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Old 05-19-2024, 11:16 AM   #196  
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New real low 152.2 lbs this morning. I'm sure that is water weight that you lose for a while when first going on Keto. I consider myself a Ketovore not carnivore. May have some days more carnivore but the main thing is to keep net carbs 20 or less. FBG 93 and BP is 127/68. Still taking berberine and my blood sugar pill and taking bp meds, but off of Lasix which is a blessing to me.

Today I want to watch a doctor that is Dr. Cywes mentioned who talks about uric acid and how it works. Dr. Bimkin is his associate and has a video on how to deal with it.

Carol Sue I think you are in the same stage I've been in for a while after surgery find my way back to real health. I see where not trusting Dr. Atkins taught me has gotten me. I have asked the Lord to heal me and to teach me how to work with him. I feel so blessed that I have a Christian doctor who is doing the best he can for me even has me on the best medicine. They just don't have the nutrition correct. He led me to the books I've read or reading that give me the information I need plus these carnivore docs that know so much about how the foods good and bad work in our bodies.

You know I googled how to eat while in cancer treatment and it has led me to where I am. Have googled to see what these keto/carnivore docs say about eating. I know they are out there because these docs talk about cardiologists.

I think we both are still healing. June 1st is the anniversary of my surgery so I didn't expect much till I've healed a year. Plus it didn't help that I followed their ASD they suggested which probably set me back some. I'm amazed at how I seem to be bouncing back some already now that I am back to low carbing. According to what I read about the 2 cases of women who had ovarian/femal cancers it took them 2 years to become cancer free. So I hope by next February I will be completely cancer free if not before.

Hang in there it will turn around. My incentive is to be a good example for my family and also for my doctors as I am praying that the Lord will cause our oncologists to start seeing good results from the Keto Diet a lot of oncologists are having success with and stop telling people to eat ASD.

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Old 05-20-2024, 12:21 PM   #197  
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Weight up .4 lbs to 152.6 lbs., FBG 89 and BP 134/69 which is okay because I noticed that BP is always up when I'm busy getting ready to go anywhere.

Carol Sue I hope you are okay.

I watch Dr. Ben Bikman explain about uric acid how it comes about and what to do about it. He seems to be a professor and a researcher. I love how he explains things. After hearing him DH and I have decided that keto is the best way of eating for me. I do need to get into ketosis as ketones may have a role in dealing with the uric acid. One thing he is getting to do a human research on his theory that a big cause of uric acid is fructose. His theory makes sense.

Lab today and praying the urine test will show I can have infusion Friday. I feel great and I think it is mostly because most of the things I've learned this week gives me even more hope that I will become cancer free if I start eating like they did and still do. Some did Carnivore and some Keto. I plan to continue transitioning so that I will be transitioned by the time I'm finished Fridays infusion and I can start Keto full swing Saturday.

My life and quality of life depends on this for me. I consider myself a guinea pig. LOL After all my oncologist team says I'm in maintenance and will be in treatment until I die. So I figure what have I got to lose and a chance of much to gain.

Have a great day Everyone.
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Old 05-20-2024, 03:38 PM   #198  
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Trish,I am ok. This morning DH rushed me out the door to breakfast at Bob Evans and Goodwill. I had oatmeal and a few bites of DHs meal since he never eats it all. We didn't need anything from Walmart but after we got home they called about prescriptions that are ready. So we will have to go back.

I did not realize that you will be on cancer treatment for life. I guess I'm on heart treatment for life. I consider myself to be healed from my heart procedure. I know I have to go in June for my second follow up and I think he will order an echo. I think I need to be on the fluid pill for life but I might try to get him to switch to another one that does not wipe our potassium. But the fluid pill is because of the CHF. He said the new valve corrected the CHF, so I need more information. Then there's the Pulmonary Hypertention that I need to know more about. I feel very uninformed. I never get enough time with him. Maybe I could ask my PCP.

I am still eating way too many carbs. Over 100 every day.

