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Old 08-29-2019, 08:12 PM   #1  
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Talking Steel Magnolias — #47

Good Evening! We’ve had a warmer, sunny, windy day today. I needed a nail job so that was first on my list this morning. Then I made a stop at WM; they had two checkers with long lines at each. I chose the one I have had before because she is fast and friendly! I always buy Jason a bag of mini Snickers for his birthday and WM’s candy supply was almost bare! My first thought was Halloween but there were bare spots in different aisles. I saw a few familiar people and we all commented how hard it is to find anything because they moved things and put them by other things that have no common relationship, crackers are now by the water. Stupid! This afternoon we went to a nearby town to pick up a quarter of beef thanks to Bob’s farmer friend. We still have some left from last year so will share with the kids.

“Gma,” do you think your neighbors work weird hours and 2am is their awake time? Maybe management could talk to them about the loud music, or would they know it is you who complained? I hope you don’t get any of the hurricane wind and rain. It sounds like Florida is definitely going to get hit. My gripe on the new garbage cans is that people are parking them in front of their houses instead of in the garage or even beside the house. That looks tacky imo. Bob has to back his truck out in order to get them out of the garage, they are big. Anyone with a sloped driveway turns them sideways or they will roll into the street. They are a pain! We always used black garbage bags, like everyone around us, and never had any trouble. But there are those that still pile the bags and haul them when the pile gets too high.

Bob is out watering his new grass project and I should dig out some leftovers for supper. Cooking is such a waste of time imo! Hope you enjoy a nice evening!

Last edited by Jean; 08-29-2019 at 08:13 PM.
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Old 08-30-2019, 01:11 PM   #2  
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Good Morning! It’s a beautiful day in my neighborhood! I’ve been to both super busy grocery stores then took ham sandwich fixin’s to a family up the street. The lovely lady died last January but she always had her extended family together the last weekend in August so her memorial service is tomorrow. Now what to fix for our lunch? Kids are coming home Sunday so need to do some cleaning this afternoon and fix food Saturday. Hope you all enjoy a nice day and the long weekend. I guess that means summer is “over” soon. Hope all is well with all of you!
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Old 08-30-2019, 01:43 PM   #3  
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Good afternoon! Sunny and warm here. It’s 88 but supposed to get into the 90’s. Another night of the thumping music. I’ll have Jack talk to Gary next hoa meeting about it if it doesn’t stop.

Jack has a box to put together this weekend to store my weed spray, ice melt, and bbq stuff on the deck. I need to clean the whole house and get my nails done this weekend. I found out something interesting about gel nails. If they are selling gel nails but applying like acrylic powdered, they are not gels, they are advanced acrylic with uv to harden them. Gel nails are a polish. The ones I had were a lot harder but still not real gels.

We were going to have dinner out but my “stuff” is acting up so Jack’s going to pick up Piccadilly instead. They have good fried chicken.

Jean: They aren’t supposed to put cans out until Tuesday night and put them away by Thursday, but they leave their crap out constantly. It’s disgusting. They need to access fines but they don’t. I’d gladly type up the fines and mail them out if they’d fine people. Our one WM you can’t find anything in and doesn’t have half what you want. I just wish we had better shopping. Kroger is worse.

You all have a nice weekend.
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Old 08-30-2019, 07:22 PM   #4  
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Walked outside to pull the garbage container inside the garage and whoa that north breeze is cold.

