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Old 05-29-2006, 08:31 AM   #1  
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Default Old Hens - 40+ And Ready To Lose - Volume 65

This thread is a sub-set of the 300+ thread.

This group is for those dealing with the challenges of having a significant amount of weight to lose and being fit which becomes harder after age 40. If you're an old or new friend and not over 40 and feel this is the place to post, jump right in.
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Old 05-29-2006, 08:51 AM   #2  
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Good morning ladies,

I'm working a bit on the computer this morning. Looks like I need to get everything to and fro at the storage area today since it might rain tomorrow. Hope that nitwit shows up with the tables she promised today. Otherwise I have to try to rent tomorrow.

I've been uploading pics from the camera and to picturetrail. Thought I'd get my horsie albums all complete while I still have reasonble internet access. Here's a link if you're interested in seeing them all. Sorry but I love them and have several albums! Feel free to browse or to skip.

I did get a few boxes packed last night. I guess the big thing on the agenda is bringing storage stuff over and finish in the garage. Oh yeah, I have to run the weedeater today. I may have to mow with the push mower since DB took DH's riding mower apart to fix a wheel. It's going in the garage sale but DH wanted to mow one last time. Other than that, nothing fun planned.

Can I just say that the logistics of all this is a huge pain in the butt? I know, what am I complaining about since I wanted to move? What will I complain about next?

I did do pilates yesterday morning. And my back loved it. I need to do that again today just to work out the kinks.

Bridget - Is your mom going to therapy for her knee? Good to see that she is doing okay. on hitting the 50 pound milestone. Awesome. How fun about ordering that dress but bummer about the mix-up.

Well I better get to moving around. I hate to get up from the table because the dog is laying right behind me snoring big time. Hate to disturb his slumber even though he kept waking me up last night panting. No wonder he's tired.

I'll check in later.
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Old 05-29-2006, 09:13 AM   #3  
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Good morning!!

Actually, it looks like I did get the right dress. It just wasn't recognizable with the top buttoned and not on a tall thin sexy babe, LOL. In the picture I couldn't really see that there was a polo-like collar. Anyway, so out of the package it looks pretty good. It'll probably be another 50 lbs before I can wear it, but who knows?

Wish I could come to your garage sale, Terri. I haven't hit a good one yet this year.

My mom is hopefully going to get some inhome care with therapy. She really does pretty good but she's supposed to wear those ted hose and has trouble getting them on by herself.

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Old 05-29-2006, 10:07 AM   #4  
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Yeph those TED hose are killers. I was lucky enought to have my mom close by and she came in twice a day to help me when I had my surgeries.

Well graduation and the reception are over. Now maybe things will calm down. My other sister is on the way to the airport. I have nothing planned for the rest of the day!!! I should do something constructive, but I doubt I will.
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Old 05-29-2006, 11:17 AM   #5  
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You know, if American inventor could come up with someone with an invention for putting on those ted hose, I think they could make some bucks. We were trying to think of everything under the sun to help her get them off including hooking them on a doorknob, LOL.

Barbara, if you do something constructive it will make all the rest of us look like pikers, so don't do it!!!--BJ
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Old 05-29-2006, 11:41 AM   #6  
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Hello all!
Just a quickie today. I'm at the office - yes, on Memorial Day! Must do what I must do I suppose. The weekend has been uneventful yet busy. Went to dog school and then some other running. Went to a friends to borrow a tent for the kids to use at the camping event. Got my new blue (medieval) dress done and just need to hem my new coral colored one. Went to archery practice on Sunday. BOY do I NEED archery practice! I have a new bow. Well, a new used bow, given to me in barter for doing a friend's will. Haven't actually done the will yet...but I'll get to it. The bow is nice, and would easily cost $150.00 to $200.00 even used. Now I just have to learn to shoot it. I was shocked that archery caused pain in my LEFT sholder, instead of the right that I had the tendonitis in...go figure. Then last night late went to another friends to borrow some clothes for Krissie to wear in addition to the stuff I made her and wound up with two more outfits for me! So, sewing is about done for me and her now. Still need to make some tunics and pants for DS and a surcote to go over armor for DH. Getting there though.

So today it's office work. So I best run.

THIN! Good to see you!

VALERIE - Don't despair - you'll be home again soon.

TERRI - Glad things are coming together! Pretty ponies too!

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Old 05-29-2006, 04:11 PM   #7  
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Happy Memorial Day, everyone!

Many thanks for all of the men and women of our Armed Forces and their families, past and present.

God Bless the USA!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day. I'm having company for a barbeque in about a half hour so I can't stay. Just wanted to drop by and say hello.
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Old 05-30-2006, 09:26 AM   #8  
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Default Hello!