I love Dr Ben Bikeman. I think I read about uric acid from him. I think my uric acid problem came from dehydration after they put me on Hydraclorithiazide. It contains a fluid pill. They took me off it when they put me on new fluid pills. I do not eat a lot of foods that contain Putin's or drink alcoholic. My SIL has bad gout but denies that the beer he drinks is contributing. He will not eat pork or ham but never skips his beer! When I had all that foot pain my PCP didn't think it was from gout but he tested uric acid and there it was! The only pain I get now is the foot and leg cramps from the Lasix.

Right now I think my biggest problem is too many carbs. I need to cut back.

The scale is back down to 177 and I think that's from the Lasix and I finally had a BM. But I'm eating with DH and that means carbs! He could live on potatoes,like I could live on eggs.
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Old 05-20-2024, 09:43 PM   #199  
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Carol Sue I'm glad you are okay. I thought you may have been sick. Our situations are different but I agree we are both learning to take care of ourselves. I wish I lived in FL because I would go to Dr. Cywes. I wish I knew of a doctor here that would do as thorough a blood work as he does for his patients. He says he could run a blood work and know where you are getting your protein and if you are taking enough or too much. If we still lived in SC, the doctor who did thorough blood work and found what was causing DH problem and treated him and he got well; he would do that kind of work up on me. He also treated cancer patients. He said he loved doing blood work like he did for DH but cancer treatment because that was where he made his money.

I am absolutely worn out tonight. I have been so busy yesterday and today getting the house like we want it for when DH SIL from 1st marriage gets here. Now that I've gotten this far, I want to continue working to get the house cleaned up. I want to go through things and get rid of what I don't want. Then I want to go through my clothes and get rid all of my size 2X and 3X clothes. Some of them are brand new because I had just bought them and got sick and couldn't wear them. I will probably give them to Salvation Army because they will come get them.

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Old 05-21-2024, 10:44 AM   #200  
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I think I'm getting better because the congestion is breaking up. Lately my head has been hurting from head congestion. Its terrible. I am coughing and nose blowing some dark mucus, which I think was infection. But I feel better. I slept good. Scale was up to 178 but thats ok. Less than a pound. I had dream that I was exercising. Its on my mind so I have to get back to it soon. My back hurts, and it feels like its from exercise. Thats funny!

I. Wish I could go to Dr Ted Newman in Oregon. A woman on the low carb forum goes to him as a GP. He helped her lose lots of weight.

I too would love to get thorough blood work. They don't do it because insurance does not pay. They also cannot prescribe meds as a result. And they can't do anything with the results.but you can get it done with a lab online. You pay but not a lot.
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Old 05-21-2024, 03:31 PM   #201  
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Weight 151.8 lbs, FBG 93 and BP 114/62. Still water loss even though I take no Lasix.

Carol Sue I wish I could find a doctor who does more thorough blood work and I wish I could find one locally who was interested in Keto Diets in my area or close by. I am praying that my oncologist would get interested in helping his patients to eat keto and learn that yes sugar does feed cancer cells. I know more and more oncology tests are showing Keto Diet helps cancer patients to go into remission so I pray that my doctor will look into that science on it.

Company probably isn't going to be here until in the morning if then. They still have 7 or 8 hrs to drive and it was around 1 pm when they called us.

Hope you are getting over the infection and feel better soon.
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Old 05-21-2024, 03:51 PM   #202  
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Trish,you are doing great with your weight! Im so proud and happy for you! So close to 150and great blood sugar!

I feel ok but still coughing and blowing my nose. Im getting there. DH seems back to normal.

DH wants mac and cheese for dinner. He bought some boxed mixes but doesn't like them. The cheese is too strong and thick. So I made it but doctored it up to be like my home made. Rather than waste it. He will like it. I already entered my food. Im at 900 calories and 53 carbs. I don't do net. I will change something to get to 1000 calories so MFP will accept it and it will get entered on Fitbit. Fitbit shows calories burned and alongside calories eaten. If I could get down to 150 lbs I would be ecstatically happy! I am not sure I'm willing to do what it would take. Maybe with your incentive!

