#195--Bale of Turtles Climbing over Obstacles

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  • We are the Turtle Group here at www.3fatchicks.com. We welcome you to join us as we work toward good health and fitness in a persistent manner. As our inspiration we use the race between the turtle and the hare where the turtle was the victor because he didn't give up. We believe in keepin' on even when the odds were against us. We believe in giving each other support. Good luck to us all!
    (for Lin and Lauren)
  • Hi Turtles,
    I am so thrilled with what the turtles are doing lately. I stepped on the scale this morning and have stayed the same--which is almost a miracle since I have eaten out the last two days. Before I started this new thread, I went back and read all the posts from #193 and #194. Then I printed out the stages or phases of weight loss, a few good recipes, and Princess' pep talk.
    I've got a weight loss journey book (nothing fancy--it's a section at the back of my WW and low cal recipe loose leaf binder) and every once in awhile I check those out and read them again. So, thanks for all the encouragement from all of us these past couple of weeks. It's been enough to make me really try hard to fight through any emotional issues that always crop up, and it's been enough to make me step up my exercise by ten minutes--both of which are helping me make progress.

    Onward and downward! and onto new challenges. My ddil and my dgranchildren are coming for several days. Unfortunately my ds has to work and I'll miss not seeing him. The challenge will be to eat well when they all want to celebrate with fast foods, etc. and the other challenge will be to prepare good foods for everyone to eat while keeping my cool with a packed house. So, wish me well!

    Yesterday turned out great. My dd and I took the train into NYC, grabbed a taxi (we splurged) and got to the theatre. We were meeting another friend, the cafe on the corner had no seats left since it was busy lunch time, so I asked my dd if she'd be embarassed if I ate the turkey/avocado on whole wheat sandwich I threw together at home and brought with me. She didn't mind, I ate my sandwich, and that got me through unto dinnertime. I am always very hungry during the day and was prepared. I threw two small apples in my bag and two nutrition bars in case dd and I got hungry before dinner, but we didn't need them.

    Play was fun--Crimes of the Heart--directed by Kathleen Turner. Good and simple and sweet and funny. Can't beat that! And it's good to get into the city since it's right here. It's too easy for me to veg out and dust and vacuum and not do anything classy, so I'm making a big effort this year to do more entertaining things.

    Well, we went to a semi-fancy restaurant and it was wonderful. Have you ever been to one of those upscale places where people don't eat much? Well, that's what we did. I had red snapper for my entree. I don't think it was as big as a deck of cards. LOL. No kidding! I had a tiny appetizer and a few bites of dessert. Plenty of coffee was called for and we had a wonderful time. Good conversation--dinner lasted almost 2 hours! Egads--relaxing and cozy and great.

    So, that's my big city adventure. Scale was good this morning and I'll be right back on the treadmill before I go grocery shopping to bring in food for the kids. (See, before all the encouragement I get here I would have been tempted to go food shopping first. Then I'd be too tired to get on the and another day without exercise would go by. This is much better!

    Gotta run. Keep on posting. We can do this!!!
    234.6/215.6/thinner into onederland
  • well accountability.
    I did not do so well eating yesterday. I used 11 of my flex points but i still have 24 left for the week. Hopefully i will be able to make it last till Tuesday.

    Judy - You are doing such a great job. I am excited and proud for you. Just keep up the good work. Now if only i could stop eating just because i can or just because "I want to and no one can stop me"
  • Hi turtles:

    Judy - glad you had such a great trip & kudos to you for such planning ahead, good strategy! Keep up the good work & good luck with your upcoming challenge with your family coming. I have confidence in you that you will make good choices & have victory at scale.

    My gf came for dinner last night & she brough home made pasta stuffed with spinach & ricotta cheese & marina sauce on top. It was really good. We had caesar salad with it as well as our wine.

    This week so far I have stayed within/below points so happy about that.

    Everyone else seems to be really doing well. Keep up good work!
  • Howdy all, sorry I am getting on so late today, very busy day here in the office which is a good thing, the time goes much quicker that way.

    Judy: Great job and your trip sounds so fun. We used to do that when I lived in eastern Pa. We would take trips up for shopping and dinner or whatever. We used to go to a place call Mama Leoneys, (sp?) they had wonderful Italian food there!

    Keep up the great work everyone!

  • Cherry,
    You said something so important. You said "accountability". Yes, that's what is going to keep our weight going in the direction we want. It is fine that you went over points as long as you counted them in. I bet you some time during this upcoming week you'll be able to eat lighter and it will all balance out. I can see that rebellious streak in your writing and boy do I know that feeling. I want to do whatever I want to do all the time. However, the big problem is that if I always do what I always did, I'll always get what I always got--which was the ability to maintain my weight at around 222#. That's not a good idea for me! So I think once you realize that we all have similar personality traits--we're not clones but I bet there is not one characteristic that any of can name that isn't matched by half of us--so keep on tracking your food and think before you eat and you'll do great.

    Bandit, I can tell this is your week to lose weight. We're near the end of the week and you're doing great. Man, that Wed. night dinner with your df sounded absolutely wonderful. I've never tried to make homemade pasta. I don't think I have the patience for it, but it sounded heavenly.

    Princess, oh I remember Mama Leone's. It's been a famous landmark in NYC for ages. Those must have been great visits for you and your mom.

    I'm glad my dd has this year off from work and we are trying to do a lot together because she'll probably be back at work in the fall.

    Oh, I wanted to mention another site that you might be interested in: It's called [email protected]. You might want to peek and see if there's anything interesting there for you. From time to time they have innovative and very low cal recipes and food suggestions. Never difficult to make, and they usually point out the food WW style as well.

