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Old 03-26-2024, 08:46 AM   #16  
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I had a surprise on the scale this morning and not a good one. 179. I was not expecting a bump up as I didn't think I over ate yesterday with just 2 meals and a snack and my stomach was growling over night. But the scale doesn't lie. I still need to track on MFP.

IF works great for me when I can stick to it. My biggest factor is not eating after dinner and we eat dinner early. If I can go to bed with an empty stomach it is best for my weight and blood sugar, both of which are bad right now. If I can get back to Brunch and Dinner I will do much better. If I eat at night I try to stick with vegetables or scrambled eggs, and I try to remember,no hunger,no food. Food is not for entertainment.

I slept so so last night.

As far as I know I have no where to go today. I still have laundry to do.

Our garage door is still not working and DH lost his front door key. It was an extra one I had been carrying in my purse for years and hes,been carrying it in his pocket. Gone. So he has an extra one in the garage and will have to get one made. He said he's going to get someone to install a new garage door opener. He did the last one but doesn't feel up to it now. I wish one of his guys would help him but he won't ask for help. If he gets it installed it will probably be Home Depot. I wish we could just get ours repaired but its a Sears and they are out of business. We have extra remotes for it and they will be useless. Its a pain not to have the opener working because I hate coming up the front steps. Its no fun getting old. Why didn't I keep up with my exercise over the years? Any younger people lurking here, make note of this. Keep up your exercise as you age! You are going to need it!

Here's my Dutch Oven I got. Mines orange. I think mine is 7 qt. It's pretty big and very heavy.

It got a few bad reviews but I got mine for $7 minus the senior 25% discount, so I can't complain. Its Food Network. I would have preferred Lodge or LeCrueset but you can't pick and choose at Goodwill.

I was looking on my portal and noticed that my doctor DID renew my Lasix with 11 refills,but Wal-Mart has not called me yet. If we go out anywhere in the next couple days I will stop in and ask about it. I sure hope it's not lost somewhere. Maybe they are just behind.

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Old 03-27-2024, 08:03 AM   #17  
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Scale back down to 177.

YoohooTrish! Where are you?

Just ate my breakfast. Now will go to Wal-Mart and hope my meds are there.

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Old 03-27-2024, 06:06 PM   #18  
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Sorry I didn't write yesterday and late today. I've been reading and trying to organize this little table by my recliner. I read somewhere that women want to do all their house cleaning in one day, however, they say that we need to learn that we do not have to do it all in one day. They say that is undue stress and we should learn to spread that cleaning throughout the week or at least a few more days. Then I read in the Hacking Chemo book that she says that while going through treatment the patient needs to keep their identity as much as possible and continue to do what you can do. This does include learning to do what you must change and what you don't have to change. I'm trying to do just that. In fact, I am learning a lot of good info from it. Some I wish I had had time to read before my surgery. However, once I was in the clutches of the side effects and ending in the hospital a number of times before and after surgery, I had no energy to read. However, I had read enough of what she went through during her chemo, surgery and after, I was not too surprised of what could happen. I remember her going through a reaction that blind sided her just as I did. So a good read. I want to look up her website and get back on it. I think I have it in my faves, its just combing through to find it.

My eating is awful right now. I have good and bad days. My weight came down to 160.8 for a few days but it was back up to 162 this morning. I am in the process of slowly moving into lower carb but not there yet. I have food that needs to be eaten so it doesn't get wasted. Until I decide how low I am going to do, I will do a 6 to 8 hr eating window with one 60 hr fast around my chemo treatment between now and then. If this works like it obviously did for her, I may not have to go lower carbs to keto. I will see.

Guess you might say I am learning and adapting to new strategies as a I journey down this road called cancer. I love how she approaches this and suggests others of us to. She has never allowed it to make her a victim which is why she took control of what she could and learned how to live with it and move on with her life without allowing it to make her feel disabled by it. She continued doing what she could and hiring out jobs she couldn't do, but still oversee what she could.

Now I want to go read that article you sent me the other day Carol Sue. BTW your Dutch Oven is very nice and a pretty color. Also I need to grab a snack to close out a 6 hr eating window.

Have a nice evening.

