Flex Talk #13

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  • Hello fellow Flexers!

    Here's a place where we can discuss Flex and WW, as well as issues of our everyday lives. New Flexers are always welcome, so please join in, to give and get support and encouragement on your weight loss journey.

    Flexers that attend meetings, At-Home Flexers, and anyone just curious about Flex are all welcome here.

    Our old chat thread was bursting at the seams. Please continue chatting in this thread

    If anyone needs the old thread, it is here: http://3fatchicks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=144004
  • I am sorry I have been MIA from our chatting recently. I've been kept pretty busy at work, and the best I can do around 3FC is get my meals planned and answer a couple of threads before I have to off and do something else! I promise I will get better

    I am leaving for my sister's house this afternoon. It is my niece's 4th birthday in a couple of days so we are going to Dutch Wonderland in PA to celebrate - it's a little theme park for kids. I am going to do my best to eat healthy... We'll see how that goes. Theme park food is notoriously terrible. Even if something is billed as a "healthy" choice it probably isn't - like the salads at restaurants that are 1,300 calories. We'll see. I'm hoping I can keep it together.

    I did make some yummy blueberry oatmeal bars last night to bring to my sister's house so I can have a dessert treat with everyone that I don't feel guilty about. The recipe is here, if anyone is interested - they are vegan and oh so tasty! Kroger had 2 lbs of blueberries on sale for $5 so I just had to take them up on it

    Anybody else doing the 3FC 5k this weekend? I think I will try to do it tonight since Saturday will be spent at the theme park (I will definitely do 5k walking there I am sure, but I don't count that!). Though that means running at my sister's house, which I've never done - time to find a route through her neighborhood that lasts 3.1 miles!

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • I have been SO busy this week... haven't had much time to do anything. I am up to 166, but have been maintaining that. I think I need to let go of the thought of losing any more right now, especially since we are TTC and be happy with maintaining. I mean, I'm not unhappy with it, so why push myself to do something I'm not really motivated to do?

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • Jaime, What do you do? You majored in English in college right?

    Mod, I don't understand your post at all! What is TTC?

    Well ya'll spank me and call me sweetheart - I fell off the wagon - what's new???? My dear husband had a birthday. So for 2 days before until today I've strapped on the feed bag. The good news is that I'm only up 6 pounds - not too bad for how long and much I've eaten. The bad news is I've gained 6POUNDS!!! Good grief!

    I was going to go back on Medifast to get it off quickly, but after reading through here yet again, I feel more comfortable. There are so many choices; it's complicated. Okay, I'm done whining.

    I've applied for a couple of jobs in the area and I'm SO nervous about whether or not they'll call. Wish me luck!
  • Hey michelle... lol - there are time that I don't fall off the wagon, I voluntary jump off! But.. like you, I get back on!

    Went shopping today for a few items to get me by until the end of August. This is the frustrating part of losing weight. You can't really buy clothes or plan a wardrobe. You have to buy stuff to get you by for a month or so, and then buy more after that. So, planning is the key with that I guess. I don't want to buy a lot that won't last me very long.. kinda like when you have a baby, you buy enough to get by because the baby wont' wear them very long.

    Anyway, the last pair of jeans I got were a size 18 and those were getting baggy. Can't pull them off without unzipping or unbuttoning them like I had the others, but they were getting really baggy in the behind and legs as well as the waist.

    So, I needed an outfit that didn't have denim in it for Monday, so I went to the mall to one of my favorite places - CJ Banks. Guess what???!!!???

    I tried on a 16P and they fit!!!!!!!!!!! The sales lady who was helping me didn't quite know what to do when I yelped in the dressing room.. poor soul. LOL. My daughter was with me and had me open the door and her jaw dropped to the floor! DH was out sitting on a bench waiting patiently and I went to the front of the store to show him.. My top I had tried on was a 1X instead of a 3X or 4X!!!! LOL.. I am just giddy.

    I did make a comment to the sales lady about vanity sizing, but dismissed it because I didn't care. Vanity sizing or not, I wouldn't have been able to pull up a size 16 over my knees 3 months ago.

    When I left the store, I immediately thought of everyone here! I wanted to share it right away with everyone! You know, I like to think that I am doing this on my own, but really I am not. I am not so sure that I would be as successful as I have been without all of you.. Thank You Everyone!!!!!!!
  • YAY for Chey!!!!! Totally cheering for you!!! That is SO exciting! I know just how that feels, it's happening to me lately too, but you are REALLY doing great! Keep it up and SOON it will be time to buy a REAL wardrobe!