My doctor doesn't discuss diet with me. My cardiologist tells me to eat low sodium heart healthy. One time my PCP asked me what I did to get such a good A1c and I told him I cut carbs. He just said that will help with weight, too, but no more mention. I think if your numbers are good the doctor won't care how you ate to get there. You could just say "eating healthy" and you would not be lying. You do what is working good for you. We both know cutting sugar is good, no matter if you have cancer or not.
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Old 05-21-2024, 09:49 PM   #203  
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Company didn't make it. They are coming from FL and the Gulf is flooded in a lot of places so they had to go out of their way to get here. She called and said they are about 2 and 1/2 hours away from us. So they got a motel room and will be here in the morning between 9 and 10 am.

Carol Sue I already decided that I am not going to tell anyone at oncology or even my PCP how I am eating. If I still lived in SC, I would because most of the doctors at my doctor's clinic did some form of low carb so they would understood. I only knew that because my doctor told me they did. I haven't heard any doctors doing any form of keto here. I would love to find someone who does. However, I don't want to follow any body's diet 100%. I notice a lot of cancer survivors I've seen on line seems to follow some sort of keto diet but it seems to be their own personal plan. I will do the same because this has to be a lifestyle for me and for me it is healthy.

I'm glad you are feeling better.

Calories less than 1200, total carbs 20 g but fat and protein doesn't come close to as much as I am supposed to have as I'm having difficulty eating that much. But following Dr. Berry's recommendation, I eat until satisfied. I am counting calorie and carbs although he says not to, but I do that for me.

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Old 05-22-2024, 10:00 AM   #204  
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Waiting for company to come in any time between now and 10 am. We wanted to take them out but they need to beat bad weather that may hit this afternoon so they may not have long to visit. We will be glad to see them. It's been 3 yrs since they came last time. This visit is a quick one because her granddaughter graduates from high school tomorrow.

Not sure what I did yesterday except that I had zucchini with my main meal. Result today is FBG is up to 105 and weight was up to 153.8, but BP was great which was surprising since according to MFP I was way over 2300. According to MFP, my calories, protein and carbs were great. So interesting how our bodies handle things.

Carol Sue I hope you feel great today.

Getting up at 6 am is rough on me. I headed to bed at 10ish and DH and I got a 4-way text from DH SIL and DD and didn't get to bed until my regular time around 1 am. Bless their hearts they are having kid problems and they wanted our advice and for us to pray. DH finally told them we had to go to bed and asked them to call us tonight or tomorrow. WOW parenting never stops.

Have a good day.
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Old 05-22-2024, 08:58 PM   #205  
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Trish,I hope you get to enjoy the visit with company regardless of how short their stay. I will be nice to see them.

We went to the casino. The storm warning was not for our area so no problem there. We didn't win anything again. We were going to stop at a Wal-Mart for the meds but we forgot. Then we were going to go to Texas Roadhouse on the way home but the parking lot was crowded. DH got a burger and fries at McDonalds and I ate leftovers when we got home. Im ready for bed now.
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Old 05-22-2024, 10:48 PM   #206  
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We had a wonderful visit with our guests even though it took them a long to get here and then they had to leave early to beat the storms coming in. They never had rain, stayed in a little store in a small town after they left us because the radio said a storm was coming there. So they never had to drive in the rain. What time we had with them was really a treat.

I won't be having an infusion Friday because my urine test was over 2000. Then I found a video by Dr. Cywes explaining why sometimes the blood work goes the opposite of the way they should go. He says don't start out doing carnivore, but work into it slowly. Turns out he has a few video telling you how to eat and it reminds me so much of the combo of IF/IE and you may remember that is how I loved eating and ate that way in SC. I'm going back to it. Since I can't have an infusion Friday, I'm going to start it tomorrow. He says don't eat breakfast and eat only 2MAD or if your not hungry just eat OMAD. I watched part 1 to night and will watch part 2 tomorrow, The only rule I've seen so far is eat at the table and don't eat starchy carbs. Dr, Cywes you can eat too much protein. That is the opposite of what my PCP and oncologist said so I think I've been eating too much. In fact, he says forget macros etc and counting caks and carbs, but instead of counting net carbs count total carbs.

I also got Dr. Bikman's book today too.

Carol Sue I had a feeling y'all went to the casino today, Sorry no winnings today. I'm worn out from all the house cleaning this week and getting up so early this morning. I hope we both a good nights sleep.

