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Old 05-06-2024, 06:53 AM   #31  
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Thumbs up Monday- Canarsee Indians of the Lenape sell Manhattan: goods worth 60 guilders (1626)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Visit with the (4 yo) DFGD was as non-stop as ever. Despite the slight rain, she insisted on walking to the playground with DW who had to go to that park for an outdoor meeting of the folks who have a space in the community garden. She was handed a rainbow umbrella from our stack of small umbrellas. Her face lit up; she danced to the playground under her umbrella. She wanted to take it home. DS stepped in, "No, we have our own stack of umbrellas, including your red one. You can use this one when we visit." He wanted to draw the line that she didn't get everything that she saw that was pretty. I was reminded that small folding umbrellas are so inexpensive that everybody has their own stash. Engineering marvel that is.

My granddad stripes were earned when DS and I were making playdough stuff with her. I produced a plastic, hand-sized, pot scraper that was perfect for cutting playdough. DS and I would make veggies and DFGD would dice them. CREDIT moi for inventing a game that amused her but double credit for sneaking in something so ridiculously healthy. Felt like I was proselytizing. DS showed me how to julienne carrots when I asked how to pronounce the word which I've seen many times but never heard spoken. Fun father-son moment when he go to demonstrate his culinary knowledge. He's into foods.

Eating was on plan, CREDIT moi, except for cookies with lunch. Lunch itself, with a group, was vegan soup with green salad, bread, and humus. Terrific. But someone had brought in their Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies. I sat with the donor, "They have to go or I'll take them home and eat them." Gentleman that I am, I did my best. I had thought the threat from Girl Scouts was over for the year.

onebyone - Good luck at Sunnybrook today. Congrats to your DH for knowing the business well enough to sell an 'antique' video game for big bucks. Will have find a Beanworld - new to me - but who wouldn't be curious about Professor Garbanzo.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - I didn't know there was an app that allowed the unwashed to identify the pattern of fine china. Thought that was a secret of the dealers.

Silverbirch - Would love to see the UK's Blackbird (Turdus merula merula) that we don't see here. We merely stole the name and applied it to different birds. We do not bake them into pies.

maryann – Hope that light machine works to your satisfaction. Pretty exciting to be preparing for the arrival of your DS. Watched the video for using one's sterling silver serving tray to hold fine china tea cup floral arrangements. Should be presented by the butler, LOL.

Readers -
Chapter 1 The Key to Success

How Cognitive Therapy Woks

Cognitive Therapy helps you identify your sabotaging thinking and effectively respond to it, so you can feel better and can behave in helpful ways.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), Pg 21.
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Old 05-06-2024, 07:34 AM   #32  
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I didn't get to post yesterday as I whipped off to a brunch with some older ladies I used to work with. We always have a fun, loud time. I skipped the bacon, thinking of my heart, and brought home part of it so credit for that. then off to Trader joes, a nap, and getting the dishes done that have been sitting around in the sink for awhile, oops. I've had some fun this weekend but its also been hard with lots of conversations back and forth about my dad/with my dad. I'm hoping to get him sprung today home and one of the helpers is going to stay overnight with him. DD and I had some words over the weekend too, and DS graduation is coming up which is bittersweet as my husband won't be there. so there's lots of emotions going on. I have not overeaten on it-I did get into the ice cream but I stayed within a decent calorie range,and went to bed a little hungry. The scale has finally gone down two pounds, yay. I need to get back to sustained exercise and lifting weights. I am committed to entering my food into lose it.
Onebyone-good luck with Sunnybrook, I hope all goes as it should.
Bill-oh those evil girl scout cookies!
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Old 05-06-2024, 09:30 AM   #33  
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The tool for identifying china patterns worked for me. The same site made it easy for me to ask if they were currently buying this pattern and they are. This feels like a good way to get the pieces to people who actually want them. I'm going to talk it over with my brother, but I feel better knowing that this option is available. Since I have many pieces, it will be hundreds of dollars, but won't reach a thousand. I'll donate the money to charity, so I don't feel guilty that I made money off of china that kind of accidentally ended up with me.