    I am lovin' the positive energy at 3FC lately...SO inspired by everyone changing right before my eyes!

    Happy August Flex Chicks! Make it a good one!
  • Suite, I remember Dutch Wonderland! Sounds fun with the kiddies. Didn't realize it was 5k weekend. maybe I'll catch the next one...


    Michelle, good job getting back on the wagon, TTC is trying to conceive, best of luck to you Mod, the best thing is to stay healthy and not get stressed.

    Things are going well, we went to a little small town parade over the weekend, it was really cute, but there were many evil snacks in the area, but they got sent home with others, so back on track again.

    best to all

    nothing from Faerie?? miss you!
  • Mod - If you are happy, you are right - you might want to focus on maintenance. Have fun with the TTC

    Michelle - Yep, majored in English. Now I work for a research/consultancy company, which is exactly what it sounds like - I research and write reports. It's kind of interesting on occasion. You know you can get right back on that wagon - birthdays are notorious derailers! Which makes me afraid since mine is at the end of the month! Good luck with the job applications too!

    Chey - That is awesome!!! Doesn't it feel great to get into a smaller size? I have a pair of shorts that are 12's but they fall off me far too regularly, so in this pair of shorts I could have gone with a 10. I am a 14 in everything else. So there is no way I am a 10 but hey, I'll take it anyway Own your success, it is all yours! You are doing great!

    Manick - Hey you! Nice to see you finally found plurk, too!

    keli - good job sending evil snacks away with others I think Faerie should be home soon, but I imagine once she's back she'll be busy re-settling in ... and her wedding is coming up too so I bet she has a ton to return to!

    Well, as expected, the plan went out the window over the weekend while I was not at home. I am so terrible at staying OP away from home! I am showing a gain today, but hopefully I can work it off before WI on Saturday. It's just... well... there was this awesome homemade coconut cake and... what can I say? I'm a sucker for fresh coconut...

    In other news, I am regularly using a smaller notch on my belt... I have already gone through my old set of belts because I ran out of notches, this is a new (smaller) one that when I bought it I had to use the longest setting, now I am moving in on it... And all the casual 14's (denim mostly) I own are getting obnoxiously large. But my dress 14's remain snug (I couldn't even fit in them before I started WW) - I guess dress clothes are sized smaller? Anyhow, I can feel I am ready to start making that nice transition to 12 soon!

    Well, better get back to work. Hope everyone had good weekends and happy Mondays
  • Hey Y'all! I just wanted to tell you all a few highlights from my trip to Chicago. We decided to put our loft there on the market so we flew out last Wednesday morning. I went to my WW meeting Tuesday night and the topic was about visualizing positive results, I can't remember what the exact title was called. But my leader--who is awesome--told us to make a movie in our head of what we wanted to achieve that week. I knew I was leaving the next morning and would have normally thrown caution to the wind and just ate to no end. Giving myself the reasoning that this could be our last trip to Chicago for a while. But I didn't.

    Instead, I went home we sat down and narrowed our favorite restuarants down to 5 and decided we would eat at those places for 5 dinners during the week. We then made menus according to what place we were going to eat that evening. As soon as we got "home" we got in the car and went to the grocery store. Since there was no food in the house, only beer in the kegerator , we had a fresh start.

    Parked the car and did not move it the entire week. We ran every morning, walked everywhere we went, packed our loft and ate all the foods that we loved--in moderation. We had Uno's pizza, ate at Ditka's, ate at Smoque, and even spent one evening at Pippins and had some drinks and bar food. It was a great week and just proved to me that I can eat foods I love and enjoy them and still have results on the scale, I was down 4.6 last night. You just have to plan. Who knew that one slice of Uno's did the trick rather than the WHOLE PIE!!!

    Anyway, sorry for the long post, just wanted to share my excitement!!!
  • Hi everyone -

    Newbie here but not to WW and I would like to join you all starting OP tomorrow

    Stephanie - I had to post when I was reading about your trip Chicago...that is my home town and I just sighed You did a great job with all those yummy places!

    Look forward to chatting with you all - been lurking for a while and debating. I had great success in the past with WW but did not follow through and then spent a few years bouncing around from program to program only to come back "home" You all are doing great and have terrific attitudes!

