reconciled tomorrow and I still need to locate some invoices.
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Old 10-15-2007, 12:55 PM   #171  
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I just love the Jessie LYNN photos. That girl warms my heart.

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Old 10-15-2007, 01:43 PM   #172  
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Good Morning GG's:

I'm listening to Jack LaLane on the internet right now. He is 93 years old and has a radio show on on Monday mornings at 9 am. The show begins with 5 minutes of chair exercises and people call in with questions. There is a lot of good information on this program.

It's drizzling rain this morning. We need the rain and it's kind of nice for a change. I went to the Brooks and Dunn concert and it was awesome. I love their song 'I Believe'. The concert began at 3:30 pm and continued until almost midnight. There were 5 groups and they were all so good. The weather was perfect and I didn't even need a coat.

Joanne: Great pictures! You have a handsome man there. Again congratulations on the engagement.

Rosey: It's so nice to see the picture of you and Daisy. So, do you want us to call you Rosey or Gale?

Cat: Sorry about the loss of your cousin. I like to visit old cemeteries too. I looked at all the pictures you sent and you are a great photographer. My niece lives near New Orleans and she loves photography too. She also has a beautiful garden like you. I admire the way you capture the subject in an interesting way.

Zoe: I think I'd be grumpy too if I had to watch about concentration camps for 3 days! I think I'd go shopping if I were you or just get out of the house and do something. Eeeeks!! I like you in a perm and I like your hairstyle now. So, if you want a change...go for it. We all need a change once in a while. I just got a new hairstyle. It's shorter and layered. My friends say it makes me look younger. (I don't know about that) It kind of looks like a french cut. My hair gets frizzy when it rains since I have a lot of curl in my hair so my hairdresser had me buy a straightener and it works great. I comb it in when my hair is still wet and it takes out of the frizz. I also started using 'Shine'. One little spritz and my hair looks very shinny and healthy. Love it!

Marylynn: Congrats on the 3# loss!!!

I've got to get back to work. Hello to all the Golden Girls I missed.

Have a great day!

Last edited by LindaD; 10-15-2007 at 01:45 PM.
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Old 10-15-2007, 03:17 PM   #173  
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It just took me about 30 minutes to read through all of the weekend posts. The wine tour was excellent (and no, I got away without a headache or being hung over). In fact, we only drank a glass on the way, and then got to try 5 varieties at the winery. Before the winery we went to a big Amish craft/farmer's market - all I bought were food items...a pie, bread, grapes, jams, and some neat spices. Of course we also brought home a few bottles of wine too. The weather was crisp and very October-like. We all had fun behaving like school kids on a field trip in the van. Lots of fun. Then I had a couple over for dinner on Sunday (ate the pie and bread) - and am up about a pound today. Oh well. It was worth it.

Hey Barb - I work in Rochester, NY - hope the weather is good for your trip here.

Zoe - loved the perm photo. I had one of those at one time too. I think it was in the 80s. I had glasses like that too!

Cat - Yumm that photo of your lunch looked sooo good. Also liked the cemetary photo of you.

Meowee - glad your BMG has been better lately - keep it up.

Marilyn - So you're keeping everyone healthy. Good for you!

Well, back to work I suppose. I did have one nice compliment this weekend. One of our male friends asked me if I'd recently lost weight. That was nice.