We had a short night, last night. Family drama erupted. For once, it wasn't generated by Dear Niece. In fact, there's an aspect that will make her feel vindicated. Unfortunately, she isn't communicating with me, right now, so I don't have an avenue to relay the information to her.

The drama came in the form of a two-hour phone call on speaker phone. We ended up with a late supper and a late bedtime. Then, woke up early. Oh well. I will survive one short night. Here's my reminder that food doesn't fix fatigue and that I have a good plan to follow today. I want to follow it.

Exercise: 60, 245/1800 minutes for May
95% of Ideal Food Day

onebyone: Wishing you all the best with today's medical stuff.
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Old 05-06-2024, 10:16 AM   #34  
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Good morning, Coaches.

Good to have DS home. We watched Dune Part 2 . DH dozed as with all Sci-fi and I ask DS multiple questions including how did they cast Christopher Walken as the Emperor of the Universe? Was Danny Devito not available. Still - good fun.

Food was very OP with an excellent salad choice at the restaurant and a mild amount of sweet after. I made progress on the scale. I feel so antsy finishing up school. I need to go weed the garden house. I need to work on this house. I need to spend time with DS, but I HAVE to go to school and do grades. I feel like a teen the last month at home before she goes to college.

Lark has asked me to walk a half an hour a day. I did so yesterday. I will do it again today.

Wave to all.
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Old 05-06-2024, 03:54 PM   #35  
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A rough day as my insides have been complaining and I didn’t have enough sleep last night. I hope that a few days away from the job search tension will help me relax. I’ve been wondering whether to take my scales (that’s one of maryann’s ideas from way back).

I’ve tidied up most of my things as I’ll be away for probably a week. I planted out the Korean mint (Agastache rugosa) which I took as a slip from a friend in 2018. It’s now coming into its own with the greenhouse and the different garden and I think it’s going to be phenomenal. The bees and butterflies will love it. Apparently, humming birds do too but I’ve never seen one of those round here. I live in hope.

There was torrential rain this afternoon and water poured through the kitchen ceiling. I think the seal around the boiler flue may have given way under the pressure of the rain. There is, indeed, always something!

Sleep - not great.

Food - also not great as inexplicably I ate too much bread (pitta). I don’t really like pitta much either. I think I may have been trying to put myself into a carb coma. I could have just gone to sleep.

Exercise - none so far.

Wave to you all. I may be scarce for a few days as I travel North, see a few members of the family and sort out what's going on with the N house and garden.
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Old 05-06-2024, 10:14 PM   #36  
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Default Freshly infused


I got the go ahead to get my first maintenance dose of immunotherapy
medication. My liver enzymes have sufficiently dropped according to my oncologist

But the intake chemo nurse seemed skeptical. She started asking me everything about it
I didn't have much info and felt very annoyed having to answer her when I had just talked to my doctor. She bothered me enough to cause me to have second thoughts' about whether my Dr was correct in her assessment. I took a breath and realized my Dr is my Dr..and has been since October. I don't know this nurse at all. So I will go with my Dr's (Dr,'s?) opinion.

Another surprise was the head nurse who was hooking me up to my drugs the one half hour dose I was getting retails for $12,000.00. Before today I was on two drugs and the one I no longer get retails at $30,000.00.
Astounding. Today's infusion was 6x the value of my car.

I'm wiped out. Just wanted to check-in.

silverbirch: Enjoy your trip! Drive safe! Have some fun too.

