What kind of pets do you have?

  • We have three degus and three rats currently.

    Two of the degus are brothers and we picked them up back in 2015 as pups. Ozymandias and Machiavelli, so they're 4.5 years now, with a lifespan that averages 5-7 (although I've heard of 10 and 12 year old degus, so fingers crossed!) The third degu (Bandit) was rescued at the beginning of this year at 6.5 years old, so he's a bit past 7 now. For those that don't know what a degu is, they're pretty closely related to chinchillas and guinea pigs. Maybe half the size of a chin? 100% cute, opinionated, finicky darlings.

    The three rats are a mother and her two daughters we adopted last week, although we'd been fostering momma rat and all of her babies for the last 2 months or so. The rest of the babies were removed and placed for adoption with the rescue, and we kept fostering these three with the knowledge we were going to foster fail. Murder, Mayhem and Arson are gorgeous siamese rats who would happily shank you in your sleep for spaghetti.

    I'll find some pictures at some point soon and add them to the thread


  • I had many pets, but all of them are sick, maybe I have problems?they can often transmit the disease to each other, but I can take pet medication without prescription there, and now I don't have to go to the hospital to the vet every time it made my life so much easier