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Old 10-15-2007, 04:30 PM   #174  
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Hi everyone..another sunny day here.. i was babysitting 2, 9 yr olds this weekend and boy did they keep me busy.. they helped clean up tho and it was fun.. they even painted my haloween colors so i have bright orange and green finger nailsfestive i guess lol.. i used to being called rosey linda D so that fine with me..i have been so discouraged about my scale not budging and yesterday was a bad eating day for me..from chocolate to carmel apples and everything in between.. anyways to day is a new day but i decided to not weigh everyday but just once a week.. maybe i wont be so frustrated and have a blow it day like yesterday..hope u all have agreat day.. (((hugs)))) rosey
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Old 10-15-2007, 08:03 PM   #175  
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Here I am, and Man, it’s COOOOOLD here in Massachusetts. Now I’m really envying those of you who reside in the warmer climes....I’m thinking about those pictures you once posted of that beautiful garden of yours, Cat, your lanai room - or whatever it’s called, Phyl, and I don’t think I’ve seen any pics of where you live, Ali, but I DO know it’s warm there! Oh, and MaryLynn is in Mississippi; it’s got to be pretty warm there, too, right? Oh, and Gayle’s in Texas....oh, jeeze...there’s a LOT of us that aren’t freezing their butts off today like I am! Our weather did a major change just about overnight! It was something like 39 degrees this morning and didn’t get up much over 60 throughout the day. No WONDER I’m feeling so crabby, eh?
Okay, confession time. I’ve been so up & down with my motivation since my sister left last week - motivation to stay on plan, I mean. I’ve been starting out each day pretty well, and then sliding downhill as the day goes on. A couple of days I did alright, but I’ve been eating MORE than I should by the end of the day most days, and today I just couldn’t stand it anymore. My daughter had brought over some French vanilla slow-churned, low fat ice cream for dessert yesterday (we had it with a half a WW double-chocolate muffin) and it was soooooo yummy. But that half a muffin didn’t really satisfy all KNOW how I am about chocolate! Once I get a taste, it’s like I just can’t get enough! So today I decided that it made sense to just give in to my cravings once and for all, and then start fresh (and hopefully with a new determination) tomorrow. I stopped at the grocery market, and lo and behold, they had HALF cakes that you could buy, AND they had a half of a chocolate fudge cake. I bought it, brought it home, and after I put the pork chops in the oven for supper along with sweet potatoes (Oh, I’m SUCH a healthy, nutrition-conscious cook, right?) I served myself a great huge piece of that cake and a great huge pile of vanilla bean ice cream, and I ate it until I felt like I was going to burst. I threw the rest of the cake out....actually poured this morning’s coffee grounds on it so I wouldn’t be tempted later...but I’m feeling pretty satiated right about now - no desire for any more chocolate at all.
Picture me as a chunky (old) Scarlett O’Hara dressed in a velvet drape with tassles and a sash made from an old piece of clothes line....standing out on the veranda, hand draped dramatically across my forehead....big sigh...”Tomorrow is another day....” (diet-wise, I mean)
So, MaryLynn, if you’re becoming the chief nutritionist in YOUR house, maybe I could tag along for the ride? Like maybe you could drop me a recipe or a tip or something from time to time? Just ONE thing...Zoe does NOT Zumba...
Hiya Trish...yup, gotta keep that house tidied...I find myself thinking that on occasion. I just don’t DO too much about it unless company’s coming...
Hi Barb, I hope your trip goes well and that you find some portable “good food” to bring along with. We always bring stuff for me in a cooler - when DH and I travel, or when I just have to go somewhere on my own. Unfortunately, I neglected to do that when my sister was visiting.
Hi Lily. Nice hearing from you. Good luck with reaching your goal in December!
Hey Cat...Oh now wouldn’t I just LOVE it if I really could pull off the “avant garde” look? Actually, I just realized that I can’t get my hair cut and permed until I get my weight back where I want it. Otherwise, my head looks too small with my hair short! Seriously. I don’t have that big a head, and I have to be careful not to make myself look like a great big beastie with a little teeny head on top. I have ALWAYS wished that my hair was naturally curly. My kid’s hair IS, of course, and it used to kill me when they were in their teens and wanting theirs straightened all the time while I was forever getting mine curled!
Hiya Bobbi! Oh, fun! I LOVE furniture shopping! And that was some buy you got on the bedroom! I tend to buy things a piece at a time and not much matches...I just add some throw pillows and call it a “decor” <sorry LindaD...I know that one of your many talents is interior design - I fall back on that tried and true “eclectic” look.> Anyway, glad, Bobbi, that with all this running about you’re having to do for the MIL, you were able to get something for YOU, too....if anybody deserves to treat themselves a little, it’s you!
Hiya Meowee-Linda...sounds like your weather is a lot like ours....stay warm! (I just made DH turn up the heat. This is the first time we’ve put it on since last winter.)
Omigawd, Ali! Your story about when you were a kid and your aunt giving you awful perms reminded me of when all MY friends were getting their hair cut into these cute little “shag” cuts. I wanted one so badly! My hair was down to my waist, and my mother would brush and put it in braids every morning. It used to hurt like the devil! She wouldn’t let me get it cut and I had to plague her over it for two or three months before she finally gave in and took me to the hairdresser. Well, I got my “shag” alright, and it looked fine right after it was cut and was still a little damp. The hairdresser had combed it in these cute little wisps all around my face. THEN, by the time we got home, my hair had dried, and it was SO straight that it wouldn’t lie flat. It stood straight up like a crew cut. I was devastated! I ended up wearing a baseball cap to school until it grew out some. I thought my mother was going to kill me!
Hi Tee, my dear... Oh, those pictures of Jessie are just precious! What a sweetheart she is! And you and your Curves work outs! I just can’t keep up with you, kiddo! But I think you’re right. I probably would do better if I was doing it WITH someone else. I think now that winter’s coming, maybe I will go ahead and get a Curves membership when I get back from my L.A. Trip. Oh, you must’ve been a cute little Orphan Annie with your spiral curls!
Your dentist sounds like a very smart person, Lynn... I say you should stick with him/her. I think the last time somebody called me a "Little girl", I must've been around five years old!
Oh, always do that real physical outdoor stuff, girlfriend! You’re amazing! I know you’ll be just where you want to be weight-wise for the wedding. What a beautiful bride you’re going to be!
Hi LindaD! Glad you had a fun weekend! Yeah. Well, you know what mine was like. I think I’m really getting old and crabby, here, you know?
Why Lyn, you mean you don’t STILL have your glasses like mine? I’ve had new lenses put into those same frames twice now. I think I’ve had the frames for ten years, now. I absolutely love them! Glad the wine tour was fun!
Hiya Rosey. Yeah, Chocolate & carmel apples, eh? Well, I certainly can’t say anything now, can I? (still wiping chocolate cake crumbs off my face).
Phyl? Any luck today with the bathing suit? Oh, I’m going to miss you while your visiting with your family! Be sure and take some pictures for us!
Okay. “nuff from me. Where’s Karen? Who else is missing? Come back, everybody!