Last edited by onebyone; 05-06-2024 at 10:24 PM.
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Old 05-07-2024, 05:41 AM   #37  
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Thumbs up Tuesday - Ludwig van Beethoven's 9th (Choral) Symphony premieres in Vienna (1824)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – In class we discussed the legal basis for U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Perhaps basic stuff for a lawyer but fascinating to this layman. We were working from a New Yorker article about retired justice Stephen Breyer's new book,
Reading the Constitution: Why I Chose Pragmatism, Not Textualism Reading the Constitution: Why I Chose Pragmatism, Not Textualism
. At one time I was sure that I wanted to be a lawyer. In Breyer's opinion, decisions are made and then legal justifications constructed to support them with the main goal of maintaining legitimacy in the eyes of the public. Sounds like everything else in life. I suppose that makes it more credible and less mystical.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Dinner was dahl with baguette coins. My contribution to dinner conversation was that there are a handful of stories of the origin of the bagel. A favorite, with many doubters, says that they started with the Queen of Poland eating obwarzanek during lent. Others link them to bialys but the author of this story found no link to bialys in Białystok, Poland. Spent the entire dinner drooling over bagels. DW reminded me that they have the nutritional value of white flour. Continue to find it amazing that flour and water has so many baked forms.

onebyone - Perhaps your intake chemo nurse was having a bad hair day. It's unprofessional to second guess a patient's doctor without some evidence. Glad that you're moving forward. Astounding prices!

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Amazing that you found a place that is willing to buy your inherited china. I share your desire that stuff should get to someone who can use it. Two hours is a lot of drama to have to process.

Silverbirch - Happy journey North. Hope you have the time to take your route off the major highways to enjoy the scenery. That Korean mint is quite good looking. Especially with bees going after it.

maryann – Great to have your sci-fi interested DS to watch Dune: Part 2 with. Lots of pulls on your time this week.

curlyjax - Lots of emotions to face yet, "I have not overeaten on it." Good reminder for me that food isn't the solution to emotions.

Readers -
Chapter 1 The Key to Success

How Cognitive Therapy Works
Cognitive Therapy helps you
identify your sabotaging thinking and
effectively respond to it
, so you feel better
and can behave in helpful ways.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), Pg 20.

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Old 05-07-2024, 08:08 AM   #38  
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I spent part of yesterday trying to reach someone at the rehab nursing home my dad is in, to no avail. No one called back.I am SO pissed.My older brother will help me call today as well. His companions tell me he's getting weaker since he's in bed a lot, he's worse since the hospital. I'm not sure he's even getting his correct meds. Then late last night I had a terrible fight with DD, the type I haven't had in a long time. Of course I didn't sleep well and I overate yesterday but stayed under 2000 calories anyhow. I'm waking up pissed at everyone, which will actually be useful when dealing with the discharge hopefully as I feel I'm going into battle.
Silverbirch-oh my gosh, that is terrible about your kitchen ceiling! Good luck at the north house.
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Old 05-07-2024, 10:29 AM   #39  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

Yesterday I decided to clear the haze of duties by working fiendishly hard until I dropped immediately to bed. I got a tremendous amount done - grades, appointments, passport renewal. Afterschool I found a new wrought iron trellis ( beautiful six foot with a huge butterfly design.) I went down to the river house and worked three hours tying up roses, dead heading, weeding and carting off wheelbarrow after wheel barrow to the dumpster. I drove back home, comforted DH with a back rug and fell asleep. Food was OP.

Today's plan is the same although I will be working on the house here with more de-thatching.

Curly: Totally empathize with a day of chaos and conflict. The "afterburn" of setting boundaries is often the worse part. It is also my experience the next day is much calmer so treat yourself well.
silverbirch: Yes. Taking my scale was a life saver. I now have one almost everywhere I travel.
onebyone: The medical pricing system is pure fantasy and games. - Just like farming.
BBE: I focus heavily on teaching Judicial review as the greatest of check and balance powers in our government.
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Old 05-07-2024, 05:58 PM   #40  
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The weather radio went off three times in the wee hours and the tornado siren once at around 4am. Fortunately, the radio told us that the tornado was well to the north, so we attempted to go back to sleep.

That's two short nights in a row. My lack of discipline is showing up as a result of low energy, but fortunately not around food. I'm having a day when I don't want to work on my list so, I mostly didn't. I may regret that later in the week when things aren't done. Or maybe I'll decide this was a nice little break.