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Old 03-27-2024, 08:09 PM   #19  
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I went to Walmart and was very glad that they had my meds. So I am all caught up with meds. I never have a problem getting the ones from mail order. They are on auto fill and just come in the mail when due. I never run low.
​​​​​​Step daughters Sister in law invited some other people for Easter dinner. She asked if it was ok but step daughter didn't think she could say No. Step son is not coming because DIL and DGS are coming home from Florida that day and will probably be too tired. I don't want to go with all the other people but step daughter wants us there so we sill go. I am cooking a half ham for us and will make potato salad, chicken legs and brownies. Im cooking the chicken because I can't eat a lot of ham and someone else might want some.

I'm glad you are getting all your food planning figured out. It seems that book is helping you.Good information. Just remember that Keto is high fat and you might not want to do that.

I am not happy at all with my weight. I have gained 10 lbs since I was in the hospital. I need to get this back off. I feel uncomfortable at this weight and I'm not sleeping good. Things have to change.

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Old 03-28-2024, 10:42 AM   #20  
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Sleep was good,scale at 178.0. I was not hungry overnight but I did have a deli ham sandwich around 7pm. We didn't have dinner so that was our dinner,but later than usual. DH got up at 7am so I fell back to sleep for 3 more hours. I missed Kelly and Mark Live which is on at 9am and I like to watch it while I'm having my coffee in the morning. The show is repeated on another channel at 10 am but DH watches Lets Make A Deal at 10. Soon it will be warm enough that I can have my coffee out on the porch in the morning. Its very peaceful.

As far as I know I have nowhere I have to go today. I do have to go to the store to get a ham for Easter. And I will have to buy some whole milk on Friday so I can make Easter Cheese on Saturday. On Friday I will make the beets and horseradish. If I didn't marry DH I wouldn't know about these Slovak Easter traditions.
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Old 03-28-2024, 11:21 PM   #21  
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Spent today reading more. So much to read. Will write more tomorrow.
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Old 03-29-2024, 09:47 AM   #22  
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Good sleep. Scale still at 178 but up .4. Basically no change.

I wasn't hungry overnight but I'm hungry now. I will wait until DH cooks breakfast which is usually around 10:00. Last night DH wanted Mac and Cheese. I made it but didn't put in enough cheese. It was ok. But it was a meatless meal,and with today being Good Friday we will eat meatless again. The religion I grew up with didn't require meatless Fridays but I follow this for DH who grew up Catholic. He no longer follows most of their teachings but does obtain from meat on Friday. Old habits die hard. I would like to go to Disney's early so I can get baked scrod lunch. They used to serve lunch until 4 and I could order it if we went at 3:30 but now they changed it to 3 pm so I would have to order it at 2:30. Its hard to get DH to eat that early. He is set in his ways, not subject to change. Thats because he likes to eat lunch around noon. I don't eat lunch,just late breakfast and early dinner.

I was thinking about my recent gain and failure at losing. For years was always a little bit hungry. I kept my weight in control that way. When I became an over eater and gained all my weight that changed. It seemed I was always eating to prevent hunger and it worked. For years I was never hungry, even right before meals. I need to regain that hunger. I need to get back to IF and stick to my short eating window. There was something psychological about feeling that empty stomach and growling stomach that kept me on plan. It told me I would weigh less tomorrow and that thought was what I needed. Not a starving feeling, just a little bit hungry. Feeling full works the opposite, makes me want to eat more. I definitely have disordered eating. But it keeps me thin. Normal eating makes me over eat and gain. I know it doesn't make sense.
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Old 03-29-2024, 01:45 PM   #23  
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Well I guess my Oncologist will be happy as my weight is going up. I weighed 164 lbs this morning. Also I notice that my FBG is all over the place like my PCP said it would be but over all still averages out where they like it. Changing my Lisinopril from 10 mg to 20 mg as Oncologist wanted and taking it at night before bedtime like I read some where to do is working. BP was 127/67 this morning. I don't know why I didn't switch it to night time before because I read some where that by doing so you are less likely to have a stroke or heart attack. I think it relaxes me to sleep better too.