Came back from Branson yesterday morning as I had an eye doctor follow up appointment. Then mowed the yard. I got to weed eat the front before I tuckered out. I'll finish the backyard after the ground dries up from the early morning thunderstorm.
Sis told me before I left that her granddaughter was taken to ER on Wednesday afternoon. There is a church next door to their house and she goes to youth group on that night. For some reason there was a commode on the parking lot. I'm not sure if she decided upon herself to try and bust it up or if it were a group thing. She ended up getting a piece of porcelain in her knee. Had to have surgery to clean out the wound and an over night stay in hospital. I think my sister's kids are cursed.
I have had an uneventful day today. Went to sleep in my chair this morning as my clothes were washing. Woke up and went to the grocery store. Shame on me for buying donuts but that was on my mind when I woke up. I bought a half dozen and only eaten 3. I'm saving the rest for tomorrow.
Think I've made up my mind that I'm not going back to weigh ins at MRC. I've found a TOPS club near the hospitals that I may start attending. I may just do this on my own. Ya'll do.
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Old 08-31-2019, 12:20 PM   #5  
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All those donuts I ate made me gain 3 pounds. No more for awhile. September I'm being super strict with food and exercise.
I'm keeping an eye on hurricane Dorian. I have a niece in Clearwater, Florida and a sister and some of her family in Georgia.
Trying to muster up enough energy to clean house.
It's really been nice this morning. Temperature is in the 60's I have opened a couple of windows.
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Old 09-01-2019, 06:44 PM   #6  
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Good afternoon. Very toasty here. It is 92 at the moment. I spent the day cooking and buying gifts. My bff didn’t tell me granddaughter’s bridal shower was a week from today! She’s a plus size a bit so I hurried around and found a very pretty Satin and lace gown and robe and some tropical fragrances at Macys. I then went to Target and bought tissue paper, a gift bag, and bow. I had it all shipped to my friend and ask her if she would put it together and get a small card and write it from me. One of the problems was getting it there before the shower. Target was no problem, but I had to pay $22 for shipping to make sure it got there. Luckily I had rewards certificates that covered the cost. I just bought Target gift cards for their wedding present. The wedding is Oct 5.

We fooled around yesterday looking for a short spring cruise. I found a five day out of Galveston so we booked that. It is March of 2021. Then we’re doing a cruise in 2022 for our 50th wedding anniversary, which is in November. We can’t book that for at least a year down the road. The cruise ships always have a meet and great for vets so I bought Jack a golf shirt for his birthday with the Navy symbol and it shows his retired rank. I thought he’d like that to wear with his ball cap that has all his Navy stuff on it. He gets a lot of attention when he wears it.

I ordered this bottle subscription called Circul. It is a stainless steel bottle you put water in and it has fruit flavored cartridges that can be dialed into the water to flavor it. People seem to love it and I thought I’d try it and see if I can get more water into me. We shall see.

CeeJay: Don’t stress about your weight so much. You’ll get where you want to be. Hoping your family and friends stay safe in FL. I have a gal I went to school with that lives on FL’s east coast about 15 minutes from the ocean and they are boarding up, etc. She said her son came and helped. Good grief! Why was there a toilet in the parking lot of the church?

Everyone have a good holiday tomorrow!
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Old 09-01-2019, 07:37 PM   #7  
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Went to church this morning. Was still in my ho hum mood. Told my sis I was feeling my age today. Arthritis acting up yesterday and today.
Start my eye drops for the right eye tomorrow. Left eye is bothering me some today also. My left cheek is swollen so it may be due to allergies.
Will be going back out to sis's tomorrow for bbq ribs and she said peach cobbler. also. So it doesn't look like I'll be to strict this week anyway. I did want to be down 10 pounds by the next doctor's visit, but he hasn't said anything about my weight.

I think you are right to try not to stress about my weight. My labs are all good. I will try and eat healthy and do some exercise. I tend to obsess with everything I do. I'm not sure why there was a commode on the parking lot. But people do use that parking lot to turn around on and some one hit the commode and broke it. From what I understand she was helping to pick up the pieces and she was throwing a piece and scraped her leg. The scrape was deeper than she thought and about three inches long. She's doing well.

Last edited by ceejay52; 09-01-2019 at 08:39 PM.
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Old 09-01-2019, 10:13 PM   #8  
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Good Evening! I typed a post last night and it went poof into never never land. I was too tired to do it over so will try again. It was another strange weather day in my neighborhood. We got up to dark clouds looking like it might rain any minute. The sun came out around noon, just in time for the kids to go to the water park. I should have made the beans and salad yesterday but put it off until this morning. Bob grilled for supper, then birthday cake with ice cream for Maddy and Jason. I have been hungry for cake for a week and ordered a marble cake from the grocery store bakery. It was delicious! The kitchen is cleaned up, dishes that don’t go in the dishwasher done and put away so we can start fresh tomorrow!

“Gma,” garbage cans can be put out the night before pickup and are supposed to be put away within twelve hours after pickup. Most people are good about some are not. You have way too much fun shopping! Do you use your phone or laptop to shop online? Sometimes I get nowhere fast on the iPad. Glad you found a short cruise to your liking. Where does it go?