Goin’ to beddy-bye. Me’s tired!

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Old 10-15-2007, 10:48 PM   #176  
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Hey Lyn - What's the forecast for this weekend? I don't suppose it's 70's and sunny, is it? LOL. It's amazing how quickly I got used to Florida temperatures after living in Rochester for the first 45 years of my life. I can't wait to get back to Wegmans. It's always my first stop and the one thing I truly miss.

Hi Zoe - I loved the visual of you as Scarlett. I too am a confessed chocolate addict. My hips and stomach are made of not so solid pure chocolate. (Actually, more like a wiggly jello consistency.) Have you tried the Weight Watchers Chocolate Cookies and Cream ice cream bars? They're only 130 calories and really satisfy both my chocolate and ice cream cravings. I love them!!! I can't seem to get away from the evening snacking and they really hit the spot.
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Old 10-16-2007, 05:43 AM   #177  
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Good Morning Everyone,

I'm just having one problem after another. Didn't sleep very well last night. Mouth hurts.

Check back later.

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Old 10-16-2007, 08:58 AM   #178  
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Hey Lyn - What's the forecast for this weekend? I don't suppose it's 70's and sunny, is it?

Barb - It's supposed to be getting warmer through the week - up into the low 70s by Friday and then a front is coming with cool weather agin for the weekend. That's Rochester! Better prepare for everything. Yes I love Weggies too.
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Old 10-16-2007, 09:01 AM   #179  
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Default motivation is rapidly slipping!! Zoe I completely empathize. I was doing so well for the last 3 weeks and this week I feel like eating everything in sight. I just had 2 slices of cinnimon toast from the cafeteria. And I could eat more so easily. Why is it so easy to stay on track somedays and others not at all. Well work calls..

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Old 10-16-2007, 09:59 AM   #180  
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Good Morning . . .

Unfortunately we all have those 'difficult' days and (also unfortuntely) most of us are confirmed Chocoholics. Sad, but true.

Our silly weather forecast is calling for mostly sunny today -- so -- naturally it is raining so far. Hopefully it will clear up because I do need to do a couple of errands and it's so much more pleasant to be out in good weather.

I've had a pretty busy morning picking up after cat damage. Mouse threw up a hairball (and the rest of his stomach contents) on one of my new rugs in the middle of the night. Then the kittens knocked over the brand new bottle of soda water I had opened to clean the rug and proceeded to roll it around the kitchen dumping the contents everywhere and playing happily in the resulting mess. Life is definitely not dull.

My e:mail in-box yielded a comprehensive drug data-base this morning and I just put it into the Sticky section. Unfortuntely, we've hit that magical age when (almost) every trip to the doctor seems to get us a new or modified prescription for something. Have a look -- it even has pictures.

Anyway, I hope everybody has great plans for an exciting and fun kind of day . . . See you all later . . .
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