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Old 05-23-2024, 09:38 AM   #207  
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Scale at 180 today. No fluid pill at all, My ring is,snug and right ankle is puffy. Left never gets puffy. I ate leftover sauerkraut last night but never gave it a thought til now. I wonder why only one ankle gets puffy.

I heard that you can eat too much protein but the carnivore people on Twitter eat only meat, or only meat and eggs. I might ask them about this. I used to eat eggs, meat and vegetables but I never tracked then so I don't know how much protein I was eating.

DH wants to go to Bob Evans for breakfast. I guess I will eat oatmeal.

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Old 05-23-2024, 05:45 PM   #208  
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We were supposed to go to Texas Roadhouse for dinner but after eating breakfast at Bob Evans I wasn't hungry enough,so I made chilu. We had the chili discussion again. He says my chili is not chili. He likes canned chili so mine doesn't taste like canned. But it tastes like my mother's and like they make it at 2 restaurants we go to. Except we don't like hot spicy food so I don't make it hot. I use spices,but not a lot. It just adds flavor,not heat. He also said chili should cook for 6-8 hrs but I told him I use canned beans that are already cooked. Dry beans require along cooking time. When I first met him he asked me to put macaroni in it to make it go farther. Now I like it that way but he no longer does. Its not always easy living with him. I. But tomorrow is Friday and we rarely go to TX Roadhouse on a Friday but we can. He no longer has to have fish.

Im tired today. I slept but not good. I woke up a lot. I hope I sleep tonight.

When we were at Bob Evans, I saw a friend from when I was 19. Thats 60 years ago.
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Old 05-24-2024, 09:59 AM   #209  
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I slept good last night. Scale was down to 177. Playing games with fluid pills,not true weight loss. Maintaining.

No plans yet for today.
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Old 05-24-2024, 01:05 PM   #210  
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I could not get 3fc yesterday unless I joined something I don't want. I'm not sure where it is from so don't know if I can trust. It may be with my server and safe but I don't know that yet. Will call them today to find out.

I was not able to have infusion today. Numbers were to high. I'm waiting for oncology scheduler to call me and let me know when I am to have a CT Scan and a follow up with the doctor when he gets the results. I am so thankful I am on Dr. Tan's FB group for Keto for Cancer. She evidently has times we can ask her questions. I wrote her and asked her if I need to cut back on my protein. She told me this is a side effect of my chemo med I'm on. She said that it won't be long till my doc will have to stop treating me with that medicine and I will stop the protein being dumped out of my kidneys. Then I watched Dr. Cywes talking about why you leak protein through the kidneys. Everything is in normal range in my numbers that contributes to this some time. The BUN is the only thing that is high in that system or whatever. I learned that when you are on a KD and you are leaking protein, you are either eating more protein than you need or you are not eating enough fat and you need that fat to protect your protein.

DH got on my oncology portal and read my recent lab results that showed each thing Dr. Cywes and that my blood sugar, creatinine and bp etc were all in the normal range. The only thing that was way too high was the bun. Number 1 I know this is a side effect of the chemo med I'm on and now I also learned from MFP tracking is that the only thing I'm doing wrong on Keto is I do not eat near enough fat. In fact, I don't ever eat as much protein as I should although Dr. Cywes says no one knows how much protein a person should eat. He says just eat as much as your body can handle but be sure to eat enough fat to protect what protein you do eat. He encourages start out eating 3MAD if you need it and slowly work into fasting breakfast easing into eating only when you are hungry. The way he describes it reminds me of the IE woe which is the way I love to eat.

Weight has settled at 153.8 lb for past 4 days. FBG is between high 80 and low 100a and my bp is really good. So I will start back on keto working toward keeping fat numbers high enough to protect the protein I eat and always having more fat and eat 20 g of total carbs each day. I will start this on Saturday or Sunday as originally planned. I want to see how that affects my situation.

Carol Sue I have switched my eating to 2MAD and DH and I eat our main meal around 3 pm per our daily schedule and our 2nd meal is within 5 hrs or when I get hungry and we eat eggs. Dr. Cywes says don't be afraid of eggs. It has everything we need because it is making a chicken. He said has all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals in it. I think of you every time I hear him say this because you love your eggs as I do.

Have a great day everybody. I'll be here as often as I can get on here.
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