Ceejay, I’m good at sleeping in my chair, even when I don’t think I am tired. What a scary ordeal for your sister’s granddaughter! I hope her wound heals as it should. Bob’s cousin lives in a high rise on the east coast in FL. I sent her a text asking if they were ok or moving north. They are staying put. I’m not sure I could live with the threat of hurricanes although Iowa has tornadoes. It’s a toss up I guess. It seems like when I went to WW all I did was think about food; what I should eat, what I shouldn’t eat, measure this, guess at that. Made me goofy! I’m further ahead to watch the portions and not over eat. As I’ve gotten older I find I don’t eat as much - 1/3 pound hamburgers are way too much!

I’m going to get comfy in my robe and nightie! Hope you enjoy a marvelous Monday tomorrow!
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Old 09-02-2019, 04:09 PM   #9  
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It's a beautiful day. I need to be working in the yard but of course my excuse is it's Labor day. Plus I'm getting ready to go out to sis's to eat with them around 5.
Nothing new in my neighborhood so this is good news.
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Old 09-02-2019, 05:05 PM   #10  
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Good Afternoon! The sun has been in and out all day and the humidity is on the rise. The oriole traffic has slowed down considerably but have had several hummingbirds coming and going this afternoon. I’ve done a couple loads of laundry and that’s about it for the day. We are counting money tomorrow so it will seem like Monday.

Ceejay, glad your are having a nice day. The yard work will be there tomorrow! Enjoy your time with your family.

I have towels in the dryer to fold and put away so need to do that. Enjoy the rest of the holiday; seems like we just had Memorial Day!

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Old 09-03-2019, 10:03 AM   #11  
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Good morning all. Going to get up to 93 today. I have to go out in it today because I have a waxing appt. I have had to start splitting my waxing into two appts because I have arthritis in my back and I can hardly sit up when I lay flat like that. Hopefully it will go ok. Last time, I was in agony and actually had to sit in the lobby before I could walk out to the car.

We did nothing this whole weekend. The humidity was awful and with higher temps it was miserable. Everything will get done sooner or later. I stuck beef cubes in the crockpot for dinner tonight. Jack is hankering for beef and noodles. I stuck a load of towels in the wash and will get them in the dryer soon, then get showered and dressed to go out this afternoon.

Jean: Hope the kids had a nice birthday. I use my ipad to shop mostly, but if Safari is acting up I sit at the pc and do it. I just do from home what most people do in stores. I would rather get out, but it’s really hard without Jack these days. We’ve had a lot of wifi problems the last few months. I can see why people get so irked at ATT. We had to buy Jack a new ipad because his went belly up over the weekend. He uses it a lot at work so we just went ahead and bought a new one rather than fool with the expense of getting it fixed. His current one he’s had for several years now. I have a school friend that lives fairly close to Daytona Beach. They’re liable to get ugly weather.

CeeJay: How’s the vision in the eye that is done? I know you’ll be glad to have the other one done. I think you do fine with your eating. At our age just keeping us going is the best thing. How is your nephew, niece, and bil all doing?

Susan: Let us know if you’re ok as they are predicting tropical storm weather where you are.

Garnet: We miss talking with you.

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Old 09-03-2019, 01:27 PM   #12  
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I'm going to get outside and do some yard work in a few minutes. It's hot so I will have to take it easy.
My sis mentioned yesterday that when A, my nephew, comes back home that he will need a place to stay. I told her that I can't do it again but if he is still going back to his work then he can live here and I will live with her. His wife still hasn't forgiven him and I doubt that she can endure to much more heartache from him and this pregnancy doesn't help matters. I told sis that my bp has been bothering me with this latest happening with him, due to my nerves. I don't mind helping her with BIL cause I feel like that's my priority. Bil didn't have good color yesterday. Her kids should be her problem.

My vision is doing great in the left eye. I've had some swelling in my upper check near the eye, I think it's allergies, and that bothers me some but other than that I'm good. The doctor did say that I would probably have to have readers. I'm 20/30 in my left eye now. Never have been able to see that bottom row of little bity letters.