Good morning ladies, or at least I think it is a good morning. I didn't let myself near the scale this morning. I don't think it is a good idea for me to do that daily. I was already disgusted, and then ate some KFC for lunch yesterday. I want to just give up on losing...I know, I know...I can't do that. I will just have to quit weighing myself every day and stick to my plan. I just don't know what that plan is right this minute. LOL!

We picked our first green beans yesterday and 4 squash, the making of a meal sort of. My DH dug all of the potatoes, so we have new potatoes too. Yummy! Now if the tomatoes will just get a move on I will be in hog heaven.

Moms girl Friday is here cleaning for me.. I think I am getting spoiled. I don't know what she (Mom) is going to do when she gets home, I may not give her (maid) back. Sure is nice to have someone else do the dirty work. She has worked for my Mom off and on for about 25 years. It is nice to have someone you can depend on if you need help.

Hi Thin, You are still working too hard! My DH is a retired serviceman with 22 years in the army. I always said "we" were in for 22 years,because the family gives up as much as the serviceman. We certainly should always honor the ones that serve to keep us free. I was often on my own while DH was overseas. I was thankful that he made it back to us from some rough places.

Lilion, How is it going now? Shouldn't have to work on a Holiday...phooey! Hope you are doing better than I am with motivation.

Valerie, I guess you are off and trucking again! Hang in there, your day will come.

Terri, is the packing about done? I haven't looked at your ponies yet, but I will. I know you will be so happy when those ponies are in your own yard. I do hope this place turns out to be what you have been hoping for.

Barb, you have been a busy girl. You probably need a little time to do "nothing" so enjoy! Who says we have to do something constructive every minute of the day?

BJF, I am glad the dress was "the" dress. LOL! Sometimes we have to take things out of the box and look at them. Just think how happy you will be when you slip that dress on and it fits! I don't dare buy smaller at the rate I am losing!

Well, ladies, I do believe I have rambled on long enough and said nothing! Take care and have a great day. Ruth
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Old 05-30-2006, 11:09 AM   #9  
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Good Tuesday morning gals.
I had a good Memorial Day. I did not expect to.
My family was great... they did all the work without me even asking. LOL
I did have a short 'private' crying spell over my son's misfortune with his cheating wife. When I think back over the last YEAR +and all the family events we had and to know now....that she was having an affair way back then just breaks my heart. Last Memorial Day she was cheating and we were all clueless. Of course hind sight is 20/20. I always thought it was funny how all of a sudden she became a workaholic when up to that time you could not get her off her ***.
Well enough of that "cheery, happy" posting. LOL

I stayed on program this holiday. I exercised every day too.
My WW meeting is on Monday and they were closed yesterday so I have to wait another week before weighing in. I have lost according to my scale.. but I will wait until the "official" weigh in next Monday.

Okay.. no replies today. Just a good morning to everyone.
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Old 05-30-2006, 04:54 PM   #10  
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Hello, everyone! I wanted to let you know that I started a June exercise thread and encourage you to join us over there!

Right now we're setting goals -- how many minutes of exercise to do for the month. Then we'll be posting what we do. It's GREAT for accountability, and you can set any number of minutes you like for any kind of exercise you like!

We also keep track of the group exercise during the month and are seeing how quickly we get to 100,000 minutes of exercise for the year (the 100K challenge) -- we are over 62,000 minutes in!

I hope to see you all there!
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Old 05-30-2006, 10:48 PM   #11  
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WOW.. can't believe there hasn't been any posters all day.

Wyllen... I will join your exercise thread. I am really commited to my swimming and it would make me feel good to contribute to your 100K minute goal. Thanks for always coming in each month and inviting all of us to join you and your gang.

To everyone else... COME OUT .. COME OUT ... wherever you are.
TAG ... You're IT !!!!!

Last edited by 2cute2Bfat; 05-31-2006 at 01:22 AM.
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Old 05-30-2006, 10:59 PM   #12  
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Hey chicks,

I've been working all day getting ready for the garage sale tomorrow. Aren't they a huge pain in the butt? We've been having a bit of rain and I do hope its over with but might not be for tomorrow. I've got everything set up and hopefully priced. I just hope the majority of it sells and I don't have to deal with it anymore.

The packing was on hold today. I'll probably be freaking out on Thursday trying to get ready for Saturday.

Poor dog. Thinks we're going for a walk but we're not. Too much lightening and rain.

We did our part of closing today on this house. A kazillion papers to sign - like I know what its all about anyway.