Exercise: 60, 365/1800 minutes for May
95% of Ideal Food Day
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Old 05-07-2024, 11:16 PM   #41  
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Today I woke up and had breakfast right away. Ooops. I ate too soon and too fast thereby going off plan. I did, however, eat the right things so credit for that.

I weighed in and was up 1lb from the day before. I was too tired stressed and sensitive to cope with that so I beat myself up off and on during the day with that thought.

I spent the next 5hrs gathering what I need for my class tomorrow night. As the day went by I fretted over being ready. I know I'm ready. The first class is the easiest one. I have the basic materials in the trunk of the car and now in the house with me.

I lost my smiley hat at Home Depot this afternoon causing me to double back for it, worried it was gone, and knowing this extra time would make me late for my online painting class. I made it home in time, then I shoved an OP lunch down and then I sat down and melted into the loveseat. I skipped my class. I was completely exhausted.

Wanting to harp on myself about that, I remembered yesterday was high tension for hours due to it being infusion day. I'm always wrecked the next day. I don't remember my energy fluctuates more now especially around the infusions.

So I made peace with myself, finished my work for tomorrow (at least as far as I could get) and in the morning I'll head to the studio with a list of what I need to bring to class. I'll gather it up and I would like to return by 1:30 so I can just relax at home before I have to go to class at 5pm.

No fasting tomorrow no snacks 3 meals tomorrow and no scale.

gardenerjoy I always think of you when I hear about tornado warnings in the weather forecast. I'm glad you are ok. I hope you can get some good rest tonight.

maryann: Your day sounded very satisfying to me, especially the part about hauling off wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of garden debris. You are a good example of functional fitness that's for sure!

curlyjax: I remember being in similar situations with my mother as her dementia progressed. I am sorry you have to deal with this as well as fighting with the DD. I hope you were able to make progress for your dad today.

BillBlueEyes: In the opening paragraph of the section on Montreal bagels in the Canadian Encyclopedia there is another bagel origin story! Something to discuss at tonight's dinner perhaps?

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Old 05-08-2024, 06:27 AM   #42  
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Thumbs up Wednesday - 98th birthday of Sir David Attenborough

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Eating was high with a twist. I've felt tweaked by the BOGO ads for foot-long subway sandwiches from the chain of Subway Sandwich Shops this week. Great opportunity except that I have no use for two subs. I like them on a toasted roll with heaps of lettuce, tomato, onion, mayonnaise, and oil. That just isn't as good the next day. Reheating lettuce and tomato doesn't work. Had the most brilliant thought. I don't need BOGO, I can afford to just buy a sub at list price. With that insight, I bought a toasted Italian sub with extra lettuce and tomato for lunch. Satisfied my Italian sub need for the year. CREDIT moi for breaking out of the thinking hole that I had to get the bargain. But Ouch for having that many calories for lunch as well as ingredients in deli meats that top the list of causes of multiple diseases.

Boring trip to the supermarket. I still suffer from fear-of-scarcity expecting to be unable to find the things that I need. We seem to be easing past that. The store displayed balloons and tawdry items for Mother's Day this coming Sunday including cookies with MOM lettered in thick icing. The supermarket is quite willing to take advantage that we think food is love.

onebyone - Credit, indeed, for accepting that your infusions sap your energy for the next day. Exciting that the class that you're teaching is about to start. Thanks for the info about Montréal bagels. I'm fond of the "small bread in the shape of a riding stirrup (beugel, in Austrian German)" theory of origin. Interesting that it's only one of many origin theories.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Thought of you when I saw a weather map of the big storm sweeping the whole country, but it did seem to be north of St. Louis. Rain is expected to start here in a couple of hours then last for three days. May your energy return.

maryann – Three hours is a grueling amount of yard work. Your wrought iron trellis sounds neat.

curlyjax - Do hope that you've aimed your anger at getting satisfaction from your dad's facility. You carry a huge burden taking care of him from a distance.