Hope you are having a good day.
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Old 09-03-2019, 04:45 PM   #13  
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Good Afternoon! The sun is shining after a cloudy morning, the humidity is up, and the air is on! Church counting didn’t take long and I was home before 9. It is blood mobile day at the hospital so busier than usual at the main “back” door entrance; the bus parks where I usually do when I do a quick in and out, so had to park in the parking lot. I waited until after lunch to take checks there when it wasn’t so busy. Today Jason turns 46 and we have been married 52 years. Neither seems possible, and both seem like yesterday. I have another load of laundry in the washer which should be done soon.

“Gma,” the hot weather has to settle down soon, fall is on the way! I am surprised, in a way, how much iPads have come down in price since the phones have gotten so expensive. I suppose everything will go up in price with the tariff on items from China. I try to buy things made here but that’s not always possible. Our internet has been really slow lately and I’ve wondered if we need a new router. The cable price went down $5 this month which is a first. It’s still too expensive for what we get in my humble opinion. Hope splitting the waxing appointment helps your back. i’ve never done that so would be a new experience for me.

Ceejay, I hope your nephew and his wife can work their situation to a mutual understanding. Don’t they live where he works now? I don’t blame you for not wanting to live with him, or him with you. Your own health should be your first priority. That sort of sounds like a soap opera in the making. Don’t overdo working outside in the heat.

I need to unload the dishwasher and check on the washer before I can sit down again. Hope you are enjoying a good day!
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Old 09-04-2019, 02:50 PM   #14  
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Good Afternoon! The sun is shining and there is no wind blowing right now. It was a nippy 52 degrees early but has warmed up enough to have the sliding doors open. I ran some errands this morning then stopped for coffee when I ran into another retired teacher I haven’t seen in forever. Now I don’t feel like doing anything around here. Bob came home for lunch and announced his AZ brother, and wife, will be here on Sunday. He is coming back for his 50th class reunion on Saturday then heading our direction. I suggested they stay at the water park since the spare bedroom is being used to sort and pitch from the basement. We have a birthday party for the twins from Bob’s office Sunday noon; they turn one on September 11th. Now need to plan food of some sort I guess.

I need to get busy and do something even if it’s wrong. Hope you are enjoying a wonderful Wednesday!
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Old 09-04-2019, 09:39 PM   #15  
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Good evening. Very hot today and I stayed in. It’s quiet tonight no music or racing cars which is nice.

Jack got his new ipad and can’t get Itunes to download so he can put the stuff from his old one onto his new one. He can’t get his email to receive messages either. It will send, but not receive. He’s as grumpy as an old bear. For one thing he lays stuff all over the place then blows his top when he can’t find it. He took his phone upstairs and left it then got mad because he couldn’t find it. I told him to settle down, dialed his number and voila! He left his reading glasses on my file folder drawers and I told him he’d be looking for them too. He just gave me a grumble. I’ve tried to tell him to make an appt with Apple and find out what the deal is, but he ignores me. Men!

Tonight for dinner I had what my oldest grandson called “shrump” when he was little with a baked potato and green beans. It was pretty good. Jack had a patty melt and fries. He picked it up from Perkins. It got up to 95 here today.

I decided to go for it and do online grocery shopping with WM. We shall see how it goes, but at least they post when something is out of stock, Krogers doesn’t. If it works I will use it just so we don’t have to fight crowds and such.

CeeJay: My optometrist warned me not to expect perfect vision that most people end up 20/25 or so. I said anything that improved would be better. I knew I’d have to have readers because my insurance only pd for one either nearsighted or farsighted. I chose nearsighted correction. Anyway, low and behold my vision is 20/15 in each eye. My vision wasn’t that good as a kid! I started wearing glasses when I was 10. I hope rehab can help your nephew. I had a nephew with serious alcohol and drug issues. His mother enabled him his whole life and after my sister passed away, he took his own life. It’s a real demon for sure.

Jean: Happy Anniversary!!! I hope you enjoy visit with Bob’s family. I depend on my electronics, but I sure don’t do stupid stuff like drive and use them. I was watching “That Girl” episodes on my Amazon prime and got tickled watching them using pay phones all the time. Nowadays they don’t even have them anymore.

You all have a nice evening!
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