I've pretty much decided that I on the Friday I have infusion that I will start my 60 hr fast around 10:30ish on Wednesday night before and stop the fast on Saturday at dinner time. That will make my fast longer than 60 hrs because I will be stopping my daily IF eating window by 6 or 7 pm and we usually don't eat dinner around 3ish depending on when DH gets up and wants to eat. I am working on learning to keep my daily calories under 1500 and carbs around 70s to 80s grams. I will be getting some carbs with fiber that I can subtract from the carbs to try to keep them around 80 grams. I'm eating more fat that I normally would but it seems to be important so will work at keeping them keto healthy. I was telling DH the reasons I didn't want to go keto and why I should do it. He finally said to me "Why don't you just do it and stop talking about it?" I want him to read the info on keto/IF concerning cancer and then if he thinks I should, then I will probably do it because he will work with me on helping me do it and become my strongest supporter.

I am eating 2 egg omelets for breakfast now and I because I have gotten in a habit of ending dinner with a dessert and I need the benefit of Greek yogurt, I will eat a multigrain waffle DH bought yesterday and put yogurt on it and drink it with a cup of decaf coffee. I will eat 2 good meals and finish the day with a protein shake. This will keep my carbs moderately low, give myself the fat I need but not an exorbitant amount and the added protein I need to have but not an extreme amount.

Carol Sue I've never attended a church where I had to not eat meat on Good Friday, but strangely enough, I decided I wanted to eat salmon for dinner today. So I'm cooking salmon today. When DH and I married, I got a book I think was titled "What would Jesus eat?" I would have to find it and look at it, but I think it said He ate fish which makes since His disciples were fisherman and they did live in what we call the Mediterranean area.

Well, I guess I better get busy. I have some more reading to do. In Hacking Chemo book tells about why some people should not do fasting and keto and I want DH to read that chapter as it mentions some things that I want to be sure does not apply to me before I actually do this. I read while I do my exercises.

Have a blessed Good Friday for those of us who celebrate Easter.
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Old 03-29-2024, 04:51 PM   #24  
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Trish, I was raised in the Methodist church all my life until I met DH. I never heard any mention of abstaining from eating meat, but it says online that they abstain. I always thought it was just Catholics, Episcopalian and Lutheran. This is how eating fish became popular but my MIL cooked mac and cheese, Lentil Soup, And Caraway Seed Soup, which we called Dough Ball Soup. I used to make Tuna Noodle Casserole and we all liked it but Step son said he will never eat it again. LOL. I guess I overdid it. At the time he never mentioned that he didnt like it. He says he ate it because there was nothing else. Now we sometimes get plain pizza or vegetable pizza. Now DH says it is a man-made rule, never mentioned in the Bible. Fortunately, I have always loved fish. I don't think God cares what we eat as long as its healthy for our body. I think they ate a lot of fish because many of his recipes were fishermen and fish was plentiful. It is very healthy.

I've been in the bathroom a lot today so maybe the scale will be down tomorrow.

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Old 03-30-2024, 08:37 AM   #25  
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Poor sleep last night. Scale was down to 176. Hope I can keep it going down. I think this is because I'm eating early in the day and none at night.

Trish,I hope DH was able to help you understand the information in the Hack Cancer book. Do you have it on Kindle or did you buy the actual book? You've been doing so well you dont want to change your progress now.

Ill be leaving soon to buy a ham.
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Old 03-30-2024, 08:35 PM   #26  
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Carol Sue I was interdenominational before they were a church because I always say I was Baptist when I walked to church, Methodist when the lady we bought groceries picked me up on Sunday and took me to church and Christian denomination when Daddy and Mama took us to church. At one time, I was the only one who went to church. I wanted to go tomorrow but still having potty issues so can't attend tomorrow so will watch it online.

DH did look at the info in the Hacking Chemo book and doesn't think I will have any problems fasting and even doing Keto. MFP had an article that they say is from John Hopkins about foods that cause cancer and what you should and shouldn't do. Then I got another article from Johns Hopkins that they put out saying that what was wrong with the other article and it was a hoax telling what Johns Hopkins says. It actually tells me pretty much what oncology team told me when I met them. I think to be safe, I will do more of a low carb woe along with the fasting and mostly try not to gain weight.''

Weight was down 1 lb this morning and I hope I will be able to keep it off. I have decided to use the Lasix a little more often but not too often. I started gaining too much from swelling which Oncologist doesn't want me to do so I will take my one Lasix a day and then take another one only as needed, but not everyday. Don't know for positive how low I should go with the carbs, but I do know that I don't do well with high fat so will be careful with fat.