Lilion - When is your event? Is it next week? Of course, we want to see pics of the new dresses. I haven't done archery since junior high PE class. Gads that hurt when we didn't keep our elbow down. That would be a fun thing to do in the country!

Ruth - Put the scale away! Do you journal? Maybe you need a break too. Not a foodfest break but something different in a healthful way. Add a new food. Try a new spice. Eat five meals instead of three or vice versa. How come girl Friday can't clean for you both when your mom comes back? I'd love to have a cleaning gal again. Maybe we can once we get settled in.

2Cute - That is sad that your DIL was such a not nice wife. My DB's wife did similar crap to my brother. It breaks your heart when someone does that to your loved ones.

I know I'm missing some replies but I'm really tired and think I will head off to bed. Tomorrow morning is going to come much too soon. I know you all are ready for me to yack about something else besides whining and house and packing!

Have a good night!
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Old 05-31-2006, 09:44 AM   #13  
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Hi Girls!

I'm stopping in quick this morning to share. I don't know if you've seen this or not, but I thought I put it out here.

The article came up on my MSN home page this morning and of course I had to check it out.

Down in the article it mentions the American Cancer Society's Great American Eat Right Challenge and that's the part that's really kinda neat.

When you go through it, there's alot of cool info. It's full of video clips so it actually seems like someone is talking to you. It's all interactive with cool things to click on and get more and more info. I haven't totally perused the whole site yet, but it looks interesting. Pretty neat. Thought you might like to check it out.
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Old 05-31-2006, 11:11 AM   #14  
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The truck is back from the shop. Dh & I got a lot settled in the $$ catagory. I worked out for what may be the last class for a while this a.m. Had a nice Mem Day but ate too much at the family BBQ (figured one day wasn't gonna make a huge diff.)

Got so many things to do in what could be an hour or 24 hours, so I better get to it. Sorry no time to comment further, but hugs to you all!
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Old 05-31-2006, 09:17 PM   #15  
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Hi all!

Thought I would take a minute to catch up while Honey finishes up watching an Overhaulin' episode. He had the DVR loaded down with Deadliest Catch and Overhaulin' and we've had trouble with the DVR and I want to swap it out so we've been working real hard now that most of our shows have finalied (sp?) to clean the thing out. I think we might almost be there.

I took my SIL to Costco this morning to order a cake for my nephew's graduation party. She has a Sam's membership, but Costco makes better cakes. We stopped and had lunch at Zoup! while we were out and pretty much just enjoyed the morning together. She has a lung disease and is on oxygen 24/7. It's really sad. She just turned 50 last December. I really feel for her and she's as sweet as apple pie.

I had to high-tail-it back home because Art Van was coming for my sofa. They had to order a part for it so now they'll have it at the shop for the next week. I hope all the wood trim comes back without being all nicked up.

Lilion: Too bad as a government employee you don't get to take the holiday off. Sheeesh!!! You work too hard, girlfriend. Or is it that you play too much and don't get your work done??? Either way, I guess we do what we've got to do. * I'm glad all your sewing is getting done. Sounds like you're really making progress.

Terri: You've been sooooo busy lately. You must be getting skinny with all the haulin', lifting, shoving, packing and all the rest that you're doing. I got through all the photo albums. Thanks for sharing. Those pics are GREAT! You must be in heaven with your growing herd of horses!

Valerie: Glad you were home off the truck for even a minute. Sounds like you'll be gone again on a moment's notice. * Congrats on having the big "money" discussion with you DH. I'm sure it was tough, but maybe now he'll understand and you guys can work it all out.

BJF: I'm glad your mom is getting better every day. It takes work to get those new joints moving again. It's good that she's recovering so well.

Barb: I'm glad you had such a nice visit with your sister. Now that your niece's graduation and festivities are over you'll have to find some other amusements. Oh, that's already have enough amusement with the happenings at the office.

Ruth: I keep forgetting that you're in Georgia....right? I don't know why but I always thought you were in Ohio somewhere. I know that's where Valerie is and I thought you were too. Could be why you've got squash and beans already. Duh!!!! Don't work too hard. I'm trying to take it easy.

2cute: That's really too bad when a family is made to feel like fools because they were clueless about one's actions. I'm sure that happens in more cases than not when an affair is involved. I'm really sorry. Hopefully one of these days your DS will see the light and just ditch the b****! * You're on a roll with the program and exercise. I'm soooooo proud of you!!!

Ok, I'm going to run. I've got a couple of eBay things to wrap for shipping and then I see that Commander in Chief is back on tonight. They must have postponed part of the season and decided to run it as a Summer show.

See you all later. Love ya bunches!!!
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