    Okay--made a chicken soup for dinner and I've waited an hour so as not to eat dinner to early--so I'm off to eat now. I'll be back tomorrow.--Ps--my grandson got sick and they didn't come today. Hopefully he'll feel better and they'll be able to come tomorrow.

    234.6/215.6/thinner into onederland
  • Hi turtles:

    Sounds like you are all doing well. Hopefully everyone will behave over the weekend.

    I woke up today to a winter wonderland, so glad I was home with it being Friday. Then sun came out & I shovelled drive then did my groceryshopping & paid my house taxes (glad that is out of the way)

    Made a beef stew for over the weekend & dd is coming home tonight & she likes it and she doesn't eat enough red meat & veggies with being away from home, so this will be good for her and nice to have all ready with it still being so cold up here.

    I have stayed on track this week & hoping for loss. I will w/i Monday a.m.

    Have a great OP weekend!
  • Bandit,
    great for you for staying on program all week. Good luck for a :
    on Monday!
  • Hello to all Turtlers! Glad your theatre trip was enjoyed Judy. It's been a long time since I went to New York. Never been to Mama Leone's but have heard about it. May get our daughter's together and plan a trip. Would love to see Jersey Boys (though rather expensive!)
    Chicken soup on cooking for dinner, with salad. Family coming tomorrow night for baked ham. I have been so hungry, can't figure out why. Went through all my past food journals to see why I wasn't last 3 weeks (hungry)
    Cooked little carrots for fill me ups. Cable guy coming. Better get offline. Have great weekend!
  • Morning all and happy Sunday!

    Was home sick with tummy issues on Friday and yesterday, did not go to W/I, I got up and just did not feel well so I let it go for the week but with my TOM it was not going to be a positive experience anyway

    Cloudy and dreary here today but I am going to go and get in the shower and head to the gym I think... then I have to run to Sams to stock up on dog food and a few others.

    I took my youngest doggie to the groomer yesterday, not one of her favorite places to go... lol but they have all started to shed their winter coats and her's was out of control so off she went... When I picked her up they had put little pink bows in her ears, she looked so cute! Of course the men in the house thought they were not so cute and promply removed them which made her happy... but she was supper cute for about a half an hour

    Since our youngest DS is home this weekend we gathered up the oldest DS and his girlfriend, youngest DS and one of his friends and went to a place called "The Journey". It is an upscale buffet kind of place that has seafood, prime rib, sushi, etc. I did fairly well and counted all of the points plus added a few extra just incase I under estimated. That used about half of my flex points for the week but they are counted and marked down.

    Sounds like everyone is doing really well, great job!

    I have to get going for now but will check back later on.

  • Hey all, I've been on a serious homework sprint for the last several days. One more chat tonight and the next two weeks it looks like my workload for school will be smaller because of Spring Break already.

    I had a bunch of OP days this week and my weight did drop from 237 to 234 so that was a nice surprise. I know I'll fluctuate a lb or two, but I feel a little better. The weekend was kind of bad though. It seems when hubby is home I eat more. I think he stresses me out...

    Well I'll check back later. I have an online chat with my marketing team for one of my classes in a minute. So good job to all you gals this week. Looks like everyone is doing great!!!! Get feeling better PRincess! So many icky bugs going around.

  • because so many of us are chiming in here even over the weekend.
    Chrily, you're doing great. I am so thrilled for you. :
    Princess, hope you're feeling much better real soon.
    Bandit, glad you had the vacation time so you didn't have to get on the road with all the snow.
    I had a tough, very tough, time on Friday--also had a miserable cold, and uncertainty as to whether d dil and grandkids could come out--and I overate.
    But then, I pointed it all out, wrote down the points and subtracted them from my weekly allowance and determined to keep on keepin' on. Today I felt better enough to get back on and I kept within my points, so I recovered pretty well. This is the best I can do. Sometimes I can overcome my emotional eating and sometimes I overeat--but I can always count it in and move forward.

    and to the best group of turtles!!!!!
    Onward and Downward. Judy
  • Ladies I have had a real rough last 3 days and so i must confess i have gained back all of my weight. I am starting again in the morning. I feel so ashamed but i felt i needed to let you ladies know how i am doing. Thanks for all the encouragement and support.
  • Morning all and Happy Monday!

    Weekend went pretty well, DS was home so we were busy with him and the usual weekend things to do. DS has a chance to go to Italy with my DB and DSIL for about 7 weeks this summer, he wants to go so we got his passport applied for Saturday afternoon, I went a head and applied for mine while I was there... my picture looks like a mug-shot... LOL, the only thing that was missing was the little numbers identification plate underneath Oh well, I was not feeling well and standing in the post office for a long time was not making me feel any better but at least it is done.

    I did ok on points this weekend, not too badly considering we went out to eat Saturday night.

    Cherry: Just climb back on the wagon again, no worries, just keep at it. What happens when you fall off like that for a few days? Do you keep a journal or anything to kind of track what it happening with the over eating and emotional issues? I have thought of starting one of them to see if I can figure out what works when I am over eating and not feeling the best mood wise.

    Judy: Glad you are feeling better... Hope you continue to be on the mend.

    Chris: School work can be crushing, I hope that you enjoy your spring break time.

    Bandit: How are you doing? Tired of shoveling yet

    Lizabeth: How are you doing so far this week? How did your soup turn out?

    I have to run, have a bunch of stuff to do today here at work but will check back again soon.

  • Princess - Thanks for the encouragement. I tend to get off track when i stop recording what i ate because i am upset at myself for eating more than i should have.