I would have a small ham for Easter but won't buy one. We now eat fish 3 times a week so I might cook cod fish for dinner tomorrow. I have a pork roast but DH cooked pork today and we try not to eat the same type of fish 2 days in a row.

DH has 10 Commandments movie going. This past week we watched The Passion and one of the other movies we always watch around Easter.

Hope you have a good visit with your step-daughter as y'all celebrate Easter together.

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Old 03-30-2024, 09:43 PM   #27  
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What a day. I was supposed to make the beets and horseradish yesterday but I was too tired. We made it this afternoon, then DH got hungry so we went to Bob Evans and Goodwill. Very good grilled chicken at Bob Evans. After we came home we made the Easter Cheese that isn't cheese. I mismeasured the milk on the first one. I don't know how it will turn out but that one will be mine, unless it tastes terrible. I put in 2 cups of milk instead of 4. I did the second one right so that one will go to step daughters. That was too much for me in one day and I'm exhausted. My legs and shoulders hurt. Im so glad DH helped me or it might not have gotten done. Tomorrow I have to make potato salad, cook my ham, cook some chicken, shower, then go to step daughters at 2. She is telling everyone 2:30 but I want a good parking spot! I wanted to make scalloped potatoes but step daughter and DH want potato salad. She never had my scalloped potatoes. I didn't start making them until after the kids moved out. I think potato salad is more of a picnic food. But its her meal and I have to let go.

I just tasted the Easter Cheese when I wrapped it to refrigerate it and its fine, even the one with not enough milk in it. Very little difference. The dog likes it too because it tastes a bit like scrambled eggs.

Trish, I think low carb eating will help you with the swelling. I would not do high fat, either. Online I saw that high fat can bring on potty issues but they stop after a while.

Im so tired I'm going to bed. I think in going to take Benedryl.
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Old 03-31-2024, 09:57 AM   #28  
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Pretty good sleep with the Benedryl, but I fell asleep and forgot to put my cpap on. Scale back to 177. Im not going to take my Lasix til we come home because I don't want to compete with 10 other people for the bathroom at step daughters. The ham and chicken are in the oven. Potatoes are cooking for potatoes,eggs are boiled, veggies are chopped. Step daughter told me not to bring chicken because nobody will eat it. I will. I can't eat a lot of ham or other high sodium foods. If there is chicken left over I will bring it home. I sill eat it leftover and so will Rusty.
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Old 03-31-2024, 02:10 PM   #29  
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Weight is bouncing up to 164.2 lbs today. FBG was 110 this morning and BP was 141/62. All this is due to chemo medicine.

Carol Sue I wondered about the fat I was eating on my woe lowcarb almost keto... wondering if it was causing the potty issues. I think I am going to just count calories and not worry too much about whether it is low carb or not and do it all along with IF. I will work at staying within 8 hr eating window most days and then try doing the 60 hr fast only during Infusion week. We know the advantages of autophagy during long fasts and that will only be done 36 hr fast before infusion and 24 hrs after. There are some things I am not sure about eating on lowcarb or keto. I hope once I get my stomach straightened out that maybe I will eventually be able to to go back to eating like blueberries and strawberries because they are good for keeping arteries healthy. But I will not be eating high fat. I might can eat a low fat/semii-low carb.

I had a home cooked 1 egg Mcmuffin with a c of coffee made with a scoop of collagen. for brunch We are having salad,1/2 a frozen. lasagna and DH will have his low sugar strawberry shortcake and I will have my version of that made with 1 Store brand type of Eggo with half a small 80 calorie container of Dannon Lite & Fit Greek yogurt on it with a c of decaf coffee. I will finish off the IF eating window with a Protein shake.

Carol Sue I'm glad you got a good nights sleep. I hope you will have a good day. People should understand why you brought your chicken because you did have a heart procedure and you have to follow your plan in order to live.

Have a blessed Easter.
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Old 03-31-2024, 05:38 PM   #30  
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We are home already. 5:30. This is how our family gatherings go. Once the first person leave, everybody leaves. A little girl got sick so her mother left, then everyone followed. There was so much good food, and I ate too much. I brought home a few leftovers, and I brought the chicken home for Rusty. DH is glad its over. I am very tired and will be going to bed early!
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