20-Somethings Recommiters Thread!

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    Anyone can join, anyone can get in on the hawt action us gals will generate! We are young, fabulous and ready to lose this weight once and for all... i will come up with some mini challenges, and i would like a weight loss for December goal from everyone who participates.

    Please post a mini bio about yourself and join in!

    So i shall start, I'm Paula, 24 from nottingham England and im engaged. I'm a retail store manager for T-Mobile and a recent History Graduate.

    i wanna lose 43 pounds in total and in December im aiming to get to 205 pounds.

  • Hi Paula. I'm Summer and I live in Anchorage, Alaska. I'm 25 and am happily married with a daughter who will be 3 next month (yikes). My goal for December is to lose 6 lbs to get to 250. I'm tired of the extra baby baggage that I'm carrying around with me.
  • Holy moly, another alaskan. we are few and far between around here.

    I'm ghost, I'm almost too old to post here and in December I want to make it to the 150's.
  • WOO! I sound a little too enthusiatic there

    I'm madeleine, or maddie, whatever floats your boat. I'm 19(20 in 8 weeks so I count) From and living in Ireland. no I'm not a leprachaun, can't even spell it! I want to be 220 by the end of december! Then I will have lost 30lbs since October. Might not happen but a gal can dream
  • Hi! My name is Mali, I am 23 and living in Toronto. I was born in Poland but moved to Canada when I was 4.

    I am slightly over 5'7" and weigh 146lbs. I used to weigh 132lbs but somehow managed to gain 20lbs over the last few months. I started losing weight this Nov. by being more strict with my diet and exercise regime. Hopefully I'll be back to my old weight soon. I am going to Varadero, Cuba for New Years so I need to kick it up so that I don't bulge from my bikini....I've got a lot of work to do
  • Hey hey!!!

    I'm Akira, 22, living in California, USA (not as glamorous as it sounds!) and my ultimate goal is to weigh 130, but December? I want to at least weigh 199, get me below 200!!! I am 209 now, I'mma do it!!!!! GRRR!! (s'my game face)
  • Hey Everyone! Im Jessy, right now im living in Las Vegas, im happily dating my bf of 4 years and we have two boys 2 and 8 months im moving back to my hometown augusta ME in a bout 2 weeks, my ultimate goal is 130 as well but for December 185!
  • Hey all! My name is Rachel and I'm 23. I'm currently living in New Hampshire and going to law school. Basically law school is my life at this point and I've recently realized that I'm a stress eater...hmm.

    My overall goal is currently 135 and as I've crept back up to 152, my goal for December is to get down to 145. That seems doable...except I'll be home for half of it and have finals for the other half (did I mention I"m a stress eater and the ONLY one on a diet at home and have very little will-power?).
  • Hey, I'm aneleh, from the lovely british columbia, canada. I'm 22, at 146 now, highest weight ever was 165lbs (when I was shorter too!), hoping to get down to 130lbs. I officially restarted yesterday, but there was an incident with a certain litre of chocolate ice milk *cough*.
    Anyway goal to get to by the new year is 142lbs.
  • Hello!
    It's been a long time since I've been to 3FC but I choose a good day to come back with a new fresh start post like this. My name is Melissa, I'm 23, in California, getting my teaching credentials and trying to break a few months of maintenance/plateau time where I was too busy to try to lose weight. I'm ready to get going again for sure! By the end of the month I will be in the lower 160s!
  • i am so recommitting for the last time!
    hey all,

    i am brie i am 25 and live in the lovely state of missouri. i am going into my final semester to receive my bachelors in sports management. i just recently was laid off from my job and am looking for work. i am an emotional/stress eater as well and am trying to replace that behavior with exercise. i have no kids no boyfriend. and i am fine with that for now lol

    my overall goal is to lose 55 pounds by graduation May 16, 2009. my goal for december is to be at 195.
  • hey all! I'm Iris. Currently living in Tucson, Arizona, but originally from Pennsylvania. I gained a bit of weight back when I moved to AZ and I am trying to get it off. I'm 5'4" and have been hovering in the low 140's recently. I'm trying to get back down to 120... or at least 130, I'm taking things as they come. My goal for December is to get to 134.
  • Hi I am Heather. I am 22 years old and a Newlywed since 6/7/08. In November, I officially lost 60 lbs. I am hoping to hop back on and pull myself together to finish the year at 250. I can do it! And so can all of you.
  • Hello I'm Olivia and I'm from Canberra, Australia

    Since moving in with my boyfriend in August and quitting the gym I was going to (its turned into testosterone heaven) I have gained about 3kgs or 7 pounds.

    My aim is to lose those but more importantly drop my body fat % from 21% to 18% so...my weight will end up wherever it needs to be for that to happen

    I am joining a new gym today (women only) and have been on plan food wise all week. My running regime has remained unchanged which is probably the only reason I haven't gained more lol. Go running!
  • Hi I'm Molly from Florida. I'm 20 and I'm a full time college student and I work in a lab part time. My goal is to weigh 127 by the end of December!!!