    Thanks so much
  • Quote: Stephanie - I had to post when I was reading about your trip Chicago...that is my home town and I just sighed You did a great job with all those yummy places!
    Lily--I love Chicago. I live in Jacksonville, FL and met my fiance while he was working here in 2001. His home was in Chicago and since he travels alot for his job and his contracts take him to various cities for 6 months at a time I have always stayed living here close to my family. We have kept the loft in Chicago all these years and spend as much time there as possible, but not enough anymore to justify keeping that mortgage any longer. We still have lots of friends in Chicago and will still go back often. I would love to live there but I have a child and would hate to move her away from my family. We are "dysfunctionally" close as my finance says However, I don't think I could handle a Chicago winter--I am a Florida girl!!
  • Steph - Wow, you did awesome during your trip to Chicago! Who knew eating just one slice was the key? Way to go!!

    Lilydear - How are you doing? Jump in anytime!

    I hopped on the scale this morning in need of a little reassurance. Last night during my run some idiot yelled out at me from his car that dreaded three letter word: FAT! (I blogged about it if you want the whole recounting of it.) Needless to say it got me down for the rest of the evening, and I am still struggling to put it behind me today. So yes, hopped on the scale, looking for good news to overpower the bad, and got what I wanted - I saw 191.6 (my WI at the meeting Saturday was 192.8)! I am really creeping up on the 180's and on 25 lbs lost. It felt great to see 191 down there. I really feel like I am on the brink of great things In the past I tend to falter right about here, I think my brain is afraid of getting smaller (change! oh noes!) and I start creeping back up into the safety of the mid-190s. This really feels like a turning point. I am excited about what I can do with the rest of the year!

    I am going to go stick a bunch of NSVs in our long-neglected NSV thread... I have a pile of them today as I try to focus on everything BUT what happened last night. Idiot is not worth my time. :/

    How is everyone else? Chat's been so quiet! Anything new going on?
  • Jamie - there are always people who are stupid out there. You are doing the right thing ignoring the comment and concentrating on positives. Besides, you are doing this for yourself, not some jerk yelling out the window of a car. Talk about immature!

    Nothing new to report here.. just slow and steady. Working a lot, been very tired, not getting all of my water in and reminding people (and myself) that I am taking my breaks and lunch time and not skipping meals.

    I have been really hungry lately and trying to avoid the 'snacks'. I think it is stress more than anything else - work is really getting to me with everyone getting back for the summer and being overly dependent on me to remember their passwords.. lol.

    Jamie - I have all the info for the nutrition info, just need to get the motivation to put it all together in an understandable format!
  • Heeellllooooooooooooo all you Flexy Ladies, you!

    I'm back, and I'm gonna get right into it.

    If you didn't get the chance to read my other post here's the short version: I mess'd up!

    But! Good news. After confessing my food sins to 3FC I had an overwhelming need to rush to WW immediately and start again. Okay, so I couldn't exactly run out from the office, but I did go to the first evening meeting. Got weighed in, got a brand spankin' new tracker, took a deep breath... and remembered why I love the WW group and plan.

    Officially I'm up 5.8 lbs... probably more from last week's binge than the previous 7 weeks... regardless, I must re-change.

    More good news? I'm excited to be starting again. Not in that "I'm gonna lose so fast" excited way (although that's always nice) but in that I'm remembering how good it feels to eat right. How tingly and wonderful it feels to get on the treadmill and just walk until my legs burn, and sweat pours off my face.

    A few months ago I was in the best shape I'd ever been in my entire life, and I plan to surpass that.

    It's really good to be getting back to normal. And I'm so happy to have you fantastic flexers to lean on... Can't wait to catch up and share a little about India!
  • Goooood Happy Wonderful Morning!

    So, being that this is "back to normal" here's what I did today to make that happen:

    1) I've set up my tracker for the week. (Dated it, wrote down my daily points target & week #...) Small, but important for me to be able to get up and track immediately.

    2) I stopped off on the store this morning and picked up enough fruit for my day at work. I picked up a little pre-cut veggies package. Some cottage cheese. Fage yogurt. A pre-packaged SBD meal. (I just think they're tasty, and their 5 points so...)

    3) I made my usual morning coffee. Okay, that doesn't sound like much, but it signifies me returning to a solid routine.

    Anyway, that & working will pretty much be my day

    Hope you all enjoy yours!