Readers -
Chapter 1 The Key to Success

How Cognitive Therapy Works

Cognitive Therapy teaches people how to solve problems, and dieters can have lots of problems.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), Pg 21.
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Old 05-08-2024, 10:22 AM   #43  
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Good morning, Coaches.

OP yesterday and I closed the kitchen rather earlier. I did sink into a chair like onebyone after school but managed to get up for a half an hour lawn mower adventure/thatching. I watched a very dpressing movie with DS but we enjoy discussion around it. A win.

School went well. I created a jeopardy game after Europe in World Geography. Kids are doing individual country projects. I want to dream up a lesson on Antartica. We will see what some surfing gets me. Juniors are analyzing the "Iron Curtain" speech.

Lunch is hard boiled eggs and persimmon bread homemade. Breakfast is newly made yogurt with homemade jam and walnuts. I have finally almost finished the nut protein after nearly two months. Yeah. Exercise may be another trip down to the River House.
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Old 05-08-2024, 11:32 AM   #44  
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Yay for a full night of sleep!

CREDIT for running errands yesterday while avoiding food. Like BillBlueEyes, I encountered Mother's Day treats in the grocery store, including small heart-shaped cakes. My birthday falls on Mother's Day this year, so it was harder than usual to convince myself that they are not about me. They aren't.

If I want treats around my birthday, I still have enough ice cream from the last dental surgery to make a great milkshake or sundae. And I have enough bread to make a berry bread pudding. Either will be more satisfying and healthier than anything from the store.

Exercise: 55, 420/1800 minutes for May
95% of Ideal Food Day
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Old 05-09-2024, 05:54 AM   #45  
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Thumbs up Thursday- Bletchley Park breaks German spy codes using captured Enigma machines(1941)

Diet Coaches/Buddies – My new headphones arrived. After much twiddling about and several restarts, my computer recognizes them. Sound is lovely - better than either of the two sets of built-in speakers. I listened to Shostakovitch 7th symphony for the test run. Feeling my oats, I plugged in each of the old headphones to create a works/doesn't work situation so I'd be sure that working came from the new headphones rather than the mucking about. Neither of them worked; but when I then attached the new headphones, they didn't work either. A second round of mucking about has them humming away. I'll give up knowing for sure. I'll just move along. And, as maryann suggested, I'm tossing both old headphones.

Due to the predicted foul weather, I had volunteered to drive DW to her evening garden club meeting, and, of necessity, then pick her up when it was over. She would be carrying two armloads of plants making walking in the rain undesirable. Heroic husband, me. At the last minute, she found out that the meeting was canceled. My services weren't needed. I, modestly, suggested that I still got full credit for driving her both ways since I'd volunteered and wasn't responsible for the cancellation. She, rather unappreciatively, said that she had already decided that she would manage in the rain wearing her parka without an umbrella. Even though I hadn't known it yet, my services weren't needed. We stand unresolved on what score I get in the matrimonial keeping-score game.

Eating was on plan, CREDIT moi, with small unplanned snacks. I decided that a handful of unsalted peanuts would ease my frustration with Bill Gates and Windows 11 who were holding sound to my headphones hostage. It didn't. I need, now, to remind myself that further nibbling on unsalted peanuts won't resolve that I'll never be sure what was broken and what I fixed.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Thanks for the reminder that one can just ignore the abundant Mother's Day UPF calories being touted at the supermarket. Congrats for having leftover ice cream. Around here, it tends to be consumed to the last scoop.

maryann – Yay for having a DS who can discuss a depressing movie with you. Yep, a session on Antarctica would stir up your class.

Readers -
Chapter 1 The Key to Success

How Cognitive Therapy Works

For example, have you ever strayed from a diet for any of the following reasons: . . .
  • You finished all of the food on your plate but didn't feel satisfied.
Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), Pg 21.

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 05-10-2024 at 03:47 AM. Reason: Typo
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